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Writing task 1

From the diagram above, we may know that there are several steps in producing biodiesel. The first
material that’s needed in producing biodiesel is a renewable resource, this is typically obtained from
some kind of plant, such as rapeseed or algae. The plant metabolism enables the carbon dioxide and sun
energy to be converted into biomass, which are composed of oil and protein. Later, the oil will be
extracted from the plant while the protein by-product will be collected and then used as a feed for
livestock. The oil that has been extracted from the previous step is then converted into biodiesel by a
specific method of biodiesel production, and along with the biodiesel, there will be a glycerine by-
product, that can be used in the cosmetics and food industries. The biodiesel itself will serve as one kind
of renewable fuel, that can be used by existing technologies such as cars and other kinds of
transportation. As the biodiesel consumed, it will release carbon dioxide as it by-product. The carbon
dioxide can later be used by the existing plant as their metabolic substrate, along with the sun energy to
produce more renewable resource.

Writing task 2

Many schools today believe that academic education is the utmost priority of our society educational
system nowadays, to the point they don’t encourage sporting activity as much as in the past. While it’s
important that children can improve academically, it doesn’t mean that sporting activity can be
discouraged. People frequently forget that not every child has the same talent and chance to excel
academically. Sporting activities, especially at early ages, can develop and show children’s innate talent.
For example, an athletic prodigy, might do poorly in a mathematic test, but has the endurance to sprint
for 1 km non-stop in a short time. This proves the fact the society today often fails to recognize the
personal nature of child talents, and many parents and teachers impose their believes to their children
and they often shape children’s talents and dreams to their heart content. Children will have to be
exposed to every kind of educations available, and their parents and teachers, will have to determine
their talent, and cultivate it as early as possible.

It’s also a common misconception that sporting activities may hinder their academic progress, in fact, if
done with correct proportion, sporting can help children focus and it also boost their health, thus
making them more resistant to illnesses, hence, they can maximize their attendance and learning in
school, and improving their academic productivity. Aside from its health advantage, sporting activities
are also beneficial for children as a mean of relaxation and entertainment. Since school oftentimes be
the reason of children anxiety and stress, sports can help them to escape and forget about school
burdens and troubles for a while. When playing sports, children can also bond with friends of their age,
thus improving their communication and interpersonal capability as well. These points will serve as a
way to help children to cope with problems and maintain their mental health.

From the reasons that have been described, it’s a better choice to keep encouraging children with
sporting activities, rather than preventing them to join any sports activities. However, as their parents
and teachers, it would be wise to monitor children’s involvement in both sports and academic activities,
so they could get the maximal benefits from both activities.

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