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“Analysis of Differences and Similarities Between American and British Family

Relationship and Their Comparison with Indonesia”











First of all, let us say thanks to the almighty God, for all of his blessing and mercy.
Thanks for given us opportunity and health to make this Mini Research. The purpose in
writing this Mini Research is to fulfill the assignment that given by Ma’am Yuni Khairina,
S.Pd, M.Hum. as lecturer in English Culture in ELT. While arranging this Mini Research, we
truly get lots of challenges and obstructions, but with help of many individuals, those
obstructions could pass. Because of that, we would say thank you to all individuals who help
in the process of making this Mini Research.We realized that this Mini Research still
imperfect and has many mistakes in arrangement and the content. Then we hope the criticism
from the readers can help us in perfecting the next Mini Research. Last but not least,
hopefully this Mini Research can help the readers to gain more knowledge.

Medan,10 Mey 2022



1.1 Background

As prospective English teachers, we have to learn about the world's cultures,

especially in the current era of globalization because many foreign cultures have entered
Indonesia. We teacher candidates must be able to guide students to accept a culture that has a
positive impact on self-development. In this paper, we examine family relationships in the
UK and America and then compare them with family relationships in Indonesia.

1.2 problem formulation

1. what are the differences and similarities between British and American families?

2. how is the comparison between families in the UK and families in America with families
in Indonesia?

1.3 goals

1. To complete the task in English Culture

2. Comparing family relationships in the UK and America with families in Indonesia.



2.1. Theoritical review

In this study, the researcher adheres to several related theories with the issues to be
discussed and deemed relevant.

Every society has the smallest social system, namely the family. In In family life,
fathers, mothers and children have different rights and obligations different. Father and
mother have a very important role to grow development of children, both from the physical
and psychological aspects as harmony in interact with the environment. According to Latipun
(2005:124) the family is a social environment that closely formed because a group of people
live, interact in formation of mindsets, culture, as well as mediating children's relationships
with the environment. Furthermore, Latipun said that the family who complete and
functional can improve mental health and stability emotional family members. According to
Lestari (2012:6) the family is a household that has blood relationship or marriage or provide
for the performance of other functions Fundamental instrumental and expressive functions of
the family for para members in a network. Coleman and Cressey (in Muadz et al, 2010:205)
added, the family is a group of people who linked by marriage, descent, or adoption living
together in a household.

For better and for worse, family relationships play a central role in shaping an
individual’s well-being across the life course (Merz, Consedine, Schulze, & Schuengel,
2009). An aging population and concomitant age-related disease underlies an emergent need
to better understand factors that contribute to health and well-being among the increasing
numbers of older adults in the United States. Family relationships may become even more
important to well-being as individuals age, needs for caregiving increase, and social ties in
other domains such as the workplace become less central in their lives (Milkie, Bierman, &
Schieman, 2008). In this review, we consider key family relationships in adulthood—marital,
parent–child, grandparent, and sibling relationships—and their impact on well-being across
the adult life course.

Some experts also express their opinions about relationships in the family, for
example, who argue that family members are linked in important ways through each other
stage of life, and these relationships are an important source of social connection and social
influence for individuals throughout their lives (Umberson, Crosnoe, & Reczek, 2010).
Substantial evidence consistently shows that social relationships can profoundly influence
well-being across the life course (Umberson & Montez, 2010). Family connections can
provide a greater sense of meaning and purpose as well as social and tangible resources that
benefit well-being (Hartwell & Benson, 2007; Kawachi & Berkman, 2001).Stressors and
social support are core components of stress process theory (Pearlin, 1999), which argues that
stress can undermine mental health while social support may serve as a protective resource


3.1 The Differences between UK and US

There is no significant difference between family relationships and well-being in

England and America which we found in the two articles given that it does not mean that
family relationships in England and America are the same. According to the US article, it
explains that the quality of family relationships can have considerable consequences for well-
being. The quality of family relationships, including social support (eg, providing love,
advice, and care) and strain (eg, arguments, being critical, making too many demands), can
influence well-being through psychosocial, behavioral, and physiological pathways Stressors
and social support are core components of stress process theory (Pearlin, 1999), which argues
that stress can undermine mental health while social support may serve as a protective
resource. Meanwhile, with a similar statement, the UK article also explains that good quality
family relationships are the lifeblood of a thriving society. They're a vital source of life
satisfaction and sense of wellbeing, and a wealth of evidence attests to the benefits of good
quality relationships for adults and children's mental and physical health. Similarly, we now
have plenty of evidence from several decades international research which shows the
negative impact of poor quality family relationships - for adults' health, and also for children's
long-term outcomes and life chances.

In general, the UK has more maternity leave. New moms must take two weeks of
maternity leave (four weeks if they work in a manufacturing), and some people can take up to
52 weeks. In the United Kingdom, new women can take up to 39 weeks of paid leave, and
new British fathers can take up to two weeks of paid paternity leave. According to UNICEF,
the United States does not have a national paid maternity or paternity leave policy. Individual
companies determine whether or not to provide paid or unpaid leave.

Baby showers are a more American tradition. Baby showers are a common rite of passage
for expecting parents in the United States. However, in the United Kingdom, some
individuals believe that buying gifts for a baby before they are born is bad luck. However,
this does not rule out the possibility of finding a baby shower on the other side of the
Atlantic. Baby showers are steadily gaining in popularity, according to several British
parenting blogs.

In the United Kingdom, parents are not primarily responsible for teaching their children
sex education. Sex education is required in elementary and secondary schools in the United
Kingdom. Starting at the age of 13, children in the United Kingdom can enroll in the NHS's
"C-card" program, which provides them with free condoms and lubrication. But this in the
United States, however, parents have a greater share of the blame because just 24 states and
Washington, DC require sex education in schools, and even then, the content is up to
individual school districts.
In the United States and the United Kingdom, children's birthday parties have a few
different traditions. If you go to a child's birthday celebration in the UK, you will almost
certainly not witness them open their presents during the party, as is traditional in the United
States. There is also a distinction in the birthday cake ritual. People sing "Happy Birthday"
and blow out candles at children's celebrations in both the UK and the US. Instead of being
eaten during the celebration, the cake is generally sliced, wrapped in napkins, and sent home
in party bags in the United Kingdom. And about life style, Americans are more open,
forward-thinking, and tolerant of different cultures, but the British are more traditional in
their way of life and are proud of their upbringing and history

3.2 The similarities between UK and US

Families in the UK and the US have a great relationship between grandparents and
grandchildren, parents with children, children with siblings then in both countries.There is a
tendency that girls tend to have a good relationship with their father while boys tend to have a
good relationship with their mother but the presentation of good relations between the two
relationships is not much different, equally good, there is only a slight tendency between the
genders. They hold a strict prohibition against incest i.e. sexual contact between siblings
(including parallel cousins), between parents and children, and between adjacent generations
of in-laws (eg, mother-in-law and son-in-law). , father-in-law and daughter-in-law).

3.3 Comparison UK and US Family with Indonesia

Relationships between families in the UK and families in the US have good family
relationships. the relationship between parents and children, between families and siblings,
between grandchildren and their grandparents has a good percentage (good family relations
or equivalent). This has a good impact on children for self-development and on their mental
and physical health because of the good environment. but when digging deeper there are
some pressures in the family relationship. For example, unequal relationships such as gender,
namely sisters sometimes do not get along with their brothers or vice versa. Not only that,
financial or material factors are also pressures in the family.Meanwhile, in Indonesia, family
relations are good without differences in gender equality, both brothers and sisters, a father
who loves his son more. The relationship between grandchildren and grandfathers in
Indonesia is also good. And usually a child will go abroad when he is 18 years old and over
and no longer lives with his parents. Good relations in this family are also based on the
hereditary culture in Indonesia



Every country must have family relationships that don't seem much different from one
another because family relationships usually have their good and bad in each family.Things
that affect the good and bad of a family relationship are influenced by several factors such as
economic conditions, family welfare needs, work and education demands and others but in
particular both UK and US and even Indonesia both have good relations in the family both
with parents, children, grandfathers, grandmothers and other siblings and the tendency
between mothers is closer to boys and vice versa girls are closer with father maybe it has
become a law of nature because there is a separate emotional bond between the two

4.2 Suggestion

Suggestions or input from our group regarding family relations in the UK and the US, namely
that the good things that have been done from the past until now are maintained and good
things related to humanitarian norms are also carried out in order to create good family
relations and avoid deviations -deviations both social, physical and spiritual.Meanwhile, it is
not far from suggestions for ourselves, namely so that family relations that are already
running are good and good relations between families or prohibitions and myths or things that
do not need to be improved and improved so that it does not increase which is toxic in

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