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Comparison of the Reich Orgone Blanket 27/2/2022, 13:53

Experimental Comparison of the Reich Orgone Energy Blanket

with the New Line of "Plastic-Foil" Energy Blankets
Preliminary Report
September 2005

By James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
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The discovery of the Orgone Energy Blanket (OEB) by Dr. Wilhelm Reich dates to the 1940s or earlier, and together with the orgone
energy accumulator (upon which it is based) has been the subject of clinical trials and controlled experimental reports for many years.(1)
These reports include controlled studies on plants showing statistically-significant increases in growth, fruiting and flowering, on cancer
mice showing decreased tumor size and longer life, and double-blinded studies showing human physiological responses,(2) all in keeping
with Dr. Reich's original claims as regarding the bio-effects of concentrated orgone energy, or life-energy as accumulated and magnified
from the open atmosphere, and applied to living organisms.(3)

In more recent years, several new "energy blankets" have been put on the market which appear to be copies of Dr. Reich's original designs,
but which use much cheaper materials, and generally fail to mention his research priority and discovery. This could be because the
manufacturers of those products are genuinely ignorant of Dr. Reich's original discovery and research priority, or because of
merchandising competition with the OEB, which currently sells at a much lower price.(4) Acknowledgement of Reich's prior work on this
issue would also render any patent claims null and void, which might be another reason for the failure to openly detail Reich's work.

The Russian Scenar, Nyvatex, MediScen and Similar "Energy Blankets" Composed of Metal-Plastic Foils
More recently, some of the claims being made by the manufacturers of the new "energy blankets", such as the Russian Scenar Energy
Blanket, the Nyvatex Energy Blanket, and MediScen Energy Blanket are similar to the OEB, but go considerably beyond the more
conservative and cautious claims made by Dr. Reich and his associates. A reading of their published and internet advertisements also
suggests they have advanced in the construction methods of the original OEB by substituting alloy metallized plastic or cloth layers, in the
place of the original steel-wool or steel-mesh OEB, which basically requires hand-layering and higher labor costs. One such MediScen
Energy Blanket (MSEB) obtained at the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory for testing was opened at a corner for examination, and
revealed such metallized plastic materials, giving a superficial resemblance to a typical "infrared blanket" as sold to hikers or for
emergency use in cold winter environments. Those IR blankets typically reflect back one's own body heat, slowing heat loss and thereby
preserving body core temperature in freezing environments. And while such materials do not produce any known growth-enhancement or
healing effects, to our knowledge, they do produce "sensible" heat-reflection subjective feelings which to the inexperienced individual can
produce sensible effects similar to the described effects from an orgone accumulator or OEB. From a completely superficial impression,
therefore, one might assume a typical "metallic-foil/plastic" would produce sensible effects similar to an OEB, though not necessarily with
the same life-enhancement benefits of the OEB.

Subjective and Biological Effects

When compared subjectively, the MediScen Energy Blanet (MSEB) obtained for testing at our laboratory facility had a similar "warm"
feeling when held to the chest, but without the intensity or penetration of sensation as the standard OEB generally yields. Upon
examination, the differences between these blankets was quite stark. The MSEB composed of metallized foils with a simple cotton cover,
gave a rustling sound as one might expect from crinkling foils and plastic materials. The OEB with its fluff of wools and steel wools, or
felt materials, had the feeling of a heavy bed-quilt. The impression from the OEB was, of an energetic radiation plus the effects of thermal
insulation, while the MSEB suggested the latter effect only.

One test was performed during Winter on seed-sprouting, wherein groups of mung beans were sprouted under both the MSEB and the
OEB, as well as in a control, however the experiment had to be terminated early due to an unanticipated cold spell before the buildings
heaters were turned on. The MSEB blanket subsequently had to be returned to the owner before a repeat of the seed-sprouting experiment
could be undertaken. However, some preliminary indications were apparent from the experiment. The figure below shows the three
evaporation dishes containing the different groups of mung beans, sprouted under a control enclosure, under a standard orgone energy
blanket, and under the MediScen foil-plastic blanket. While the apparent sizes of the three groups appears about the same (all failed to Page 1 of 5
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show significant growth after 10-15 days of germination) the group sprouted under the MediScen blanket developed a fungal growth, with
the smell of decomposition and rotting, similar to what this writer obesrved years ago when using non-ferrous metals in accumulator
expeirments, and which are known to have deleterious biological effects. Only ferromagnetic metals should be used in orgone energy
accumulators and blankets, by Reich's original findings, and my own work has repeatedly confirmed this to be true. This short failed
experiment with the different blankets appeared to once again validate this consideration.

Figure 1: Comparisons of early germination of mung beans grown in dishes wrapped

with control (ordinary cotton) fabric, with an OEB and MSEB coverings.
All three dishes showed minimal growth due to cold conditions in the laboratory,
but only the MSEB developed a fungal growth, as seen here on the far right side,
with significant rotting of seedlings during the sprouting procedure.

We may also contrast the published accounts of bio-effects from the standard OEB with the other foil-plastic "energy blankets".

The OEB, like the orgone energy accumulator, has a substantial record of published evidence on its growth-enhancement effects -- for
example on mung-bean sprounts (5), and in the form of tightly controlled experiments on lab animals, including cancer mice, and on
human beings. To my knowledge, there is no similar record of published data to support the claims of positive bio-effects from the MSEB,
or similar "energy blankets". We have several excellent double-blind and controlled studies on the psycho-physiological reactions of
humans to the standard orgone energy accumulator (6), in addition to clinical reports by physicians. I know of no such controlled studied
on the MSEB or other plastic-foil "energy blankets", double-blind or otherwise. It does appear from their literature, however, that clinical
reports by physicians may exist with claims of their benefits, but these do not appear to have been published, or if so, only in the Russian
language and without citations to publications being given. Without controlled experiments on plants and/or animals, or with humans, such
clinical studies alone are merely suggestive of effects, but not conclusive.

The Claim of "Blocking EM Emissions"

One widely-repeated claim of the manufacturers of the new class of "foil/plastic" energy blankets is, that the newer metallized plastic
materials act to "block electromagnetic radiation" in a manner not possible with the standard and authentic OEB. The OEB has since its
inception been advocated only within rooms or environments which are free of typical "electro-smog" or low-level electromagnetic
pollution. Users of the OEB and larger orgone energy accumulator are warned NOT to use the devices near to computers, television sets,
microwave ovens, fluorescent lights, and other mildly or strongly radiating electromagnetic sources. So far as I have been able to
determine, virtually ALL of the various "foil-plastic" blanket manufacturers appear to lack any such warnings or cautions for users, who
often report having read or being told the "EM Blocking Ability" of those blankets is sufficient so as to make those "older" warnings no
longer relevant. Users are told, to use them without such concerns.

Here, I report on a series of short experiments designed to evaluate a MediScen energy blanket (MSEB) for this claim of "electromagnetic
blocking" and to compare it to two varieties of the OEB, as made by the Orgonics company in California. The two Orgonic's blankets
included: A) one constructed with standard layers of steel wool, sheep's wool and acrylic felt, and B) a second one constructed similarly
but with a single layer of ultra-thin and flexible stainless steel mesh on one side.

The three blankets -- the MSEB, Orgonics-A, and Orgonics-B -- were evaluated as to their EM blocking capabilities with a Trifield
Broadband Meter, at three different frequency exposures. While holding the Trifield Meter at a set distance from the frequency source, the
MSEB or OEBs were inserted between the source and the meter, with observation of any changes in field strength. Results are as follows:

1) MAGNETIC FIELD Powerline Frequency 60-Cycle

A 30-watt power transformer, converting 120 volts AC into 12 volts DC, as used to power a laptop computer, was evaluated to produce a
60-cycle magnetic field strength of 50 milligauss at 20 cm distance, and 100 milligauss at 1 cm distance. Insertion of the MSEB between
the source and meter produced NO observable reduction of field strength for either the 50 or 100 milligauss readings. Insertion of BOTH
varieties of the OEB likewise produced NO observable reduction of field strengths. For the magnetic components of 60-cycle powerline Page 2 of 5
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frequencies, as emitted by a simple power transformer, none of the blankets produced appreciable effects. Likewise, wrapping the different
blankets around the meter produced no observable reduction in measurements. This is in keeping with what is known about the magnetic
field from powerlines and transformers, which can bend around corners and requires special nickel-alloy metal plate wrapped entirely
around the source before even slight reductions in magnetic field strength can be observed.

2. ELECTRICAL FIELD Powerline Frequency 60-cycle

A 20-watt compact fluorescent light with screw-in base (Luxlite brand) was evaluated for its Electrical Field components, using the same
Trifield Meter. It was observed to produce a field of 100 kilovolts/meter at a distance of 10 cm. As before, the different blankets were
placed in between the source and meter, with the following results: Insertion of the MSEB between the source and meter produced NO
observable reduction of field strength. Insertion of BOTH varieties of the OEB, however, produced an immediate reduction of measured
field strengths essentially down to zero. The OEB, with its steel-wool and steel-mesh components, completely blocked the 60-cycle
oscillations of the electrical field of the fluorescent bulb. This is in keeping with what is known about electrical fields, which travel in a
straight line, and can be blocked by even an ordinary piece of steel plate.

The same 20-watt compact fluorescent light bulb as used in experiment #2, above, was used to evaluate for low-level RF and Microwave
frequencies. While it is not commonly known, such compact bulbs produce reasonable amounts of RF and Microwave emissions. Using
the special setting on the Trifield Broadband Meter, which measures between 100 kHz to 2.5 GHz, the following observations were made:
Insertion of the MSEB between the source and meter produced NO observable reduction in field strength. Insertion of BOTH varieties of
the OEB, however, produced an immediate reduction on measured field strengths essentially down to zero. Again, the OEB out-performed
the MSEB, completely blocking the toxic RF and Microwave emissions of the source.

The biological and clinical-therapeutic effects of the MSEB and similar metallic-foil "energy blankets" appears inconclusive, with testing
shown above on bean seedlings suggestive of subtle toxic reactions as had been observed previously by the author. The standard Orgone
Energy Blanket, however, has proven its merit repeatedly, with various studies on plants, laboratory animals, and humans to back up the
claims of its proponents. While some of the "Scenar" energy blanket websites post out claims suggesting excellent biomedical benefits,
unfortunately, only short sentences appear, as quotations from longer letters or papers available only in the Russian language. Until those
papers are translated and made available in whole, we have no way to determine if those studies undertaken in Russia or elsewhere may
have used the standard and authentic orgone energy blankets as designed by Wilhelm Reich, or one of the newer metallic-foil designs.
Much remains indeterminate, where even the word "scenar" is widely used, but without anyone giving it a clear defintion or historical
discussion to understand why this term was generated, or why it is used.

Regarding the claims for blocking of household EM field, we may summarize the results in the following Table:

Electromagnetic Field Blocking Effects of Three Energy Blankets

Does the Blanket Block Out:

Magnetic Electric Radiofrequencies/
Fields? Fields? Microwaves?

Orgonics-A NO YES YES

Standard OEB

Orgonics-B NO YES YES

Steel-Mesh OEB


While further testing and comparisons of the MSEB and OEBs remains to be undertaken, the OEB out-performs the MSEB on the
question of "blocking of EM frequencies", even though this was a claim made by the manufacturers of the MSEB, but not made by the
OEB manufacturer. Presumably we should expect similar negative results from any "energy blanket" using metallized plastics of any alloy
materials, instead of the thicker layers of steel-wool or the steel mesh as used in the Orgonics OEBs, which is constructed according to
Reich's original designs.

It is recommended, that the proponents of the MSEB and similar "energy blankets" which deviate away from the original designs of
Wilhelm Reich undertake their own controlled testing and analysis of the bio-effects of their products, in a manner similar to what has
already been undertaken with the standard orgone energy accumulator and orgone energy blanket. These tests should contrast their
products against both standardized controls, as well as against authentically-constructed orgone energy blankets. Or, if such analyses have
already been made, they should organize to translate and publish those papers, with full citation and contact information to the authoring
scientists, in the languages of those nations where their products are being sold. They should also cease advertising the unsupported claim
that their blankets "block electromagnetic emissions".

Readers are invited to submit information on these issues which might not be known to the author. Any new information provided along
these lines will be added to this report as an appendix. Page 3 of 5
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1. For a listing of experimental papers on the biological effects of orgone energy, and evaluations of the orgone energy accumulator and
blanket, see the on-line "Bibliography on Orgonomy"

2. At the on-line Bibliography (citation 1), a keyword search of the main sections will bring up dozens of such articles. Specifically also
see the two double-blind controlled studies on human physiological response to the orgone accumulator as undertaken at German
universities, in the "dissertation" index at this same on-line Bibliography.

3. James DeMeo, "The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Construction Plans, Experimental Use, and Protection Against Toxic Energy"
Natural Energy, 1989 (revised 1998).

4. The MSEB is reported to sell for upwards of $2000 US, while a 3-ply OEB of the same size might cost only several hundred dollars, or
even less if self-constructed.

5. For example, see: James DeMeo, "Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans", Pulse of the Planet 5:168-176 2002.
A search of the keyword "orgone accumulator" in the on-line Bibliography on Orgonomy (citation 1) will produce dozens of published
controlled studies on plants, laboratory animals, and humans.

6. See the published studies by Muschenich & Gebauer (1986) and by Hebenstreit (1995) from the University of Marburg and the
University of Vienna, respectively, as listed in the "Dissertations" section of the online Bibliography on Orgonomy.

Article Revised on 1 November 2005.

The following experiments were undertaken without compensation of any sort to either Dr. DeMeo or the Orgone Biophysical Research
Laboratory, which has no financial interests in the outcome or conclusions.

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