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This tiktok clip is an example of historical distortion because it is clearly altering

history by teaching manipulated stories, facts, and data which is means of promoting
specific ideologies and agendas. The video creates events that did not happen, altering
events that did happen, or omitting events altogether.
Here are the reasons why this tiktok clip is an example of historical distortion:
First, the clip narrates that the Philippines was declare under Martial Law
because of the threat and danger that is imposed by the CCP-NPA however it is clearly
stated by the proclamation itself, the NPA only had 7,900 personnel of which only 1,028
were regular combatants, the rest were only support compare to the Armed Forces of
the Philippines which had 57,100 regular troops. The country’s 57,100 well trained and
equipped regular troops could easily defeat an improvised 1,028 NPA fighters that time.
In short,even if the NPA was fighting against the Marcos government, it did not
constituted a real threat to the Country.
Second, The clip clearly show a false information or an example of disinformation
about the tortured and rape victims. The tiktok clip claim that the case of torture and
rape are not done by military forces but by rebels who are wearing military uniforms to
put the blame in the administration of Marcos.
Third, the video creates a new version of history to advance personal agenda in
the present, often political ones. In the clip, Jose Ponce Enrile insisted that president
Ferdinand Marcos is a hero who save the country from being a communist country.
Which he treat as Marco’s biggest legacy to the Philippines. When in fact, the truth
behind the declaration of Martial Law was for Marcos to ensure that he would stay in
power beyond the end of his term. The Martial Law was not a product of the chaos or
threats of violence that were supposedly engulfing the country as Marcos claimed. It
was plan carefully designed by Marcos himself to stay in power. Marcos exaggerated
the problems of the Philippines to justify Martial Law.

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