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Think of your classmate/s when you were in elementary or high school that has learning difficulty.

Please don’t mention their names. 

1. What are the manifestations of their learning disability? (maximum of 30 words)

 The manifestation of her learning disability are he can’t read properly specially in
English, and he struggles to cope up and he experience difficulty in analyzing
and understanding the lesson.

2. How did you, your classmates, and teachers react towards them? (maximum of 30 words)

 Our reaction of her learning disability is of course worried, because of her

learning disability, so we give him the service that he needs to be able to
understand the lesson easily.

3. If you can bring back time, how will you help them? (maximum of 50 words)

 If I can back that time, I will guide him and give him more attention to teach of
her difficulties in understanding our lesson. And I will become patiently to teach
and guide him for her learning disability. And if I can’t do the service that he
needs, I’ll suggest to bring him to the school that can help him very will.

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