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LING3 – Structure of English


• Give the case of every noun in the following extracts. This may be
made a general review of the NOUN by giving also gender, person, and
number of all nouns included.
Sample Extracts:
(1) The manly part is to do with might and main what you can do.-
EMERSON The Conduct of Life
(2) There is character in spectacles- the pretentious tortoise-shell, the
meek pince –nez of the school teacher, the twisted silver framed
glasses of the old villager. Babbit’s spectacles had huge, circular
frameless lenses of the very best glass; the ear-pieces were thin bars of
gold.- Sinclair Lewis Babbitt,ch.1.
(3) Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.- Shakespeare
Hamlet,act iii,sc.2.

• Tell the number and person of each personal pronoun in the following
extracts and decline the pronoun. Sample Extracts:

1. A friend should bear his friend’s infirmities,

But Brutus makes mine greater than they are.-SHAKESPEARE Julius
2. I heard him walking across the floor
As he always does, with a heavy tread.- LONGFELLOW The Golden
3. Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherised upon a table.
-T.S. Eliot The Love Song of
J. Alfred Profrock
TASK 2 - Upload output thru Google Classroom

Write short summaries of their favorite books, movies, or TV shows. Then cross
out all of the nouns in the story, and write the story over leaving out all of the
nouns. Share the products of this experiment with the class. Note how confusing
the summaries sound, and discuss with students how the experiment can help
them understand the importance of nouns. Processing of answers follow.

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