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目 錄
簡介 Introduction 01
安全係數使用說明 Service Factor 02
懸垂荷重與軸向負荷 Overhung Load & Axial Load 03
產品概述 Product General Information 04
型號說明 How To Order 05
安裝方式 Mounting Position 06
線盒及入線位置 Terminal Box Position 06
潤滑油 Lubricant 07
段數規格 Stage Specification 08
齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table 09~15
馬達尺寸 Motor Dimensions 16
外型及安裝尺寸 Dimension Sheets 17~21
馬達產品說明 Motor Product Information 21
馬達制動器 Motor Brake 22
馬達接線 Motor WIiring 22
維護說明 Maintenance 23
工機家族 Gong Ji Products Family 24~25
簡介 Introduction

台灣工機廠 The company of GONGJI

幾十年來工機所擁有的傳動組件設計和製造經驗,一直以生 GONGJI possesses for years of experience in driving engineering, which

產最優良的傳動為努力的目標。同時,也提供多樣化的產品 is designing and manufacturing the best quality of transmission
和服務,以回饋廣大機械製造業客戶的期待與肯定。 components. Its extensive product range and service make GONGJI the
best partner for machinery.
質水準,在桃園和上海同步生產製造。 The company headquarters are in Luzuh Shiang, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
GONGJI driving products are manufacture to the highest quality
standards in both Taiwan and China. All GONGJI drives are assembled
with a consistently quality standard and short delivery times from stocked
parts in assembly plants located in above two major areas.

產品範圍 The product range

蝸輪減速機 Worm gear reducer

齒輪馬達、齒輪減速機 Helical gearmotor/gear reducer
尋光器減速機 SDW-Slewing Drive Wheel
三相交流馬達、煞車馬達 Three phase AC motors, brake motors

型錄說明 General information

功率和扭力: Power and torque:

型錄內所載的功率和扭力,為均設計的計算值,主要用於選 The power and torque described in the catalogue are given by calculated.
定機型,應用上的扭力和轉速應以實際運用需求為準。 Please note that the power shown in the rating tables is subject to
selection. However, the output torque for the desired output speed is
necessary needs to be checked with application.

轉速: The output speed in the catalogue is recommended values, and can be
型錄內所載的減速機輸出轉速亦為計算值,實際轉速將根據 calculated from the rated speed of the motor and the reduction ratio of
輸入馬達的轉速以及負載和減速比略有不同。 gear unit. Please note that the actual output speed is dependent on the
motor load.

重量: Please note that all weights shown in the catalogue are excluded the oil
型錄內所載的重量均不含潤滑油或潤滑脂。 or grease filled for the gearmotors or gear units.

潤滑油: Lubricant:
齒輪馬達或減速機出貨前,均依照客戶選定的安裝方式添加 Mineral grease or oil: Gearmotors and gear units will be supplied with
潤滑油或潤滑脂。實際油量將依不同的安裝方式而異。 grease or oil fill is according to the mounting position and are ready for
Synthetic oil: In some cased, gearmotors or gear units can be filled with
synthetic oil by requested for better performance.

煞車馬達: Brake motors:

馬達或齒輪馬達均可加裝 DC 線圈感應釋放、彈簧制動的電 Motors and gearmotors can be supplied with an integrated
磁煞車;機械式手動釋放為選配規格。 electromagnetic disk brake with a DC coil that releases electrically and
brakes with spring force. The brake can also be released mechanically
with manual brake release.

使用環境: Ambient condition:

室內使用、通風、低粉塵 Indoors, well vent, minimal dust
環境溫度 -10°C~40°C Ambient temperature -10°C~40°C
溼度 90%以下 Ambient humidity under 90%
高度 1000 公尺以下 Altitude under 1,000 meters
安全係數使用說明 Service Factor

請依照實際負載和型錄內的額定數據作比較,以選用合適的 Gearmotors and reducers should be selected by comparing actual load

減速機規格和型式。一般而言,型錄內的額定數據都是依據 with catalogue ratings. Catalogue ratings are designed by standard
標準負載而設計的,但實際負載往往因不同的應用而產生不 loading condition, actual load conditions can be vary according to
同的變化;因此,參考型錄內的額定數據前,就必須先了解 different type of application. The service factors are therefore must be
到「應用負載」和型錄內額定數據的計算關係。 used to calculate an application load to compare with catalogue ratings.
應用負載 = 實際負載*安全係數 Application Load = Actual Load*Service Factor

機械安全係數和起動安全係數Fm以及Fs Mechanical and starts service factor Fm & Fs

型錄內機械額定數據是依據均一負載下,每日工作 10 小時 Mechanical ratings in the catalogue are assuming 10 hr/day continuous

的連續運轉而設計。 running under uniform load condition.

表 1.機械安全係數表(Fm),是根據每日工不同的作時間和不 Table 1. Mechanical Service Factor Fm should be considered the actual

同負載等級的安全係數。若無法計算或精確的估算出負載的 load according to daily operating time and type of loading. If load can be
數據,建議運用此安全係數表作為規格選擇依據。 accurately calculated, actual loads should be used instead of Fm.

應用上每日頻繁起動停止或超過 10 次以上,其安全係數除 For frequent start/stop loads in excess of 10 time/day, a number of starts
基本的機械安全係數外,應再額外加乘表 2.起動次數係數表 factor Fs must be multiplied, i.e. Fm*Fs (Table 2.)
(Fs)內係數;即 Fm * Fs。
Auxiliary drives to the input shaft should be avoided unless absolutely
減速機入力軸應儘量避免額外的傳輸裝置,馬達與減速機間 necessary. Auxiliary reduction from the motor to the input can increase
的額外減速傳輸裝置將須採用較大減速機,因而增加成本。 the size and cost of the drive.

減速機出力軸加裝適當的減速裝置,可減少安裝空間和整體 A proper gears or chain drive reduction from the reducer output to the
傳動成本 driven shaft can produce substantial savings in space and driving cost.

可能的話,選用增加 20%安全係數的機型,可彌補減速機承 Selecting a 20% safety factor can double the speed reducer life and for a
受不預期衝擊的傷害,進而延長減速機使用壽命。 more economy in the long terms running. This hint will help compensate
for unexpected shock and vibration, and add substantially to wear life.

表 1. 機械安全係數 Fm Table 1. Mechanical service factor Fm

原動機 每日使用小時 Driven Machine Load Classification
Prime Duration of
mover service-hrs per day 均一負荷 中衝擊 重衝擊
Uniform load Moderate shock Heavy shock

≦3 0.90 1.00 1.50

Electric 3 ~ 10 1.00 1.25 1.75
≧10 1.25 1.50 2.00

表 2. 起動係數 Fs Table 2. Number of starts factor Fs

≦1 5 10 40 60 ≧200
Start / stops per hour
係數 Fs
1.00 1.03 1.06 1.10 1.15 1.20
Factor Fs

懸垂荷重與軸向負荷 Overhung Load & Axial Load

連結減速機的鏈輪、齒輪或皮帶輪,因側向拉力所造成的軸 When a sprocket, gear or pulley, etc. is mounted on the shaft a overhung
彎曲、外殼破裂等均與懸垂荷重有關,因此要選定減速機 load calculation as below must be considered and compared to the
時,必須考慮並比較特性表內所示之 O.H.L.值,其計算公式 maximum permissible overhung load (O.H.L.) in the rating table.
O.H.L. can be reduced which by increasing the diameter of the sprocket,
加諸於減速機軸上的懸垂荷重,可因加大裝置於軸上的鏈 gear or pulley, etc. If the permissible O.H.L. is exceeded, the sprocket,
輪、齒輪或皮帶輪外徑而降低。應用上的懸垂荷重若超出減 gear or pulleys, etc. should be mounted on a separate shaft, coupled and
速機可承受範圍時,則被驅動軸應有額外的軸承支撐,以聯 supported in it own bearings. The sprocket, gear or pulley, etc. should be
軸器和減速機的軸心作連結。鏈輪、齒輪或皮帶輪應當盡量 positioned as closes as possible to the gearmotor or reducers case in
靠近減速機安裝,以減少減速機軸心和機體內軸承的負荷。 order to reduce shaft stresses and bearing loads, and to prolong life.
Allowable O.H.L. are shown in the following table. Formula to determine
overhung load:

懸垂荷重 OHL Overhung load OHL


OHL = 懸垂荷重 (N) OHL = Overhung load (N)

kW = 軸傳動功率 (kW) kW = Power transmission by the shaft (kW)
N = 軸轉速 (RPM) N = Speed of shaft (RPM)
R = 鏈輪等節圓直徑 (mm) R = Pitch radius of sprocket, etc. (mm)
K = 係數 K = Factor

Overhung Load Factor
Chain sprocket
Spur or helical pinion
V Belt sheave
Flat belt pulley

軸向負荷 Axial load

軸向負荷(FA) 若不超過懸垂荷重的 50%,可忽略不予考慮 No check or calculation is required for axial loads (FA) if towards or away
或計算。倘若軸向負荷有過大的考量請洽就近工機經銷商或 from the shaft up to 50% of the permissible overhung load. If the axial
台灣工機廠。 load considerably exceeds these values, please contact agents nearby
you or Taiwan Gong Ji Chang.

產品概述 Product General Information

G300 系列齒輪馬達以及減速機,採用精簡和高效率的設計 G300 series gearmotors and reducers are the compact and efficient
方案,可提供多樣化設備的傳動需求;最大輸入功率為 3.75 transmission products for most applications. 3.75 kW is the maximum
kW,最大輸出扭力為 2,000 Nm. input power and 2,000 Nm the maximum output torque.

全系列產品均為「台灣工機廠」,多年的設計以及實際應用 This series is the results of many years’ experiences on design and
的經驗結晶;並於製造過程全部採用高品質材質,輔以高精 application of “Taiwan Gong Ji Chang”, with qualified material and
度的加工設備和零件,因而能提供較高的負載能力,較高的 machining to providing high loading capacity, high transmission efficiency,
傳動效率,較低的運轉噪音和最佳的產品信賴度。 low noise and reliability.

產品範圍 Product range

全系列尺寸的減速範圍; All sizes with wide nominal ratios coverage:

雙段機型減速比自 5:1 至 30:1 Double reduction: 5:1 to 30:1
三段公稱減速比自 40:1 至 200:1 Triple reduction: 40:1 to 200:1

規格選項 Available versions

BA : 腳座安裝附馬達 BA : Base mounted gearmotors

BM : 腳座安裝不附馬達 BM : Base mounted reducers
BS : 腳座安裝實心入力軸 BS : Base mounted solid input reducers
FA : 法蘭安裝附馬達 FA : Flange mounted gearmotors
FM : 法蘭安裝不附馬達 FM : Flange mounted reducers
FS : 法蘭安裝實心入力軸 FS : Flange mounted solid input reducers

機械效率 Mechanical efficiency

雙段減速 : 0.95≦η≦0.97 Double stages reduction : 0.95≦η≦0.97

三段減速 : 0.93≦η≦0.95 Triple stages reduction : 0.93≦η≦0.95

噪音值 Noise level

距離齒輪馬達或減速機 1 公尺處,平均約 65 dBa Average 65 dBa from gearmotor or reducer.

附註 Remarks

安裝尺寸可和大部份市面上同性質減速機互換 Series can be interchangeable with major manufacturers.

可選擇附煞車馬達 Motor with brake is available.
出廠前提供潤滑脂(標準)或潤滑油 Supplied with grease (standard) or lubricant.
接受有限度特殊訂製需求 Limited special request is available.
型號說明 How To Order

齒輪馬達 G3 18 B A 02 3 0 030
Eg. 1:
Gearmotor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10

齒輪減速機附孔型入力 G3 28 F M 071 060

Eg. 2:
Reducer with motor flange input 1 2 3 4 8 10

齒輪減速機附實心入力 G3 40 B S B K00
Eg. 3:
Reducer with solid input 1 2 3 4 9 10

系列 輸入功率 輸入介面
1 5 8
Series Input power Input interface
G300 齒輪系列 法蘭 160, 孔 11
G3 01 0.10 kW (0.125 HP) 067 B5, D63
G300 helical gear series Flange 160, quill 11
法蘭 160, 孔 14
02 0.18 kW (0.25 HP) 071 B5, D71
出力軸徑及鍵規格 Flange 160, quill 14
2 法蘭 200, 孔 19
Output shaft diameter and key size 04 0.37 kW (0.5 HP) 080 B5, D80
軸徑 18 MM,鍵 5 x 5 MM Flange 200, quill 19
18 法蘭 200, 孔 24
Output shaft 18 MM, key 5 x 5 MM 07 0.75 kW (1 HP) 090 B5, D90
軸徑 18 MM,鍵 6 x 6 MM Flange 200, quill 24
19* 法蘭 250, 孔 28
Output shaft 18 MM, key 6 x 6 MM 15 1.5 kW (2 HP) 100 B5, D100
軸徑 22 MM,鍵 7 x 7 MM Flange 250, quill 28
22 法蘭 250, 孔 28
Output shaft 22 MM, key 7 x 7 MM 22 2.2 kW (3 HP) 100 B5, D112
軸徑 22 MM,鍵 8 x 7 MM Flange 250, quill 28
Output shaft 22 MM, key 8 x 7 MM 37 3.7 kW (5 HP)
軸徑 28 MM,鍵 7 x 7 MM
Output shaft 28 MM, key 7 x 7 MM
軸徑 28 MM,鍵 8 x 7 MM
29* 馬達頻率和電壓
Output shaft 28 MM, key 8 x 7 MM 6
Motor frequency & voltage
軸徑 32 MM,鍵 10 x 8 MM
Output shaft 32 MM, key 10 x 8 MM 3 50/60 Hz, 220/380 V
軸徑 40 MM,鍵 10 x 8 MM
Output shaft 40 MM, key 10 x 8 MM 4 50/60 Hz, 220/440 V
軸徑 40 MM,鍵 12 x 8 MM
41* 50/60 Hz, 變頻器專用
Output shaft 40 MM, key 12 x 8 MM C 實心入力軸徑
220/380 V Inverter duty 9
軸徑 50 MM,鍵 14 x 9 MM Solid input shaft diameter
50 50/60 Hz, 變頻器專用
Output shaft 50 MM, key 14 x 9 MM D 輸入馬力 0.1 ~ 0.37 kW
220/440 V Inverter duty 014
軸徑 50 MM,鍵 15 x 10 MM Input power 0.125 ~ 0.5 HP
Output shaft 50 MM, key 15 x 10 MM 輸入馬力 0.75 kW
防護等級以及煞車規格 Input power 1 HP
7 輸入馬力 1.5 ~ 2.2 kW
Enclosure and brake
安裝型式 024
3 Input power 2 ~ 3 HP
Mounting type 0 IP54
輸入馬力 3.7 kW
腳座安裝,實心輸出軸 028
B 安全煞車 Input power 5 HP
Base mounting, solid output shaft 1 IP54+DC
Safe brake
F 安全煞車+手釋放
Flange mounting, solid output shaft 2 IP54+DC 公稱減速比
Safe brake+M. release 10
Nominal ratio
輸入端型式 5 IP54+AC 參額定數據表
Safe brake xxx
4 Refer to rating tables
Input type 安全煞車+手釋放
輸入 AC 三相鋁框馬達 6 IP54+AC
A Safe brake+M. release
AC three-phase aluminum frame motor
輸入 AC 三相鐵框馬達
AC three-phase steel frame motor
輸入 IEC 馬達孔型入力
IEC motor, quill input
Solid shaft input
Servo motor flange input
Derived model

安裝方式 Mounting Position

線盒及入線位置 Terminal Box Position

** A = 標準線盒及入線位置 ** A =Standard terminal box and wiring position


潤滑脂、潤滑油 Grease & oil

G300 系列齒輪馬達或齒輪減速機,出廠前均附極壓潤滑 G300 series gearmotors and reducers will be filled with a quantity of EP
脂,但仍可依需求改添加潤滑油或不加任何潤滑油品出貨; mineral grease. However if, as requested, the gearmotors and reducers
各機型於不同安裝方位潤滑油量,請參考表 1。 can be filled with lubricant oil or without lubricant then the oil quantity
required is obtained from Table 1.
3,000 小時或 6 個月檢查油質以及油量。 Gearmotors or reducers filled with mineral oil will require an oil inspection
of quality and quantity for every 6 months or 3,000 hours’ operation.
每隔 10,000 小時或 3 年應更換新油,不同的安裝方式油量
請參考表 1.。 Oil should be changed in every 3 years or 10,000 hours’ operation. The
required oil quantity can be obtained from Table 1.
標準潤滑油僅適用於環境溫度 0°至 40°C,此溫度範圍以外
的環境,請參考表 2 選用合適的潤滑油黏度。 Standard oil is suitable for operation in ambient temperature of 0° to 40°
C, outside of this consult Table 2.

表 2. 潤滑油黏度等級 Table 2. Oil Viscosity Grades

潤滑油品 Ambient Temperature Range
Lubricant -5° 至 20°C 0° 至 40°C 20° 至 50°C
-5° to 20°C 0° to 40°C 20° to 50°C
EP 極壓礦物油
ISO VG 220 ISO VG 320 ISO VG 460
EP Mineral oil
段數規格 Stage Specification

雙段 2 stage 三段 3 stages

kW HP Size Ratio

5:1 – 30:1 V
40:1 – 100:1 V
G322 40:1 – 180:1 V
0.1 0.125
80:1 – 200:1 V
250:1 – 500:1
G332 165:1 – 200:1 V
5:1 – 30:1 V
40:1 – 60:1 V
25:1 – 32:1 V
0.18 0.25 G322
40:1 – 120:1 V
G328 50:1 – 200:1 V
G332 80:1 – 200:1 V
G318 5:1 – 30:1 V
5:1 – 32:1 V
40:1 – 60:1 V
20:1 – 40:1 V
0.37 0.5 50:1 – 130:1 V
60:1 V
70:1 – 200:1 V
G340 60:1 – 200:1 V

G350 140:1 – 200:1 V

5:1 – 20:1 V
23:1 – 60:1 V
20:1 – 30:1 V
0.75 1 33:1 – 100:1 V
40:1 – 50:1 V
60:1 – 200:1 V
G350 60:1 – 200:1 V
5:1 – 20:1 V
23:1 – 32:1 V
5:1 – 30:1 V
1.5 2 33:1 – 60:1 V
25:1 – 50:1 V
60:1 – 100:1 V
G350 40:1 – 200:1 V

3:1 – 18:1 V
20:1 – 36:1 V
5:1 – 30:1 V
2.2 3 G340
35:1 – 70:1 V
20:1 – 30:1 V
35:1 – 125:1 V
3:1 – 18:1 V
20:1 – 23:1 V
5:1 – 30:1 V
3.7 5 G340
35:1 – 40:1 V
10:1 – 30:1 V
35:1 – 75:1 V

齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table

Input power : 0.1kW (0.125 HP) 4 Pole 1400rpm @ 50Hz, 1700rpm @ 60Hz
機型 / 規格 減速比 Ratio 50 Hz 60 Hz OHL (N)
ZR Code
Type / Size in iex N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF @ 50Hz

005 4.98 281.14 3.04 6.16 341.38 2.51 7.46 350 18.00.09

007 7.35 190.59 4.49 6.16 231.43 3.71 7.46 500 18.00.13

010 10.05 139.37 6.14 6.16 169.23 5.07 7.46 700 18.00.18

012 11.90 117.65 7.27 6.16 142.86 6.00 7.46 850 18.00.21

015 14.67 95.45 8.96 5.95 115.91 7.40 7.21 1100 18.00.26

020 19.43 72.06 11.87 4.49 87.50 9.80 5.44 1500 18.00.34

G318B 025 26.27 53.29 16.06 3.32 64.71 13.25 4.03 1550 18.00.46
G318F 030 29.47 47.51 18.01 2.96 57.69 14.86 3.59 1600 18.00.52

040 40.80 34.31 24.93 2.14 41.67 20.58 2.59 1700 18.34.21

050 50.29 27.84 30.73 1.74 33.81 25.36 2.10 1700 18.34.26

060 60.88 23.00 37.20 1.43 27.93 30.71 1.74 1700 18.34.31

070 66.61 21.02 40.71 1.31 25.52 33.60 1.59 1700 18.34.34

090 90.08 15.54 55.05 0.97 18.87 45.44 1.17 1700 18.34.46

100 101.03 13.86 61.74 0.86 16.83 50.96 1.05 1700 18.34.52

040 41.02 34.13 25.06 4.12 41.45 20.69 4.99 2000 22.34.21

050 49.85 28.09 30.46 3.50 34.11 25.14 4.24 2000 22.42.21

060 58.29 24.02 35.62 3.00 29.17 29.40 3.63 2000 22.34.30

070 70.83 19.76 43.29 2.46 24.00 35.73 2.99 2000 22.42.30

090 89.05 15.72 54.42 1.96 19.09 44.92 2.38 2000 22.34.46

G322B 100 98.91 14.15 60.44 1.77 17.19 49.89 2.14 2000 22.34.51
G322F 110 108.22 12.94 66.13 1.61 15.71 54.58 1.95 2000 22.42.46

120 120.20 11.65 73.46 1.45 14.14 60.63 1.76 2000 22.42.51

135 134.58 10.40 82.24 1.30 12.63 67.88 1.57 2000 22.42.57

150 145.01 9.65 88.62 1.20 11.72 73.14 1.46 2000 22.56.46

160 161.07 8.69 98.43 1.08 10.55 81.24 1.31 2000 22.56.51

180 180.34 7.76 110.21 0.97 9.43 90.96 1.17 2000 22.56.57

080 77.55 18.05 47.39 4.09 21.92 39.12 4.96 3400 28.24.45

090 86.17 16.25 52.66 3.68 19.73 43.46 4.46 3400 28.24.50

100 98.23 14.25 60.03 3.23 17.31 49.55 3.92 3400 28.24.57

110 107.61 13.01 65.76 2.95 15.80 54.28 3.57 3400 28.51.29
130 126.93 11.03 77.57 2.50 13.39 64.03 3.03 3400 28.51.34
150 152.21 9.20 93.01 2.09 11.17 76.77 2.53 3400 28.51.41

165 168.00 8.33 102.66 1.89 10.12 84.74 2.29 3400 28.51.45

180 186.67 7.50 114.07 1.70 9.11 94.15 2.06 3400 28.51.50

200 212.80 6.58 130.04 1.49 7.99 107.34 1.81 3400 28.51.57

165 165.88 8.44 101.37 3.35 10.25 83.67 4.06 4100 32.33.48
180 178.43 7.85 109.04 3.11 9.53 90.00 3.77 4100 32.33.51
200 208.89 6.70 127.65 2.66 8.14 105.36 3.22 4100 32.33.60

齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table

Input power : 0.18kW (0.25 HP) 4 Pole 1400rpm @ 50Hz, 1700rpm @ 60Hz
減速比 Ratio 50 Hz 60 Hz OHL (N)
機型 / 規格
@ 50Hz ZR Code
Type / Size in iex N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF

005 4.98 281.14 6.09 3.08 341.38 5.02 3.73 350 18.00.09

007 7.35 190.59 8.98 3.08 231.43 7.41 3.73 500 18.00.13

010 10.05 139.37 12.28 3.08 169.23 10.13 3.73 700 18.00.18

012 11.90 117.65 14.54 3.08 142.86 12.00 3.73 850 18.00.21

015 14.67 95.45 17.93 2.98 115.91 14.80 3.61 1100 18.00.26
020 19.43 72.06 23.75 2.25 87.50 19.60 2.72 1500 18.00.34
025 26.27 53.29 32.11 1.66 64.71 26.50 2.01 1550 18.00.46

030 29.47 47.51 36.01 1.48 57.69 29.73 1.79 1600 18.00.52

040 40.80 34.31 49.87 1.07 41.67 41.16 1.30 1700 18.34.21

050 50.29 27.84 61.46 0.87 33.81 50.73 1.05 1700 18.34.26

060 60.88 23.00 74.40 0.72 27.93 61.41 0.87 1700 18.34.31

025 25.97 53.90 31.74 3.08 65.45 26.20 3.73 1600 22.00.46

030 28.85 48.53 35.26 3.03 58.93 29.10 3.67 1700 22.00.51

032 32.30 43.34 39.48 2.70 52.63 32.58 3.27 1800 22.00.57

040 41.02 34.13 50.13 2.06 41.45 41.38 2.50 2000 22.34.21

050 49.85 28.09 60.92 1.75 34.11 50.28 2.12 2000 22.42.21
060 58.29 24.02 71.24 1.50 29.17 58.80 1.81 2000 22.34.30
070 70.83 19.76 86.57 1.23 24.00 71.46 1.49 2000 22.42.30

090 89.05 15.72 108.83 0.98 19.09 89.83 1.19 2000 22.34.46

100 98.91 14.15 120.89 0.88 17.19 99.78 1.07 2000 22.34.51

110 108.22 12.94 132.26 0.81 15.71 109.17 0.98 2000 22.42.46

120 120.20 11.65 146.91 0.73 14.14 121.26 0.88 2000 22.42.51

050 49.67 28.18 60.71 3.10 34.22 50.11 3.76 3400 28.24.29

060 58.59 23.89 71.61 2.71 29.01 59.11 3.28 3400 28.24.34

070 70.26 19.93 85.87 2.26 24.20 70.88 2.74 3400 28.24.41

080 77.55 18.05 94.78 2.05 21.92 78.23 2.48 3400 28.24.45

090 86.17 16.25 105.31 1.84 19.73 86.92 2.23 3400 28.24.50

G328B 100 98.23 14.25 120.06 1.62 17.31 99.09 1.96 3400 28.24.57
G328F 110 107.61 13.01 131.52 1.48 15.80 108.55 1.79 3400 28.51.29

130 126.93 11.03 155.14 1.25 13.39 128.05 1.52 3400 28.51.34

150 152.21 9.20 186.03 1.04 11.17 153.54 1.26 3400 28.51.41

165 168.00 8.33 205.33 0.94 10.12 169.48 1.14 3400 28.51.45

180 186.67 7.50 228.14 0.85 9.11 188.31 1.03 3400 28.51.50

200 212.80 6.58 260.08 0.75 7.99 214.67 0.90 3400 28.51.57

080 82.46 16.98 100.78 3.18 20.62 83.18 3.85 4100 32.24.33

100 105.14 13.32 128.50 2.64 16.17 106.06 3.20 4100 32.24.42

110 113.53 12.33 138.75 2.45 14.97 114.53 2.96 4100 32.33.33

120 120.48 11.62 147.25 2.31 14.11 121.54 2.79 4100 32.24.48

G332B 130 129.59 10.80 158.39 2.14 13.12 130.73 2.60 4100 32.24.51
G332F 140 144.76 9.67 176.92 1.92 11.74 146.03 2.32 4100 32.33.42

150 151.72 9.23 185.43 1.83 11.20 153.05 2.22 4100 32.24.60

165 165.88 8.44 202.74 1.67 10.25 167.34 2.03 4100 32.33.48

180 178.43 7.85 218.07 1.56 9.53 180.00 1.89 4100 32.33.51

200 208.89 6.70 255.30 1.33 8.14 210.73 1.61 4100 32.33.60
齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table
Input power : 0.37kW (0.5 HP) 4 Pole 1400rpm @ 50Hz, 1700rpm @ 60Hz
減速比 Ratio 50 Hz 60 Hz OHL (N)
機型 / 規格
@ 50Hz ZR Code
Type / Size in iex N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF

005 4.98 281.14 12.17 1.54 341.38 10.05 1.87 350 18.00.09
007 7.35 190.59 17.96 1.54 231.43 14.82 1.87 500 18.00.13
010 10.05 139.37 24.56 1.54 169.23 20.27 1.87 700 18.00.18

G318B 012 11.90 117.65 29.09 1.54 142.86 24.01 1.87 850 18.00.21
G318F 015 14.67 95.45 35.85 1.49 115.91 29.59 1.80 1100 18.00.26
020 19.43 72.06 47.49 1.12 87.50 39.20 1.36 1500 18.00.34
025 26.27 53.29 64.22 0.83 64.71 53.01 1.01 1550 18.00.46
030 29.47 47.51 72.03 0.74 57.69 59.45 0.90 1600 18.00.52

005 5.04 277.94 12.31 1.54 337.50 10.16 1.87 500 22.00.09

008 8.50 164.71 20.78 1.54 200.00 17.15 1.87 800 22.00.18

010 9.92 141.18 24.24 1.54 171.43 20.01 1.87 1000 22.00.18

012 11.96 117.03 29.24 1.54 142.11 24.14 1.87 1200 22.00.21

013 13.33 105.00 32.59 1.54 127.50 26.90 1.87 1300 22.00.24

015 15.11 92.65 36.94 1.54 112.50 30.49 1.87 1400 22.00.27

G322B 017 17.00 82.35 41.55 1.54 100.00 34.30 1.87 1450 22.00.30
G322F 020 20.31 68.95 49.63 1.54 83.72 40.97 1.87 1500 22.00.37

025 25.97 53.90 63.49 1.54 65.45 52.40 1.87 1600 22.00.46

030 28.85 48.53 70.52 1.51 58.93 58.20 1.83 1700 22.00.51

032 32.30 43.34 78.95 1.35 52.63 65.17 1.64 1800 22.00.57

040 41.02 34.13 100.26 1.03 41.45 82.75 1.25 2000 22.34.21

050 49.85 28.09 121.84 0.88 34.11 100.57 1.06 2000 22.42.21

060 58.29 24.02 142.47 0.75 29.17 117.60 0.91 2000 22.34.30

020 21.14 66.23 51.67 1.55 80.43 42.65 1.88 2500 28.00.29
025 24.93 56.15 60.95 1.55 68.18 50.31 1.88 2700 28.00.34
030 29.90 46.83 73.08 1.55 56.86 60.32 1.88 2900 28.00.41
033 33.00 42.42 80.67 1.55 51.52 66.58 1.88 3100 28.00.45
036 36.67 38.18 89.63 1.55 46.36 73.98 1.88 3300 28.00.50
040 41.80 33.49 102.18 1.55 40.67 84.34 1.88 3400 28.00.57

G328B 050 49.67 28.18 121.42 1.55 34.22 100.22 1.88 3400 28.24.29
G328F 060 58.59 23.89 143.23 1.35 29.01 118.22 1.64 3400 28.24.34
070 70.26 19.93 171.74 1.13 24.20 141.75 1.37 3400 28.24.41
080 77.55 18.05 189.56 1.02 21.92 156.46 1.24 3400 28.24.45
090 86.17 16.25 210.63 0.92 19.73 173.85 1.12 3400 28.24.50
100 98.23 14.25 240.11 0.81 17.31 198.19 0.98 3400 28.24.57
110 107.61 13.01 263.04 0.74 15.80 217.11 0.89 3400 28.51.29
130 126.93 11.03 310.28 0.63 13.39 256.10 0.76 3400 28.51.34

060 62.67 22.34 153.18 1.59 27.13 126.44 1.93 4100 32.00.60

070 68.57 20.42 167.62 1.59 24.79 138.36 1.93 4100 32.33.20

080 82.46 16.98 201.56 1.59 20.62 166.36 1.93 4100 32.24.33

100 105.14 13.32 257.00 1.32 16.17 212.13 1.60 4100 32.24.42

110 113.53 12.33 277.50 1.22 14.97 229.05 1.48 4100 32.33.33

G332B 120 120.48 11.62 294.51 1.15 14.11 243.09 1.40 4100 32.24.48
G332F 130 129.59 10.80 316.78 1.07 13.12 261.47 1.30 4100 32.24.51

140 144.76 9.67 353.84 0.96 11.74 292.06 1.16 4100 32.33.42

150 151.72 9.23 370.86 0.92 11.20 306.11 1.11 4100 32.24.60

165 165.88 8.44 405.48 0.84 10.25 334.68 1.01 4100 32.33.48

180 178.43 7.85 436.14 0.78 9.53 359.99 0.94 4100 32.33.51

200 208.89 6.70 510.61 0.66 8.14 421.45 0.81 4100 32.33.60
齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table
Input power : 0.75kW (1HP) 4 Pole 1400rpm @ 50Hz, 1700rpm @ 60Hz
減速比 Ratio 50 Hz 60 Hz OHL (N)
機型 / 規格
@ 50Hz ZR Code
Type / Size in iex N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) T2 (Nm) SF

005 5.52 253.79 27.29 5.45 308.17 22.47 6.62 850 28.00.16
010 9.70 144.40 47.96 4.04 175.34 39.50 4.91 1500 28.00.29
012 11.44 122.42 56.58 3.43 148.65 46.59 4.16 1700 28.00.34
014 13.71 102.09 67.84 2.86 123.97 55.87 3.47 1900 28.00.41
015 15.14 92.49 74.88 2.59 112.31 61.67 3.15 2000 28.00.45
017 16.82 83.24 83.20 2.33 101.08 68.52 2.83 2200 28.00.50
020 19.17 73.02 94.85 2.05 88.67 78.11 2.48 2400 28.00.57

G328B 023 22.78 61.45 112.71 1.72 74.61 92.82 2.09 2500 28.24.29
G328F 025 26.88 52.09 132.95 1.46 63.25 109.49 1.77 2700 28.24.34
030 28.08 49.85 138.93 1.40 60.53 114.41 1.70 2800 28.51.16
032 32.23 43.44 159.42 1.22 52.75 131.29 1.48 2900 28.24.41
036 35.57 39.36 175.97 1.10 47.79 144.91 1.34 3200 28.24.45
040 39.52 35.42 195.52 0.99 43.01 161.02 1.20 3300 28.24.50
045 45.06 31.07 222.89 0.87 37.73 183.56 1.06 3400 28.24.57
050 49.36 28.36 244.17 0.79 34.44 201.08 0.96 3400 28.51.29
060 58.22 24.05 288.02 0.67 29.20 237.19 0.82 3400 28.51.34
020 20.79 67.34 102.85 3.30 81.77 84.70 4.01 3300 32.00.42
023 23.82 58.77 117.86 2.88 71.36 97.06 3.50 3600 32.00.48
025 25.63 54.63 126.77 2.68 66.34 104.40 3.25 3700 32.00.51
030 30.00 46.67 148.41 2.29 56.67 122.22 2.78 3900 32.00.60
033 32.83 42.65 162.40 2.09 51.78 133.74 2.54 4000 32.33.20
040 39.47 35.47 195.28 1.74 43.07 160.82 2.11 4100 32.24.33
050 50.33 27.82 248.99 1.36 33.78 205.05 1.66 4100 32.24.42
055 54.35 25.76 268.86 1.26 31.28 221.41 1.53 4100 32.33.33
060 57.68 24.27 285.33 1.19 29.47 234.98 1.44 4100 32.24.48
065 62.04 22.57 306.91 1.11 27.40 252.75 1.34 4100 32.24.51
070 69.30 20.20 342.82 0.99 24.53 282.32 1.20 4100 32.33.42
075 72.63 19.28 359.31 0.94 23.41 295.90 1.15 4100 32.24.60
080 79.41 17.63 392.85 0.86 21.41 323.52 1.05 4100 32.33.48
090 85.42 16.39 422.56 0.80 19.90 347.99 0.98 4100 32.33.51
100 100.00 14.00 494.70 0.69 17.00 407.40 0.83 4100 32.33.60
040 39.86 35.12 197.19 3.10 42.65 162.39 3.76 5400 40.00.58
050 48.36 28.95 239.25 2.55 35.15 197.03 3.10 5600 40.00.70
060 61.59 22.73 304.67 2.01 27.60 250.90 2.44 5800 40.25.36
070 67.00 20.90 331.45 1.84 25.37 272.96 2.24 5800 40.41.24
080 82.53 16.96 408.29 1.50 20.60 336.24 1.82 5800 40.25.49
100 97.84 14.31 484.01 1.26 17.38 398.59 1.53 5800 40.25.58
105 102.04 13.72 504.77 1.21 16.66 415.70 1.47 5800 40.41.36
120 118.71 11.79 587.26 1.04 14.32 483.63 1.26 5800 40.25.70
140 136.74 10.24 676.45 0.90 12.43 557.07 1.10 5800 40.41.49
160 162.10 8.64 801.90 0.76 10.49 660.39 0.93 5800 40.41.58
200 196.68 7.12 972.97 0.63 8.64 801.27 0.76 5800 40.41.70
060 60.66 23.08 300.07 3.88 28.03 247.12 4.71 12000 50.25.30
070 65.93 21.23 326.16 3.57 25.78 268.60 4.33 12000 50.41.19
080 83.21 16.83 411.62 2.83 20.43 338.98 3.43 12000 50.25.41
100 100.71 13.90 498.22 2.34 16.88 410.30 2.84 12000 50.41.30
105 103.95 13.47 514.24 2.26 16.35 423.49 2.75 12000 50.25.51
125 123.10 11.37 608.97 1.91 13.81 501.50 2.32 12000 50.25.60
140 138.15 10.13 683.42 1.70 12.31 562.82 2.07 12000 50.41.41
170 172.59 8.11 853.81 1.36 9.85 703.14 1.66 12000 50.41.51
200 204.39 6.85 1011.09 1.15 8.32 832.66 1.40 12000 50.41.60
齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table
Input power : 1.5kW (2HP) 4 Pole 1400rpm @ 50Hz, 1700rpm @ 60Hz
減速比 Ratio 50 Hz 60 Hz OHL (N)
機型 / 規格
@ 50Hz ZR Code
Type / Size
in iex N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF

005 5.52 253.79 54.04 2.73 308.17 44.52 3.31 850 28.00.16

010 9.70 144.40 94.98 2.04 175.34 78.24 2.48 1500 28.00.29

012 11.44 122.42 112.04 1.73 148.65 92.30 2.10 1700 28.00.34

014 13.71 102.09 134.35 1.44 123.97 110.67 1.75 1900 28.00.41

015 15.14 92.49 148.29 1.31 112.31 122.16 1.59 2000 28.00.45
017 16.82 83.24 164.77 1.18 101.08 135.73 1.43 2200 28.00.50
020 19.17 73.02 187.84 1.03 88.67 154.73 1.25 2400 28.00.57

023 22.78 61.45 223.21 0.87 74.61 183.87 1.06 2500 28.24.29

025 26.88 52.09 263.30 0.74 63.25 216.90 0.89 2700 28.24.34

030 28.08 49.85 275.13 0.71 60.53 226.64 0.86 2800 28.51.16

032 32.23 43.44 315.72 0.61 52.75 260.08 0.75 2900 28.24.41

005 5.21 268.80 51.03 2.79 326.40 42.03 3.39 1400 32.00.10

010 9.85 142.15 96.49 2.79 172.62 79.48 3.39 2200 32.00.20

015 16.30 85.87 159.73 2.13 104.27 131.58 2.58 3100 32.00.33

020 20.79 67.34 203.67 1.67 81.77 167.78 2.02 3300 32.00.42

023 23.82 58.77 233.40 1.45 71.36 192.27 1.77 3600 32.00.48

G332B 025 25.63 54.63 251.05 1.35 66.34 206.80 1.64 3700 32.00.51
G332F 030 30.00 46.67 293.91 1.16 56.67 242.11 1.40 3900 32.00.60

033 32.83 42.65 321.62 1.06 51.78 264.94 1.28 4000 32.33.20

040 39.47 35.47 386.72 0.88 43.07 318.57 1.07 4100 32.24.33

050 50.33 27.82 493.11 0.69 33.78 406.20 0.84 4100 32.24.42

055 54.35 25.76 532.45 0.64 31.28 438.61 0.77 4100 32.33.33

060 57.68 24.27 565.07 0.60 29.47 465.48 0.73 4100 32.24.48

025 25.09 55.80 245.82 2.49 67.75 202.49 3.02 5100 40.00.36

033 33.62 41.64 329.42 1.86 50.56 271.36 2.25 5300 40.00.49

040 39.86 35.12 390.51 1.56 42.65 321.69 1.90 5400 40.00.58

G340B 050 48.36 28.95 473.82 1.29 35.15 390.31 1.57 5600 40.00.70
G340F 060 61.59 22.73 603.37 1.01 27.60 497.03 1.23 5800 40.25.36

070 67.00 20.90 656.40 0.93 25.37 540.72 1.13 5800 40.41.24

080 82.53 16.96 808.57 0.76 20.60 666.07 0.92 5800 40.25.49

100 97.84 14.31 958.52 0.64 17.38 789.60 0.77 5800 40.25.58

040 41.92 33.40 410.64 2.83 40.56 338.27 3.44 12000 50.00.51

050 49.64 28.21 486.29 2.39 34.25 400.59 2.91 12000 50.00.60

060 60.66 23.08 594.26 1.96 28.03 489.53 2.38 12000 50.25.30

070 65.93 21.23 645.92 1.80 25.78 532.09 2.19 12000 50.41.19

080 83.21 16.83 815.16 1.43 20.43 671.50 1.73 12000 50.25.41
100 100.71 13.90 986.67 1.18 16.88 812.78 1.43 12000 50.41.30
105 103.95 13.47 1018.39 1.14 16.35 838.91 1.39 12000 50.25.51

125 123.10 11.37 1205.99 0.97 13.81 993.45 1.17 12000 50.25.60

140 138.15 10.13 1353.45 0.86 12.31 1114.92 1.04 12000 50.41.41

170 172.59 8.11 1690.88 0.69 9.85 1392.88 0.84 12000 50.41.51

200 204.39 6.85 2002.36 0.58 8.32 1649.47 0.71 12000 50.41.60
齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table

Input power : 2.2kW (3HP) 4 Pole 1400rpm @ 50Hz, 1700rpm @ 60Hz

減速比 Ratio 50 Hz 60 Hz OHL (N)
機型 / 規格
@ 50Hz ZR Code
Type / Size
in iex N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF

003 3.04 460.80 44.80 5.64 559.54 36.90 6.85 900 32.00.10

005 5.74 243.69 84.70 4.01 295.91 69.77 4.87 1400 32.00.20

010 9.51 147.20 140.23 2.42 178.74 115.50 2.94 2200 32.00.33

012 12.13 115.44 178.80 1.90 140.18 147.28 2.31 2700 32.00.42

014 13.90 100.74 204.90 1.66 122.33 168.77 2.01 2900 32.00.48

015 14.95 93.66 220.39 1.54 113.73 181.53 1.87 3000 32.00.51
018 17.50 80.00 258.02 1.32 97.14 212.53 1.60 3200 32.00.60
020 19.15 73.11 282.35 1.20 88.77 232.56 1.46 3400 32.33.20

023 23.03 60.80 339.50 1.00 73.83 279.64 1.21 3600 32.24.33

030 29.36 47.68 432.89 0.78 57.90 356.57 0.95 3800 32.24.42

032 31.70 44.16 467.43 0.73 53.62 385.01 0.88 3900 32.33.33

033 33.65 41.61 496.07 0.68 50.53 408.60 0.83 4000 32.24.48

036 36.19 38.69 533.58 0.64 46.97 439.50 0.77 4100 32.24.51

005 5.00 280.00 73.72 3.95 340.00 60.72 4.80 2200 40.00.12

010 9.94 140.90 146.49 3.95 171.10 120.67 4.80 3800 40.00.24

015 15.13 92.52 223.10 2.74 112.35 183.76 3.33 4600 40.00.36

020 20.28 69.04 298.98 2.04 83.84 246.26 2.48 4800 40.00.49

025 24.04 58.24 354.42 1.72 70.72 291.93 2.09 5000 40.00.58

030 29.17 48.00 430.03 1.42 58.29 354.21 1.73 5200 40.00.70
035 37.14 37.69 547.61 1.12 45.77 451.06 1.35 5800 40.25.36

040 40.41 34.65 595.75 1.03 42.07 490.71 1.25 5800 40.41.24

050 49.77 28.13 733.85 0.83 34.16 604.46 1.01 5800 40.25.49

060 59.00 23.73 869.95 0.70 28.81 716.56 0.85 5800 40.25.58

062 61.54 22.75 907.27 0.67 27.63 747.31 0.82 5800 40.41.36

070 71.59 19.56 1055.54 0.58 23.75 869.43 0.70 5800 40.25.70

020 20.62 67.91 303.96 3.37 82.46 250.37 4.09 9000 50.00.41

025 25.76 54.36 379.74 3.07 66.01 312.79 3.72 10200 50.00.51

030 30.50 45.90 449.69 2.59 55.74 370.40 3.14 11500 50.00.60

035 37.27 37.56 549.54 2.12 45.61 452.64 2.57 12000 50.25.30

040 40.51 34.56 597.31 1.80 41.96 492.00 2.19 12000 50.41.19

050 51.13 27.38 753.82 1.54 33.25 620.91 1.87 12000 50.25.41
060 61.88 22.62 912.42 1.28 27.47 751.54 1.55 12000 50.41.30

065 63.87 21.92 941.75 1.24 26.61 775.71 1.50 12000 50.25.51

075 75.64 18.51 1115.24 1.04 22.47 918.60 1.27 12000 50.25.60

085 84.89 16.49 1251.59 0.93 20.03 1030.92 1.13 12000 50.41.41

100 106.05 13.20 1563.63 0.74 16.03 1287.94 0.90 12000 50.41.51

125 125.59 11.15 1851.67 0.63 13.54 1525.19 0.76 12000 50.41.60
齒輪馬達性能參數表 Gearmotor Rating Table

Input power : 3.7kW (5HP) 4 Pole 1400rpm @ 50Hz, 1700rpm @ 60Hz

減速比 Ratio 50 Hz 60 Hz OHL (N)

機型 / 規格
@ 50Hz ZR Code
Type / Size
in iex N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF N2 (rpm) T2 (Nm) SF

003 3.04 460.80 74.56 3.38 559.54 61.42 4.10 900 32.00.10

005 5.74 243.69 140.99 2.41 295.91 113.74 2.92 1400 32.00.20

010 9.51 147.20 233.41 1.45 178.74 188.30 1.77 2200 32.00.33

012 12.13 115.44 297.61 1.14 140.18 240.09 1.38 2700 32.00.42

014 13.90 100.74 341.05 1.00 122.33 275.13 1.21 2900 32.00.48

015 14.95 93.66 366.84 0.93 113.73 295.94 1.12 3000 32.00.51

018 17.50 80.00 429.47 0.79 97.14 346.47 0.96 3200 32.00.60

020 19.15 73.11 469.96 0.72 88.77 379.13 0.88 3400 32.33.20

023 23.03 60.80 565.09 0.60 73.83 455.88 0.73 3600 32.24.33

005 5.00 280.00 122.71 2.37 340.00 98.99 2.88 2200 40.00.12

010 9.94 140.90 243.84 2.37 171.10 196.71 2.88 3800 40.00.24

015 15.13 92.52 371.34 1.65 112.35 299.58 2.00 4600 40.00.36

020 20.28 69.04 497.64 1.23 83.84 401.46 1.49 4800 40.00.49
025 24.04 58.24 589.93 1.04 70.72 475.91 1.26 5000 40.00.58

030 29.17 48.00 715.78 0.85 58.29 577.44 1.04 5200 40.00.70

035 37.14 37.69 911.48 0.67 45.77 735.32 0.81 5800 40.25.36

040 40.41 34.65 991.60 0.62 42.07 799.96 0.75 5800 40.41.24

010 9.84 142.30 241.45 2.02 172.79 194.79 2.45 7000 50.00.19

015 15.03 93.15 368.83 2.02 113.11 297.54 2.45 8500 50.00.30

020 20.62 67.91 505.93 2.02 82.46 408.15 2.45 9000 50.00.41

025 25.76 54.36 632.07 1.84 66.01 509.91 2.24 10200 50.00.51

030 30.50 45.90 748.50 1.56 55.74 603.84 1.89 11500 50.00.60

G350B 035 37.27 37.56 914.69 1.27 45.61 737.91 1.54 12000 50.25.30

040 40.51 34.56 994.21 1.08 41.96 802.06 1.31 12000 50.41.19

050 51.13 27.38 1254.71 0.93 33.25 1012.21 1.13 12000 50.25.41

060 61.88 22.62 1518.70 0.77 27.47 1225.18 0.93 12000 50.41.30

065 63.87 21.92 1567.53 0.74 26.61 1264.57 0.90 12000 50.25.51

075 75.64 18.51 1856.28 0.63 22.47 1497.52 0.76 12000 50.25.60

馬達尺寸 Motor dimensions

功率 標準馬達 煞車馬達
代碼 Power Motor without brake Motor with brake
Code 整流器
01 0.1 0.125 147

02 0.18 0.25 167 129 103 70 76 M20-12B M20-12B R1

04 0.37 0.5 182

04 § 0.37 0.5 195 M16

塞頭 M16-10B
07 0.75 1 210 161 128 plug
15 1.5 2 260 77 90 M20-14B M20-14B R3

22 2.2 3 282
212 148.5
37 3.7 5 322
§ 僅適用於 G340 & G350 § Available on G340 & G350 only
外型及安裝尺寸 Dimension Sheets

外型及安裝尺寸 Dimension Sheets

外型及安裝尺寸 Dimension Sheets
外型及安裝尺寸 Dimension Sheets
外型及安裝尺寸 Dimension Sheets
外型及安裝尺寸 Dimension Sheets

馬達產品說明 Motor Product Information

產品種類:AC 三相鼠籠式感應電動機 Product type: AC three-phase squirrel cage induction motor

產品範圍:4P:0.1 - 3.7 kW 6P:0.18 - 2.2 kW Product range: 4P:0.1 - 3.7 kW 6P:0.18 - 2.2 kW
產品規範及特性: Specification:
設計依據:IEC Design by: IEC
額定電壓:200 - 240 V 380 - 400 V 415 - 460 V Rated voltage: 200 – 240 V 380 – 400 V 415 – 460 V
額定頻率:50 Hz & 60 Hz Rated frequency: 50 Hz & 60 Hz
絕緣等級:F 級絕緣 Insulation: Class F
溫升等級:B 級溫升等級﹝80℃以下﹞ Temperature rise: Class B (below 80℃)
防護等級:IP54 或 IP55 Enclosure: IP54 or IP55
冷卻方式:全密閉自帶外扇型 Cooling: Totally enclosed fan cooled
震動及噪音等級: Vibration & noise level:
安全係數:1.0 以上 @50Hz 雙轉向 S1 使用條件設計 Service factor:1.0 above @ 50 Hz double rotation with S1 condition
產品使用條件: Ambient condition:
電源變動率:電壓±10%以內,頻率±5%以內; Power deviation: Voltage: ±10%, frequency: ±5%
綜合變動率:以上二者絕對值之和在 10%以內,但頻率變動 Integrated deviation: less than 10% of the sum of absolute of voltage and
率在±5%以內 frequency deviation, maximum frequency deviation ±5% only
使用場所:一般屋內 Environment: Indoor
環境周溫:-15℃~40℃ Ambient temperature:-15℃~40℃
環境濕度:相對濕度 90%以下,但不可發生凝結 Ambient humidity: Under 90%
場所標高:海拔 1000 公尺以下 Altitude: Under 1,000 meters
馬達制動器 Motor Brake
煞車作動原理 Operating principle of brake

1.彈簧銷 1.Spring pins

2.間隙墊片 2.Shims
3.皿型彈簧 3.Belleville springs
4.O 型圈 4.O-ring
5.線圈本體 5.Coil housing
6.煞車彈簧 6.Spring
7.煞車磨擦片 7.Friction lining
8.散熱風葉 8.Fan
9.線圈 9.Coil
10.間隙調整片 10.Adjustment plate

馬達電磁煞車的基本作動原理為:以圈型彈簧的彈力作用, The operating principle of motor brake is the friction force produced by
藉由來令片和導磁壓板往馬達的相反方向的推力,產生磨擦 the pressure spring to push the lining plate via the armature plate against
力進而產生制動目的;當送電至激磁線圈產生磁力後,強制 the friction plate, which the brake effect is achieved. When applying a
將導磁壓板和來令片往馬達方向移動,以抵消圈型彈簧的推 current to the energizing coil, a magnetic force is induced, compensating
力,消除磨擦力而產生煞車釋放效果。 the effect of springs, lifting the armature plate and releasing the brake.

馬達接線 Motor Wiring

AC三相接線圖 AC three phase wiring diagram

W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2

U5 V5 W5

U5 V5 W5

U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1
U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1


低壓 Low voltage 高壓 High voltage 低壓 Low voltage 高壓 High voltage

DC煞車連接圖 DC brake wiring diagram

整流器 煞車 整流器 煞車 整流器 煞車 整流器 煞車

Rectifier Brake Rectifier Brake Rectifier Brake Rectifier Brake

W2 U2 V2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2

U5 V5 W5
W2 U2 V2
U5 V5 W5

U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1
U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1


低壓 Low voltage 高壓 High voltage 低壓 Low voltage 高壓 High voltage

維護說明 Maintenance

減速機 Reducer

齒輪馬達或齒輪減速機若添加潤滑油時,請至少使用每 Gearmotors or reducers will require an oil inspection of quality and

3,000 小時或 6 個月檢查油質以及油量。 quantity for every 6 months or 3,000 hours’ operation.

每隔 10,000 小時或 3 年應更換新油,不同的安裝方式油量 Oil should be changed in every 3 years or 10,000 hours’ operation. The
請參考油量表。 required oil quantity should be checked according to mounting position.

故障排除 Troubleshooting

問 題 原 因 處理措施
Problem Cause Remedy
不正常連續性異音 1.磨擦音:軸承損壞 1.檢查油品或更換軸承
Unusual, regular running noise 1. Meshing noise: Bearing damage 1. Check the oil, change bearings
2.金屬敲擊聲:齒輪不正常傳動 2.聯絡服務單位
2. Knocking noise: Irregularity in the gearing 2. Contact customer service
不正常非連續性異音 減速機內有異物 1.檢查油品質
Unusual, irregular running noise Contamination 1. Check the oil
2. Stop the drive, contact customer service

Oil leaking
1.本體接縫 1.本體防漏失效 1.旋緊鬆脫螺絲後再觀察;若仍有滲
1. Housing 1. Gasket or sealant defective 漏,聯絡服務單位
2.本體馬達間 2.油封失效 1. Tighten the bolts and observe the reducer.
2. Between housing and motor 2. Seal defective Oil still leaking contact customer service
3.馬達油封 3.油封失效 2.聯絡服務單位
3. From motor oil seal 3. Seal defective 2. Contact customer service
4.減速機油封 4.減速機排氣失效 3.清理透氣塞或加裝透氣塞
4. From the output shaft oil seal 4. Reducer not vented 3. Clean breather or vent the reducer

透氣塞漏油 1.油量過多 1.調整油量

Leaking from breather 1. Too much oil 1. Correct the oil quantity
2.透氣塞位置與安裝方式不符 2.調整透氣塞位置
2. Breather in incorrect position 2. Mount the breather correctly
3. Frequent cold start and/or high oil level

減速機出力軸不轉動(馬達運轉正常或 減速機內部傳動失效 減速機送修

減速機入力軸被正常傳動) Gearmotor/reducer defective Send gearmotor/reducer for repair
Reducer’s output shaft does not turn (motor is
running or reducer input shaft is rotated)
工機家族 Gong Ji Product Family

蝸輪減速機 Worm gear reducer

TK 系列 TK series



BH 系列 BH series




AK 系列 AK series



工機家族 Gong Ji Product Family

齒輪減速 Helical gear reducer

G300 系列 G300 Series

G3..BA G3..BM G3..BS G3..FA G3..FM G3..FS

G700 系列 G700 series

G7..BM G7..BS G7..FM G7..FS

蝸齒輪馬達 Worm helical gearmotor

ZHP 系列 ZHP Series


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