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David Hannah

Pre-AP English 9B / Period 5

Mr. Boyatt

19 February 2019

Kennedy Moon Speech E, L, P

John F. Kennedy during his second year as president of the United States of America

gave an empowering speech at Houston’s Rice university. Tens of thousands of Americans were

lucky enough to receive the speech in 1962. The speech was given during the quest for

knowledge and power of space between the Soviet Union and Americans. The only difference

was that a fire was now burning in Americans to be the first to gain control of space. Kennedy

skillfully uses logos and pathos to fuel the fire in Americans to take the challenge forced upon


Kennedy gives logical reasoning and uses literary terms such as imagery to show why

Americans must advance in technology. Fear is put into American’s eyes when they hear space

will be filled with “weapons of mass destruction [instead] of instruments of knowledge”(5). This

grabs the attention of the listener’s ears by explaining why the need to win this race. This further

progresses the idea of America being founded by leaders who always strived for greatness.

Kennedy also works to show how the Soviet Union doesn’t value Knowledge like Americans do.

This sends a balance of fear and patriotism throughout the audience. Kennedy develops his

imagery by giving a clear picture of the U.S. succeeding. The imagery in paragraph 17 gives

realistic steps and visions for winning. It no longer seems like an impossible task. Hope is spread
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throughout the crowd and fear is no longer held by the audience. Now instead of fear, passion is

burning in Americans.

Kennedy relies heavily on pathos throughout the first half of the speech by showing

patriotism and by showing the consequences from the accepting of defeat. Kennedy knows

Americans won’t be “governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of peace”(5). Even

though Kennedy contradicts himself it still represents the U.S, a country that thrives on

knowledge and advancements in technology. Americans won’t stand to be conquered instead,

they will do their best to remain on top. This further demonstrates America’s goal of peace

within Earth and space. Kennedy uses the well received anaphora “We choose to go to the moon.

We choose to go to the moon…”(9). This gives the sense that Americans can do anything they

want when they work as a whole. The whole country is choosing to go to the moon. That is

something the dictator ruled Soviet Union doesn’t have. Without your people on your side it’s

incredibly difficult to get anything done. This also explains why America came out on top.That

single quote fuels the patriotism in every American’s hearts, further showing Kennedy’s

advanced speech giving skills.

Kennedy’s speech was greatly received by Americans and will continue to be a piece of

our history. Kennedy does this by appealing to the logical side of the audience and by using vivid

imagery of the success awaiting them in the future. Kennedy also appeals to the emotional side

of people by demonstrating patriotism and the consequences of proceeding without the goal of

becoming the world’s first country to have a man land on the moon. Kennedy’s speech was an

influential piece of art that gave Americans a clear path as to what they are truly capable of.

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