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The sentences in the story are intentionally jumbled up. Please go thru the story and
arrange the same in correct sequence to make a sense.

1. The TV antenna wire was cut by sharp edge of terrace railing and was
dangling only with insulation.

2. The mother cursed the TV dealer and said “We can get the TV repaired
again but I have always telling you all, that our TV dealer is useless who
dumps us with lousy products. We should have brought the TV from another

3. He noticed that their neighbor’s TV antenna wire was also rubbing against
the terrace railings. He planned to inform his neighbor regarding the likely
problem & the remedy he had adopted.

4. They could not go to their aunt’s house on Sunday to see the match on TV as
their car battery run down.

5. The picture came bright & clear. The little boy said “See there is nothing
wrong with either dealer or with TV.”

6. The QIP family was very keen to see the final of Euro cup football match on
Sunday night but on Sunday morning they realized that their TV set was not

7. The elder brother plugged in the internal antenna and the picture did come
but hazy.

8. The father said “In our TV there is no picture or sound; although the power
supply is alright and the transmission also seems to be ok & our neighbor’s
TV is also working fine.

9. The next day he put extra insulation with thicker plastic, where the wire
rubbed on sharp edge railing.

10.They checked the main switch & TV socket, the channel selector switch &
the antenna. All appeared to be ok.
11.He discarded that portion of wire & reconnected the new end to the antenna.

12.He said “There is something definitely wrong with TV antenna”.

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