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1.Optical fibre works on which of the 4.The fuse in an electric circuit is

following principle of light? connected in
A. Reflection A. parallel to live
B. Refraction B. parallel to neutral
C. Diffraction C. series with live
D. Total internal reflection D. series with neutral
Ans. D Ans. C
Sol. Optical fibre works on Total internal Sol. • A fuse wire is a safety wire
reflection. It is the phenomenon which connected in series with the live
occurs when a propagated wave strikes a wire, in case of any large current supply
medium boundary at an angle larger than or malfunctioning in the electric
a particular critical angle with respect to connections it melts and breaks the
the normal to the surface. electric circuit.
• It is always in series with the load no
2.What is the SI unit of Young’s modulus matter where its located. Many loads
of elasticity? have an integral fuse that protects the
A. Henry appliance load.
B. Hertz • Usually there is a fuse (or more common
C. Pascal these days, a circuit breaker) in the
D. Dioptre distribution box. This is intended to
Ans. C protect both the wiring and the appliance
Sol. Young's modulus of elasticity is the load.
ratio of longitudinal stress to
longitudinal strain. Stress has units of 5.Electric Motor converts _____ energy to
pressure and strain is a mechanical energy.
dimensionlessquantity and so Young's A. sound
modulus has units of pressure. Its SI B. mechanical
unit is therefore Pascal. C. chemical
D. electrical
3.The matter that supports the sound is Ans. D
called ________. Sol. Electric Motor converts electrical
A. Medium energy to mechanical energy. It is based
B. Temperature on the principle that when a current-
C. Density carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic
D. None of the above field, it experiences a mechanical force
Ans. A whose direction is given by Fleming's
Sol. The speed of sound is not always the Left-hand rule and whose magnitude is
same. Remember that sound is a given by Force, F = B I l newton
vibration of kinetic energy passed from Where B is the magnetic field in weber/m
molecule to molecule. The closer the I is the current in amperes and
molecules are to each other and the l is the length of the coil in meter.
tighter their bonds, the less time it takes
for them to pass the sound to each other 6.Who was the first to use radio waves to
and the faster sound can travel. It is detect "the presence of distant metallic
easier for sound waves to go through objects"?
solids than through liquids because the A. Joseph Niepce
molecules are closer together and more B. Blaise Pascal
tightly bonded in solids. Similarly, it is C. Linus Pauling
harder for sound to pass through gases D. Hulsmeyer
than through liquids, because gaseous Ans. D
molecules are farther apart. The speed of Sol.• The German inventor Christian
sound is faster in solid materials and Hulsmeyer was the first to use radio
slower in liquids or gases. waves to detect "the presence of distant
metallic objects".


• 1904, he demonstrated the feasibility of A. Neem

detecting a ship in dense fog, but not its B. Pineapple
distance from the transmitter. C. Tamarind
D. Chiku
7.Which of the following elements has the Ans. C
lowest melting point? Sol. Tamarind, whose scientific name is
A. Zinc Tamarindus indica is a leguminous tree in
B. Titanium the family Fabaceae indigenous to
C. Sulphur tropical Africa. The tamarind
D. Fluorine treeproduces pod-like fruit, which
Ans. D contain an edible pulp that is used in
Sol. Fluorine has a low melting point cuisines around the world.
and boiling point, the lowest of the
halogens. This is because the 11. Air has maximum proportion of which
instantaneous dipole-induced dipole inert gas?
bonds are weak due to F2 having less A. Carbon Dioxide
electrons than any other halogen B. Nitrous Oxide
molecules. Fluorine is the most C. Argon
electronegative element of all. D. Carbon Monoxide
Ans. C
8.Fe has 26 protons in its nucleus. What Sol. • Air has a maximum proportion of
are the number of electrons in Fe2+ (II) argon inert gas.
ion? • Air is a mixture of gases in varying
A. 24 amounts. It consists of 78% nitrogen,
B. 26 21% oxygen, argon and other inert gases
C. 28 to the extent of about 1.0%.
D. 13 • carbon dioxide varies in amount from
Ans. A 0.1% to 0.3%. The variation is mainly
Sol. • Fe2+ ion contains 24 electrons. due to combustion photosynthetic
• There are 26 electrons in Fe atom. Fe processes.
atom loses 2 electrons and change to
Fe2+ ion. So there is 24 electrons in Fe2+ 12.Which of the gas is not known as
ion. greenhouse gas?
A. Methane
9.Which of the following is a radioactive B. Carbon dioxide
element? C. Nitrous oxide
A. Cobalt D. Hydrogen
B. Uranium Ans. D
C. Argon Sol. Greenhouse gas (GHG) is a gas in an
D. Chromium atmosphere that absorbs and emits
Ans. B radiation within the thermal infrared
Sol. • Uranium is weakly radioactive range. This process is the fundamental
because all its isotopes are unstable (with cause of the greenhouse effect. The
half-lives of the five naturally known primary greenhouse gases in Earth's
isotopes, uranium-233 to uranium-236 atmosphere are water vapor, carbon
and uranium-238, varying between dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and
159200 years and 4.5 billion years). ozone.
• This radioactive metal is unique in that
one of its isotopes, uranium-235, is the 13.Which of the following are longest cells
only naturally occurring isotope capable of human body?
of sustaining a nuclear fission reaction. A. Pancreatic cells
B. Epethelial cells
10.Tamarindus indica is the scientific C. Nerve cells
name of __________. D. Epidermal cells


Ans. C D. Urea
Sol. Nerve cells are longest cells of Ans. C
human body.A neuron, also known as a Sol. • Glucse is a carbohydrate.
neurone and nerve cell, is an electrically • Urea (NH2)2CO is a chemical that
excitable cell that receives, processes, comes from the breakdown of proteins
and transmits information through and is excreted by the body as a waste
electrical and chemical signals. These product from your kidneys.
signals between neurons occur via • Insulin is a hormone.
specialized connections called synapses.
17.Which of the following transports
14.Which organ is affected by Pneumonia water from the roots of the plant to its
disease? leaves?
A. Skin and intestine A. Xylem
B. Urinary tract B. Phloem
C. Liver C. Both xylem and phloem
D. Lungs D. Cortex
Ans. D Ans. A
Sol. • Pneumonia is an infection in one or Sol. Xylem/Sapwood
both lungs. • The xylem, or sapwood, comprises the
• It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or youngest layers of wood. Its network of
fungi. Bacterial pneumonia is the most thick - walled cells brings water and
common type in adults. nutrients up from the roots through tubes
• Pneumonia causes inflammation in the to the leaves and other parts of the tree.
air sacs in your lungs, which are called • Xylem cells in the central portion of the
alveoli. The alveoli fill with fluid or pus, tree become inactive and die as tree
making it difficult to breathe. grows. These led to the formation of
tree’s heartwood.
15.Bio-fertilizers convert nitrogen to Phloem/Inner Bark
______ . • The phloem or inner bark, which is
A. nitrates found between the cambium and the
B. ammonia outer bark, acts as a food supply line by
C. nitrogenase carrying sap (sugar and nutrients
D. amino acids dissolved in water) from the leaves to the
Ans. B rest of the tree.
Sol. Bio-fertilizers convert nitrogen to
ammonia. 18.The function of haemoglobin in the
• Nitrogen fixation is a process by which body is
nitrogen in the Earth's atmosphere is A. Transport of Oxygen
converted into ammonia (NH3) or other B. Destruction of bacteria
molecules available to living organisms. C. Prevention of anemia
• Atmospheric nitrogen or molecular di D. Utilisation of iron
nitrogen (N2) is relatively inert: it does Ans. A
not easily react with other chemicals to Sol. The function of haemoglobin in the
form new compounds. body is transport of Oxygen.
• Nitrogen fixation is carried out naturally Hemoglobin in the bloodcarries oxygen
in the soil by nitrogen-fixing bacteria such from the respiratory organs (lungs or
as Azotobacter. gills) to the rest of the body (i.e. the
tissues). There it releases the oxygen to
16.Which one of the following is a permit aerobic respiration to provide
carbohydrate? energy to power the functions of the
A. Insulin organism in the process called
B. Glycine metabolism.
C. Glucose


19.Kidney stones are composed of C. 6.023 × 10-23

_______. D. 6.023 × 1023
A. Calcium Oxalate Ans. D
B. Sodium Chloride Sol. The number 6.023 × 1023 is called
C. Magnesium Nitrate Avogadro’s number. The Avogadro
D. Calcium Bicarbonate constant is the number of constituent
Ans. A particles, usually atoms or molecules,
Sol. Kidney stones are composed of that are contained in one mole of a
Calcium oxalate. substance. It is a dimensionless
● Calcium oxalate is a calcium salt of quantity. Avogadro's number may be
oxalic acid with the chemical formula designated using the symbol L or NA.
● Calcium oxalate is a poisonous 23.Who is known as the father of periodic
substance that can produce sores and table?
numbing on ingestion and may even be A. Dmitri Mendeleev
fatal. B. Antoine Lavoisier
● Many plants accumulate calcium C. John Newlands
oxalate as it has been reported in more D. Henry Moseley
than 1000 different genera of plants. Ans. A
Sol. Dmitri Mendeleev is known as the
20.The word CNG in the transport father of periodic table. He was a
network system stands for Russian chemist and inventor. He
A. Chlorine Natural Gas formulated the periodic law, created a
B. Commercial Natural Gas far sighted version of the periodic table of
C. Compressed Natural Gas elements, and used it to correct the
D. Condensed Natural Gas properties of some already discovered
Ans. C elements and also to predict the
Sol. CNG stands for compressed properties of eight elements yet to be
natural gas. Natural gas is discovered.
predominantly methane and is used by
many people for cooking and heating in 24.Which of the following pair is
their homes. Like petrol and diesel it is a INCORRECT?
fossil I. Parsec - Distance
II. Barrel - Liquid
21.Which blood group is universal donor? III. Light year - Time
A. O+ A. Only III
B. O– B. Only I and III
C. AB– C. Only II
D. AB+ D. All are correct
Ans. B Ans. A
Sol. It’s the blood group named O- which Sol. Light year is the measure of distance
is known as universal donor. It is so and not that of time. It actually means
because it has neither A nor B as surface the distance which the light can cover in
antigens on the red blood cells, also the a year. Based on the definition, one light
fact such blood group also lack D protein, year equals to 95*1011 Kilometers.
as a result there is likely immune
response against it, making it a universal 25.What is the name of the first Super
donor. Computer of the world?
A. CDC 6600
22.What is the numerical value of the B. USENET
Avogadro constant? C. COM ODOR VIC/20
A. 4.8 × 1010 D. PARAM-8000
B. 9.1 × 10-31 Ans. A


Sol. • The name of the first • During the Gulf war in 1991 when Iraq’s
supercomputer of the world is CDC6600. Scud missile attacks, THAAD was
These were the first mainframe developed after this experience.
computers and belonged to CDC 6000 • It was manufactured by Lockheed
series which was manufactured by control Martin, deigned in 1987 and produced in
Data Corporation in the 1960s. 2008. The weight of missile is 900kg,
• Supercomputer PARAM 8000 (made by length is 6.17m and speed is mach 8.24
the Centre for Development of Advanced (2.8 km/s).
Computing (C-DAC)) was launched on
July 1, 1991 is considered India's first 29.What is the common name of CaOCl2?
supercomputer. A. Baking Powder
B. Baking Soda
26.On which principle does the hydraulic C. Bleaching Powder
lift works? D. Washing Soda
A. Newton's law Ans. C
B. Pascal's law Sol. • Calcium Hydrochlorite Ca(OCl)2
C. Archimedes's law which is commonly known as ‘Bleaching
D. Joule's law Powder’ is used as a bleaching agent for
Ans. B water treatment.
Sol. It’s the Pascal’s law on which the • This compound is relatively stable and
hydraulic lift work. Moreover this law has higher available chlorine than Sodium
states that in fluid mechanics a pressure Hypochlorite.
change occurring in a confined • It is white solid which is not highly
incompressible fluid is transmitted soluble in water and is more preferably
throughout the fluid such that the same used in soft to medium-hard water.
change occurs everywhere.
30.What does ‘B’ stand for in BIOS
27.Who is known as the ‘Father of Email’? program which is stored in ROM?
A. Larry Page A. Basic
B. Alan Turing B. Boot
C. Raymond Tomlinson C. Base
D. Elon Musk D. Business
Ans. C Ans. A
Sol. Raymond Tomlinson is considered as Sol. BIOS stands for ‘Basic Input
the ‘Father of Email’. He was a pioneering Output System’. This program is stored
American computer programmer who in ROM. When a user turn on a PC, the
implemented the first email program on BIOS first conducts a basic hardware
the ARPANET system, the precursor to check, called a Power-On Self Test
the Internet, in 1971. He is (POST), to determine whether all of the
internationally known and credited as the attachments are present and working.
inventor of email. Then it loads the operating system into
computer's random access memory
28.Write the full form of THAAD? (RAM).
A. Terminal Hot Altitude Area Defence
B. Terminal High Altitude Area Defence 31.By which method, glucose is
C. Terminal High Activity Area Defence converted in to alcohol?
D. Terminal Hot Activity Area Defence A. Fermentation
Ans. B B. Oxidation
Sol. • Terminal High Altitude Area C. Distillation
Defence is the full form of THAAD. It is D. Hydrolysis
an American anti-ballistic missile defence Ans. A
system. Sol. • Fermentation is the process in
which yeast breaks down glucose sugar
into alcohol and carbon dioxide.


• CO2 gas bubbles out of the fermenting • The belief underpinning the use of the
solution into the air leaving a mixture of polygraph is that deceptive answers will
ethanol and water. produce physiological responses that can
• It's important that no air is present or be differentiated from those associated
the yeast will produce ethanoic acid. with non-deceptive answers.
• The polygraph was invented in 1921 by
32.Process of gaining electrons is known John Augustus Larson, a medical student
as _____. at the University of California, Berkeley
A. oxidation and a police officer of the Berkeley Police
B. reduction Department in Berkeley, California.
C. radiation
D. both oxidation and reduction 35.Which among the following is not an
Ans. B input device?
Sol. Redox is a chemical reaction in which A. Plotter
the oxidation states of atoms changes. It B. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
involves the transfer of electrons between (MICR)
elements. C. Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
• Oxidation is the chemical reaction in D. Barcode Reader
which there is a loss of electrons or an Ans. A
increase in oxidation state by a molecule, Sol. Plotter is not an input device rather
atom, or ion. it is an output device. Like a printer it is a
• Reduction is a chemical reaction where computer hardware device that is used
there is the gain of electrons or a for printing vector graphics. Instead of
decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, toner, plotters use a pen, pencil, marker,
atom, or ion. or another writing tool to draw multiple,
continuous lines onto paper rather than a
33.What happens in an oxidation series of dots like a traditional printer.
A. Protons are lost. 36.Who discovered electron?
B. Electrons are lost A. E. Goldstein
C. Neutrons are lost. B. J. J. Thomson
D. Electrons are gained. C. Ernest Rutherford
Ans. B D. J. Chadwick
Sol. Oxidation is a chemical reaction Ans. B
which involves exchange of electrons Sol. Electron was discovered by J.J.
between two reactants. The reactant Thomson. He was an English physicist
which loses the electron is oxidized. An and a Nobel laureate who is credited with
example of oxidation is when iron the discovery of first Sub atomic article.
combines with oxygen to form iron oxide He did this discovery with the help of
or rust. The iron is said to have been cathode rays.
oxidized into rust.
37.In MICR, what does 'I' stands for?
34.What is Polygraph? A. Interactive
A. Lie dectector B. Information
B. Sine wave Graph C. Ink
C. Graph of ECG D. Instruction
D. A set of graphs Ans. C
Ans. A Sol. In MICR, I stands for Ink. Also the
Sol. • A polygraph, popularly referred to full expansion of the term would be
as a lie detector, measures and records Magnetic ink character recognition mode,
several physiological indices such as and is a character recognition technology
blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and used by banking industry to ease the
skin conductivity while the subject is processing and clearance of cheques and
asked and answers a series of questions. other documents.


38.Minamata disease is a nervous • They are the edible seeds of plants in

disorder caused by eating fish, polluted the legume family.
with _______. • Pulses are annual crops mainly grown in
A. Iron dry region. Ex Grams, Peas, Beans etc.
B. Mercury
C. Lead 42.In a projectile motion, the horizontal
D. Nickel range achieved is same whether the body
Ans. B is projected at theta and ___________.
Sol. • Minamata disease is a nervous A. 180 degree minus theta 180
disorder caused by eating fish, polluted B. 60 degree minus theta 60
with Mercury. C. 120 degree minus theta
• The disease has Symptoms like D. 90 degree minus theta
numbness in the hands and feet, general Ans. D
muscle weakness, loss of peripheral Sol. Projectile motion is a type of motion
vision and damage to hearing and in which an object is moves along a
speech. It can be treated with surgical curved path under the action of gravity. A
intervention. projectile launched on level ground with
an initial speed V0 at an angle θ above the
39.What is the scientific name of Giant horizontal will have the
panda? • Same range as a projectile launched
A. Ailuropodamelanoleuca with an initial speed Vo at 90 ° − θ.
B. Balaenoptera musculus • Maximum range when θ = 45 °.
C. Danaus plexippus
D. Haliaeetusleucocephalus 43.Electroscope was invented by
Ans. A A. William Gilbert
ZOOLOGICAL NAMES: C. Joseph Nicephore Niepce
Blue whale-Balaenoptera musculus D. Ted Nelson
Giant panda- Ailuropodamelanoleuca Ans. A
Mouse-Mus musculus Sol. • An electroscope is a scientific
Monarch butterfly-Danaus plexippus instrument used to detect the presence
Lion-Pantheraleo and magnitude of electric charge on a
40.Which of the following is an ore of • It was invented by William Gilbert.
iron? 44.The glowing surface of the Sun is
A. Dolomite called ___.
B. Epsom Salt A. Photosphere
C. Siderite B. Chromosphere
D. Galena C. Corono
Ans. C D. Troposphere
Sol. Siderite is an ore of iron. It contains Ans. A
around 50% iron carbonate, followed by Sol. The atmosphere of the sun is
zinc and magnesium. It is lustrous and composed of several layers, mainly the
hard found in hydrothermal veins and photosphere, the chromosphere and the
sedimentary rocks at shallow depths. corona. The lowest layer of the sun's
atmosphere is the photosphere. This
41.Pulses are a rich source of which of the layer is where the sun's energy is
following? released as light. It is the visible "surface"
A. Carbohydrates of the Sun Hence refer as the glowing
B. Proteins surface of Sun.
C. Minerals
D. Vitamin 45.Achras sapota is the scientific name of
Ans. B A. Custard Apple
Sol. • Pulses are a rich source of proteins. B. Gulmohar


C. Tamarind symmetrical.example snail, oyster,

D. Chiku octopus , squid.
Ans. D
Sol. Chiku has its scientific name as 49.Whatis the full form of PVC?
Achras sapota. It is a native of Central A. Phosphonil vinyl Carbonate
America and were introduced in B. Polyvinyl S Carbonate
Philippines by the Spanish people. From C. Polyvinyl Carbonate
there it went on to spread to Indian D. Polyvinyl Chloride
subcontinent. The fruit has an Ans. D
exceptionally sweet, malty flavor. Flesh Sol. PVC is abbreviated as polyvinyl
ranges from a pale yellow to an earthy chloride. It is a thermoplastic which is
brown color with a grainy texture and has made by polymerization of the monomer
glossy seeds within it. vinyl chloride CH2=CHCl. PVC turns soft
when heated and hard when cooled. Due
46.Farad is unit of _________. to its qualities like light weight, low
A. Capacitance reactivity and high strength and
B. Reactance recyclability it’s used in making pipes,
C. Electric charge electric cable insulation.
D. Electric conductance
Ans. A 50.Mangroves are plants that have
Sol. Farad is SI unit of Capacitance. 1 A. Modified Roots
farad = 1 coulomb/volt. One farad is B. Modified Stems
defined as the capacitance of a capacitor C. Respiratory Roots
which requires a charge of one coulomb D. Respiratory Stems
to establish a potential difference of one Ans. C
volt between its plates. Sol. Mangroves are plants that have
respiratory roots. They are salt tolerant
47.Formula for distance is trees that grow in coastal brackish water
A. speed x time in tropical and sub tropical regions of the
B. Time / speed world. They intake oxygen through
C. speed x acceleration pneumatophores which are the
D. Velocity / speed respiratory roots of mangroves further
Ans. A they have buttresses and stilt roots to
Sol. • Distance is a scalar quantity and it cope up with salt immersion and wave
can never be negative as it does not action.
consider magnitude unlike displacement.
• It is calculated as a product of speed of 51.Rate of change of momentum is
an object and time taken by an object to _____.
reach a particular point. A. Area
• It is expressed as Km/Hr. B. Pressure
C. Force
48.Octopus belongs to the phylum D. Velocity
A. Mollusca Ans. C
B. Cnidaria Sol. Force is defined as rate of change of
C. Echinodermata momentum. Force is a push and pull
D. Chordata motion and any interaction which when
Ans. A unopposed, will change the motion of an
Sol. Octopus belongs to the phylum object. It causes an object with mass to
Mollusca. Octopus are soft bodied , eight change its velocity. S.I. unit of force is
armed invertebrates found in coral reefs, newton.
pelagic waters or sea beds . They have an
excellent sense of touch. The species 52.Which physical quantity is measured
belonging to phylum mollusca have a in 'siemens'?
calcareous shell and are bilaterally


A. Electric potential time required for the sound waves to

B. Electrical conductance travel from a point near the surface of the
C. Magnetic flux water to the bottom and back.
D. Refractive index
Ans. B 56.Plank’s constant has the dimensions of
Sol. Electrical conductance is measured in A. linear momentum
Siemens. It is the measure of a material's B. angular momentum
ability to allow the transport of an electric C. force
charge and is the ratio of the current D. energy
density to the electric field strength. Its Ans. B
S.I. unit is siements per metre. Sol. The Planck constant has dimensions
of physical action; i.e., energy multiplied
53.Which chemical compound is used in by time, or momentum multiplied by
making of dyes? distance, or angular momentum. In SI
A. Potassium Bromide units, the Planck constant is expressed in
B. Potassium Chloride joule-seconds (J⋅s) or (N⋅m⋅s) or
C. Potassium Carbonate (kg⋅m2⋅s−1).
D. Potassium Sulfate
Ans. C 57.Hydraulic brakes in automobiles work
Sol. Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3) is on
used in making glass, dyes, and some A. Pascal’s principle
soaps. Potassium Bromide is used in B. Archimedes’ principle
photography. Potassium chlride and C. Bernouili’s principle
Potassium sulfate are used in making D. Poiseuille’s principle
fertilizer. Ans. A
Sol. Hydraulic break system used to stop
54.The phenomenon which causes moving vehicles and work on the basis of
mirage is Pascal's principle. It states when there is
A. Total internal reflection an increase in pressure at any point in a
B. Diffraction confined fluid, there is an equal increase
C. Polarisation at every other point in the container.
D. Interference Pascal's Principle in the Auto braking
Ans. A system, Hydraulic Brake. When brake
Sol. The phenomenon which causes pedal in pressed, the force is transmitted
mirage is Total internal reflection. A to the brake shoes through a liquid (link)
Mirage is an optical phenomemon or an
optical illusion caused due to refraction of 58.The basic process taking place in
light. Mirage happens in desert areas nuclear reactors is
where people see water near the horizon A. Fusion
and try to get it, but as they go closer, B. Fission
water goes further. This is because C. Radioactivity
actually there is no water. D. None of the above
Ans. B
55.Which device is used to measure the Sol. When a large fissile atomic nucleus
depth of ocean? such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239
A. Lexometer absorbs a neutron, it may undergo
B. Nanometer nuclear fission. The heavy nucleus splits
C. Fathometer into two or more lighter nuclei, (the
D. Hydrometer fission products), releasing kinetic
Ans. C energy, gamma radiation, and free
Sol. Fathometer is used to measure the neutrons. Nuclear plants, like plants that
depth of ocean. This instrument is based burn coal, oil and natural gas, produce
on the echo-sounding, and the water electricity by boiling water into steam.
depths are obtained by determining the This steam then turns turbines to produce


electricity. The difference is that nuclear ophthalmologist. In 1888, he constructed

plants do not burn anything. Instead, and fitted what was to be considered the
they use uranium fuel, consisting of solid first successful model of a contact lens:
ceramic pellets, to produce electricity an afocal scleral contact shell made from
through a process called fission. heavy brown glass, which he tested first
on rabbits, then on himself, and lastly on
59.In Moseley’s periodic table elements a small group of volunteers.
are arranged according to-
A. Increasing atomic number 62.Blood pressure is measured by
B. Increasing atomic weight _______.
C. Increasing reactivity A. Barometer
D. Types of element B. Sphygmomanometer
Ans. A C. Hydrometer
Sol. Mosely’s periodic table - According to D. Thermometer
their increasing atomic number Ans. B
Mendeleev’s periodic table - According to Sol. Sphygmomanometer is an
their increasing weight instrument for measuring blood pressure.
It consists an inflatable rubber cuff which
60.Match the following: is applied to the arm and connected to a
Process - Changes column of mercury next to a graduated
a. Evaporation - 1. Liquid into gas scale, enabling the determination of
b. Sublimation - 2. Liquid into solid systolic and diastolic blood pressure by
c. Freezing - 3. Solid into gas increasing and gradually releasing the
d. Melting - 4. Solid into liquid pressure in the cuff.
A. a-1, b-2, c-4, d-3
B. a-1, b-3, c-2, d-4 63.Which type of frictional force is
C. a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3 exerted between two surfaces in relative
D. a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4 motion?
Ans. B A. Rolling friction
Sol. • Evaporation is a type of B. Kinetic friction
vaporization of a liquid that occurs from C. Static friction
the surface of a liquid into a gaseous D. Limiting friction
phase that is not saturated with the Ans. B
evaporating substance. Sol. Kinetic friction is a force that acts
• Sublimation is the transition of a between moving surfaces. An object that
substance directly from the solid to the is being moved over a surface will
gas phase without passing through the experience a force in the opposite
intermediate liquid phase. direction as its movement. The
• Freezing, or solidification, is a phase magnitude of the force depends on the
transition in which a liquid turns into a coefficient of kinetic friction between
solid when its temperature is lowered the two kinds of material.
below its freezing point.
• Melting is a physical process that 64.The first picture of a pinhole camera
results in the phase transition of a obscura is a drawn by?
substance from a solid to a liquid. A. Gemma Frisus' De Radio
B. Giambattista della Porta
61.Who invented the contact lens? C. David Brewster
A. Enrico Fermi D. Sir William Crookes
B. Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick Ans. A
C. Sandford Fleming Sol. The first picture of a pinhole
D. Benoit Fourneyron camera obscura is a drawing by an
Ans. B astronomer Gemma Frisus' De Radio.
Sol. Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick invented the A pinhole camera or dark chamber is a
contact lens. He was a German camera with a pinhole aperture and no


lens. Light passes through the hole; an Ans. A

image is formed in the camera. Sol. pascal as the unit for measuring the
He used the pinhole in his darkened internal pressure of a system undergoing
room to study the solar eclipse of 1544. expansion or contraction. The pascal is
A pinholelensless camera is a light-tight also the unit scientists use to quantify
box with a very fine round hole in one end internal stress experienced by a metal
and film or photographic paper in the body, and it's the unit for Young's
other. modulus, which is a measure of the
relationship between stress and strain in
65.__________ is the mechanical a material. In other words, Young's
transfer of energy to a system or from a modulus is a measure of the stiffness of
system by an external force on it. the material. Finally, the pascal is the unit
A. Work for tensile strength of a material, which is
B. Power the capacity of the material to withstand
C. Intensity loads that tend to elongate it.
D. Force
Ans. A 68.Which physical quantity is measured
Sol. Work done by an external force on a in 'siemens'?
system is always a transfer of energy in A. Electric potential
the form of kinetic energy, but the system B. Electrical conductance
may be instantaneously converting it to C. Magnetic flux
some other form of energy. D. Refractive index
Ans. B
66.A p-type and n-type semiconductor Sol. Electrical conductance is measured in
can be obtained by doping pure silicon Siemens. It is the measure of a material's
with ______. ability to allow the transport of an electric
A. Boron and Phosphorus charge and is the ratio of the current
B. Indium and Sodiuka density to the electric field strength. Its
C. Sodium and Magnesium S.I. unit is siements per metre.
D. Phosphorus and Sodium
Ans. A 69.The behavior of water around 4˙C
Sol. • An n-type and p-type Temperature is called as ______
semiconductor can obtained by doping expansion.
pure silicon with Phosphorus and A. Linear
Boron. B. Cubical
• Phophorus has 5 valence electrons, so it C. Thermal
will produce n-type semiconductor. Boron D. Anomalous
has 3 valence electrons, so it will produce Ans. D
p-type semiconductor. Sol. The anomalous expansion of water is
• In p-type semiconductors, holes are the an abnormal property of water where it
majority carriers and electrons are the expands instead of contracting when the
minority carriers. P-type semiconductors temperature goes from 4C to 0C, and it
are created by doping an intrinsic becomes less dense.
semiconductor with acceptor impurities ● Hydrogen bond is responsible for the
(or doping an n-type semiconductor). anomalous expansion of water below 4C.
• A common p-type dopant for silicon is ● Water is denser than ice while almost
boron. all the other substances are denser in
solid form than in liquid form.
67.The unit of which physical quantity is
not pascal? 70.In a projectile motion, the horizontal
A. Moment of inertia range achieved is same whether the body
B. Pressure is projected at theta and ___________.
C. Stress A. 180 degree minus theta 180
D. Young's modulus B. 60 degree minus theta 60


C. 120 degree minus theta around 1912. The term "itai-itai disease"
D. 90 degree minus theta was coined by locals for the severe pains
Ans. D victims felt in the spine and joints.
Sol. Projectile motion is a type of motion Cadmium poisoning can also cause
in which an object is moves along a softening of the bones and kidney failure.
curved path under the action of gravity. A
projectile launched on level ground with 74.Device used for the detection and
an initial speed V0 at an angle θ above the measurement of all types of radiation
horizontal will have the (alpha, beta and gamma)
• Same range as a projectile launched A. Geiger counter
with an initial speed Vo at 90 ° − θ. B. Polarimeter
• Maximum range when θ = 45 °. C. Calorimeter
D. Radiometer
71.Who invented Helicopter? Ans. A
A. Copernicus Sol. Geiger counter is used for measuring
B. Sikorsky ionizing radiation such as alpha particles,
C. Cockrell beta particles, or gamma rays. Geiger-
D. Drinker Müller tube uses radiation sensors which
Ans. B gives out an electronic signal when
Sol. Igor Ivanovich Sikorskywas a radiation is present which is displayed in
Russian-American aviation pioneer in "counts per second". And its unit is
both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. Sievert.
Since the flight of the world's first
practical helicopter in 1939, Sikorsky has 75.Which law of thermodynamics states
remained the industry leader through its that energy can neither be created nor
commitment to innovation and destroyed; energy can only be
excellence. transferred or changed from one form to
72.Venn diagram was invented by A. The zeroth law of thermodynamics
A. Lucien Vidi B. The first law of thermodynamics
B. John Venn C. The second law of thermodynamics
C. Theophilus Van Kannel D. The third law of thermodynamics
D. Lewis Urry Ans. B
Ans. B Sol. The first law of thermodynamics
Sol. Venn diagram were invented by John states that energy can neither be created
Venn. A Venn diagram is a diagram that nor destroyed; energy can only be
shows all possible logical relations transferred or changed from one form to
between a finite collections of different another. It is also called law of
sets. Sir John Venn invented the venn conversation energy. For example,
diagram so that he could find a better way turning on a light would seem to produce
to explain things and make it easier for energy; however, it is electrical energy
people and students to understand the that is converted.
76.How much energy is required by each
73.Cadmium pollution is associated with coulomb of charge passing through a 10
______ . V battery?
A. Minamata disease A. 1 Joule
B. Black foot disease B. 12 Joule
C. Dyslexia C. 10 Joule
D. Itai-itai D. 5 Joule
Ans. D Ans. C
Sol. Itai-itai disease was the name given Sol. The energy required by each
to the mass cadmium poisoning of coulomb of charge is equal to the amount
Toyama Prefecture, Japan, starting of work which is done in moving it.


electronegative element and the number

of molecules in an element changes due
to loss of electron.
So, work done = potential difference × • Loss of electron is due to addition of an
charge oxygen molecule or either due to removal
And it is given that, of hydrogen molecule.
charge = 1 coulomb • Example: rusting of iron is due to
potential difference = 10 V addition of oxygen molecule in iron.
So from above expression, work done =
10 × 1 = 10 Joule. 80.Automobile exhaust leads to a
Therefore, 10 J of energy is required by poisonous pollutant
each coulomb of charge passing through A. Carbon Dioxide
a battery of 10V. B. Sulphur Dioxide
C. Carbon Monoxide
77.The poisonous gas accidentally D. Nitrous Oxide
released in Bhopal Gas Tragedy is Ans. C
A. Methane Sol. Main motor vehicle emissions are
B. Nitrous Oxide NOx, Volatile organic compounds, Ozone,
C. Methyl Isocyanate Carbon monoxide (CO), Hazardous air
D. Cyanogen pollutants (toxics), Particulate matter
Ans. C (PM10 and PM2.5), Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Sol. The poisonous gas accidentally and Water vapor. Out of this Carbon
released in Bhopal Gas Tragedy is Methyl mono oxide is the poisonous gas.
Isocynate. It is one of the most disastrous
gas leakage which occurred in Bhopal in 81.If a ball is thrown up, which of the
December 1984. following does not change?
A. Acceleration
78.For what is Radiocarbon dating B. Speed
technique used? C. Potential energy
A. To estimate soil contamination D. Distance
B. To estimate the amount of water in Ans. A
fossils Sol. • When a ball is thrown up,
C. To estimate the age of fossils acceleration does not change.
D. To estimate the quality of soil Acceleration is the rate of change of
Ans. C velocity.
Sol. Radiocarbon dating is a method for • The acceleration does not change due to
determining the age of an object the presence of air resistance and
containing organic material by using the gravitational force which pulls the ball
properties of radiocarbon C14, a downwards with the same acceleration in
radioactive isotope of carbon. The which the ball goes up.
method was developed by Willard Libby • So, the acceleration remains g towards
and won Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his earth.
work in 1960.
82.What does the slope of a velocity time
79.Which among the following is not a graph reperesent ?
characteristic of oxidation reaction? A. Acceleration
A. It involves addition of hydrogen B. Distance
B. It involves addition of oxygen C. Speed
C. It involves loss of electrons D. momentum
D. It involves addition of electronegative Ans. A
element Sol. • Slope of a velocity time graph
Ans. A represents Acceleration.
Sol. • Oxidation reaction is a chemical • if the acceleration is zero, then the
reaction in which there is a addition of velocity-time graph is a horizontal line


(i.e., the slope is zero). If the acceleration bacterial infections, usually caused by
is positive, then the line is an upward Gram-positive organisms.
sloping line (i.e., the slope is positive). If
the acceleration is negative, then the 86.Crescograph was invented by
velocity-time graph is a downward A. S.N. Bose
sloping line (i.e., the slope is negative) B. P.C. Roy
C. J.C. Bose
83.Optical fibre works on which of the D. P.C. Mahalanobis
following principle of light? Ans. C
A. Reflection Sol. Indian Scientist Sir Dr. Jagadish
B. Refraction Chandra Bose invented the Crescograph
C. Diffraction an electrical instrument that could
D. Total internal reflection measure the growth of a plant
Ans. D
Sol. Optical fibre works on Total internal 87.Digestion of carbohydrates begins in
reflection. It is the phenomenon which _______?
occurs when a propagated wave strikes a A. Small intestine
medium boundary at an angle larger than B. Mouth
a particular critical angle with respect to C. Buccal cavity
the normal to the surface. D. Stomach
Ans. B
84.Which instrument is used to measure Sol. Digestion of carbohydrates, and in
very high temperatures? particular starches, begins in the mouth
A. Machmeter with the action of salivary amylase. This
B. Photometer enzyme catalyzes, or speeds along, the
C. Pyknometer hydrolysis of the starch molecule.
D. Pyrometer
Ans. D 88.Energy is stored in liver and muscles
Sol. A pyrometer is a device for in the form of
measuring very high temperatures and A. Carbohydrate
uses the principle that all substances emit B. Fat
radiant energy when hot, the rate of C. Protein
emission depending on their D. Glycogen
temperature. There are two main types of Ans. D
pyrometer, namely the total radiation Sol. When the body needs glucose for
pyrometer and the optical pyrometer. energy, stored fat in the Glycogen is
85.The discoverer of penicillin was
A. Lord Lister 89.Making of Curd from Milk is because
B. Alexander F1eming of:
C. Karl Landsteiner A. Bacteria
D. Walter Reed B. Virus
Ans. B C. Protozoa
Sol. Penicillin, the first true antibiotic, was D. Other
discovered by Alexander Fleming, Ans. A
Professor of Bacteriology at St. Mary's Sol. Bacteria was required in the process
Hospital in London. Penicillins are a of biotechnology from ancient times to
certain collection of antibiotics that curdling. To make curd, after boiling the
eliminate infection causing bacteria. Also milk to 30-40 ° C, it is cooled and added
known in short as pen or PCN, they a sweet curd. Now due to the presence of
originate from a type of fungi called lactic acid bacteria in the curd, the
Penicillium fungi. They are used in the bacteria present in it grow rapidly in a few
treatment or prevention of many different hours, accumulating whole milk.


90.The pH value of the blood in human Source: Science NCERT Class 9 Chapter
body is 4
A. 6.4
B. 4.8 94.Galvanization is a method of
C. 7.4 protecting iron from rusting by coating
D. 8.4 with a thin layer of –
E. 6.2 A. Gallium
Ans. C B. Aluminum
Sol. PH value of human body's blood is C. Zinc
7.4. An adult man has an average of 5-6 D. Silver
liters of blood. Ans. C
Sol. Zinc
91.In Nuclear reactors graphite is used • Galvanization (or galvanizing as it is
as______. most commonly called in that industry) is
A. Lubricant the process of applying a protective zinc
B. Fuel coating to steel or iron, to prevent
C. Linear of the reactor rusting. The most common method is
D. Moderator hot-dip galvanizing, in which parts are
Ans. D submerged in a bath of molten zinc.
Sol. Nuclear reactors are used at Source : Science NCERT Class 9 Chapter
nuclear power plants for electricity 4
generation .These are generally graphite
moderated and CO2cooled. 95.Decibel unit is used to measure
A. Light intensity
92.Teflon is the common name of B. Sound intensity
A. Polytetrafluoro ethylene C. Magnitude of Earthquake
B. Polyvinyl chloride D. None of the above
C. Polyvinyl fluoride Ans. B
D. Dichlorodifluoro methane Sol. The ' Decibel ' unit is used to measure
Ans. A the intensity of the sound. By Kandla, the
Sol. The common name of Polytetrafluoro intensity of light is measured. on the
ethylene is Teflon. reactor scale, the seismic intensity is
93.Rutherford’s alpha-particle scattering
experiment was responsible for the 96.In SONAR, we use
discovery of – A. ultrasonic waves
A. Atomic Nucleus B. Infrasonic waves
B. Electron C. radio waves
C. Proton D. audible sound waves
D. Neutron Ans. A
Ans. A Sol. Sonar (originally an acronym for
Sol. Atomic nucleus Sound Navigation And Ranging) is a
● On the basis of his experiment, technique that uses sound propagation
Rutherford put forward the nuclear model (usually underwater, as in submarine
of an atom, which had the following navigation) to navigate, communicate
features: with or detect objects on or under the
i. There is a positively charged centre in surface of the water, such as other
an atom called the nucleus. Nearly all the vessels.
mass of an atom resides in the nucleus.
ii. The electrons revolve around the 97.According to new definition adopted
nucleus in well-defined orbits. by ‘International Astronomial Union’ in
iii. The size of the nucleus is very small as 2006, which of the following is no a
compared to the size of the atom ‘planet’?


A. Uranus (iii) Ruby silver It is also called red silver.

B. Neptune (iv) Lunar caustic It is also called silver
C. Pluto nitrate (AgN03).
D. Jupiter
Ans. C 99.Which of the following in measured by
Sol. According to the new definition of the ‘Anemometer?
planets given in the conference organized A. Velocity of water-flow
in Prague in August 2006 by the B. Depth of water
International Astronomical Union (IAU), it C. Speed of the wind
has been classified as a dwarf planet in D. Intensity of light
the category of planet because it does not Ans. C
meet the criteria of calling Pluto as Planet. Sol. The power of wind and speed is
Pluto was invented in 1930 by Claude measured by the anemometer.
Tamvo. Anemometer was invented in 1846 by
John Thomas Romney Robinson.
98.Which one of the following does not
contain silver? 100.The image formed by an
A. Horn silver astronomical telescope is:
B. German silver A. Virtual and diminished
C. Ruby silver B. Virtual and magnified
D. Lunar caustic C. Real and diminished
Ans. B D. Real and magnified
Sol. Except German silver, all alloys given Ans. B
in question contain silver. There are some Sol. An astronomical telescope is an
important alloys and their components optical instrument which is used to see
are given below: the magnified image of distant heavenly
(i) Horn silver It is also called silver bodies like stars, planets, satellites and
chloride (Ag Cl). Its components are Ag galaxies etc. The final image formed by
and Cl. an astronomical telescope is always
(ii) German silver Cu-50%,Zn-35%,Ni-1 virtual, inverted and magnified.


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