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15* Grade Health Full Year Workbook Thank you for downloading this free book! For questions. corrections. or comments please email: a hidture "MINE ealthy FOODS Read, Think, and Answer. Did you know that there are healthy foods that are good for your body and unhealthy foods that are bad for you? Every food you eat has different nutrients. Some of those things our bodies need to grow while some ore better if kept in moderation. First lets look at what those things ore. Nutrients ore substances that are needed for healthy growth. There are 7 different closses of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, minerals, protein, vitamin, and woter! We will explore each of the classes in more detoil but teday, let's look at one of the most important. Water! Water is necessary for our bodies. Our bodies ore made up of around 65% water. That means your body needs a lot of water to grow healthy. You can get your daily water intake in different ways. One wey is to drink it with your meals or when you get thirsty. You also get water from some feods. Some days you may need more water than others. Hot days you will need to drink more because when you sweat you are loosing water from your body. If you don't get enough water you will become dehydrated. Dehydrated means the emount of water in the body has dropped below the level needed for normal body function. That isn't good so be sure to keep yourself healthy by drinking lots of woter! What are the 7 classes of nutrients? | 1 Vitamins and MINERALS Read, think, and answer. Vitamins and minerals are compounds necessary for our bodies to function properly. We need vitamins and minerals to help us grow, our eyes to see, our bones to grow, muscles to work, skin and organs, as well as to help us get better when we are sick and heal when we get hurt. Each vitamin has a different use. Vitamin D which is found in milk is good for bone growth. Vitamin C which is found in oranges and citrus fruit helps our body heal. Other vitarnins also work to help our bodies. Minerals are also found in the food we eat. Calcium is a mineral found in milk that helps make our bones strong. Iron is another mineral and needed to help oxygen be moved all around your body in red blood cells. It’s found in meats, eggs, and leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli. You get most of the vitamins and a TT minerals you need from a balanced healthy dié but you could also take a vitamin supplement. [\ Read, Think, and Answer. Carbohydrates are nutrients in foods that give us energy. There are two types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are simple sugars found in fruits. Complex carbohydrates are starches found in things like bread and rice. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, and absorbed into your blood. As your sugar levels rise, your pancreas releases insulin, which is needed to move sugar from the blood into the cells, where the sugar can be used os energy. Some carbohydrates are good for you. The simple sugars found in fruit help give your body energy. But some carbohydrates can be bad for you, Those carbohydrates are refined sugars that ore found in candy and soda. These foods are full of empty calories and lack nutrients that our bodies need. They can lead to obesity and health problems. What are some ways you can avoid the bad carbohydrates? What are some foods that contain good carbohydrates? | | Fats, Fiber, and [DQ OT EIN] Read, Think, and Answer The last three nutrients to discuss are fats, fiber, and proteins. Each of these are important to the body. Fats give the body energy and helps us feel Full when we eat. Another important feature of fats is they help your body absorb vitamins. There are different types of fats. Unsaturated fat is found in fish and olive oil. These are good for the heart. Saturated fats are found in butter, cheese, and meat. If you eat too much of these they can cause your heart damage. Trans fats are fats found in snack foods and cookies. They can raise your cholesterol and also be bad for your heart. Fiber is very important Fiber helps make us full and keeps things moving in the digestive tract. Fiber may help prevent constipation. Proteins builds, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. That means your muscles, organs, and immune system. Proteins also help with heart heath. To be healthy we need to eat a diet full of all the nutrients! How can we be sure that what we eat is good for us? Read, Think, and Answer. Exercise is about being physically active and fit. It is very important for you to exercise your body. There are many benefits to exercise. Exercise makes you feel happier because it helps your body release these things called endorphins. Exercise helps give you stronger bones and muscles. It also helps reduce the risk of certain health issues. There are three elements to fitness. Endurance, Strength, and Flexibility. We will go over each and learn more about them this week. You can get exercise by playing outside or taking a walk with your family. Exercise can be fun! What is exercise? Why is it so important? Make an exercise plan with your family for the week. Plan 30 minutes a day of physical activity. Endurance ever ogg Stand up. Jog in place for as long as you can till you find yourself breathing heavier, This is your level of endurance. The more you exercise the longer you will be able to jog without getting tired. Aerobic exercise is the best way to improve your endurance. Aerobic exercises is movement that gets your blood pumping faster around your whole body. It strengthens your heart and lungs, which means that more bload and oxygen can be pumped around your body. This keeps your From getting tired as quickly. There are many different aerobic exercises you can do each day. You can take a brisk walk, run with your friends, swim, ride your bike, or any exercise that keeps you moving! One you can do in your own home anytime you want is to dance. Dancing is a great cerobic exercise that is also a lot of _ rz Fun! 4 § How does endurance exercise » % help your body? f. 2 wei What is a fun aerobic exercise you like to do? Week 2-3 a ecalth Strength a EREISE Read, Think, and Answer Have you ever tried to lift something that was just too heavy for you? Strength training is about toning your muscles and making them stronger. These types of exercise are called Anaerobic exercises. Anaerobic exercises consists of brief intense bursts of physical activity. This type of exercise is fueled by energy stored in your muscles and not oxygen such as the aerobic exercises. This helps build and tone your muscles making them stronger. These exercises also help project your joints. A joint is where two bones in the skeleton come together such as the elbow or knee. A few examples are: Sprinting Push ups Climbing What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercises? Our SKELETON Read and answer. suman edults have 206 bones. When we are born we actually have more bones but as we age some of our bones fuse together. Baby bones are made out of o material called cartilage. Adult bones are made of calcium, other minerals, fibers of protein, and water. Our skeleton accounts for a large amount of our body weight. Our bones have a dense outer layer. The next layer is spongy bone and a little flexible. The middle is a jelly like bone marrow. The bones have a network of blood vessel that run through inside of them. LE XS Teeth ore considered as part of the skeletal system but they are not counted as bones. Teeth are made from enamel and are considered part of the digestive system, How many bones are in the adult human body? What are bones made out of ? Our Bones eH /\ T Trace the words. ——s Week 4-1 PR ealth Our MUSCLES Read, Think, and Answer. Muscles are an elastic tissue that makes it possible for our bodies to move. There are three types of muscles: smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle. We will study each one more but lets take a look at what muscles are first. There are more than 600 muscles in our bodies. They have very important jobs to do. Some muscles carry blood through our bodies. Some muscles help our joints move. Muscles help us lift heavy objects. Muscles get their instructions from the brain. We take care of our muscles with exercise and a healthy diet. 7 ' TOP GO LEE Lites s sis ol Read, Think, and Answer. Smooth muscles are muscles you can not control. They are called involuntary muscles. Your brain and body tell these muscles what to do automatically. These muscles help the body do many important tasks such as move food through the digestive system. You have these types of muscles all over your body. There are even smooth muscles in the eyes to help you see! Ne a tsa Find the Smooth Muscle image below. What makes each look different? Types of Muscle Tissue Skeletal Muscle ‘Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle Cardiac (MUSCLES Read, Think, and Answer. The cardiac muscle is the heart muscles. The heart is the only place you will find cardiac muscles. These muscles make up the main tissues of the heart. These muscles help your heart do the job it needs to do to get blood pumped through the body. The cardiac muscles are also involuntary muscles. This means they work without you even knowing they are. The cardiac muscles pumps blood by contracting which means it pulls closer together when it receives a message from the brain. Then it relaxes. When the heart contracts it is pumping blood out to the body. When the heart relaxes it is pulling blood in from the body. This keeps the blood pumping all around your body! Skeletal (MUSCLES Read, Think, and Answer. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles. What do you think this means? You control when they do. The skeletal muscles are the muscles you use to move around, play, write, and smile. They do what you want them to do. These are also the muscles you build while exercising. Skeletal muscles are held to the bones with tendons. Tendons are tough tissue that help attach the muscles to the bones so they can move with the muscles. You have these muscles all over your body. They help you stand up or sit down. They help you run, jump, and play with your friends. They help you write or play video games. ‘Structure of a Skeletal Muscle Bone \. & Perimysium Bod vessel Epinysism ——Enderysin Healthy EQODS Read, Think, and Answer. We have learned about how our bodies work and vitamins in foods. Now we are going to learn about foods that help our bodies grow strong Nutritionists are people who advise others on what foods to eat to be healthy. They advise people to eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and to control their portions of meats and fats They advise their clients to eat a healthy balance of the 5 food groups. What are the five food groups? breads, rice, pasta vegetables and legumes fruit milk, yoghurt, cheese lean meat, fish, poultry Healthy GR MINS Read, Think, and Answer. Healthy grains include whole grain breads, cereals, pasta, noodles, biscuits, and other grain products. These foods provide needed carbohydrates for energy. Whole wheat bread is better for you than white bread and provides the body with more nutrients. You should eat 5 to 6 servings of healthy grains a day. A serving size of bread would be | slice. You can read the serving sizes of prepackaged food such as cereal. | | Healtty VEGETABLES Read, Think, and Answer. Vegetables suchas broccoli and eggplants are good for your growing body. They provide nutrients and help you feel full Each day we should eat 5 or more servings of vegetables. A serving size of vegetables is 4 cups to | cups. What are a few of your favorite vegetables? realthy FRUITS Read, Think, and Answer. Fruits can come in different ways. They can come canned, fresh, frozen, or dried. They provide us with a quick boost of energy and vitamins too. There are several different kinds of fruits and most are sweet in taste. We should have at least 4 servings of fruits a day. What is your favorite way to eat fruit? Healthy jy AIRY Read, Think, and Answer. Dairy comes in different forms and it is easy to get your daily suggested servings in. You can drink a glass of milk or eat milk with your cereal. You can grab and eat yogurt on the go. Also you could eat cheese on sandwiches or salads We should have at least 3 servings of dairy a day. A serving size of milk is | cup. A serving size of cheese would be | piece or 15 oz What is your favorite way to get your dairy servings in? Healthy (ViJE NS Read, Think, and Answer. Meat is a good source of protein. Some people choose to not eat meat. They get their protein from beans and legumes. Meat comes from animals like cows, fish, and chicken. We should get 8 to 4 servings of lean meats a week. You could also eat 5 servings of beans, legumes, or nuts. What is your favorite way to get your protein in? Balanced PLATE Read, Think, and Answer. We should eat a balanced plate of food each day. That means to eat our servings of fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and grains All together these foods give us the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need to grow strong and healthy Meal PLANNING Plan out a meals that are well balanced for a day. Breakfast: Dinner: Grains: Grains Dairy Dairy Fruits Fruits Vegetables: Vegetables: Lunch: Snacks: Grains: Grains: Dairy Dairy Fruits Fruits Vegetables: Vegetables: Week 9-2 a eaith A Look in the (WIOUT Read, Think, and Answer. We all have mouths. We use them for lots of different things. We use the mouth to talk. We use the mouth to drink. We use the mouth to eat. We use the mouth to smile and laugh. We also use the mouth to sigh and frown. The different parts of the mouth ore used for different reasons. The mouth is needed for talking. With the lips and tongue, teeth help form words by controlling airflow out of the mouth. The tongue sirikes the teeth or the roof of the mouth as some sounds are made. That is how we talk to each other While eating, our teeth grind and tear the food in our mouth. Four main kinds of taste buds are found on the tongue — they sense sweet, salty, sour, and bitter tastes. Our mouth has other parts as well. We are going to learn about the differs parts of cur mouth and what they do. A Look in the (WIOUT Read, Think, and Answer. The roof of the mouth is called the palate. The front part is called the hard palate. It divides the mouth and the nesal cavity above. The soft polate is in the back of the mouth. The soft palate closes off the nascl passage from the throat when you swallow. The soft palate also contains the uvula which is the little dangling piece that lown in the back of the mouth. The tonsils are on both sides of the mouth where the uvula The tongue is a bundle of muscles extending from the floor of the mouth. The top of the tongue is covered in the taste buds. When we chew food, special glands in the walls and floor of the mouth secrete saliva. This saliva, or spit as we often call it, makes the food wet and easier to break down and swallow. Four main kinds of taste buds are found on the tongue — they @ Biter @ sour @ SALTY sour, and bitter Mi SWEET tastes. sense sweet, salty,| \Op Week 10-7 2 a ealth Our TEETH Read, Think, and Answer. Our teeth are important parts of our mouth. Teeth help us talk and eat. We have different types of teeth We have two sets of teeth in our lifetime. Baby teeth and adult teeth. A child has 20 teeth that grow in after they are born They began to fall out and are replaced with adult teeth at around six years ald. They're replaced by a set of 32 permanent teeth, which are also called secondary or adult teeth We show our teeth when we smile. We also need our teeth to eat. We should take care of our teeth ' wit ee ee te Poteet ey Read, Think, and Answer. Our teeth are made up of four different types of tissue: pulp, dentin, enamel, and cementum. This is a look at the inside of a tooth. Read, Think, and Answer. We need to protect our teeth by keeping them clean. Label the parts of the tooth. Week 11-27 2 a eaith Tooth DEGAY Read, Think, and Answer. Teeth can decay. As they do. they form cavities. These cavities can couse pain and infection. Once a covity has formed, the tooth is permonently damage. A dentist can help keep the tooth from hurting and becoming infected. It is easier to prevent cavities than to deal with them once they have formed. Ways to prevent cavities: Brush your teeth with toothpaste after every mecl or ct least twice a day Bedtime is an important time to brush, Brush up and down in a circular motion. h your gums as well to keep them healthy your teeth once a day to remove plaque and food that’ your teeth Limit sweets and sugary drinks, like soda or juice See your dentist twice a year for regulor checkup: sav asin soi 0 | Week 12-7 = a ealth What is a Dentist? Read, Think, and Answer. ct your teeth and make sure they are healthy. They also take core of your teerh nealthy. A dentist uses many Ameuth mirror helps the dentist look in the back of your mouth ) They can check for cavities with this too in finding signs of cavities or gum disease. I A pockets in between teeth. A Scaler is similar to sickle probe. It helpsto remove larger a sections of build up. This tool is called the Saliva Ejector or Suction Device. It helps suck up the spit so the dentist can have o dry glace to work The dental drill helps to remove decay before the cavity can be filled. This tool can be quite scary by the locks of it but is nothing to be worried about, The dental syringe is what the dentist uses to numb the gums before working on the tooth. They do that so you wan't feel any pain while rrr res | } AVisit To The DENTIST: Read, Think, and Answer. A dentist office is much like any other doctor's office. There are a few differences but the waiting room is much the same. When you go back there is a large reclining chair you will sit in. This chair makes it easier for the dentist to look into your mouth. He will check your teeth for cavities. He will also clean your teeth and do Xrays of your teeth. None of this is painful. IF you do have a cavity, they will schedule an appointment to fix it When you are finished they dentist will give you a gift. This is usually a bag with a tooth brush and tooth paste. There may be some mouth wash or other items as well Have you ever been to the dentist? What happened while you were there? wemwrms tT TT TT 4 The Five GENS Read, Think, and Answer. We have five senses that help us navigate the world. Do you know what they are? Sight, hear, touch, taste, and sme! What do you use to see with? Your eyes! Sight is important to us to see how to read, where we are going, and many other things we What do you use to hear with? Your ears! Hearing hi there is danger, what someone is saying, enjoy music, and a lot more. What do you enjoy hearing? What do you use to touch with? Hands! W wo of them! We can touch our toys, soft blankets, or hard rocks. What othe} textures can you feel? How about a bumpy football? Or a satiny rose peta What do you use to taste with? We studied about this one before. Our tongue! Do you remember the different tastes our taste buds con taste? Bitter, Sour, Salty, and Sweet. Can you think of some foods that are each? What do you use to smell with? Our nose! Noses are good for helping ue emell fire and get to safety. They can also tell us when dinner is almost done. Some things s! nice. Something do not smell nice. What is something you like ta smell? The Five GENIGIES Circle the senses you would use for each picture. Tell how you would use them prerryeey TT rere Being NICE Read, Think, and Answer. No one likes when someone bullies or hurts their feelings. Being mean to people can make them sad and affect their health. It can also affect their mental health. That means it can make them think sad thoughts. We shouldn't want our friends and family to be sad or hurt by what we do. We should want them to be happy and healthy. When we are nice to people it makes them feel good and also has an impact on their health but in a good way. How do you feel when someone is nice to you? What are some ways you can be nice to people? Week 14-4 2 a ealth PlanA KINDNESS Think about the different ways you can be kind ond show love to others. When you show kindness you are bringing happiness into someone's life. Being happy can make people feel better even when they are sick. Plan an act of kindness today. Plan to do something for someone without getting anything in return. It can be simple like helping your mom clean up. It can be toking a meal to someone in need. Find a way to show someone kindness. How do you feel after doing something for someone else? Do you feel hoppy? Being kind to others can also bring ourselves happiness. Being kind is a wonderful thing for everyone! Write about your act of kindness and how it mode you feel on a seperate piece of paper. Look at the pictures. How is kindness being shown? Fire SAFETY © id, Think, and Answer. Do you know what to do in case of a fire? What are some safety tips you hove learned? Here are a few you should know. GALS Don't Hide, Go Outside! Don't play with fire or matches! Create an escape plan with your family! Stay low and crawl to safety! Don't go back ‘our toys! Make sure the smoke alarms are checked monthly You should have a family escape plan from each room of the house. Know your exits and how to use the door locks Talk with your family and form your escape plan. Draw a map of your house and map out the plan on it. Hang it up in an easy to see location as a C reminder. Week 15-4 2 a ealth Fire SAFETY © Read, Think, and Answer. A person who puts out fires is called a firefighter. They will drive a fire truck to a fire. They have many tools they use to moke sure people are out of the building and safe while also putting out the fire. One of those tools is a hose. The ho: can connect to a truck or fire hydrant. It shoots water at the fire to put it out. Fire fighters will put on their gear and go into a house that is on fire. They have special gear that will help them in the fire. No one else should go into the burning building. They wear helmets with face masks. The have oxygen tanks. They have clothes that protect them. The wear boots and gloves that also protect them. We should always listen to the firefighters and follow directions. It can be scary if there is a fire and people can forget how to act. Firefighters are trained to get everyone to safety. Firefighters risk their lives to save others. We should be kind to them. If you see a firefighter, tell them thank you for their service . a) Whot kinds of gear does a Firefighter need to go Bee ee into a burning house? 6 eer Why should we listen to the directions the firefighters are giving us? > ee >, Read, Think, and Answer. A police officers is someone who protects people. They patrol the streets to keep us safe. They make sure people are driving safely. They arrest people who commit crimes to try to make our world safer for us. Police officers wear special uniforms with badges. These uniforms help people know they are police officers. They also use different tools to do their jobs. They have a handset to talk to each other and dispatch. They have handcuffs to help calm people down and keep them from hurting the officer or others. They have several tools on their belt that they wear. Don't be afraid of the police officer. Be nice and do what they tell you to do. Don’t talk back to them. They are trained to keep the situation calm and make sure everyone is safe What "y a o om] Read, Think, and Answer. What would you do if something were to happen at your house? What if someone got hurt or someane was trying to get into yaur house? What if you got lost and couldn't find your parents? Do you know who to call or talk to? on 5 ie HL YU } thymus f Bone | Marrow [7]| When we get sick we go to the doctor. The doctor is a person who has trained to diagnose and treat different diseases. The type of doctor that children see is called a pediatrician, while an adult usually goes to a primary care physician. nsthuments Doctors use different instruments to treat patients. Here are just a few. Doctors use the SEOSCOL YE look into the ears. Doctors and nurses wear to stay clean Doctors use th listen to lung and heart sounds. Week 31-27 = a ealth SWART Goal Satding Goals come in different forms. We can plan on reaching a goal on completing our school work. We can set nutritional goals. Goals help us succeed and strengthen an area we may have a weakness in. Goals are the outcome of hard work. They give us something to work toward Create your own version of the chart below to hang on your wall Write exactly what you want to accomplish. IVE | === How will you know your goal is met? attainapie | (2 'b possible to achieve the goal? ER | sm | How will this goal help me? Set a time that is Time bound | reasonable to achieve the Planning goals and setting milestones can help us be more successful Think of something you would like to do. Maybe you would like to learn how to hit a baseball farther or learn new math skills. Pick a goal and write up a plan to succeed and meet the goal ‘S$ GOdl My goal is My SMART Goal Plan is: es ed oe What is a family? Families come in may forms. Families are all different but they can be alike in some ways. What is one way you think your family is different from a friends? How is your family alike your friend's family? All families may look differently but they are all special in their own ways Look at the families below. How are they alike? How are they different? Ee : alan Ba Draw a portrait of your family. In your portrait, challenge yourself to show what makes your family different and special Week 33 - 7 = a ealth Fam a" Tnteniew Choose one person in your family you'd like to know more about Interview them about what they think of when they hear the word family and what family means to them. Draw a picture of them and summarize your interview below sBuriqis | dayjow dayzey ee | Jayjow pues H Jayjejpues Jayjoupueis Jayjejpues Jou — Aye y 7 Week 34 - 7 i EE ealth A Asout Me We have learned about our families and where we come from, now we are going to learn more about ourselves. Everyone is unique. We may share some similarities with our family or friends but we all have our differences as well. We have different likes, wants, and hobbies. Some of us may like to play ball while others may like to sew. We all have different character traits, life experiences, and memories. What makes us different makes us special. We should all celebrate our differences because it takes a lot of different people doing different jobs to make the world work Think about what you like to do. Do you have a hobby you enjoy? Write about why you enjoy your hobby. On a separate piece of paper draw a picture of your hobby. Week 34 - 4 a ealth My birthday is: I live with my. [like to \ / i \ My best friends are My favorite game is: My favorite color is: My favorite subject is When I grow up T want to be We should always play safely no matter where we play. On the playground we should be careful to not run in front of other children playing. At home we should not climb on furniture or pull on shelves. We should take turns. We should not throw sharp objects. We all know safety rules. What are some rules you follow at home and on the playground? Stranger[o Nee What is a stranger? A stranger is someone you don't know at all or well. Some strangers are good. Some strangers may hurt you. They may look the same. How can we tell the difference if the qaod people and bad people look the same? If an adult approaches you and asks for help. Find someone you trust. Never go with a stranger. They may ask you to help them find their lost puppy. Walk away. If they don’t let you, scream and run. Find an adult you can trust. If an adult you don’t know follows you, run. Do not talk to a stranger in a car or vehicle you don’t recognize. Never get into a car with a stranger no matter what they tell you. Some may know your name or address. They may tell you that your family member has been hurt. Do not go with them Never take candy or gifts from a stranger who approaches you while you are alone If someone asks you to disobey your parents or keep a secret, tell your parents immediately Use the tips above and some of your own to create a paper about staying safe around strangers Some chemicals you find in your home can be very toxic. Household cleaners, paint, detergent, and bleach can be fatal if ingested Never drink something if you don’t know if it is safe. Don't put any liquid in other's drinks even as a joke Perfumes, soaps, and shampoos can also be poisonous. Never drink them Always follow the labels on medicines. Never take medicine that isn’t yours or not given to you by your parents or doctor. What are some ways you can keep the chemicals in your house safe? Examples: put them in a higher cabinet or lock them up We should always be careful around water. Here are some rules to remember when you are around a pool or body of water. Color the rules as you read them. 1. Dont get in to water without an adult supervising. 2. Wear @ litie vest i? out on @ lake or on @ boat. 3. Don't swim in moving water. 4. Only swita if you have permission to swith. 5. Stay in the area you are SUPPOSed] TO. 6. Don’t switna iif you are tired or not feeling well. 7. No horseplay 8. Get im the water feet sce

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