Websites 2 Assignment

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Website analysis

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................1
USA (Alyssa):..........................................................................................................................2
1. | Official Site of the National Football League.........................................2
2. The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos
3. Hostess (
4. REI: A Life Outdoors is a Life Well Lived | REI Co-op...........................................4
CONGO/BELGIUM (Merveille):...........................................................................................6
5. Rode Kruis (
6. Lu (
7. ANPAI (Congo)........................................8
SPAIN (Kira):..........................................................................................................................9
8. rtve (Radiotelevisión Española).................................................................................9
9. Marca.......................................................................................................................10
10. El Corte Inglés.........................................................................................................11
Mongolia (Tuguldur):............................................................................................................12
11. Hotel Blue Sky (
12. Modern Nomads (
Task 2: Conclusion....................................................................................................................13

Website Analysis
Alyssa, Kira, Merveille, Tugy

Christophe Breemersch [Date] E-Skills

USA (Alyssa):
1. | Official Site of the National Football League
The NFL, better known as the National Football League, is a highly developed football
organization responsible for hosting the most top tier athletes for competitive play. Since they
are so developed in to one of the most watched sports in the United States, their website must
match the high levels of complexity. The content within the NFL’s website is vast and is a one
stop shop to learn all about recent updates, scores, players, news, stats, and the combine where
college players are scouted to be drafted to the NFL. This level of content is important to the
NFL’s image to keep them professional but also informative. National Football League fans want
the latest news and if they can keep viewers on their official site instead of other new reporters'
sights, the profits for NFL will rise.
The functionality of the National Football League's website it highly functional and easily
operated. Starting with the blue bar across the top of the page there are tabs to be directed to
different categories of interest. The tabs include News, Scores, Schedules, Videos, Teams,
Players, Stats, Standings, Combine, a trop down menu that offers more such as the Draft, Photos,
Combine, NFL films, Salute to Service, Community, and Ways to Watch. Every viewer can
easily find what they are looking for. There are also live score updates at the top of the webpage
as well. The viewer can scroll to find their favorite team scores being updated as it happens. This
function of the webpage is extremely important for traveling sports fans that couldn't watch the
game in real time but still want to follow the score of the game. If they aren't traveling but want
to watch the game from a handheld device there is also an option to hit the “watch games” button
on the far right. This quick link takes them to GamePass where they can sign up and view all the
games. Scrolling down you can see top news stories going on in football and even throwbacks to
old stories that might grasp a football fan's attention. The website also offers quick links to all of
the teams' official websites so having to search for them yourself is no longer an added step.
Overall, the functionality of the National Football League's website is amazing, any fan of the
sport can find all the information they could ever want right from one website.
The National Football Association has the largest amount of authority when it comes to the sport
of football. So, the information displayed on the website such as the concerning decisions with
teams, players, and coaches, NFL has the overall say for plan of actions of action in all scenarios.
The NFL website is a well-established put together information platform. It has all the data a
person could want or need about the NFL but not the visual tastes when first glancing at it. I
think that there could be so much more done to the opening page of the website to make it look
more presentable. When first clicking on the URL it takes to the front page where all you see is
the live update scores on the top, a thick blue bar containing some clickable information dabs,
and then two pictures and some news about the upcoming combine. Not much color on the pages
and doesn’t seem very inviting or interactive. As you scroll through the webpage more images
and videos appear which give the page a much better look and entices me to click around the
stories to read on. At the bottom of the page lies all of the team's logos and links to their websites
which is a nice look for the end of a page, but if I were the NFL, I would fix the initial look of
the first thing a viewer sees. The first looks should hook the football fan into continuing to look
throughout the webpage, and I don’t think the NFL’s website does this.
2. The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos (
The New York Times has been one of the most accurate and responsive news sources in America
since the 1800’s and continues to display why they are the best through their website. When
opening up the NYTimes webpage I am greeted by a white screen filled with black text of
multiple top news stories. The headlining story of March 2nd,2022 is about the potential for a
Russia vs Ukraine war and the title is “Russian forces move to encircle key Ukrainian cities.
Although this is not a lighthearted story at all, it is an important report to read to stay updated
with what is going on around the world. Just because it is called New York Times doesn’t mean
the news in only in the United States, which is another reason for the credibility of this new
source. Reporting on anything big happening all over the world. This amount of content that the
New York Times is available to produce really helps their overall image in keeping viewers
coming back to their site. If they can achieve being a consumer's primary source of news, profit
can skyrocket
The functionality of the New York Times website is highly impressive. They are able to fit so
much information on a page it’s a bit overwhelming to look at. At the top of the page there is an
option to change from U.S. information, to international, or Canada based news, so its tailors to
your preferences. On the left side of the page displays the date, in the middle states the title of
the newspaper which is, The New York Times, and on the far right it has a subscription and log
in buttons. Underneath that the top of the page is lined with a clickable tab bar where a viewer
could choose from the following options: World, U.S., Politics, N.Y., Business, Opinion, Tech,
Science, Health, Sports, Arts, Books, Style, Food, Travel, Magazines, Real Estate, and videos.
As you scroll throughout the page there are stories lining the sides of the page with videos and
bigger news in the middle. Diagram, charts, and pictures to draw a viewer eye to key statistics
within news. For example, the rises and decreasing covid cases is displayed in a graph that is
easily readable at a quick glance. Toward the bottom there are more homelife news articles like
cooking and décor readings with quick links to web shops and tutorials. All throughout this
webpage there are links to the articles wanted, click and takes you to be able to read the whole
story. When finished reading, just hit the back arrow in the top left corner and you are right back
to the page lined with more stories.
There are so many news reporting websites like, CNN, BBC News, CBS, and FOX News it is
hard to determine who has the most authority. As we know, anyone can post a news story,
doesn’t mean it’s accurate. On “” the article “Top 100 world news websites and
blogs” the New York Times is second trailing by BBC News. So, I would say that the New York
Times has a very high-level authority among all news reporting platforms in the world.
The New York Times webpage is not attractive. It is a white screen filled with black text, which
I believe is the intention behind the bland style, it to make it look like a real newspaper. The only
color on the page is from photos, videos, and charts, thus giving it a clean look, just not
attractive. The job of this webpage is to inform the public, so I feel as though it shouldn't have to
be attractive, it just needs to be easy to red for everyone. Get the people their news, no need to
focus on the look of the site as much.
3. Hostess (
Hostess Cakes is an American based pastry company from Lenexa, Kansas, specializing in cheap
cakes for a sweet snack. Within this sweet treat's webpage, it is unraveling some information
about what is new within the company, their company's story, how to shop, connecting with the
business, and everyday treats. The content on this page is accurate and helpful to learn about
Hostess Cakes business, but personally do not feel as though it is highly needed or followed
content. They are advertising their new products but since it is a food-based webpage I feel as
though investing in commercials and social media content might surface more attention than
their website.
The functionality of this website is okay, since it is a mass-produced business the need for a
highly functioning website is not needed. There is a tab bar with a few clickable buttons to take
the viewer to different platforms and a learn more button is curiosity arises, but that is about it.
This website serves its purpose for customer complaints, large online orders, or interest in how
Hostess got started and that’s about it.
Hostess is one of many large, sweet manufacturers but in terms of authority they can produce
any kind of dessert they want. As long as they follow basic health code regulations, they have the
freedom to produce anything. On their website they are promoting the new “delicious donettes”
which now have as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. There isn't anything else like this on the
market so having the guts to put something new on the market that has never been seen before
shows they have influence and control of their market.
The look of the Hostess Cakes website is so amazing. When entering the site, you are hit by an
array of popping colors that seem to be coming off the screen. The initial screen in bright red
with circus curtains displaying their new products to the consumer. Below are graphics of falling
favorite Hostess Cakes, thus very eye catching to the customer. The more attractive a website
can be the better chances of business from customers.
4. REI: A Life Outdoors is a Life Well Lived | REI Co-op
The content on REI’s webpage is tailored to the outdoorsy folk that want to see the world
through outside activities, so the content must match the viewing party. On the main webpage
there are many tabs to be directed to clothing, different brands of equipment, fitness, used gear
and the most fun, REI adventures and classes/events. REI adventures is discounted trips for
people interested outdoors. This kind of service provided by a brand like REI is a great source of
bringing together people who want to be more involved in the outdoors, giving their content a
whole new meaning. REI is displaying that they aren’t just a brand for people that are already
into the outdoors, but they are also promoting inclusiveness to everyone on the site. Other
content includes expert advice which is a free resource to all to know what to do in stressful
situations or information to prepare oneself before an adventure. This content is essential for safe
outdoor activities and having it as a major tab on their site is nice to see. They also have news
stories in the “uncommon path” tab where outdoor recreation stories are uploaded for anyone
interested in this type of news.
The main function of the REI website is to develop long-lasting customers. It is primarily a web
shop with some extras like the uncommon path and events/classes. They are trying to make a
sale; it all starts with how the website works. On the top black bar is the classes and event
section, nothing on this bar is about purchasing day to day items so it is a bit smaller and less
glaring than the bar below. The bar below is much more visible and displays clickable tabs for
products for camping, biking, running, climbing, travel, kids, snow and much more. Even more
than having a product be the focus of REI, they also largely promote their REI Membership
Card. This card allows the customer to have free returns for a year no questions asked, get a
percentage off all REI products, and participate in garage sales which are discounted used
equipment. With having the REI Membership graphic being such a large focus on the site it
really pushes customers to become loyal members. Loyalty seems to be the focus of this website,
once REI gets you a customer, it is hard to stop using their service.
REI is one of the largest outdoor recreation stores worldwide, but in article “Top 20
Best Outdoor Gear Stores Sites Ranked 2021”, REI stands at third place behind Dicks
SportingGood and Cabela's. Overall, since REI is one of the biggest competitors in this market,
they have the authority to do whatever they please. Being such an established brand like REI
makes having control over certain markets much easier.
Although REI is all about being outside, I do feel a little underwhelmed with the amount of
creativity on their website. They use green as their accent colors with key points of yellows and
pinks on the flowers, but I feel like it could look so much better. They use cartoon drawings of
squirrels, flowers, acorns, and hikers to separate different information sections from each other,
which is cute but not the aesthetic they should be trying to achieve. It is an attractive webpage
but overall, I think it could be much more attention grasping for the consumer. If I were REI, I
would use real pictures taken on the REI Adventure trips to promote not only the trips but all the
beautiful places there are to visit. I feel if I were a beginner outdoorsman, I would want to see
some options of what is out there to explore, and it would inspire me to buy REI equipment to
make those adventures happen.

Congo/Belgium (Merveille):
5. Rode Kruis (
This Belgian website gives more info about what the Rode Kruis does and their objectives,
which are to speak for disadvantaged individuals both at home and abroad. To be involved in
disaster assistance, self-sufficiency, and blood supply. To make a call to everyone who wants to
volunteer in all of this.
The website's material is fairly comprehensive; gives you all the information about who they are,
what you need to know to help the organization, to understand what and how the Rode Kruis
operate, the recent news about the organization’s vision for the future plans, their next events and
etc. The website also provides information about the first aid and on how to use it
The website is pretty easy to understand and provides the possibility to change the language to
French or English. On the top of the site there are tabs that gives you the all the information that
you need. The tabs are “Wie zijn we”, “What doen we”, “Wat kan jij doen”, “Nieuws”,
“Vacatures”, Voor Bedrijven” and “Contact”. These main tabs also have subtabs, to provide
some structure and to give a more detailed explanation.
Under the bar, is another bar with icons. The icon is a drop of “blood” is linked with the tab
“Geef je bloed of plasma”, in here you get more information on how you can give help someone
by giving them your blood. After clicking on the tab, you’ll also find a guidance on how you can
donate your blood. Under the guidance, are more information about the topic. Then there is a
(waving) hand icon with the “Word vrijwilliger” tab. This is about how to become a volunteer
within the organization. The other tab called “Leer eerste hulp” has an open a book icon next to
it. This is about learning more about the first aid along with the information about the courses,
books, the Rode Kruis app, Offers and the latest news around this topic.
Last tab is the “Geef in gift” tab with a neuro in cash. This is made to give the readers the chance
to make a donation online. Once you click on it, you’ll have to fill in your personal information
to donate. More contact info is available at the bottom of website and their social networks.
In short, I think that the structure of the site is well-made and the usefulness of ANAPI's website
is functional and simple to operate.
First is the organization has three types of authorities. Within the Flemish Government's
Department of Culture, Youth, and Media is in charge of monitoring the activities of the Within
the activities of the “Jeugd Rode Kruis VZW” (=NPO), which is a nationally recognized youth
organization. Tourism Flanders for the “Rode Kruis Vakanties VZW” which has been designated
as a social tourism organization. And lastly, is the “Zorgbib Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen VZW”
which the objective to provide a special library for the long-term sick and those residing in a rest
home, a rest and care home, or a hospital.
The lay-out of the website is rather simplistic with 2 main colors, red and white, being used.
Whenever the website wants to indicate the reader to do something they put the message in a
blue tab. Besides are the main topics in black and there is some usage of icon besides some tabs.
The site also has picture to give to reader a visualization of the organisation’s activities or to
indicate about what the topic will about
The site is also visually appealing. The reader has a good nice first impression of the it, and
besides being a business-oriented website, it also instructs the reader to do something for a good
deed. This website can help anyone who are looking for information on how to help Ukraine,
how to perform a first aid and anything that is provided and related to the Rode Kruis.
6. Lu (
The website gives more information about Lefèvre Utile, shortened LU, which is a biscuit
producing trademark. On the website, you can find all kind of information like, the history,
collaborations with other brands, recipes etc. It is a suitable website for people who are into this
specific brand, the ones who loves making desserts.
The website is very simple to comprehend, and you can switch the language to French. At the
top of the site there is a tab that provides all the information you need. The tabs are
“#ShareTheLUve", "Harmony", "Merken", "Recepten", "Verenigingen" and "Geschiedenis".
#ShareTheLUve first shows a commercial video about their brand. In the video we see how
people share LU cookies with each other and sharing shows kindness. The website explains the
brand’s vision. Which is about talking about loneliness. The brands works with CAW(Centrum
Algemeen Welzijnswerk) to work on this topic. CAW helps people with their questions and their
problems that cause difficulties with their wellbeing. They also give the viewers the opportunity
to engage themselves with this.
Harmony gives more information about how the brand is producing their products while being in
harmony with the world. As you scroll down, you will see on what LU pays attention on. The
topics are about wheat, the climate, the bees, the farmers, the bottom and the water. You have the
possibility to get more information about the topics.
Merken is about the diverse products they produced. You can click on them and you’ll get
desserts recipes that you can use (with their cookies). On the Recepten page, you will also see
the recipes that can be made by using the LU cookies.
Verenigingen is about supporting associations. LU have been committed to the associations since
2016. LU offers the viewers to become a member of an association or youth movement and to
collect money to finance the viewers activities.
Geschiedenis gives a lot of information about how LU started off until now. All the details about
their development as a company is on that page.
Everything on the site is easy to understand and you can easily find information on the website
with no problems. In conclusion, I believe that the site's structure is quite well done, and that the
utility of the website is practical.
There was no information about the authority about LU.
Red, white und some brown, and yellow tones are the fundamental colors on the website. The
photos of cookies, the usage of the commercial video and its red frame with some Lu cookies
around it makes the website very eye catchy. Because Lu’s target group are for kids and adults,
gives a heart-warming feeling and less business like. All that makes the site very attractive and
7. ANPAI (Congo)
This Congolese website provides information about the National Investment Promotion Agency
(ANAPI), which is a technical governmental entity with legal identity and managerial
independence. It is the Central Government and Provincial Governments' advising institution in
the sphere of investment growth and business climate enhancement, reporting to the Minister of
State, Minister of Planning.
The content of the website is very broad, it includes the latest news about ANAPI, its activities
and g for example on general information about Congo, the business climate, possible
procedures, sectors, and publications of the country. All of this is important to know for
individuals who are thinking of establishing a business in DRC.
Users are able to simply obtain information that they’re seeking for by going to the gray bar with
different subject, which is located under the search bar. The main tabs are “Navigation”,
“Accueil”, “A Propos”, “Généralité sur la RDC”, “Publications”, “Secteurs”, “Procédures”,
“Climat des affaires” and “Centre d’informations”. Some tabs like “A Propos” (About Us) has
subtabs that includes “Status et missions”, “Champs d’activités”, “Organiation”, etc.
Underneath the gray bar, are the latest news about ANAPI mentioned. Scrolling down, there is a
title called “Pourquoi Investir en RDC?” (Why invest in DRC?) and under the title are business
questions that contain more information once being clicked on. Lower, you can find more
information about the “Secteurs”, with the themes “Pêche et Elevage”, “Forestier”, “Nouvelles
Technologies de L’information et de la Communication”, “Habitat et Immobilier”, “Energie”,
“Assurance”, etc.
Underneath the themes, you can find more information about the “Climat des Affaires” along
with the sub subjects. “Publications” mentions the books that ANAPI provides. If you click on a
book, you’ll find a pdf-file of the book and under that there are hyperlinks of other books of the
ANAPI. After that, you’ll be seeing testimonies about everyone’s experience with ANAPI. The
testimonies shows how trustworthy the site is and how. Under the testimonies, the events, useful
links and their socials are being mentioned. At the end, you can find the contact information,
address and download ANAPI as an app by clicking on the Apple Store logo or the Play Store
In short, I think that the structure of the site is well-made and the usefulness of ANAPI's website
is functional and simple to operate.
ANAPI has authorization to engage in all the DRC's economic sectors. But it must be
emphasized that, although ANAPI is contacted for guidance in the mining, hydrocarbon, finance,
and insurance sectors, it has not the capacity or jurisdiction to award tax and customs
advantages. The Mining Code or the related financial services, hydrocarbon, and insurance law
establishes specialized tax and customs systems in these industries.
The website contains grounded assembled information. Once clicking on the link, the first thing
that you’ll notice is pictures with information on it getting displayed. Underneath it, are articles
with photos attached to them. After seeing the things that firstly took the attention, you start
paying more attention to the details like the subjects on the gray bar. Going through the site, you
can see that they didn’t only mention business topics, but topics about the country itself as well.
Visually, the website is great is well. It gives a good impression, and you can see that it is a
businesslike site. Besides the business outlook, the fact that the website gives more info about
the country itself, is a plus point as well. They took their time to add the necessary data about
Congo. People who are searching for information about how to start their business in Congo can
find their way in this website.
There is also a structure on the website, there are subtitles that tell you about what you’re
reading. Also, the site is not too chaotic or has not a lot of animations included.

Spain (Kira):
8. rtve (Radiotelevisión Española)
As the publicly funded national news agency of Spain, rtve has a big volume of high-quality
content. Aside from its news coverage, it also offers, among other things, televised
entertainment, radio, sports coverage, weather information and even a page for children with
series, games and material for learning English.
The news is always up to date, addressing the latest events on a global and national level. Aside
from that there are also pages dedicated to the different autonomous communities of the country
for local news.
While a lot of the content seems consistent, some it, like the cooking section, or online games,
may feel a little out of place.
The website offers easy and clear navigation with a high contrast top bar with their main offer of
news, television, radio, sports, children, live tv, live radio, the weather and games. In a secondary
bar, major current events or secondary offers can be accessed.
The major news stories are very visible in a dynamic grid with a big picture above a title written
in a large bold font. This makes navigation very simple and accessible. As you scroll down,
you’ll see the latest from other categories, which are clearly visible.
While the overall functionality of the website is commendable, finding the news pages for the
autonomous communities does prove a little more challenging. For at least one of these, the
wrong link is used and using the search functions only leads to non-existent results. There is
definitely room for improvement in that department.
Lastly, an account can be made on the site to favourite programs or series, follow certain news
trends, or be able to synchronise the watching across devices, among other features.
The website is amongst one of the most visited sites in Spain, meaning that at least as far as the
population goes, the website is doing something right to account for the traffic. The fact that it is
the public broadcaster surely lends it some credence.
Unfortunately, while the broadcaster is expected to be neutral and objective there are examples
of how it has failed in this duty. During the terrorist attacks of 11M, it pushed the narrative of the
current government party regarding ETA’s involvement, and during the strive for independence
in Catalunya it showed a rather clear bias against the movement. These, and other examples,
have impacted its authority.
The website does what it has to do, and it looks very good while doing so. The style is simple but
still manages to feel modern and sleek with its black and white aesthetic to which it adds nice
orange accents. It is also very organized which makes it a pleasant experience to navigate.
It helps that it isn’t overly saturated with content, avoiding the tabloid feel of other news
websites. It accomplishes this by just showing the main stories of the day. Every category has an
average of about 5 items.
9. Marca
Marca’s main coverage is that of everything sports, and especially football. Aside from football,
it also has news on basketball, motor sports, and under the name ‘sports centre’ it offers a range
all the way from chess to MMA. Alongside the wide variety of sports, it also offers virtual
“fantasy” sports.
On the topmost part of the website, it offers a peak to the magazine’s cover, access to their radio
station and a health-related subsidiary. Below is a red container with the main sections and
underneath that the website has dedicated bar with links to news on the main football clubs of the
national first division. After that comes the live and recent feeds of sporting events. Lastly, the
articles show up.
On a different section of the website, it offers coverage of current news, cinema, series,
television programming, music, luxury, videogames, technology and gastronomy. As you reach
the bottom of the page there’s a offers and gifts sections with articles to online stores, from
which they probably get a percentage of for the referral.
Marca allows for users to register and make an account that offers access to their digital or paper
newspaper at a higher fee. Both include access to a platform of its parent company and their
The aforementioned live feeds can be filtered by sport and division. And underneath the first few
articles there’s a ‘stories’ section often found in mobile apps such as Messenger and Instagram.
The website also allows for the user to change the territory (not the language) which will change
the feed but also some of the functionality, such as the making of an account or the link to their
digital radio station. Some of the content is also restricted if the site is being accessed from
outside of Spain.
One neat feature as you scroll down is that a top bar appears naming the current section you are
browsing along with a black progress bar that informs you how far along in the section you are.
Marca is the most visited website in Spain (Las 50 Webs Más Visitadas de España (2022), 2022)
and is considered the authority for sports news in the country. Unfortunately, much of the
website has a tabloid feel to it which may make those unfamiliar with the website not feel the
authority and prestige it holds.
While the website is clearly attractive because of its content, it may not appeal to everyone as it
really leans into tabloid culture with from the way they title the articles to the pictures used. It
feels a lot more chaotic and has a lot of empty white space.
The red accent over the white as you enter the website are very recognisable but unfortunately it
isn’t present as you scroll down.
10. El Corte Inglés
El Corte Inglés is the biggest department store by production volume in Europe and the third in
the world (González Navarro, 2018). As a result, the website offers a huge range of products,
although it highlights fashion in its home page. Nevertheless, they carry known brands such as
Sony or Nike, but also house brands such as Emidio Tucci.
Aside from the expected basket functionality to place orders, the website has the option to only
allow visitors to view items that are ready for delivery or pick up the next day.
An account can also be made on the site, probably to facilitate and improve the purchase
experience, as well as keep track of past orders.
The website also hosts a virtual shopping assistant in the form of a chat bot pop-up system. Its
functionality is not perfect, but it might provide added value to some people.
As mentioned before, the department store is one of the biggest in the world. As such, it does
have its share of authority. The products it sells are met with trust in terms of quality, as it has an
incentive to keep its good name.
The website is overall up to date in terms of aesthetics, and its wide range of content is certainly
attractive to a wide audience. Unfortunately, it does have an awkward top bar that doesn’t seem
to fit with the overall design.

Mongolia (Tuguldur):
11. Hotel Blue Sky (
The Blue-Sky hotel is located in the heart of the capital of Mongolia. It is one of the most
attention grabbing and unique buildings of the capital, which naturally would also attract a lot of
tourists. When entering their website, you are welcomed with a picture of the building and a
clean and simple layout for booking your stay. It doesn’t scare off people, it rather welcomes
them, welcomes everyone through using English as their standard language.
At the top you have contact details and an option to change the language of the website to either
English, Mongolian, Russian or Chinese. Upon scrolling down, you are presented with a small
amount of information about the hotel, the different types of rooms they offer, any events, the
different types of halls and lastly where they’re located.
It is an easy and clear to navigate website. Simple yet very functional website that is also quite
welcoming of foreigners, the only downside would be their lack of language options.
Their building is one of the most attention-grabbing structures in the center of the capital.
Additionally, being positioned right next to the main square and the city hall, their appearance
and location radiate the amount of importance and status they hold. The cleanliness and overall
structure of their website fits them well.
Matching the color of their building and their name, their website has a white and blue theme.
There are no unnecessary elements (e.g. ads) that would make it cluttered. Clear tabs for other
potentially interesting info and use of a standard font.
12. Modern Nomads (
You are immediately greeted with a slideshow of pictures about any recent events that have
occurred. The website's standard language is Mongolian, with the only other option being
English. At the top of the website, you have selections that take you back to the home page, offer
you more information about the restaurant, their menu, about promotions, any news and lastly
their contact details.
The rest of the website is filled with pictures, the biggest picture being of their main restaurant
and the others are of their other branches and partners. When hovering over a picture you get a
little bit of text telling you where it is located. After clicking on one, you are shown a Google
maps street view view of their interior and further down they have their menu.
It’s a simple and clear website, however, the layout seems a little lazy and unprofessional. You
have the option to register your email, but I don’t see the necessity of doing so for a restaurant.
They used to have a chatbot, which was only available in Mongolian, in the lower right corner of
their website but it seems they removed it. Their only available languages being Mongolian, and
English is another downside.
Being a chain restaurant, you’d expect them to put more effort into their website and for it to
have a clear focus on their main business instead of immediately advertising their other branches
and partners. Their website doesn’t express their status as a chain restaurant, it’s more on the
level of a local non-chain restaurant.
Their excessive use of pictures doesn’t make up for the lack of design of their website. However,
this doesn’t mean that the pictures they used are of low quality. The detailed high-resolution
pictures that are used in menu on their website are an appreciated element, especially for people
that are unfamiliar with Mongolian cuisine.

Overall, geography and culture have no direct impact on the design of the website. Some
websites represent the colors of their countries flags but there are minimal to no differences
between websites. Although there were little differences, we did see the most differences within
the Congo websites, they have more of a 90’s look and focuses on functionality instead of
Alyssa Winter:
Throughout this assignment I have learned to look at the minute details of a website. When
scouring the web, I usually click around and never look at the layout, colors, and functionality of
the website. I just expect the website to give me the correct information and don’t care too much
about how it looks or how easily assessable it is. This assignment has opened my eyes to really
dive deep into the functionality, available content, and attractiveness of each website and how it
pertains to the business's overall goals. It also made me realize that even if the website has useful
content and a not easily functioning website, a customer might be more inclined to switch to
another competitor with a better working webpage. The webpages image could potentially ruin
the relationship between the customer and business if not kept up to date, which is something I
never have even thought twice about.

As someone with quite some experience when it comes to all things digital, I would not say that I
learned a lot from this exercise. I also have some experience in general design principles and
have taken courses in web development and design. All of this may have led to a rather
uninterested approach to the assignment. Add to that having to tell what one could just show by
redirecting people to the websites in question, and I may not have done as good and careful a job
as my peers.
I’ve also been on the internet long enough to have seen it evolve and have learned how to mostly
find what I need if or when I need it, and while a good site may make it easier and a more
pleasant experience; the alternative isn’t usually enough of a hindrance to make me feel
All in all, I guess I must admit I just don’t really care all that much.

Merveille Madada:
Working on the assignment made me see the importance of each website. In some websites, you
could see how the design of the website plays a big role. While for others, the functionality was
more of an importance. This also made me realize that to me, finding the right information is
more important than looking at the design. So, I think that the functionality of a website is much
more of an importance than the design. Although, I don’t mind seeing aa good design, as long as
the design of the site is simple and not too exaggerated. Especially from a viewer perspective, it
is definitely important to have a balance between the functionality and design of the website.

This assignment has further taught me that all the elements of a website, no matter how
significant, contribute a lot to the overall enjoyability and quality of a website. I’ve learned that
even the smallest tools and functions can really add a lot to a user's experience. This can also be
said from my own perspective, as I also enjoy when a website adds small elements such as a
dropdown menu or a locked menu tab. When a website is inefficient and clumsy to use it will
drive people to find a better alternative or switch as soon as they come across one. Through this
assignment I’ve gained some insight on the importance of each element of a website.

See video.
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El Corte Inglés: Comprar moda, electrónica, informática, libros online. (n.d.). El Corte Inglés.

Retrieved 2 March 2022, from

Las 50 webs más visitadas de España (2022). (2022, February 23). Libretilla.

McKoen, K. (2021, August 26). Top 6 Website Features People Value. Clutch.Co.

MILANUNCIOS: segunda mano, anuncios gratis, empleo, clasificados... (n.d.). Milanuncios.

Retrieved 2 March 2022, from

Noticias de última hora, programas y series de televisión. (n.d.). Rtve. Retrieved 2 March 2022, from

Top 100 World News Websites and Blogs To Follow in 2021. (2017, August 23). Feedspot


Top 20 Best Outdoor Gear Stores Sites Ranked 2021. (n.d.). Retrieved

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