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Crisis Update 6

1) We regret to inform the Cosa Nostra Caccamo’s mob boss has passed away after it
turns out that his chlamydia was not really cured and ended up having further
complications. His daughter Bella has now taken command and also imprisoned her
brother John who was actually the one expected to be the heir of the family.
2) Elise Cuccia has moved to Rome temporarily for personal reasons.
3) Siculiana has over 10,000 personal hencemen in their control after a series of
reforms in their region. They are considered to be elite amongst all henchmen as
they are well fed and highly tactical.
4) Corleone has been seen increasing their henchmen in their region.
5) Theatre plays in Brancaccio have become a very good source of revenue and
entertainment in Sicily and Brancaccio is now the entertainment capital of Sicily
6) director Emmanuele Rosso has been found dead in his villa, on further investigation
of his villa, a letter read “ You think you can stop us, You think we are one. The cosa
nostra will fall from heaven, the damage will be done” - Ripper Siciliani
7) Constant access to water has made Siculiana highly sympathetic towards the new
governance in their region. Agriculture In this region has increased on an unseen
scale and are currently making high amounts of revenue using the Economic Zone
with Italy
8) After a bloodless uprising against Villalba was seen, Mussomeli has taken over the
city. He was apparently accepted with open arms by the men of honor in the city. He
has gone forward to say that the good days are here now and that he will be the
change the city needs. He has also gone and made Nicolo his personal assistant at
this point. This is for the first time there has been a takeover of one region by another
9) After high funding from Siculiana, A new cure for chlamydia has been publicly
announced. He is currently carrying out human trials. Current results have shown
10) A leaked letter from the boss of Caccamo has ordered an invasion of Cuccio’s
territory. The entire territory has been taken over by Cuccio’s men as Elise is no
longer in the region she secretly controls.
11) Antonio Saitti and Catania have exclusive control over the exploitation of oil and gas
in Libya.
12) Catania secretly wrote to the French Prime Minister and conducted a deal to obtain
the colony of Tunisia for Sicily. The Cosa Nostra has been undercut due to this
13) An account in the Back of Switzerland under the name George Fraizer has 100
million USD and is actually controlled by the Cinisi mob boss

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