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Tugas Ringkasan Chapter 6 Culture

MANAJEMEN Pemasaran Internasional

Disusun oleh:

Muhammad Aurelio PS (18311385)

Asep Agung Prasetio (18311412)

Ichsan Rizal (18311425)

Aryyadhika Ardya Pradipta (18311430)






Culture, the term inclusive, can be conceptualized in many ways. Unsurprisingly, concept files
often come with a variety of definitions. However, a good basic definition of the concept file is
that culture is a set of traditional beliefs and values that are transmitted and shared in a given
society. Culture is also a total way of life and a mindset that is passed down from generation to
generation. Culture means many things to many people because the concept includes norms,
values, customs, arts, and customs.
Culture is prescriptive. This regulates the types of behavior that are considered acceptable in
society. As a result, culture provides guidelines for making decision making. For example, the
principle against compromise is more prominent in East Asian cultures than in North American
cultures. As one study confirmed, Hong Kong decision makers are more likely than their
American counterparts to compromise.
Prescriptive characteristics of a simple culture. fies the decision-making process of consumers by
limiting product choices to those that are socially acceptable. These same characteristics pose
problems for products that do not conform to consumer cultural beliefs. Smoking, for example,
was a behavior that was once socially acceptable, but has recently become increasingly unwanted
- both socially and medically.
Culture is shared socially. Culture, out of necessity, must be based on social interaction and
creation. It cannot exist by itself. It should be shared by community members, so as to act to
reinforce the prescriptive nature of the culture. For example, at the same time Chinese parents
share the preference of wanting their daughter to have small feet. Big feet, seen as a
characteristic of peasants and lower class people, were scorned. As a result, the parents of the
upper class tied a daughter's legs so tightly that her legs wouldn't grow big. It does not matter to
parents that their daughter will grow up to have difficulty walking with distorted little legs


Consumption patterns, lifestyle, and priority needs are all determined by culture. Culture governs
how people satisfy their desires. Hindus and some Chinese do not consume all beef, believing
that it is inappropriate for livestock to work in agriculture, thus helping to provide such food as
rice and vegetables. In Japan, the per capita annual consumption of beef has increased to 11
pounds, still a very small amount when compared to more than 100 pounds consumed per capita
in the US and Argentina.
The eating habits of many people seem exotic to Westerners. The Chinese eat fish belly and
bird's nest soup (made from bird's saliva). The Japanese eat raw seafood, and the Iraqis eat salted
dried grasshoppers as a snack with drinks. Although such eating habits may seem repulsive to
Westerners, Western consumption habits are fairly strange to foreigners. The French eat snails,
Americans and Europeans use honey (bee expecto rate or bee spit) and blue cheese or Roquefort
salad dressing, which is made with a strong, bluish mushroom cheese. No society has a
monopoly on its unusual eating habits when comparisons are made between various societies.

Likewise, Muslims do not eat pork, and the food cannot be processed with alcohol and non-halal
animal products (eg lard). Muslims do not buy chicken unless it is halal. They also do not smoke
or use alcoholic beverages, a rule shared by some strict Protestants. Although these restrictions
exist in Islamic countries, the situation is not completely without market possibilities. Marketing
The challenge is to create a product that fits the needs of a particular culture. Moussy, a non-
alcoholic beer from Switzerland, is a product seen as being able to overcome religious
restrictions on alcohol consumption. By conforming to the Islamic religious belief that prohibits
alcohol, Moussy became so successful in Saudi Arabia that accounted for half of his worldwide
sales. Other international brewers have also finally reached the lucrative Middle Eastern market
promoting malt drinks that resemble non-alcoholic beer.


Apart from consumption habits, thought processes are also influenced by culture, when traveling
across oceans, it is almost impossible for a person to observe. foreign culture without making
reference, perhaps unwittingly, back to personal cultural values. This phenomenon is known as
self-reference criteria (SRC). Because of the SRC effect, individuals tend to be bound by their
own cultural assumptions. It is therefore important for travelers to recognize how perceptions
about overseas events can be distorted by the SRC effect.


A country can be classified as a high context culture or a low context culture. The cultural
context is either high or low in a deep sense of background information This classification
provides an understanding of the various cultural orientations and describes how communication
is conveyed and perceived. North America and Northern Europe (eg, Germany, Switzerland, and
Scandinavian countries) are examples of low context cultures. In this type of society, messages
are explicit and clear in the sense that the words are actually used to convey the main pieces of
information in the communication. The words and their meanings, being independent entities,
can be separated from the context in which they occur. What is important, then, is what is said,
not how it is said and not the environment in which it is said.
Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Asia, Africa and Middle Eastern Arab Countries, by contrast, are
high context cultures. In such a culture, communication may be indirect, and the expressive way
in which the message is conveyed is of great importance. Since the verbal part (i.e., words) does
not contain all the information, most of it is contained in the nonverbal part of the message to be
communicated. The high communication context therefore includes a lot of additional
information, such as the message sender's values, position, background, and associations in the
community. Thus, the message file cannot be understood without its context. A person's
individual environment (i.e., physical setting and social circumstances) determines what one says
and how one is interpreted by others. This type of communication emphasizes a person's
character and words as determinants of a person's integrity, making it possible for a
businessperson to reach an agreement without detailed legal documents.

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