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Assignment -1

To plot the Pourbaix diagram of Aluminium at 25⁰C and 40⁰C using

MEDUSA Software.
Submitted by:
Group 1 Members
Satyabrata Sahoo 116MM0542
Shiny Lohani 117MM0619
Arnimesh Nayak 117MM0629
Akash Chandrakar 117MM0778
Guided by: Dr. Archana Mallik
Nitin Srivastava 117MM0794

Software used: MEDUSA (Make Equilibrium Diagram Using Sophisticated Algorithms)

Case 1:
 T=25⁰C; P= 1bar
 Concentrations of all ionic species = 10-6 M
 pH = 0 to 14

[A l3 + ] T O T
= 1 .0 0 M

Corrosion Passive Corrosion

A l3 + A l(O H )3 (c r)
/ V

A l(O H )4 



5.04, -1.798
8.68, -1.92
Immune A l (s )
14, -2.4

0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4
p H t = 2 5 C

(Courtsey – MEDUSA)
Case 2:
 T=25⁰C; P= 1bar
 Concentrations of all ionic species = 10-5 M
 pH = 0 to 14

[A l3 + ] T O T
= 1 0 .0 0 M

Corrosion Passive Corrosion


A l3+ A l(O H )3(c r)
/ V

A l(O H )4



4.47, -1.69
9.8, -2.04
A l (s )
14, -2.4
0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4
p H t = 2 5 C

(Courtsey – MEDUSA)
Case 3:
 T=40⁰C; P= 1bar
 Concentrations of all ionic species = 10-5 M
 pH = 0 to 14

[A l 3 + ] = 1 0 .0 0 M

Corrosion Passive Corrosion


A l3 + A l(O H )3 (c r)
/ V

A l(O H )4 



4.47, -1.76
9.8, -2.14
Immune A l (s )
14, -2.51
0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4
p H t = 4 0 C

(Courtsey – MEDUSA)

The following reactions and corresponding log k values are involved in the above diagram.

Al3+ + 3e- = Al(s) log k = -84.3 - (i)

(cr) log k = -8.11 - (ii)

+ ¿+ Al (OH )3 ¿
3 +¿=3 H ¿

log k = -22.7 - (iii)

+¿+ Al(OH )−¿ ¿

Al3 +¿=4 H ¿
The Nernst Eq. involved in bringing out potential diagrams are as follows.
0.059 ox
Ecell =Eo + log ( ) -- Nernst Equation
n red

Since for only equation (i), Nernst Eq. can be used.

So, E Al 3+ ¿/ Al
=E ¿
Al +
log ¿¿¿¿

E Al =−1.66 V ¿ and [Al3+] = 10-5 M. Also, as we have considered Al as pure.


Then, aAl = 1 M

Substituting all above values, we get Ecell value.

But for Eq. (ii) and (iii), we will use equilibrium constant K
conc . of product
So, K= conc . of reactant

After that we will use △G = -2.303RTlogK

Also, △G = -nFEcell
2.303 RT
So, Ecell = nF log K

From here we get the relation of eq. (ii) as

2.303 RT
Ecell = log ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Substituting all values, we get a relation between Ecell and pH.

Ecell = -0.059 pH + c, where c is a value calculated by putting other conc. except H+

Similarly, from eq. (iii) also we get the similar kind of relation for Ecell and pH.
Regions identified:
For Case 2: T=25⁰C; Conc. = 10-5 M

For the given set of conditions of temperature and concentration, following conclusions have
been made:

(i) For Eh above -1.69 and pH between 0 and 4.47, corrosion will occur.
(ii) For Eh above -2.04 and pH above 9.8, corrosion will occur.
(iii) The region in the pH range 4.47 to 9.8 does not has dissolved ions and comes in the
passive range.
(iv) Rest of the region comes in the immune zone.
(v) Steps are observed above pH 4.47. This may be due some defect in the algorithm,
since theoretically the line must have a constant slope (can be found using the
Nernst equation).

For Case 3: T=40⁰C; Conc. = 10-5 M

For the given set of conditions of temperature and concentration, following conclusions have
been made:

(i) For Eh above -1.76 and pH between 0 and 4.47, corrosion will occur. The area is
thus slightly greater than that at 25⁰C.
(ii) For Eh above -2.14 and pH above 9.8, corrosion will occur. The area is thus
slightly greater than that at 25⁰C
(iii) The region in the pH range 4.47 to 9.8 does not has dissolved ions and comes in the
passive range.
(iv) Rest of the region comes in the immune zone.
(v) Steps are observed above pH 4.47. This may be due some defect in the algorithm,
since theoretically the line must have a constant slope (can be found using the
Nernst equation).

Inferences incurred while doing the assignment:

 With increase in ionic concentrations the corrosion regions increase in area (Cases 1
and 2). The area of the passive zone decreases.
 With increase in temperature, graph shifts slightly downwards with no sideways shift.
Comparing the above Pourbaix diagram with the standard Pourbaix diagram of Al at
T = 40⁰C (313K) and conc. = 10-5 M.

(Courtsey – FACTSAGE)

We will be getting the phases as Al2O3 and AlO2- which will be compensated by the phases
present in the above diagram by elimination of water molecules in a perfect stoichiometric

Thanking You!

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