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The health benefits of betel leaves are masked due to its usage in Quid.

A quid is a small parcel

in which areca nuts, slaked lime, tobacco powder etc are wrapped in betel leaf. These Quids are
chewed to get a high. A large population of South East Asia consumes quids which are known to
cause cancer. This may be due to irritants which are used with betel leaves. Many studies have
shown that betel leaves have anti cancer properties.

According to principles of ayurveda these leaves are light to digest and hot in potency. They
balance vata and kapha, but vitiate pitta. The following uses of betel leaves are indicated in

In wounds: The paste of these leaves can be applied on chronic wounds. It’s antibacterial, anti
inflammatory and cleansing properties help to clean the wound, reduce pain and accelerate
healing process.

In joint pains: A hot poultice of betel leaves help to reduce joint pain in arthritis.

Stomach colicky in infants: When toddlers suffer from stomach colicky (stomach pain) the
following home remedy can be done. Smear castor oil or coconut oil on smooth surface of 2-3
broad leaves. Warm them little by holding them on candle or oil lamp.  Place this leaf on
stomach. Take care not to overheat the leaf. Repeat the process for 3-4 minutes. The baby gets
relieved of colic pain.

Indigestion and Bad breath: Chewing leaves of these plants after meals helps to relieve bad
breath and eases digestion. It increases secretion of digestive juices, reduces bloating of
stomach, cleanses the oral cavity, relieves constipation and destroys parasites of intestine.

In sore throat: Mix 5 ml of juice of betel leaves in a glass of warm water and gargle. This helps
to relieve sore throat. Singers can regularly use this remedy to keep their vocal chords healthy.

Weight loss: Betel leaves can be used by people who are on weight loss program. It
reduces medha dhatu (body fat) and increases the rate of metabolism.

Erectile dysfunction in men: The use of these leaves in conditions like “dhwaja bhanga”
(erectile dysfunction) are widely appreciated in texts of ayurveda. Chewing 1-2 leaves of this vine
after meals help to overcome this condition. A mixture of saffron, cardamom, dry coconut
gratings, raisins and powdered sugar candy (misri) can be wrapped in these leaves to enhance
its aphrodisiac properties. This is a known natural herbal remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Precautions to use these leaves:

1. People suffering from acidity, stomach ulcers, migraines, urticaria, tuberculosis, epilepsy,
and other psychological disorders should never use these leaves.
2. Do not chew these leaves in form of quid.
3. Always chose semi tender juicy leaves. Old leaves will have lost their medicinal

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