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Please answer these questions: (submit form of doc.


1. How do you as a health worker educate the public or patients to wash their hands properly and

2. What are the principles of personal hygiene that must be considered by nurses?

3. If there is a patient who doesn't want to be checked for the vital signs, what should we as nurses do
for that thing?

4. How can the nurse assist clients with oral hygiene?

5. What things do nurses do when doing personal hygiene in hair skin care?

Good luck! :)

1. In 2008, a study was conducted on 102 human hand samples by the University of Colorado, the
results of the study stated that the average human carries 4,700 bacteria from 150 different species that
can survive on the hands for up to 3 hours. Parts of the hands such as between the nails and fingers are
often a breeding ground for bacteria, although there are bacteria that are good for the human body,
some germs on human hands tend to pose serious risks to humans, causing infections and diseases. It is
important to know, shaking hands is also the most perfect medium for transmitting bacteria and
infectious diseases from one person to another. This refers to data from the CDC that it is estimated that
around 80% of germs that cause dangerous diseases are transmitted through contact through hands
(human touch to other humans).

The proper way to wash your hands is by using soap and clean water flowing from the faucet or using a
bucket or container to drain the water. Also pay attention to important principles related to CTPS as

Washing hands with water alone is not enough to kill germs that cause disease.

Washing hands with soap and clean running water is the most cost-effective way to protect us from
infectious diseases, including Covid-19.

Washing hands with soap for at least 40-60 seconds and following all the recommended steps is proven
to be effective in killing germs.

Washing hands with soap can be effective if there are CTPS facilities available, done at important times,
and done in the right way.

2. Personal hygiene is self-care that is carried out to maintain health both physically and psychologically
(Aziz Alimul H, 2006).

The principles of personal hygiene can include several things, namely:

1. Skin Generally, the skin is cleaned by bathing, so that the skin is not dry and rough and after bathing
using a moisturizer to prevent loss of moisture and smooth the skin. In choosing and using soap, make-
up, deodorant, and shampoo, one should choose products that do not irritate the skin. The ways of skin
care are as follows: - Get in the habit of bathing at least twice a day or after activities - Use non-irritating
soap - Wash the whole body, especially the skin folds such as between the fingers, armpits, behind the
ears, etc. - Do not use soap for the face.

2. Some principles of personal hygiene care that must be considered by nurses (Potter & Perry, 2005),

- Nurses use therapeutic communication skills.

- The nurse integrates other care strategies (eg, range of motion exercises).

- The nurse considers the client's physical limitations.

- the nurse respects the client's cultural choices, beliefs, values and habits.

- Nurse the client's independence.

- Ensure client privacy.

- show respect and encourage the client's physical health.

- Respect elderly clients.

3. educate him to be examined by explaining clearly to the patient

4. The steps taken in maintaining dental and oral hygiene are as follows:

- Brush your teeth properly at least 2 times a day; in the morning after breakfast and at night before
going to bed. Make sure your toothbrush is clean before use

- Don't wait for your toothbrush to bloom. Change your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Choose a soft
admin toothbrush with a brush head that can reach all parts of the teeth

- As a relatively sensitive sense of taste, the tongue is the part that is often exposed to food that enters
the mouth, so be diligent with your tongue

- Use toothpaste that contains fluoride

- Use an antiseptic liquid to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth

- Use dental floss once a day to remove plaque that toothbrushes and mouthwash can't touch

- Chew sugarless gum to increase saliva flow, which can wash away food particles and acids that cause
tooth decay lack of foods that contain lots of sugar and sweet
- Drink water after eating

- Get used to eating fresh fruits because the fiber can help remove dirt on the teeth

- Consumption of balanced and calcium-rich foods, such as milk, cheese, eggs, anchovies, spinach, katuk,
mustard greens, and jelly cope with stress and maintain endurance, among others by consuming vitamin
C and nutritious food regular check-ups with the dentist every six months.


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