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Date: Apr 4, 2022

Name: Kailieha Bobbitt

Essential question: Why should we care for the environment?
Thesis: Although the environment is self-sufficient, we have an impact on the environment. This
impact we have can change the environment around us for better or worse. That is why we
need to know what environmental issues are, how will environmental changes impact society,
and why it's important to protect the environment

Essay sections:
What environmental issues are?
How will environmental changes impact society?
Why is it important to protect the environment?
Point that this source proves: # 1; The environment is important, so we need to care for it

Environmental issues are defined as harmful effects on the earth and its natural systems
on it. Some examples of environmental issues are climate change and pollution. These issues
affect the environment and can affect us and the ecosystems around us.
The environment is being damaged and can affect the way we live today. We need to
work together to help slow or stop the damage. I believe that the environment takes care of us,
so we should take care of it.
I believe that the environment will affect how we live, an example of this is global
warming. Due to the greenhouse gasses and certain chemicals produced by factories a hole in
the ozone was formed. But together everyone was able to stop the chemicals from the factories
and lower the greenhouse gasses to repair the ozone layer. That is why we, the people of today
need to keep taking care of the environment.

Work cited

“Environmental Issues Guide: What to Know Now.” Giving Compass, 4 Jan. 2021, 

This is a reputable and reliable article because this is an article by a big organization called
“Giving Compass” they connect donors to learning resources and ways to support community-
led solutions.
Date: Apr 4, 2022
Name: Kailieha Bobbitt
Essential question: Why should we care for the environment?
Essay sections:
Environmental problems.
How will environmental changes impact society?
Why is it important to protect the environment?
Point that this source proves: # 2; Environmental change can make a huge impact

An example of an impact on society is an environmental change like climate change. This

has an impact on society in many ways like human health, agriculture, food, transportation,
water, ecosystems, energy, and more. Some examples of this change in action would be
wildfires due to the hot weather and dryland conditions and because the wildfires affect
agriculture like food and water, another example is forest, wetlands, and barrier beaches
having impacts of fires, floods, and severe storms affect everything around them like the
animals in the ecosystem.
Environmental change can be beneficial or inconvenient, but when this happens it can
go for better or worse and we need to help when things take a turn for the south. Things like
wildfires and floods can be dangerous, that is why we need to work together when
environmental change is for the worse.
With the help of organizations setting up fundraisers, we can help to assist by providing
funding to help buy equipment to put out fires or help rebuild what was lost in the big effects of
climate change.

Work cited, 

This is a reputable and reliable article because this article was made by a U.S Global research
program by the government and is supported by 13 agencies, some are NSE and Nasa
Date: Apr 4, 2022
Name: Kailieha Bobbitt
Essential question: Why should we care for the environment?
Essay sections:
Environmental problems.
How will environmental changes impact society?
Why is it important to protect the environment?
Point that this source proves: # 3;

The environment provides many things we humans need to survive, like clean air and water.
The effect of dirty air or water can cause us to get sick, and we rely on the environment to
increase the quality of life we live. A study shows that kids who study environmental issues are
more likely to participate in sustainable activities in the future. They also expressed that based
on the environment state can lead to plant and animal extinction or prosperity.
The environment supplies us with many important things we use in our life. Air, water,
food, plants., and animals all depend on the environment. We depend on plants, animals, and
the environment to survive. If we were to protect the environment
We depend on all these factors to survive. This is why we need to protect the
environment. The environment relies on us as we rely on it to survive. We have a mutual
relationship with the environment, that is a reason to protect the environment.

Work cited

Šorytė. “Why It Is Important to Protect the Environment: Reasons were given by

Children.” NAAEE, 12 Mar. 2021,

This is a reputable and reliable article because this article was made by naaee the North
American Association for Environmental Education the government, and the study was deduced
by scholars Šorytė, D, & Pakalniškienė, V.

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