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The violation of any of the following instructions will result in -0.5pt/each in this report
1. Report must be submitted in PDF form
2. All answers must be in English
3. All drawing must be hand-drawn (photos of hand-drawn figures are accepted) unless
otherwise instructed
4. Font must be Arial, Calibri, Tahoma or Times New Roman and Font size at 12
5. Paper size is A4 and margin set at 1” at all sides
6. All information on the first page has to be filled
7. There has to be page number on each page
8. Follow the word limit:
a. Introduction: 150 words or fewer
b. Procedure: 50 words or fewer
The violation of the following instructions will result in 100% deduction of your report score
1. Report must be submitted on Blackboard prior to the due date and time
2. Report must show student’s own work and not anyone else’s
Group Number:

Group Member’s Full Name Group Member’s Student ID

Date of submission:
By submitting this report to Blackboard, we certify that we all agree this is the final
version of our report and all of us would share the same report score regardless of our
individual contribution.

1/- Introduction:

2/- Procedure:

3/- Results: Identify cellular membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm.

Sample name: Sample name:

Observe at __x objective Observe at __x objective

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4/- Discussion:
a) What is the function of Lugol solution in these experiments?

b) What is the difference between plant cells and animal cells?


1/- Introduction:

2/- Procedure:

3/- Results: Describe the purple area (size and level of color)

0.85% NaCl -----------------------------------> 5% NaCl

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0.85% NaCl -----------------------------------> Water
4/- Discussion:
a) Explain the phenomenon.

b) When putting plant cells in concentrated NaCl, plasmolysis happened. When putting
animal cells in water, hemolysis occurred. What makes the phenomenon in plant
cells different from in animal cells?

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