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Displacement Defense Mechanism- During this pandemic there are times that I am

having hard time in coping the topic and because of that I always end up being rugged
to the people around me.
Reaction Formation- When I am alone pandemic makes me feel stressed, depress,
and thinking about killing myself, but when someone is around me, they always see the
happy and strong me, but deep inside I am really struggling.
Sublimation- During pandemic I encountered some kids who used to talk back to those
older from them, but instead hurting them I will talk to them nicely and I will explain to
them that talking to whose older from them is bad.
Striving for Success- During pandemic I became more concerned of helping other’s
without expecting any in returns I just want to help and share what I have and it’s
always my pleasure to help them.
Excuses- During this online class honestly, I became lazy in studying and if I can’t
answer in oral, I end up saying some excuses.
Moving towards People- before this pandemic starts, I used to be dependent to the
people around me. I used to be a go with the flow person.
Moving away from people- As I was saying before I am so dependent with the people
around me, but during this pandemic I realized that sometimes I need to do things on
my own and be independent.
Basic Anxiety-This pandemic makes me feel sometimes that I am alone, that they
don’t love me, and I hated the most is self-pity.
Rootedness- In the beginning of this pandemic I stayed at my Aunts house in
Kidapawan city, being with them I feel like I’m not belong and I feel like I am homeless
but then when I got home in our province in Davao Oriental that was the time, I can feel
that “I am finally home”.
Conformity- In order to escaped the loneliness that this pandemic brought, I end up
following what my parents want me to do in school and following the desire that they
want for me.

Cognitive Needs- This pandemic makes me interested in reading about mysterious

article, that’s why I became curious about some things and now I’m having the desire to
know the things behind those mysterious things and solve my curiosity.
Conditions of Worth- This pandemic makes me realized a lot of things like, in order
the other person love and accept me I need to meet their expectations towards me first.
Defensiveness- Nowadays there are times that I became defensive to those unwanted
feelings I have in order to protect the current structure of my self-concept.
Counselor Congruence- This pandemic I used to share my struggles and problems in
life genuinely to the one person only, that one person is the one who’s willing to listen all
my rant in life and I can assure that she is trustworthy.
Anxiety- I would deny the fact that this pandemic brought a lot of anxiety to me, I am
afraid that my existence will became useless and I am afraid that I might disappoint the
people around me.
Guilt- Guilt is one of those feelings I used to feel every day. I feel guilt in making things
that I know it’s a mistake or making things that can’t make people around me
Intentionality- This pandemic gives a lot of time in thinking about what would be my
future. For now, I always make a choice that can help me in the future.
Freedom and Destiny- Nowadays I frequently think that I should use my freedom to
face of what will is my destiny.
Existential Freedom- In the beginning of this pandemic all of us can’t exercise this
freedom, but for now we are slowly exercising this freedom again, in which we are free
to do the things we wanted to do.
Self-actualization- For now I can’t conclude that I already have this self-actualization, I
think I need more time to accomplish this one.

Motivation- Despite of this pandemic I still have the motivation to continue in life
specially in studying because I have my goals that I want to fulfill in the future. Also, I
have my family who always motivate me to do well in everything.
Functional autonomy- During this online class in the middle of pandemic, before I
always thought of studying hard in order for me to have a higher grade but now, I
realized that I study to learn not to gain higher grades.
Extraversion- Despite of this pandemic I still managed to socialized with other people
and show to them my witty and naughty side.
Neuroticism- During this pandemic I’ve noticed that sometimes I didn’t notice that
because of those anxiety I’ve feel I already becoming an emotional.
Taxonomy- When I am bored during this pandemic, I used to teach our neighborhoods
child in classification of things according to their category or relationship. This one will
serve as our bond also.
External influence- This pandemic there’s a lot of new rules that the government has
implemented and as a citizen of this country we adopted those new changes in our
society nowadays.
Traits and Academics- Even it is just an online class because of pandemic I still
maintain the relationship of my traits to my academic performance,
Self- concept- Nowadays all I know is that I act or behave according to circumstances
I’ve encounter.
Characteristics Adaptations- During this pandemic there are a lot of changes that we
have experience, having those new characteristics I have it is because of the influence
of the people I saw on TV and even on the people around me.
Basic Tendencies- This pandemic gives me a chance to discover my artistic talent
through the influence of my environment.

Reinforcement – Despite of this pandemic my parents still encourage me to study hard

and in return they will give some rewards which is a new cellphone.
Self-Awareness- This pandemic bring boredom to me every day, sometimes I am
aware that I am conscious is that just I am not aware of what is happening in my
environment all I know is I am belong to their environment.
Emotions- In my everyday living I encounter different emotions specially during this
pandemic. Sometimes I am happy and there are times that I feel so empty without
knowing the reason why.
Social Behavior- Despite of this pandemic I still manage to go to church and continue
building a strong relationship with my brother and sisters in Christ.
Observational Learning- There are behavior that I’ve developed during this pandemic
because I used to observe other people’s behavior.
Fortuitous Event- During pandemic I meet unexpected people which is now I consider
as a big part of my life.
Expectancy- Sometimes when I achieve something specially in the middle of this online
class, I am expecting that someone or my parents will give me some rewards.
Needs- Despite of this pandemic there are still things that I am doing that I consider it
helps me bring closer to my life goals.
Goals and Values- As I grew up, I realized that whatever circumstances will come just
like this pandemic I still need to focus on achieving or attaining my goals.
Changing Goals- Before all I know is I have that goals in life, but being stocked
because of this pandemic makes me realized that I should change my goals into a
realistic one and I should focus now on pursuing that goals.

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