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Rashmi mala’s session

- Visuals from sketchbook, visual references

- Source of reference- Botanical illustration major style
- Where and how she chooses her references
- Travelling, surroundings, botanical journals, historical texts, textbooks, individual artists-
sheikh Zainuddin- company time muslim Bengali artist- Mughal patna Qalam style + English
botanical illustrations- London Wallace collection
knows the flowers best, everyday living, visibilising through repeatition, neglected parts of
plants. Recording the disaster.

- Methods of engagement
- Traditional pigment based medium and organic binder, cyanotype- photoghrapic realism
- Surfaces- Vellum
- Removing water content- preserving planst for herbarium.
- Lockdown animal sightings on road- how lockdown has opened up the other world that
exists besides us but isn’t visible in our urban reality.
- Looking around as an archive.

Make handmade paper- of leaves native to Kashmir- native. For agha’s text- world is full of paper
write to me.

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