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Unit 2

Task 4 – Let´s write a essay

Adriana Milena Duque Cód. 52.538.189

Grupo: 90170_107


Viviana Carolina Rodríguez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas, Contables, Económicas y de Negocios

Administración de empresas

Bogotá D.C. 28 de abril de 2022

The importance of social networks

I consider that social networks are a tool that is used to communicate in the family or at a
professional level, thanks to its connection with the whole world, it facilitates communication, thus
transforming the entire universe. The networks have led human beings and companies to worry
more about being up to date so that their brand, product or comment is seen by more people to the
point that it becomes popular or known in the world, as is the case with the influencers. , singers,
actors and now the common people.

Currently I am not very passionate about social networks, I prefer to use them to keep up with
news or things of interest such as tours, sports or concerts, the last social network application that
I download on my cell phone and with which I keep updated is Twitter and Instagram.

For the year 2021, the most used networks worldwide were: YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook
Messenger, Instagram, TikTok, among others. In my case, if I were a Youtuber or influencer, I
would dedicate myself to uploading videos showing the landscapes or tourist sites of Colombia.
encourage more people to get to know my country.

In the near future, social networks and their tendency is to make the use of chats much more
different from the more traditional ones, such as Snapchat, private messages on Instagram or Tik
Tok. that has shown how the reflection of the networks will be in the future

We can conclude that social networks are very important since with them we can know, contact,
see and share information according to our taste or preference.

live classes, exercises, doing crafts among others makes networks help us more and more, in the
business field they help make tasks such as hiring, digital marketing, product display easier for the
businessman or entrepreneur who wants to offer different products to a particular market.

It is very important to bear in mind that the information we receive and that we share with family
and friends must be real, truthful information that really contributes to us or teaches us something

I believe that social networks currently contribute to making our lives easier on a day-to-day basis,
but it has also served to irresponsible people to make the networks something disastrous and
negative for other people, for example false news, videos that motivate violence, mistreatment or
generate chaos makes a country like ours become increasingly violent

· Include a picture related to the essay.


With this activity we can conclude the importance and the turn that social networks make in the

world on a daily basis since every day they facilitate communication and interaction, it is very important

that the information that we share with our environment is done in a responsible manner in order to

avoid misinformation Of the same.

In the same way, it is important to take into account that the networks are for investigative,

recreational, educational use and our health should not be affected by the misuse of technology.

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