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Kyla Mae N Parantela


Nonverbal Communication: Analyzing Body Language Describe what the following body movements
suggest when someone exhibits them during a conversation. How do such Movements influence your
interpretation of spoken words?

a. Shifting one’s body continuously while seated

b. Twirling and playing with one’s hair

c. in a sprawled position

d.Rolling one’s eyes

e. Extending a weak handshake

1.Shifting one’s body continuously while seated shows boredom, uninterested or uncomfortable
position or most likely needed the use of bathroom.

2. Twirling and playing with one’s hair has different interpretation, but in general the reason why
someone twirl or play with his hair is to calming or soothing himself. And it is also a symptom of
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD)

3. Sitting in a sprawled position indicates that a person most likely being proud or confident enough, and
for it is kind of intimidating gesture sometimes.

4. Rolling one’s eye shows nervousness, confusion or being distracted. In which someone faultly sees it
as lying or making up stories or words.

5. Extending a weak handshake is mostly seen of being not interested or not caring to other party, but
sometimes it is rarely seen to be a reaction of being shy

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