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POW 4: Planning the Platform

Julia Glotfelty
Pod 1


As Camilla’s assistant, it is my job to come up with ready formulas for her to be able to
determine the height of the tallest platform (so she can apply for the permit from the City)
and the amount (length) of material needed for the decorative strips on the front of each
platform. I will need to determine the number of platforms and the difference in height
between the platforms.


Since Kevin can’t figure out how many people can twirl a baton on a platform without
hurting them selves we need to come up with variables…

n = number of platforms(pillars)
h = height of first platform
d = difference between platform to platform
Tn= total number of platforms

The equation needed to detemine the total number of platforms is:


In our class dicussions we found an open form equation and we need this to figure out the
amount of ribbon needed:

∑ (ℎ + (𝑘 − 1)𝑑)

Another way to write this is (h)+(h+d)+(h+2d)... What this is telling us is how to solve
for the amount of ribbon needed, but the problem with this equation is that you have to
plug in every pillar height. This equation and the one above are called open form
What we are trying to find is a closed form equation so we don’t have to use so many
variables, we can do this geometrically or algebraically. Geometrically you can draw all
the platforms and then draw another set - turn them upside down, flip them over so they
all make the same length.

Algebraically, this can be done with the equations above, and combining the tallest
platform equation (h+?d)* with the shortest platform equation (h) and the next tallest
with the next shortest; each will equal the same length.

* ?= (n-1)

Each of the following equations are an algebraic way of solving the amount of ribbon
needed for each platform:



(I got these equations from the board)

Since I can’t predict how many batton twirlers there will be, I can give these equations to
Carmen so she can be ready when Kevin realizes the talent among Durangoans with
regards to twirling and balance.

What I can gather from this information is that you multiply the number of platforms by
the height of two of the platforms, add the differnece in height x 2 and then subtract the
difference. This will allow me to figure out the total ribbon needed for decorating the


The final answer that I found was (𝑛(2ℎ + 𝑑𝑛 − 𝑑))/2 … how I found this equation
was by gathering information from my peers, and my understanding of the original

I got this process by listening to Julian in class and getting help from my peers. If I had
to figure this out in the future I proabably would just draw the pillars and geometrically
solve the potential problems after making Kevin decide how many baton twirlers he can

My barrier to growth in this project was my difficulty in understaning how to create the
variables needed for figuring out the algebraic equation. I could easliy have solved this
geometrically because I could draw the scenario and measure from my graphic drawing.
The way in which the class came up with the variables and the equations using the
variables was not something I am accustomed to doing, and will certainly try again in the
future because it would be useful when working with people like Kevin who have “a lot
of decisions to make.”

Extension question:

If Kevin decided to change his celebration idea completely and have a celebration with
throwing candy to the crowd in a parade on mainstreet and he wanted each person to get
two peices of candy, what would the equation be to make sure everyone got two peices of
candy (not knowing the crowd size).

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