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Name____________________________________ Group___________

Date_______________ Unit_________ Lesson__________

Unit 11 Lesson A
I. Make guesses about the situations below. Complete the
sentences with modal verbs and the verbs given. Sometimes
there is more than one correct answer.

1. You hear the sound of breaking glass at your neighbor’s house

next door, and then the siren.
a. It ____________ (be) a burglar for sure
b. The neighbors __________ (be) away, perhaps.
c. The police ___________ (come)
d. The burglar ____________ (be) in the house

2. You see a young woman and young man talking outside the
cinema. They look upset.
a. They _________ (have) an argument.
b. They _________ (feel) very happy
c. He _________ (be) her date, perhaps.
d. He __________ (be) to comfort her.

3. You’re in a cab that is going too fast.

a. The driver ___________ (be) in a hurry,
for sure.
b. He ___________ (be) a very safe driver.
c. He ___________ (break) the speed limit.
d. He ___________ (want) to get off work

4. You see a cyclist sitting on the ground next to his bike.

a. He __________ (be) hurt, perhaps.
b. He ___________ (take) a rest.
c. He ____________ (take apart) in a bicycle
d. His bicycle _______________ (be) damaged.

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