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Word of Mastery

An alternative word to that of apotheosis, this word allows one to gain power from one’s
mastery of a particular narrow set of concepts, one per word. Forests, obedience, death,
many concepts are possible, though they must be concepts with enough differences from
the normal state of things that they are not already universal, and your personal will is
required to make a place your own. You must have a particular vision for how the world
should be, related to your words, and enforce it on territory you control. Your dominion
increases equal to the size category of the area you force into your will, and all territory
within has problems equal to the the amount of extra dominion you wish, as per normal cults.
This represents your passive management of the area.

For example, you could have as your goal that all places be forested, and gain dominion
from all areas that you controlled that were forested in the way you wished. You could gain
one extra dominion by having it be invasive to nearby cities, two by having the wildlife
actively hostile to any who disrespected it, and three by having it being an all consuming
menace that ate anyone not of the forest. Such concepts can always be destroyed by
outside forces.

Receive the Incense of Control Constant

Gained at second level, the Godbound becomes capable of receiving
Power from the world itself.

Sanctify Concept Action

Gained at third level, the Godbound can sanctify a particular narrow event, such as forests
being burnt by sentient beings. When properly consecrated, the
Godbound can perceive the chosen event as though they were there, and use a gift or
miracle at the event at the usual costs, with each successive miracle costing an effort for the
day. The maximum size of the chosen event is about the size of a large building, and only
the first event of a day can be targeted. Properly sanctifying a concept requires
rites and components costing Wealth equal to the power of the level they wish to use any
powers.If the concept is desecrated, it must be reconsecrated at the full cost.


So, Gemma the Druid loves forests and hates people. She takes fertility, earth, and death,
and picks as her concept "All area outside of cities should be forested." At third level she is
worried about humans burning down her trees, so she builds a sanctified concept. At the
cost of x wealth per level, whenever a sentient being burns a concept, a mystical temple will
appear, glowing with her divine magic. She can then see the event, and blast them with
skeletons and creepy woodland creatures.
However, for each sanctified concept made, only the first burning will be visible. If humans
burn one area of her forest she can stop them, but not every area.
Rule of Law Action
Also gained at third level, the godbound can set one rule per two levels rounded up for their
territories. Any who violate their rules are beset by problems. In personal combat, this is
equievelent to one small mob per three levels, or 1d6 damage of an appropriate type per
round for as many rounds as the godbound has levels, each summoned once per day. In
terms of resisting changes, this acts like the equivalent to 2 resistance. A foe who wishes to
avoid this and who has enough mundane firepower can destroy the concept from range as
they move, moving at a quarter of their normal moving speed. Supernatural foes may be
able to advance faster.

Hear Prayer Constant

At fourth level, the Godbound is capable of hearing what is happening around their
concept.These usually are a subconscious sussurus of petitions,
but they can specifically “listen” for particular topics or people if they
wish, becoming alerted when those topics arise or those people address them. The
Godbound can communicate with those thinking of their concept
during their prayers, though this inward voice is subtle and does not
compel obedience. If their concept does not involve sentient beings, they can listen to
natural phenomenon like trees.

Perceive the Petitioner Action

At fifth level, the Godbound can see a particular concept and their
surroundings with an action's focus, knowing everything about their
immediate situation that a normal person would know. This doesn’t grant
deep or subtle knowledge of the situation, but it’s enough to make
their current circumstances clear.

Mark of the Prophet Action

At sixth level, the Godbound can consecrate specific worshipers as
favored disciples or high priests. One disciple may be chosen for
each level of the Godbound, but only one high pontiff can be chosen.
If you've access to the deluxe version of Godbound and the mortal
creation rules, the disciples instantly become heroic mortals of a
level equal to half their patron's level, rounded up and the high priest
becomes a heroic mortal of the Godbound's level. Both usually take
talents reflective of their patron's portfolio, including a gift or two. If
the mortal hero rules are unavailable, treat the disciples as Skilled
Mages or Major Heroes from the mortal section of the bestiary chapter, and the high priest
as a lesser Eldritch. This consecrating process
takes only a moment, but the consecration cannot be taken from the
acolyte until they are dead, even if they later leave their god's service.

Attend the Concept Action

At seventh level, the Godbound can manifest before a particularly potent example of their
concept, instantly appearing before them no matter how far away the
divinity may be, even from a distant realm. This manifestation lasts
no longer than a scene, however, before the Godbound returns to their
original location and cannot use this gift again for a day.

To Bless the Nations Action

At eighth level the Godbound can selectively bless or blight the fortunes of a faction that
interacts with a substantial amount of their concept.
If the faction has an amount of the concepts equivalent to
to a group of one Power size smaller, the Godbound can selectively
add or subtract 2 from any action die roll they take. Thus, if a city of
Power 2 had a village’s worth of trees among them, they
would be subject to the Godbound's influence. The Godbound must
be aware of the effort the faction is making to influence the roll.

Unified concept
At ninth level the Godbound’s influence is so great that they can personally act as a faction.
When the godbound commits effort for the day, A faction aligned with the concept they are
aligned with can take an additional action aligned with the concept once per month. This
ability can only be used once per month.

Ultimate Mastery. At tenth level, any social changes you make on sentient beings who
heavily interact with your concept are always plausible. In addition, you can freely
communicate to all who follow your concept, or through any non sentient manifestations like
trees simultaneously, and answer their prayers.

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