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Chapter 29: Assessing Childbearing women

The body experiences physiologic and anatomic Ears and Hearing

changes during pregnancy. Most of these changes
Pregnant women may report a decrease in hearing, a
are influenced by the hormones of pregnancy,
sense of fullness in ears or earaches because of the
primarily estrogen and progesterone.
increased vascularity of the tympanic membrane and
Skin, Hair and Nails blockage of eustachian tube.

Integumentary system changes occur primarily Mouth, Throat, Nose and Sinuses
because of hormonal influences.
Some women may note changes in their gums during
Hyperpigmentation also results from hormonal pregnancy. Gingival bleeding when brushing teeth
influences and most noted on abdomen and face. and hypertrophy are common. Vocal changes may
be noted due to edema of the larynx. Nasal
Linea negra- a dark line extending from the umbilicus
“stuffiness” and epistaxis are also common during
to the mons pubis
pregnancy because of estrogen-induced edema and
Spider nevi- tiny red angiomas occurring on the face, vascular congestion of the nasal mucosa and
neck. chest, arms, and legs sinuses.

Chloasma- a darkening of the skin on the face known Thorax and Lungs
as the facial “mask of pregnancy”.
As the pregnancy progresses, progesterone
Skin changes during pregnancy influences of the ligaments and joints. Shortness of
breath is a common complaint during the last
-Darkening of the areolae and nipples, axillae, trimester. Oxygen requirements increase during
umbilicus and perineum pregnancy because of the additional cellular growth of
-Vascular changes because of elevated estrogen the body and the fetus. Pulmonary requirements
levels. increase, with the tidal volume increasing by 30% to
- Palmar erythema- pinkish color on the palms of the
hand Breasts

-Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy Breast changes include:

(PUPPP)- skin disorder seen during the third trimester - Tingling sensations and tenderness
of pregnancy, characterized by erythematous
papules, plaques and urticarial lesions. The rash - Enlargement of the breast and nipple
begins on the abdomen and may soon spread to the
- Hyperpigmentation of the areola and nipple
thighs, buttocks and arms
- Enlargement of Montgomery tubercles
Estrogen – primarily responsible for the changes that
occur to the pituitary , thyroid, parathyroid, and - Prominence of superficial veins
adrenal glands.
- Development of striae
Growth of hair and nails also tends to increase during
pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones increase the - Expression of colostrum in the second and third
growing phases of the hair follicle and decrease the trimester
resting phase of the hair follicle.
Heart At approximately 10-12 weeks gestation, the uterus
should be palpated at the top of the symphysis pubis.
Most dynamic changes is the increase in cardiac
output and maternal blood volume by approximately heat 16 weeks gestation, the top of the uterus, known
40% to 50%. The heart rate may increase by 10 to 15 as the fundus, should reach halfway between the
beats per minute and systolic murmurs may be heard. symphysis pubis and the umbilicus. At 20 weeks
gestation, the fundus should be at the level of the
Peripheral Vascular System umbilicus. the fundal height should equal the number
Clients often complain of feeling dizzy and of weeks pregnant.
lightheaded beginning with the second trimester. Anus and Rectum
These effects peak at approximately 32 to 34 weeks.
Other changes that occur during pregnancy include Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy.
dependent edema and varicosities Iron supplementation can also contribute to
constipation for those women who take additional
Fluid retention is caused by the increase hormones of iron. As a result, hemorrhoids (varicose veins in the
pregnancy, increased hydrophilicity of the intracellular rectum) may develop because of the pressure on the
connective tissue and increase venous pressure in venous structures from straining to have a bowel
the lower extremities. Varicose veins in the lower movement.
extremities, vulva and rectum are also common
during pregnancy. Women who are placed on bedrest Musculoskeletal System
during pregnancy are at a very high risk for
Anatomic changes of the musculoskeletal system
development of thrombophlebitis.
during pregnancy result from fetal growth, hormonal
Abdomen influences, and maternal weight gain. As the
pregnancy progresses, uterine growth pulls the pelvis
During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles (rectus forward, which causes the spine to curve forward,
abdominis muscle) stretch as the uterus enlarges. It creating a gradual lordosis.
stretch to the point that permanent separation occurs,
known as diastasis recti abdominis The pregnant woman’s gait is often described as
“waddling”. Gait changes are also attributed to weight
Four paired ligaments (broad ligaments, uterosacral gain in the uterus, fetus and breasts. At approximately
ligaments, cardinal ligaments and round ligaments) 24 weeks gestation, the woman’s center of gravity
support the uterus and keep it in position in the pelvic and stance change, causing her to back slightly to
cavity balance herself.
Ptyalism- excessive salivation may occur in the first Neurologic System
Common neurologic complaints include:
Pica- a craving for on ingestion of non-nutritional
substances such as dirt or clay, is seen in all -Pain or tingling feeling in the thigh
socioeconomic classes and cultures.
-Carpal tunnel syndrome
-Leg cramps
Before conception, the uterus is a small, pear-shaped
-Dizziness and lightheadedness
organ that weighs approximately 44 g. Once
conception occurs, the uterus prepares itself for the
pregnancy: ovulation ceases. the uterine
endometrium thickens and the number and size of The CDC explains that the Zika virus is transmitted to
uterine blood vessels increase. people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes
species mosquito (a. aegypti and A. albopictus). They
are aggressive daytime biters but can bite at night as

-mild fever -muscle and joint pain
-skin rashes -malaise
-conjunctivitis -headache

Recommended weight gain in pregnancy

Underweight client- 28-40lb
Normal weight client: 25-35lb
Overweight client: 15-25lb
Obese client: 11-20lb

Gravida- total number of pregnancies

Para- number of pregnancies that have delivered at
20 weeks gestation or greater
Term gestation- delivery of pregnancy 38-42 weeks
Preterm Gestation- delivery of pregnancy after 20
weeks and before the start of 38 weeks gestation
Abortion- termination of pregnancy (spontaneous
{miscarriage} or induced prior to the 20th week of
Living – number of living children
BP range: systolic 90-134 mmHg and diastolic 60-89
Pulse rate: 60-90 beats/minute
Behavior: First trimester: tired, ambivalent
Second trimester: Introspective, energetic
Third trimester: Restless, preparing for baby,
labile moods (father may also experience these same

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