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Performer B1 - Volume 2 UPDATED - Soluzioni

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Indice Performer B1 - Volume 2

SB UNIT 1: Now and then

SB UNIT 2: Your money

Review UNITS 1-2

Marina Spiazzi
Autore Marina Tavella
SB UNIT 3: Techie life Margaret Layton

Materia Inglese


Editore Zanichelli

ISBN 9788808367167

Anno 2018

Scuola Secondaria di II grado


Com'è il tuo Inglese?

Scopri il tuo livello di Inglese e come migliorarlo!

SB UNIT 4: Town and around

Around the town Apri
Es. 1
1. G

2. F

3. I

4. E

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. J

9. A

10. H
Es. 2
1. cycle lane

2. roundabout

3. car park

4. pedestrian area/zone

5. neighbourhood

6. signpost

7. pavement

8. residential area

9. outskirts

10. skyscrape
Es. 3

petrol station 2, fire station 5, law court 6, post office 4, playground 3, railway station 1

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

If you want to live like a king, move to the country

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

One each from these possibilities:

Living in the country: cheap, clothes are less important, bigger houses, more space, playgrounds for children and dogs, clear
night sky, driving is more relaxed, no parking problems, people are more genuine and friendly.

Living in a city: better social life, you can walk everywhere, commuting gives time to read or listen to music, cycle lanes keep
you fitter and happier, facilities are easily accessible, you learn to compromise, shops are open all the time, you can be
Es. 3
1. F, There are cycle lanes

2. F, They are easily accessible

3. T

4. F, People don’t care about what you do and how you do it

5. T

6. F, There are lots of playgrounds for kids and dogs

7. F, You will be able to drive where and when you want and change road if there is traffic

8. T
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

skyscraper, pavement, roundabout, commute, private, neighbourhood, genuine, compromise, accessible, residential, complain

Es. 7
Zero conditional
If + present simple, + present simple

Use: Present situations / General events that are always true

First conditional
If + present simple, + will + base form

Use: Real situations/events and their possible future consequences

Es. 8
1. is, call (zero conditional)

2. don’t use, will increase (first conditional)

3. have, will buy (first conditional)

4. walk, will find (first conditional)

5. greets, pass (zero conditional)

6. misses, will he do (first conditional)

Es. 9

Present simple

Es. 10
1. Will they move, is

2. won’t drive, finds

3. go, need

4. will wait, arrive

5. Will you reach, leaves

6. move, will have

Es. 11

Student’s activity

Es. 12

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
Living in the city
Advantages: job opportunities, shopping facilities, rich social life, life is never boring (exhibitions, films, plays, events),
better supplies in shops, wider choice of schools and places to work, better chances of good education and employment.

Disadvantages: pollution, street crime, commuting difficulties, rush hours, traffic jams, pollution from cars and factories,
crowds, noise, higher cost of living.

Living in the country

Advantages: people are friendly and close to nature, gentle pace of life, clean atmosphere, healthy living, more privacy
and relaxation (gardening, walking in the forests, walking in the fields), peace and quiet.

Disadvantages: life is boring and out-of-the-way, nowhere to go, commuting to work and school, less chance of a
successful career, less efficient services, fewer shops

Cork must be an interesting city

Es. 1
1. B

2. E

3. G

4. D

5. F

6. C

7. H

8. A
Es. 2
1. D

2. C

3. A

4. B
Es. 3

Medieval streets, Cathedral, beautiful square, historic Market Lane, art galleries, city museum, Wolvesey Castle, Jane Austen’s
house and museum, statue of King Alfred the Great, city’s medieval East Gate

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

It is considered a culturally lively city because of its cultural venues and facilities

Es. 6
1. sightseeing

2. explore, cathedral, the most spectacular

3. outskirts, talented skateboarders

4. ring the bells

5. 360-degree views

6. Art Gallery, a quiet moment

7. monastery, ancient prison

8. gift of eloquence
Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. B

2. C

3. A
Es. 9
1. must

2. might

3. must

4. may

5. must

6. can’
Es. 10
1. must

2. can’t

3. may/might/could

4. can’t

5. may/might/could

6. must
Es. 11
1. This must be a letter box. It may be outside a post office.

2. This must be a traffic light. It may be in a town.

3. This must be a part of a guitar. It may be Spanish.

4. These must be parts of a cathedral. This cathedral may be in the centre of a city

A pretty good place to visit

Es. 1
Positive: friendly, green, cosmopolitan, cultural, walkable.

Negative: noisy, polluted, crowded, stressful.

Neutral: modern, traditional, historic

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Es. 5
1. A possible school trip.

2. They are choosing between Canterbury and Winchester.

3. Because it’s a very traditional city with a wonderful historic centre and a stunning cathedral.

4. Because she thinks Winchester is less crowded and just as cultural as Canterbury.

5. The drama of Murder in the Cathedral.

6. No, Noah still thinks Canterbury is better.

7. No, he doesn’t, because he has already been there

Es. 6
a stalemate - deadlock

not to mention - including

gruesome - dreadful, horrific

beside the point - irrelevant

the crux of the matter - the main point

been there, done that - something you have already done

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

The adverbs in bold modify the intensity of the adjectives

Es. 10
1. fairly/pretty/quite

2. rather

3. rather

4. fairly/ pretty/quite

5. rather

6. quite

7. quite

8. rather

9. fairly/pretty/quite, rather

10. fairly/pretty/ quite

Es. 11

If you like skyscrapers, avenues and residential areas, you probably live in a town or city. It’s quite convenient to have facilities
like the railway station, the post office and the stadium near your home. Cities often have lots of cultural attractions such as
museums and art galleries, as well as monuments like a castle, a palace or a cathedral. Unless you like traffic and noise, cities
can also be rather stressful. They’re pretty good for sightseeing but historic towns and cities can be too crowded and rather

Es. 12
1. 90 minutes

2. £8

3. Towers

4. medieval houses

5. 1267

6. Castle

7. 10% discount.
Es. 13

Student’s activity

Zoom in on culture

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. Walls as barriers

2. A legendary wall

3. A focus for prayer

4. A British barrier

5. A world wonder
Es. 3
1. settlements

2. fortresses

3. the holiest

4. mourning

5. shelters

6. Wailing

7. campaigned
Es. 4
1. Because he wanted to stop Mexicans crossing into the USA illegally in search of work.

2. To build barriers, to mark borders, to protect settlements or keep out unwanted people.

3. Because they remind us of the legendary city conquered at the end of the long Trojan War.

4. Because it is what remains of the Temple of Jerusalem, destroyed by the Romans in the year AD 70.

5. Jewish visitors to the wall may even cry as they pray there, mourning the loss of the Holy Temple. This has given the
structure its other name: the Wailing Wall.

6. The Romans, to prevent the tribes of Scotland from entering their colony, Britannia.

7. Nowadays you can only admire and explore its remains.

8. It is over 21,000 kilometres long.

9. It had to protect people and territories from Mongol warriors, and it created an elaborate defensive system with towers,
shelters and fortresses
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6
1. concrete

2. remains

3. scattered

4. Alliedoccupied

5. throughout

6. cut off
Es. 7
1. can’t miss

2. West Berlin

3. division

4. a walking or cycling lane

5. You’ll find

6. history and culture

7. in a civil war

8. look more attractive

Es. 8

A famous wall attraction is Seattle’s Market Theatre Gum Wall. People have been sticking their chewing gum to the wall since the
1990s. The wall has turned into a tourist stop in its own right. Now, people create images out of their gum and even spell out
words, transforming the tradition into a form of street art. The wall was cleaned off in 2015, but it soon returned to the colourful
mess for which it was famous. Like the Gum Wall, Prague’s Lennon Wall didn’t start out as anything particularly special. But
beginning in the 1980s, it became a magnet for John Lennon-inspired everything - from artwork to song lyrics. During the
Communist times, the wall was even a source of conflict, with authorities claiming the free-spirited students and supporters of
the wall were crazy and agents of Western Capitalism. Now it is in constant evolution, but it remains a symbol of the messages
that John Lennon’s music represented

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Review UNITS 3-4

SB UNIT 5: Healthy body and mind

The body

Es. 1
1. F

2. C

3. P

4. I

5. B

6. T

7. D

8. N

9. J

10. G

11. A

12. M

13. K

14. U

15. Q

16. H

17. E

18. O

19. S

20. R

21. L
Es. 2
Upper body: head, arm, shoulder, hand, finger, elbow, thumb, neck, wrist.

Middle body: hip, chest, waist, back, stomach.

Lower body: knee, foot, toe, leg, thigh, ankle, calf

Es. 3

wave your hand/arms, kick your leg, nod your head, bend your arm/knee/leg, cross your fingers/legs, twist your wrist/ankle/knee

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. kick his legs

2. nod your head

3. Cross your fingers

4. waved her hand/arms

5. twisted his ankle

6. bending your knees

What would you do in an emergency?

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. A
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
A They describe hypothetical situations.

B Past simple.

C Would + base form

Es. 6
1. didn’t hurt

2. had

3. gave

4. ate

5. weren’t
Es. 7
1. hurt, would see

2. would go, were

3. Would you worry, felt

4. had, would join

5. drank, would sleep

6. wouldn’t go, didn’t have

7. broke, would go

8. were, wouldn’t sunbathe

Es. 8
1. If you didn’t carry heavy bags, your shoulders and neck wouldn’t hurt.

2. If Susan didn’t play football, she wouldn’t have big calves.

3. If my head sometimes hurt, I would understand how she feels.

4. If I could sleep at night, I wouldn’t feel very tired.

5. If my friend didn’t feel sick, we would go climbing

Es. 9
What would/wouldn’t you do if someone fainted? I wouldn’t get them up too quickly but I would lie them down and raise their
feet / I would sit them down with their head between their knees. I wouldn’t call an ambulance immediately but I would call an
ambulance if they don’t come round quickly.

What would you do if you had a million euros? Open answer.

What would/wouldn’t you do if your nose bled? I would lean forward / stay upright / put some ice on the bridge of my nose. I
wouldn’t blow my nose.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Open answer.

If you were the president of your country, what would you do? Open answer


Es. 1
1. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. / No, I’ve never suffered from allergies.

2. Food, the environment, animal fur, clothing or materials, medications

Es. 2
1. would

2. because/as

3. to

4. those

5. were

6. them
Es. 3


put Vaseline around your nostrils to trap pollen

wear sunglasses to stop pollen getting into your eyes

shower and change your clothes after you’ve been outside to wash the pollen off

stay indoors whenever possible

keep windows and doors shut as much as possible

vacuum regularly and dust with a damp cloth

buy a pollen filter for the air vents in your car and a vacuum cleaner with a special HEPA filter


cut grass or walk on grass

spend too much time outside

keep fresh flowers in the house

smoke or be around smoke - it makes your symptoms worse

dry clothes outside - they can catch pollen

let pets into the house if possible - they can carry pollen indoors

You should think about what you eat

Es. 1
1. sore throat, F, picture 5

2. stomach ache, H, picture 4

3. flu, J, picture 1

4. fever/temperature, I, picture 8

5. backache, B, picture 3

6. cough, D, picture 2

7. headache, C, picture 7

8. earache, E, picture 9

9. bruise, G, picture 6

10. cold, A, picture 10

Es. 2
1. bruise

2. throat, runny/stuffy, flu

3. fever/ temperature

4. earache, painful feeling

Es. 3
1. I would take some cough medicine if I had a cough.

2. I would take an aspirin if I had a headache.

3. I would drink camomile tea if I had a stomach ache.

4. I would get a prescription for painkillers from a doctor if I had backache.

5. I would go to bed and rest if I had flu

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Flu and colds, headaches, stomach ache, feeling faint

Es. 6
Flu and colds: wash your hands when you come home; keep your distance if someone sneezes or coughs; get enough sleep;
eat healthy food; drink a lot of water; work out regularly to keep your immune system strong.

Headaches: try to relax and, if possible, lie down for a few minutes with your eyes closed.

Stomach ache: think about what you eat; avoid milk, fruit juices, extra sparkling drinks, coffee, and sports drinks; try toast or
crackers before returning to regular meals

Feeling faint: lie down with your feet up; avoid getting too hot or being in a crowded, poorly ventilated room; drink some tea
with sugar
Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
A Advice or recommendations.

B The base form of the verb

Es. 9
1. shouldn’t

2. should

3. shouldn’t

4. shouldn’t

5. should

6. shouldn’t

7. shouldn’t

8. should
Es. 10
1. should

2. ’d better

3. ought to

4. ’d better

5. shouldn’t

6. ’d better
Es. 11

Student’s activity

Es. 12

Student’s activity

Es. 13

Student’s activity

Take three pills a day

Es. 1
1. E

2. H

3. G

4. C

5. F

6. B

7. D

8. A
Es. 2
1. She should take a pill.

2. Give him a plaster or a bandage.

3. She should take some cough syrup.

4. She should put some cream on it.

5. They should take tablets.

6. She should use an ice pack.

7. Give him some eye drops

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

She probably has flu

Es. 5
1. She has got a terrible headache and pains all over her body.

2. She has a cough, a sore throat and a temperature.

3. The doctor says there is a flu bug around.

4. Trudie should take two tablets a day after meals.

5. The doctor says she had better take some cough syrup.

6. He advises her to think about antibiotics if the symptoms don’t improve within a day or two.

7. He says it’s too late to have a flu vaccination/jab for this winter and she ought to think about it for the next year.

8. He advises her to go straight to bed and to call him if the symptoms don’t go away within a few days
Es. 6
I feel awful - I feel really ill

all over - everywhere

It sounds like - it seems (from what you say)

nasty bug - strong/bad illness/disease, or the

microorganism causing it

within a day or two - not beyond/after one or two days

flu jab - a vaccine against the flu virus

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9
If I were you, I’d go straight to bed. = 2nd conditional

Look after yourself. / Don’t hesitate to call me. = imperative

Why don’t you have a flu jab? = present simple negative

Es. 10
1. How about buying her some flowers? / If I were you, …

2. Call an ambulance right now.

3. Why don’t you go to the dentist’s?

4. If I were you, I’d do more exercise.

5. Why don’t you spend a month in London?

Es. 11

Looking after our body and keeping healthy is something we should take seriously. We are constantly receiving advice about
what we ought to eat and what we had better not eat, how to keep fit, and what we should and shouldn’t do to avoid catching
colds or getting the flu. Doctors and parents are always saying, ‘Don’t do this, don’t eat that.’ They tell us we should keep warm,
eat fruit and vegetables and wash our hands regularly

Es. 12

Student’s activity

Es. 13

Student’s activity

Tell me a story

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

He felt like ending his life because it was boring, purposeless and troubled by taxes

Es. 3
1. undertaking

2. disposable

3. approached

4. reproach

5. slain

6. edified

7. stroll

8. tedious
Es. 4
1. He went to a hospital because he wanted to find himself a disease. A guard directed him to the No Hope Ward.

2. He met a nurse. She couldn’t help him because the hospital could not find him a disease.

3. He met a Colonel of Sanitation.

4. He thought it might be an ordinary citizen, a member of a conspiracy, a vegetable, a mineral, an objet d’art, someone from a
circus, a Sanitation truck.

5. He took him to lunch, to eat a chop and drink a Gibson.

6. He gave him a meaningful role as an endangered species.

7. Because the dragon asked him whether man was in the list of endangered species.

8. He felt full of self-regard, bought a lottery ticket and decided to stop smoking
Es. 5

A hospital with a ‘No Hope Ward’ (and a room with a newly made bed and a television set); a restaurant where they accept debit
and credit cards

Es. 6

The pronouns are ‘he’ and ‘she’. A third-person narrator narrates the story

Es. 7

The dragon is pale and scruffy, he has fine fiery eyes and feels his life has been without purpose since the 13th century. The
nurse tries to be helpful and is very proud of the hospital she works for. The Colonel of Sanitation seems a bit stressed and
frantic, he seems to be looking for a little company. He is a bit touchy and irritable. The dragon represents the world of fairy tale,
fantasy and imagination. The nurse stands for the world of reality and pragmatism. The colonel represents the world of
rationality and classification: he recognises the status of the dragon but sees it as incompatible with the realistic, actual world

Es. 8

Diseases mentioned in the story: pneumonia, rabies, gout, malaria, rinderpest

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Improving concentration

Es. 1

Es. 2
1. B

2. A

3. C
Es. 3
1. It weighs about 1.5kilograms, about 2 per cent of a human’s body weight.

2. The cerebellum controls the muscles you move voluntarily. The cerebrum is in charge of your senses, personality, emotions,
learning and speech. The brainstem regulates the body systems like your heart, lungs and circulatory system.

3. The right side of the brain is in charge of the muscles on the left side of the body. It works on face recognition, visual
imagery and creativity. The left side of the brain is in charge of the muscles on the right side of the body. It dominates in
logical functions and maths.

4. It needs regular workouts, like studying, working out number and letter puzzles and memorizing facts.

5. Signals move between neurons to complete a thought, a voluntary and involuntary movement, a process of sight and sound
Es. 4
1. operate activities, regions of the brain, to concentrate

2. focus on, switch off

3. capacity

4. distractions

5. were driving, to concentrate on, your destination, having an accident

6. ought to ignore, the result

Es. 5
1. brain breaks

2. inspirational posters

3. flexible seating

4. mindfulness practice
Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
1. switch off

2. distractors

3. routine

4. goal

5. breaks

6. receptive

7. improve
Es. 8
1. Empty your mind. Delete negative emotions from your mind and replace them with a clean and open mindset.

2. Take a breath. Take a deep breath. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

3. Use colour. Visualise the colours of a traffic light: green, yellow, red. Use these colours to help you to consciously slow down
and to put more mindfulness into your next move - e.g. green to go ahead, yellow to slow down and think further or to
advance with caution (and awareness), red to stop and re-evaluate your next move. This will give you more control over
thoughts, emotions, data you see, hear, etc. which can influence your attention.

4. Use power words or phrases. This is a favourite in athletics. You’ve all heard a coach trying to move a player one way or
another by shouting, ‘Go, go, go!’, or ‘Be strong!’, or ‘Lighten up, lighten up!’. Another favourite power phrase comes from
the Tao Te Ching: ‘Be Like Water’.

5. Create an image. Imagine someone who has the qualities you need at this specific moment. Ask: ‘How would he/she
respond?’. Try to ‘download’ the qualities you like about this individual’s mindset and move from there.

6. Finger-paint your name. This is an activity with movement that you can try if you are in an appropriate space. Visualise a
canvas in front of you. Imagine the palms of your hands coated with finger-paint. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Then,
using the palms of both hands simultaneously, paint your name on the canvass you have visualised. Move slowly, stay
relaxed and continue breathing slowly and deeply. This can create a nice mindset that is both calm and energised at the
same time.

7. Use music/natural sounds. Start by identifying songs that move you either up or down or which will launch you into a
simultaneously calm and energised mindset. You need about 7-12 minutes to energise. Twelve minutes to calm down
Es. 9

Student’s activity

SB UNIT 6: Crime doesn't pay

Crime and criminals

Es. 1
1. B

2. F

3. A

4. K

5. E

6. H

7. D

8. I

9. C

10. G

11. J
Es. 2
1. vandalism

2. mugging

3. blackmail

4. burglary
Es. 3
1. victim

2. turn to

3. commit

4. scene

5. fight

6. prevention
Es. 4

troppo lungo da scrivere, mi dispiace :(

Es. 5

Suggested answer:

Crimes against property: burglary, hijacking, robbery, shoplifting, theft, vandalism.

Crimes against a person: blackmail, kidnapping, mugging, murder/assassination, pickpocketing.

They had met in prison

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C
Es. 3
1. They kidnapped the baby while he was sleeping in the nursery in his home.

2. The kidnappers killed him soon after the kidnapping.

3. He fired two bullets at JFK and killed him. Jackie was not hurt or assassinated.

4. Jack Ruby murdered him while the police were taking him to a police car.

5. Wilcoxson was the one who carried heavy weapons and threatened bankers with his intimidating voice.

6. After he had murdered John Lennon, Mark David Chapman waited for the police to arrive
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

A had shot

Es. 6
1. Because he had heard that he could make a lot of money from them.

2. Because muggers had stolen her handbag.

3. Because he hadn’t understood the explanation.

4. Because he had received some bad news.

5. Because the terrorists had placed a bomb

Es. 7
1. had robbed, hadn’t hurt

2. Had they hijacked, got

3. arrived, had burgled

4. Did the traffic wardens block, had escaped

5. stopped, had seen

Es. 8
1. When she moved into her new house, the builders had just finished it.

2. After Sue had worked all day, she went to bed early.

3. When they arrived at the station, the train had (already) left.

4. After authorities had warned people about pickpockets on the underground trains, people paid more attention.

5. By the time it started to rain, we had (already) decided not to go out

Es. 9
1. had run

2. heard

3. said

4. had just reached

5. stopped

6. looked

7. was

8. was

9. said

10. replied

11. knew

12. had thought

13. killed
Es. 10

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Suggested answer

Truancy: skipping school, playing truant, not turning up for school.

Theft: shoplifting, stealing a bicycle, stealing from backpacks and lockers.

Street offences: taking your parents’ car without permission, driving under the influence of alcohol, riding a motorbike without
wearing a helmet.

Vandalism: tagging and graffiti, drawing on public toilet walls, scratching a car and cutting car tyres.

School offences: disrupting lessons, cheating, violating the dress code, swearing at a teacher, bullying, physical and verbal
Es. 2
1. C

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. C
Es. 3

Student’s activity

He wouldn’t have caught our attention

Es. 1
1. J

2. E

3. L

4. K

5. A

6. I

7. B

8. G

9. C

10. N

11. F

12. D

13. M

14. H
Es. 2
The police: accuse, arrest, catch in the act, investigate a crime, chase (after), question.

The jury / The judge: give a verdict, sentence to, try for
Es. 3

Students’ activity

Es. 4
1. Name of the criminal: O.J. Simpson.
Crime committed: in July 1994, double murder; in 2007, robbery and kidnapping.

Jury’s verdict: first trial: not guilty; second trial: guilty.

Sentence: 33 years in prison and the possibility of parole after nine years.

2. Name of the criminal: Bernard Madoff.

Crime committed: corruption and fraud.

Jury’s verdict: guilty.

Sentence: 150 years in prison

Es. 5
1. arrested, the murders / double murder

2. gave evidence, the opportunity

3. committed the crime

4. robbery and kidnapping

5. corruption and fraud

6. The judge

7. investigated

8. victims, lost money

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
A Past perfect.

B Past conditional (would + have + past participle)

Es. 8
1. had questioned, wouldn’t have gone

2. hadn’t quarrelled, would have come

3. wouldn’t have got, had followed

4. hadn’t caught, wouldn’t have arrested

5. Would you have moved, hadn’t found

Es. 9
1. The judge could have sentenced him to ten years if the witness had told the truth.

2. If you had posted that photo, you could have had some problems.

3. The police wouldn’t have questioned Mr Casey if they hadn’t found him near the dead body.

4. I could have gone out if I had finished my homework early.

5. If you had gone into that dark street, you would have met the thief.

6. She wouldn’t have missed the train if she hadn’t overslept

Es. 10
1. If I had known the answer, I would have helped you.

2. If she hadn’t been late, she wouldn’t have taken a taxi.

3. If the police hadn’t investigated, they wouldn’t have found the murderer.

4. If my computer hadn’t crashed, I wouldn’t have lost all my work.

5. If Ms Richard hadn’t provided important evidence, the police couldn’t have arrested that man
Es. 11

Student’s activity

Es. 12

Student’s activity

For and against punishment

Es. 1
1. Community service

2. suspension/exclusion

3. fine

4. Counselling

5. expulsion

6. Detention
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Because someone has stolen his mobile

Es. 5
1. F, Someone has stolen it

2. F, He thinks they should be put in jail

3. T

4. NG

5. T

6. F, She thinks it’s a possible punishment for bullies

7. NG

8. T
Es. 6
jail - prison

That’s a bit stiff! - that’s unreasonable or exaggerated

lying around - left carelessly

wrongdoers - people who commit offences or criminal acts

I’m all for - I’m in favour of

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9
1. A

2. B
Es. 10
1. shouldn’t have denied

2. should have revised

3. shouldn’t have driven

4. should have written

5. shouldn’t have hidden

6. shouldn’t have used

Es. 11
1. Tom shouldn’t have stolen/shoplifted the T-shirt (then the police wouldn’t have arrested him).

2. Tina shouldn’t have slept in (then she wouldn’t have missed the bus).

3. Ben should have looked where he was going (if he didn’t want to knock into a lamp post).

4. The criminal/vandal shouldn’t have vandalised the car (if he didn’t want to do community service)
Es. 12

Sadly the world is full of crime and criminals. There are everyday crimes that happen frequently, like robbery, burglary,
shoplifting and pickpocketing, or more serious crimes, like blackmail, kidnapping and murder. We wouldn’t have so many TV
programmes and detective stories if we hadn’t had so much crime over the centuries. Suitable punishment is even discussed in
school deciding if detention is better than a suspension. Everyone likes discussing different ways of dealing with crime and
debating about whether the person is guilty or innocent

Es. 13

Student’s activity

Zoom in on culture

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. D

2. E

3. A

4. C

5. B
Es. 3
1. tear-gas

2. headquarters

3. top hats

4. alongside

5. patrols

6. riot

7. handcuffs

8. Home Secretary
Es. 4
1. They have become a symbol of London alongside London buses and Buckingham Palace.

2. Home Secretary Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel established the Metropolitan Police Service in London in 1829.

3. To serve the citizens, to prevent and investigate crimes, and to chase and arrest offenders.

4. It was very hard: they had only five days off a year and couldn’t vote in elections.

5. The uniform of the first officers was simple, with dark blue coats and trousers, and top hats. Peel chose this kind of uniform
because at that time people were suspicious of the uniformed officers as they associated them with soldiers. Peelers looked
more like ordinary citizens, rather than red-coated soldiers with helmets.

6. Nowadays bobbies wear formal jackets with silver buttons, white shirts, black ties and bulletproof vests to protect them
from attacks. They also carry radios and a Taser, an electroshock weapon. They wear a belt with handcuffs and a tear-gas
spray for riot control.

7. It moved in November 2016.

8. The name Scotland Yard comes from the Met’s original home, which had an entrance on a street called Great Scotland Yard
Es. 5
1. fulfil

2. intercepting

3. face

4. overseas
Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
MI6 is the Secret Intelligence Service.

Acronym for Military Intelligence Section 6.

Mission: make the UK safer

Es. 8
1. T

2. F, They are on the banks of the Thames

3. F, It is a combination of money, charm and power

4. F, MI

5. agents use drones, satellites and intercepting

6. F, They do not have the licence to kill, they operate within the law

7. T.
Es. 9

Student’s activity

Review UNITS 5-6

Es. 1
1. A

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. A
Es. 2
1. waist

2. thigh

3. elbow

4. thumb

5. ankle

6. nodding

7. cough

8. bruise

9. drops

10. a plaster
Es. 3
1. mugger

2. theft

3. hijack

4. turn to crime

5. pickpocket

6. provide evidence

7. try for

8. detention
Es. 4
1. had

2. broke

3. wouldn’t hurt

4. were

5. ate

6. slept

7. would he give
Es. 5
1. If I were you, I’d have a flu jab.

2. If someone had an accident, we would call an ambulance.

3. You’d better take antibiotics if you have a sore throat.

4. She ought not to hesitate to call the doctor if she feels sick.

5. You’d better not eat fruit without washing it.

6. You should brush your teeth after meals.

7. Please, look after yourself and don’t work too hard.

8. I think he’d better take these pills twice a day

Es. 6
1. were, had never witnessed

2. was, had stolen

3. Did you apply, had twisted

4. had already been, got

5. Had the show already started, turned on

6. had missed, rented

7. Did they accuse, had questioned

8. didn’t disturb, had finished

Es. 7
1. D

2. F

3. A

4. C

5. E

6. B

1. He would have recovered from that accident if they had treated him properly at the hospital.

2. If you had closed the ground-floor window, the burglar wouldn’t have broken into our house.

3. If I didn’t have time for my hobbies, I would feel stressed.

4. If I knew her address, I would send her some flowers to thank her.

5. His arm would have swollen if he had injured it in the accident.

6. He wouldn’t go to prison if he were innocent

Es. 8
1. What can I do for you?

2. I’ve got a sore throat

3. How long have you had

4. I have my doubts

5. It might work for

6. prevention is a better

7. I’ll give you

8. three times a day

Es. 9
1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. D
Es. 10
1. ‘What would you do if you had a pain in your chest?’ ‘I would call an ambulance.’

2. The police caught the burglar in the act and arrested him.

3. You’d better sit down if you are feeling faint.

4. After he had paid a big fine, he thought about the effects of his crime.

5. If the mugger hadn’t had a knife, I wouldn’t have given him all my money.

6. They shouldn’t have burnt down the gym. I hope they will catch the vandals.

7. You should have held on to your wallet. You know there are a lot of pickpockets on the underground

Towards INVALSI: UNITS 4-6

Es. 1

0 F, Q1 J, Q2 G, Q3 A, Q4 I, Q5 B, Q6 D, Q7 E
x Extra parts: C and H

Es. 2

0 C, Q1 H, Q2 E, Q3 A, Q4 G, Q5 D Extra endings: B and F

SB UNIT 7: Our planet


Es. 1
1. ecosystem

2. Endangered

3. Global warming

4. Pollution

5. greenhouse effect

6. atmosphere

7. Deforestation

8. Climate change

9. sources of energy
Es. 2
1. damage the environment, ecosystems

2. pollute air, water, the environment

3. recycle plastic, glass

4. reduce waste, pollution

5. save energy, water

6. throw away plastic, glass, waste, rubbish

Es. 3
1. E

2. D

3. A

4. F

5. B

6. C
Es. 4
1. harmful factory emissions

2. Fossil fuels

3. Exhaust fumes

4. carbon dioxide

5. waste disposal

6. recycling bins
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Going green is easy

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

A 4, B 2, C 1, D 3

Es. 3
1. We hear bad news about global warming, dying oceans, and endangered animals.

2. 80% of our energy comes from coal, natural gas and oil.

3. By closing the tap while you’re brushing your teeth.

4. Coal and natural gas.

5. Walking or riding your bike to school and anywhere you can.

6. Into a specific recycling bin

Es. 4
1. climate change

2. energy from other sources, carbon dioxide emissions

3. Wasting water, the health

4. natural gas, pollution

5. turn off the lights

6. choosing, reduce waste

7. Taking care.
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 7
1. decide to start a new school

2. there’s no point in complaining

3. it’s bad to throw away plastic into the sea

4. love using reusable objects

5. insist on buying glass containers

6. promise to go green

7. would like to help the environment

8. I’m busy cleaning beaches from waste

9. know what to do

10. leave without saying goodbye

Es. 8
1. to take

2. Driving

3. to go

4. eating

5. to buy

6. walking

7. saving

8. to make

9. Knowing
Es. 9
1. to reach

2. flying, going

3. recycling

4. Reducing, damaging

5. to hear

6. climbing
Es. 10
1. He was happy to try his new skateboard.

2. I can’t stand laying the table.

3. My father taught me how to swim.

4. Spending holidays abroad is important to improve your knowledge of a foreign language.

5. Riding a bike is a good way to reduce harmful emissions.

6. This soup is too hot to eat.

Es. 11

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

The most active volcano on Earth

Es. 1
1. A

2. D

3. G

4. E

5. F

6. B

7. H

8. C
Es. 2
1. volcanic eruption

2. earthquake

3. drought

4. tsunami

5. flooding/flood

6. hurricane

7. tornado

8. landslide
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4
1. the reasons why people have chosen to live near volcanoes: people have deliberately chosen to live close to volcanoes
because of the rich soils for agriculture, the presence of mineral deposits, and the geothermal energy they provide.

2. where and when a big volcanic eruption happened: in May 2018, the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island erupted
Es. 5
1. The powerful explosion sent lava hundreds of metres into the air, destroying

2. houses and threatening hundreds more.

3. The authorities had already prepared residents to leave after another volcanic crater had opened up around the volcano a
week before the eruption. They had already warned emergency crews to take people to safety.

4. A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit the island on the next day.

5. A man reported that at times, he hadn’t been able to breathe because of toxic clouds in the air, along with the burning trees
and other vegetation. He also said that objects had fallen off shelves in his house and glass had shattered.

6. The authorities allowed citizens to return briefly to their homes only to pick up pets, medicine and important documents. It
was not safe for them to stay in their houses because experts expected further volcanic activity

7. No, it didn’t because the earthquake was not strong enough to cause a tsunami.

8. Kilauea has been erupting continuously since 1983

Es. 6

A zero article, B the, C the

Es. 7
1. He is flying to Hawaii, in the United States.

2. Where is the new DVD? I can’t find it.

3. This year, St Andrew’s Day has a theme: kindness.

4. The Severn is the longest river in the UK, but the most famous is the Thames.

5. Have you ever seen the Pope?

6. The books you see on that shelf are my father’s.

7. The eruption happened on the day before the earthquake.

8. My friends and I always go to school on foot

Es. 8
1. They are flying to the Maldives.

2. Elizabeth went to the United Kingdom by plane.

3. The man in the white shirt is the captain of my school football team.

4. You should know that Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.

5. The Millers had to leave their house after the drought

6. The tsunami on the Sulawesi island killed a lot of people.

7. They are from the Netherlands, not from Germany.

8. Experts warned that the eruption had entered its most dangerous phase.

9. Look at the stars in the sky.

10. This is the best apple pie I have ever eaten.

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Clean energy

Es. 1
1. B
2. E

3. C

4. A

5. D
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Solar panels, biomass energy

Es. 4
1. Because he has just had a great lesson.

2. In this lesson students had to work out how ecoguilty they are.

3. It’s the amount of carbon dioxide emissions each of us produces.

4. The situation would definitely begin to change.

5. It’s creating energy from burning organic material.

6. We should encourage each other to reduce our carbon emissions with alternative energy sources
Es. 5
an eye-opener - something unexpected and revealing

Easier said than done - something that is easy to say but difficult to do

you’ve hit the nail on the head! - that is exactly what I mean!
Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. himself

2. one another

3. ourselves

4. each

5. B

6. A
Es. 9
1. himself

2. one another

3. ourselves

4. each other

5. each other

6. itself

7. one another
Es. 10

Student’s activity

Es. 11

There is a lot of discussion today about pollution, climate change and natural disasters. Using clean energy is one of the
solutions that experts talk about more and more. What is clean energy? It is using renewable sources like the sun, water or the
wind to satisfy our energy needs. I myself often think about my carbon footprint. Actions, even small ones like using the car less,
could help the environment. Also, helping the environment is actually helping ourselves

Es. 12
1. E

2. A

3. G

4. C

5. F

Extra endings: B and D

Es. 13

Student’s activity

From the press

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. F

2. D

3. A

4. E

5. C

6. B
Es. 3
Reduce: the number of disposable plastic items.

Refuse: single-use plastics.

Reuse: coffee cups

Es. 4
1. audit

2. stationery

3. cutlery

4. move

5. retail

6. straws

7. disposable

8. compostable

9. chair
Es. 5
1. It is about the damage plastic pollution is doing to the oceans and wider environment.

2. Plastic pollution may cause permanent contamination of the world with unknown consequences for human health.

3. It has recently revealed measures to ‘virtually eliminate’ single-use plastics from Westminster.

4. They cover not just coffee cups but a series of items from plastic bottles and straws to condiment sachets and stationery.

5. It is to reduce, as far as possible, disposable plastic items from all Parliament buildings.

6. Parliament will stop purchasing non-recyclable disposable cups.

7. No, they can’t because paper carrier bags will replace plastic ones in retail outlets next year, alongside the branded fabric
shopping bags which are already available to buy.

8. We should really start to think about the steps we can take to reduce our use of plastic
Es. 6

We should use plastic packaging because:

plastic helps store food hygienically, allowing food to remain fresh and so it avoids food waste;

plastic can be reused and recycled;

alternatives to plastic packaging are not very effective.

We should not use plastic packaging because:

plastic is harmful to wildlife;

most plastic is made from non-renewable sources;

plastic packaging contain harmful chemicals;

plastic remains with us for a long time (plastic bags are not truly degradable and their small fragments pollute the
Es. 7
1. brewery

2. bricks

3. glue

4. log

5. mould

6. sealed
Es. 8
1. Newspaper wood

2. Roofs

3. Colourful bricks

4. Bottle bricks

5. Plasphalt

6. Vertical garden
Es. 9
1. F, Nowadays, people should be able to turn waste into cheap, durable and green building materials

2. F, Newspaper wood is waterproof and you can use it to build anything you normally make with wood

3. T

4. F, Bricks are light

5. T

6. T

7. F, They can decorate both indoor and outdoor areas

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Science inquiry

Es. 1
1. It means variety of life.

2. Coral reefs, wetlands, and tropical rain forests are all ecosystems with a lot of biodiversity
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
1. It means ‘variety of life on Earth’ and it comes from the contraction of the term ‘biological diversity’.

2. There are three.

3. It is the amount of variation in genetic material within a species.

4. It is all the different species, as well as the differences within and between different species.

5. The broadest diversity is ecosystem diversity, because within each ecosystem there is a great deal of both genetic and
species diversity.

6. An example of genetic diversity is the variation in the genes that determine hair colour in humans. The different types of
mammals in a forest is an example of species diversity. The variation in ecosystems, such as deserts, forests and oceans,
could be an example of ecosystem diversity
Es. 4
1. It helps control disease, gives us the things we need, provides us with natural beauty.

2. Human activity, loss of habitat.

3. One species every ten minutes

4. The Earth’s population is growing very fast, using more and more land.

5. Mammals 25%; amphibians 41%; birds 13%; conifers 34%

Es. 5
1. phenomena

2. likely

3. yourself

4. explanation

5. communicate
Es. 6
Substantial benefits: Biodiversity conservation aims to meet immediate human needs, such as clean, consistent water flows,
protection from floods and storms, and a stable climate.

Dangers linked to loss: Cultural diversity and biodiversity are intimately related to each other. If we lose one, we risk losing the
other. The diversity of societies, cultures and languages that has developed throughout human history is intimately related to
biodiversity and its uses. Other dangers
Es. 7

There is a recipe we can follow: to relate biodiversity to everyone’s daily needs so that the ownership for saving biodiversity is
spread and everyone feels responsible for stopping loss. We should ensure science, policy and politics play an equal role in
decision-making. Economics is also a great case to argue for conservation action. But such arguments should be translated into
national and local actions to realise the potential of biodiversity. We ought to revalue our choices and lifestyles to provide space
for the species that inhabit this Earth because this is relevant to us all

Es. 8

Student’s activity

SB UNIT 8: Art and beauty

The human face

Es. 1
1. A

2. K

3. D

4. H

5. F

6. B

7. I

8. J

9. E

10. G

11. C
Es. 2

The first two girls have pointed noses and long eyelashes and one has her tongue sticking out. The girl in the second selfie has a
long face with a long nose and high forehead. She has a pointed chin and dark curved eyebrows. The boy in the third selfie has a
large smiling mouth and strong white teeth. He has thick eyebrows and round cheeks. The girl in the last selfie has dark
eyebrows and eyelashes. Her cheeks are round and she has a small chin and a large smiling mouth with red lips. We can see her
perfect white teeth

Es. 3
1. F

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. E

6. D
Es. 4
cheek -> turn the other cheek (refuse to retaliate even when someone provokes you)

lips -> my lips are sealed (refuse to reveal a secret)

nose -> keep your nose out (not interfere in other people’s affairs)

chin -> keep your chin up (be courageous)

brow -> by the sweat of your brow (through your own efforts and hard work)

Stunning illusions are created

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

A book can’t be judged by its cover

Es. 3
1. They are created using make-up.

2. Because she created a real piece of art where the limit between real and surreal isn’t clearly defined.

3. By studying people and their expressions.

4. By the way people change their expressions, so she wanted to represent them three-dimensionally.

5. She uses watercolours, body paints, and make-up.

6. She wants to make sure that every detail and the whole three-dimensional picture are perfect, also for the camera.

7. She prefers the eyes because she considers them a the pathway to the soul.

8. She wants to show people something new and exciting, and something that no one has ever done before
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. active

2. passive

3. passive

4. active
Es. 6
1. was written

2. are made

3. passed

4. is done

5. bought

6. is known

7. did that designer create

8. was television invented

Es. 7
1. are represented / were represented

2. was used / is used

3. was cut off

4. Was your nose frozen

5. aren’t caused

6. was eaten

7. are sealed

8. weren’t given
Es. 8
1. She was pale, so some blusher was added on her cheeks by the make-up artist.

2. How many types of cheese are produced by Italian companies?

3. Goods are sold by this company all over the world.

4. A new shopping centre was built near our school last month.

5. The New Year’s Concert was watched by millions of people.

6. The rubbish bin isn’t emptied by Dad every day.

7. Where was the victim found?

8. The central heating is turned on as soon as it gets cold outside

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Es. 10

(Body artist) Dain Yoon was born in 1993 in South Korea. She is known for the visual illusions she creates by painting her face.
Her artistic exploration was greatly affected by her mother being an artist and her father an architect. She attended the most
prestigious art schools because of her talent. She showed her skills at the Korean University of Arts in Seoul. Her art is elevated
to a higher level by her sharp observation of the complexity of human beings. She is followed on Instagram by almost 400,000


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
1. G

2. D

3. A

4. F

5. B

Extra sentences: C, E, H

Es. 4

Student’s activity

The museum succeeded in involving teenagers

Es. 1
1. E

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. C
B is a sculpture by Henry Moore.

D is the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh.

E is a painting by William Hogarth

Es. 2
1. abstract painting

2. still life

3. portrait

4. landscape/seascape
Es. 3
1. portrait

2. still life

3. sculpture

4. landscape

5. abstract painting

6. photography
Es. 4

Art keeps us hopeful, art makes us less lonely, art can reassure us, art fights the false optimism of commercial society, art can
compensate us for what we lack, art makes us appreciate simple things, art can tell us a story because it is a form of
communication. Art influences us indirectly too in our taste for beauty, in our sense of colour and in the way it makes us see
things in a different light

Es. 5

It was caused by her experience as a curator in a local museum last summer

Es. 6
1. F, She started to appreciate art when she was chosen to help curate an exhibition in a local museum last summer

2. T

3. F, She was able to learn a lot from informative talks given by several curators and staff members about different subjects

4. T

5. F, It developed her confidence. In fact, the members of the staff used to encourage her a lot and she was able to deliver
talks at certain events and to lead guided tours

6. T

7. F, She won’t forget this invaluable experience

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. A

2. C

3. B
Es. 9
1. could

2. succeeded in

3. could

4. managed

5. was able to

6. was able to

7. managed to

8. succeeded in
Es. 10
1. managed

2. succeeded in

3. able to

4. could / were able to

5. succeeded in

6. Was he able to / Could he

7. managed to / could

8. succeeded in
Es. 11

Student’s activity

Everyday beauty

Es. 1
1. E

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. F

6. D

7. G
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

She has come for a manicure and to have her nails done

Es. 4
1. F, No, he is surprised to meet her on the way to the beautician’s

2. F, He’s had a piercing done but he’s going to have tattoos done when he’s 18

3. T

4. F, She is going to have a manicure and get her nails done

5. T

6. F, They use machines

7. F, He says it is very quick

8. T
Es. 5
Fancy meeting you here - common way of expressing surprise at seeing someone in an unexpected place

No way - absolutely not

live dangerously - take a few risks in life

Come to think of it - when you have just remembered something

the low-down - necessary information

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. had (lots of treatments) done

2. had (my ear) pierced

3. have (my nails) done.

Who does the action in the sentences?
Another person does the action for the subject
Es. 9
1. have/get our house decorated

2. have/get his car serviced

3. have/get your eyes tested

4. has/ gets her clothes dry-cleaned

5. have/get my photo taken

6. has had / has got a star tattooed

7. have/get your nails done

Es. 10

My best friend posted some pictures last week. There’s one picture of a face with huge eyebrows and multiple lips. I find the
images a bit disturbing but we’ve never seen eye to eye on art. She likes abstract art while I prefer classical landscapes. She’s
had tattoos done on her back and recently she’s had her nose pierced. I’ve never had anything unusual done except I once had
my hair dyed bright red. I must say I was certainly noticed a lot more

Es. 11
1. E

2. B

3. F

4. A

5. D

Extra ending: C

Es. 12

Student’s activity

Tell me a story

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
Age: thirty.

Actions: run instead of walk, take dancing steps, throw something up in the air and catch it again, stand still.

Mood: bliss
Es. 4
1. in bloom

2. tray

3. could have wept

4. although

5. couldn’t help

6. overcome
Es. 5
1. There were tangerines and apples, some yellow pears, some white grapes.

2. She saw a tall, slender pear tree in bloom.

3. Because she had everything. She was young, in love with her husband, she had an adorable baby, she and her husband
didn’t have to worry about money and they had friends.

4. The Knights, Eddie Warren and Miss Fulton.

5. No, he wasn’t, because he got home late.

6. Because she knew her husband liked doing things at high pressure.

7. All in silver and smiling.

8. The soufflé.

9. She showed her the pear tree in the garden.

10. She thought that all those people would go away soon and the house would be quiet. And she would be alone with her
husband. She thought that she desired her husband for the first time in her life
Es. 6
Dialogue: lines 42-47.

Description: lines 1-4, 9-10.

Narration: lines 8-14, 32-39, 60-64

Es. 7

Picture 2: the keynote is the pear tree which Bertha sees as the symbol of her life

Es. 8

The climax of the story is when Bertha realises that, for the first time in her life, she desires her husband.

Es. 9
1. what the Knights did: they left because they had to take a train.

2. where Bertha went: towards the hall.

3. who helped Miss Fulton with her coat: Harry.

4. where Harry put his hands: on Miss Fulton’s shoulders.

5. what he told Miss Fulton: ‘I adore you’.

6. what Miss Fulton mentioned before leaving: the pear tree.

7. where Bertha ran: to the long windows.

8. what she asked herself: ‘What is going to happen now?’

Es. 10

The story ends with Bertha’s discovery of the love affair between her husband and Miss Fulton. The possible themes are: change
and transformation, marriage and adultery, desire

Es. 11

Student’s activity

Review UNITS 7-8

Es. 1
1. B

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. A

11. B
Es. 2
1. global warming

2. pollution

3. carbon dioxide

4. hurricane

5. floods

6. biomass energy

7. ecosystem
Es. 3
1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. T

8. F
Es. 4
1. Walking

2. studying

3. to meet

4. installing

5. driving

6. to keep
Es. 5
1. -

2. the

3. -

4. -

5. The
Es. 6
1. The report was sent by Emma last Monday.

2. Who was this still life painted by?

3. Spanish and Portuguese are spoken in South America.

4. A beautiful painting was finished by Michael yesterday.

5. The new exhibition in Oxford Street was not seen by Harry.

6. This museum is not very often visited by tourists

Es. 7
1. each other / one another

2. yourself/yourselves

3. ourselves

4. himself

5. each other / one another

6. myself

7. herself
Es. 8
1. managed to

2. couldn’t

3. has never been able to

4. could

5. was able

6. couldn’t

7. succeeded in
Es. 9
1. Many car accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

2. We were woken up by a loud noise during the night.

3. I didn’t manage to get the tickets for the show.

4. That beautiful portrait was painted by a famous artist.

5. Where were these pictures taken? In London?

6. A few years ago, that book was translated into English.

7. She is known for her surreal drawings.

8. My sister had an elegant dress made for the party.

9. It will cost them a lot to have their house decorated.

10. Millions of people visited Tate Britain last year

Es. 10
1. It’s made of metal and wood

2. Who was it made by

3. So you’re saying that

4. it was made

5. and finally

6. What do you mean

7. Can you clarify

8. What I’m trying to say

9. made by hand
Es. 11
1. landscapes

2. by

3. the

4. climate

5. Floods

6. to save

7. emissions

8. Renewable

9. to protect

10. endangered

11. were
Es. 12
1. The professor’s explanation about pop art was understood by all the students.

2. Yesterday I had my hair cut and dyed.

3. Who do you think this sculpture was made by? It is quite/rather strange.

4. If everyone adopted solar panels or other renewable energy options, the situation would definitely begin to change.

5. The fire spread quickly through the building, but fortunately all the people were able to / managed to escape

UNIT 9: Animals and us


Es. 1
1. duck

2. lion

3. monkey

4. snail

5. bear

6. zebra

7. eagle

8. wolf

9. whale

10. turtle

11. goose

12. dolphin

13. rhinoceros (rhino)

Es. 2
Beak: duck, eagle, goose.

Horn: rhino.

Jaw: lion, monkey, bear, zebra, wolf.

Shell: snail, turtle.

Claw: lion, monkey, bear, eagle, wolf.

Paw: lion, bear, wolf.

Feather: duck, eagle, goose.

Wing: duck, eagle, goose.

Fur: lion, monkey, bear, zebra, wolf

Es. 3
1. B

2. E

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. F
Es. 4
1. a wolf in sheep’s clothing

2. a wild goose chase

3. get your ducks in a row

4. an eagle eye

5. you can’t teach an old dog new tricks

6. at a snail’s pace
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Its habitat is being monitored

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Northern hairy-nosed wombat: strong claws; olive ridley turtle: shell (carapace); minke whale: blowholes; Tasmanian devil: sharp
teeth and strong jaws

Es. 3
1. the minke whale

2. the minke whale and the olive ridley turtle

3. the olive ridley turtle

4. the northern hairy-nosed wombat and the Tasmanian devil

5. the northern hairy-nosed wombat, the olive ridley turtle and the Tasmanian devil

6. the Tasmanian devil

7. the northern hairy-nosed wombat

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. B

2. E

3. D

4. C

5. A
Es. 6
1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. A
Es. 7
1. The zoo will be closed down in a few months.

2. Some turtles have been found on the beach by the tourists.

3. The extinction of some species is being prevented by scientists.

4. The animals in the park mustn’t be fed by visitors.

5. A camera had never been put on a whale before

Es. 8
1. was given

2. was stolen

3. has recently been found

4. is being fed

5. was seen

6. was returned

7. had been given

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. horse

2. cow

3. caterpillar

4. guinea pig

5. rat

6. spider

7. insect/bug
Es. 2
1. C

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. B
Es. 3


1. There is nothing weird about it.

2. They are more nutritious than meat.

3. They are cheaper to produce and farming them causes less damage to the environment.


1. People should not be encouraged to eat something they don’t want to.

2. Meat is delicious and cannot be replaced.

3. There are other environmentally friendly options, like becoming vegetarian or vegan

He might have felt lonely

Es. 1
1. E

2. A

3. F

4. G

5. B

6. D

7. C

8. H
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, sniffer dogs, guide dogs and guard dogs

Es. 5
1. E

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. F

Extra ending: C

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
1. C

2. A

3. B
Es. 8
1. can’t have gone

2. may / might / could have left

3. must have passed

4. may / might / could have understood

5. may / might / could have seen

6. must have happened

Es. 9
1. may have reminded

2. might have been

3. must have looked

4. can’t have been

5. might have been attracted

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Es. 11
1. weak

2. fare

3. peace

4. weight

5. check

6. hair

7. where

8. meat

9. too

10. through

11. no

12. hi

13. flew

14. right

15. by

16. hour

17. be

18. scene

19. whole

20. new

21. see
Es. 12
He/She must have eaten yesterday morning.

My mum might not have bought the usual pet food.

He/She may/might have slept in the garden and it was very cold.

He/She may/might have suffered because I went on a trip last weekend and I left him/her alone.

My sister may/might have forgotten to walk him/her this morning. / My sister may/might not have walked him/her this morning

Using animals for research

Es. 1

For: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8. Against: 2, 5, 6, 9

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Jake is in favour and Trudie is against it

Es. 5
1. Because her favourite pet has gone missing.

2. He says he is sorry.

3. She is worried about her kitten being used for research or testing.

4. They are carefully chosen and usually born and bred in the research places.

5. She hates the idea of animals being made to suffer and have their quality of life ruined just so that pharmaceutical
companies can make profits.

6. He says the research leads to new effective medicine and tests the safety of treatment for complex diseases.

7. The idea of research for beauty products.

8. She thinks the window must have been left open, otherwise the kitten would never have been able to get out
Es. 6
as a matter of fact - in fact

highly unlikely - not very probable

born and bred - born and grown up a different kettle of fish - something completely different

look on the bright side - be optimistic

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9
A Direct object: a pet; indirect object: me.

B It has become the passive subject

Es. 10
1. has been promised

2. haven’t been brought

3. was asked

4. will be given

5. was granted
Es. 11
1. Dora could be lent our cat basket.

2. Jack has been offered a new job as a vet.

3. You were shown the new puppy by Ben.

4. Susan was being taught how to drive by her dad

5. The customer had already been sent an email by the secretary.

6. I will be sold his bike by Thomas.

7. The policeman was asked the way to the station.

8. We are being given some French conversation practice by our French neighbour
Es. 12

Have you ever been given a pet? You might have enjoyed looking after a kitten or a puppy sometime. Whether you have lived with
animals or not, we all have our favourite. Have you ever been told you were like some animal? At one time or another, we may
have all been compared to animals. Are you sometimes as brave as a lion, busy as a bee or sitting in front of the television as
relaxed as a cat?

Es. 13
1. deep emotions

2. old friends

3. very happy

4. About 100 monkeys

5. isolate himself

6. love animals/them
Es. 14

Student’s activity

From the press

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. Female leadership

2. Scientists’ research

3. Matriarchal females

4. Bonobo matriarchs lead the way

5. When females are in charge

6. Animal tips for humans
Es. 3
1. pods

2. chimps

3. bonobos

4. orcas

5. expertise
Es. 4
1. They are members of an exclusive club where female bosses are the norm.

2. Finding food, avoiding predators, or resolving conflict.

3. Successful leaders have ready followers and they don’t need to convince other animals to join them.

4. By matriarchal females.

5. Elephant females are born to leadership. In adult female elephants, there is no choice, nor is there any struggle with males
for position. Males live separately and do not serve as leaders among the family groups of elephants.

6. Bonobos and hyenas.

7. Female leadership, the animal world suggests, is more likely to emerge when females form cooperative units
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6
1. worker bee

2. drone

3. queen bee
Es. 7
1. T

2. F, The apiary is composed of nests that protect it from wind and rain

3. F, They are responsible for nearly all the heavy work

4. T

5. F, In spring and summer, she lives no more than

6. days because of intense work

7. T

8. T

9. F, The queen bee leaves the beehive only twice in her life. First, to reproduce; then, when she gets old, she flees the hive
with a swarm of mostly nurse bees
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Towards INVALSI: UNITS 7-9

Es. 1

Q1 C

Q2 H

Q3 E

Q4 A

Q5 I

Q6 B

Extra questions: D and G

Es. 2
0 1.8 billion tonnes

Q1 (With) our junk,

Q2 7,500 (tonnes)

Q3 (For) all space vehicles

Q4 An exploding hand grenade

Q5 (To) a washing machine

Q6 In (early) 2018

Q7 (It used) a net

Q8 (More than) 300 km.

UNIT 10: My media

Old and new media

Es. 1
Traditional media: radio, printed advertisements, TV, newspapers, magazines.

New media: social networks, emails, blogs, media sharing sites, chat rooms
Es. 2
Traditional media: has been part of our culture for over half a century, difficult to share but has the power to reach wide and
targeted audiences, costs are high, people are attracted to and trust what is familiar to them.

New media: has already been dominating the use of media for several years, almost everyone is on social media, a great way
for people to spend time, stay connected, and also be accessed by advertising at a relatively low cost, based on sharing, it’s
easy to confuse real and fake news
Es. 3
1. C

2. F

3. B

4. G

5. A

6. D

7. E
Es. 4
1. C

2. F

3. B

4. G

5. A

6. D

7. E
Es. 5

Student’s activity

She said her life had changed

Es. 1

Social media has too much influence especially on children and young people. In fact, it is the fastest way to get news worldwide
because it is a quick and cheap way to spread information to the public. For instance, instead of actually going to school to check
the timetable of their courses, students can just go to the school’s website or Facebook page because it is posted there

Es. 2

A social media influencer is one of those people who shape audience attitudes through blogs, social networks and the use of
other social media

Es. 3
1. who Charlotte is: She is a Canadian girl who accidentally became a social media influencer when she was only 16 years old.

2. how her attendance at a music festival in LA changed her life: While she was attending a music festival in LA, she and her
friend Josie changed outfits several times, took a few selfies and posted them on social media. The photos went viral when
a successful LA photographer tagged them on his account. The two girls soon gained hundreds of thousands of followers.

3. what she decided to do then: She decided to drop out of school and pursue a career as a social media influencer.

4. how her mother found out who she had become: She saw a floor-to-ceiling advert featuring her daughter in a London

5. who John is: He is the father of Brent, an American YouTuber and Instagram star.

6. how he discovered that his son was famous: They were watching a local hockey game when a mother asked Brent to wave at
her daughter because it was her birthday.

7. what influencers’ parents wonder about: They wonder what sort of advice they can give their children.

8. what other issue they should consider: The issue of personal security
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

A tell, B say

Es. 6
1. tell

2. say

3. said

4. tell

5. told
Es. 7
1. reported speech

2. direct speech
Es. 8
She said she had tried to convince her to give up.

She thought she had lost her completely and yet suddenly she was everywhere.

She explained she was having a birthday party

Es. 9
1. My sister said she had missed the latest episode of that series the evening before.

2. They told their friends they had seen an interesting documentary the week before.

3. Ken told his friend he would tag him on his account.

4. Maureen said they could tweet our/their comments right then.

5. The woman told the waiter she didn’t eat fish or lamb.

6. I said the children were tuning in to watch their favourite cartoon

Es. 10

Meg’s mother sent her daughter a message where she told her she had gone to the dentist’s and she’d/would be back by 7
o’clock. She said she had spoken to her Maths teacher and she had told her about her bad mark. She told Meg to switch off the
TV and study the new Maths rules for her oral test. She said Meg could call her on her mobile if she needed any help. She also
told/ asked her to lay the table before she came back

Es. 11
Jake: Hi, Mary, how are things?

Mary: Hi, Jake, I’m a bit down because I’ve had a row with my boyfriend.

Jake: I watched a video of my favourite influencer yesterday evening and I had a lot of fun. I’m going to tune in at 8 to watch my
favourite talent show on TV. You should do the same.

Mary: I’ll probably binge-watch my favourite series this evening


Es. 1
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B
Es. 2
1. shareable

2. credible

3. reliable

4. unbiased
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

She wondered if she had been a victim of fake news

Es. 1
Nouns: current affairs, breaking news.

Verbs: prove, be in the news.

Both: gossip, source, check, spread, report.

Es. 2
1. gossip

2. has been in the news

3. spreads

4. breaking news

5. reports

6. current affairs

7. reported

8. sources
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4
what fake news is: The term ‘fake news’ is used for different kinds of false, misleading stories.

why it is a problem nowadays: Fake news is nothing new. What is new is how easy it has become to share information. Anyone
can publish anything they want online and these stories spread very quickly, even though they haven’t always been properly
checked and may contain false information.
Es. 5
1. the news

2. what would happen, fake news story

3. social media, more reliable

4. spot fake news, sources

5. online interactive game, young people

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
A The verbs are ‘wonder’ and ‘want to know’.

B Ann wondered: ‘What will happen if the story isn’t true?’. She also wanted to know: ‘Was I a victim of fake news?’
Es. 8
1. The reporter asked where I had read that story.

2. The journalist asked how many people used social media to access the news.

3. Mum asked when I had bought that magazine.

4. Jill asked me if/whether I wanted to go to the cinema.

5. Joan asked Bob if/whether he was going to help her.

6. Ann asked when I could give her back the book.

7. Fred wanted to know when Mary would arrive.

8. Our teacher asked us if/whether we had ever spotted a piece of fake news
Es. 9
1. Christopher asked me if I wanted to dance.

2. Betty wanted to know when he had come.

3. Mark asked me if John had already left.

4. Elisabeth asked them if they could help her.

5. Ron wondered where Maria had parked her car.

6. Jo asked whether I would have lunch with Sue.

7. Justin wanted to know what I was doing

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Es. 11

K = Kate’s questions. L = Luke’s answers.

1. K: Is that real? L: I’m definitely sure. The news said that an Airbus BelugaXL would travel around four million miles a year.

2. K: What’s the news source? L: I read it on the Net.

3. K: Have you found out who wrote that story? Was the publishing site a professional, well-known news agency or was it
someone’s personal blog? L: I remember neither the author nor the website address.

4. K: Did you notice any spelling mistakes, lots of capital letters, or dramatic punctuation? L: No, I didn’t notice any spelling
mistakes, but there were lots of capital letters.

5. K: Who was quoted in the news? Did you check if the information was available on other sites? L: Nobody was quoted in the
article but a similar news item appeared on The Independent site.

6. K: Have you visited a fact-checking website? L: I’ll follow your suggestions

Es. 12

Kate asked Luke…

1. if/whether the news was real.

2. what the news source was.

3. if/whether he had found out who had written that story and if/whether the publishing site had been a professional, well-
known news agency or it had been someone’s personal blog.

4. if/whether he had noticed any spelling mistakes, lots of capital letters, or dramatic punctuation.

5. who had been quoted in the news and if/whether he had checked if the information had been available on other sites.

6. if/whether he had visited a fact-checking website

Teens and media

Es. 1

According to the survey, the topics were in this order:

for girls: celebrity interviews, style trends, music, beauty tips, social issues.

for boys: motor vehicles, sports, style trends, reviews

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

The sports section, as well as the fun facts about people you know, are all staying

Es. 4
1. Because they are editing articles for the school magazine.

2. Because most students now access information digitally.

3. She says that according to experts time spent reading printed newspapers and magazines has fallen dramatically and that
they have to adapt.

4. They prefer a digital version of the mag.

5. She hopes they are going to keep the usual features as well as school notices and updates.

6. She said that initiatives like theirs were what gave the school a head start.

7. Yes, she said she would be happy to do a short column on school news and coming events
Es. 5
moving with the times - keeping up to date with what is happening

a head start - an advantage

to get on with it - continue with what you are doing

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
Which sentence expresses cause? Sentence no. 2.

Which expresses result? Sentence no. 1

Es. 9
1. The outdoor meeting was cancelled because of the rainy weather.

2. My dad worked very hard last year, so/therefore he got a promotion.

3. As/Since they didn’t find the tickets, they didn’t go to the concert.

4. I liked the articles, so/therefore I downloaded the e-magazine.

5. We enjoy reading the school e-magazine because there are a lot of style tips.

6. The programme was very boring, so/therefore he switched off the TV.
Es. 10

Student’s activity

Es. 11

Which kind of media do you use? Are you still attracted to traditional media like television, radio and newspapers? Or do you
access your news and information on social media? Do you read the latest news online? If you do, remember to check the
sources, because you have to make sure it isn’t fake news. We have to learn to be careful about what may seem an amazing
piece of news because of all the many distortions of the truth. Even celebrity interviews can be manipulated by clever reporters
and journalists

Es. 12
In my view they’re quite surprising.

I suspect teens aren’t aware of the real effects of social media on their lives
Es. 13
1. E

2. H

3. D

4. C

5. F

6. B

Extra endings: A and G

Es. 14

Student’s activity

Zoom in on culture

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. B

2. A
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4
1. The most important broadsheets are The Guardian, The Times and The Daily Telegraph, while the main tabloids are the Daily
Mail, the Daily Express and The Sun.

2. Some quality papers which have changed to the tabloid or ‘compact’ format are The Guardian, The Times and The
Scotsman. The reason for this is that people can read them more easily, for example on the train.

3. People who don’t want to spend a lot of time reading newspapers.

4. They usually focus on celebrity gossip, sports, holidays, horoscopes, and often provide special features such as games and
free tickets.

5. Higher social groups.

6. They deal with politics, finance, economics, national and international affairs, culture and sports.

7. Quality papers present news in a series of reliable reports about recent events.

8. Popular papers concentrate on opinion rather than on content and they directly address the readers’ emotions and instincts
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6
An important man of letters stated that the pen was mightier than the sword. An important man of letters stated: ‘The pen is
mightier than the sword’.

The United Nations declared that the 3rd May would be World Press Freedom Day. The United Nations declared: ‘The 3rd
May will be Press Freedom Day’

The astronaut famously declared: ‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’. The astronaut famously
declared that it was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

‘There have been the most terrible, shocking events taking place in the United States of America within the last couple of
hours,’ Blaid said. ‘We can only imagine the terror and carnage there and the many, many innocent people who have lost their
lives.’ Blair said that there had been the most terrible, shocking events taking place in the United States of America within
the last couple of hours. They (The British) could only imagine the terror and carnage there and the many, many innocent
people who had lost their lives.

The first black President of the United States promised he would bring change to his country. The first black President of
the United States promised: ‘‘I’ll bring change to my country’.

It urged its readers: ‘BeLEAVE in Britain’. It urged its readers to let Britain leave the EU
Es. 7
1. overwhelmingly

2. pledged

3. draped

4. mightier

5. carnage

6. urged

7. sword
Es. 8
1. They document history’s most important moments. They also document that thinking and writing has had more influence on
people and events than the use of force or violence.

2. It is to raise awareness of this principle and to campaign for it to be protected, especially in countries where journalists can
be imprisoned simply because they have criticised powerful people.

3. On 20th July 1969.

4. Because she was the UK’s first female Prime Minister.

5. He expressed condolences after the most terrible, shocking events had taken place in the United States of America.

6. Because he was the first black President of the United States.

7. They were in favour of Brexit and against the EU

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Review UNITS 9-10

Es. 1
1. A

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. B
Es. 2
1. donkey

2. whale

3. lion

4. dog

5. duck

6. monkey

7. zebra

8. rhino

9. parrot

10. cat
Es. 3
1. blog

2. magazine

3. audience

4. breaking news

5. source

6. current affairs

7. reviews
Es. 4
1. Snails can be found in every habitat.

2. The news about the royal couple is being spread by social media.

3. A parrot has recently been bought by them.

4. Will John’s dog be fed by him when he gets home?

5. Wild animals were being looked at by the children at the zoo yesterday at this time.

6. An article about celebrities’ privacy might be written tomorrow

Es. 5
1. said

2. told

3. said

4. told

5. saying

6. said
Es. 6
1. The boss asked whether/if Ms Prism would join them at the meeting that day.

2. Frank told the woman in the car he would call for help immediately.

3. The girl told her mother she had been looking for her mobile phone everywhere for hours.

4. The old woman complained that it was too cold in there.

5. Mr Keating repeated to his daughter that her achievements had made him very proud.

6. Christine said she was tuning in to the programme just then / at that time.

7. The winner of the competition told the interviewer that the game had been tough but he had managed to win.

8. My father wondered what breaking news I had heard on the radio that morning.

9. The children said they had just finished watching cartoons.

10. They wanted to know who was going to read the report
Es. 7
1. Correct.

2. They could have watched that programme but I’m not sure.

3. The bank manager told the reporter that two people had robbed the bank.

4. She asked him why they didn’t broadcast more documentaries about strange animals.

5. The actor had won the award so/therefore he was interviewed by the journalists.

6. Mary was given a pet for her birthday.

7. They said it was something they had enjoyed reading a week ago / a week before.

8. Correct.

9. He was offered a good job

Es. 8
1. Anything wrong

2. Don’t worry

3. In my view

4. I believe

5. according to statistics

6. a shame

7. recent survey

8. it is well known

9. I’m sorry to hear that

Es. 9
1. social media

2. being

3. say

4. gossip

5. produced

6. pet

7. told

8. will

9. asked

10. source

11. why

12. had
Es. 10
1. At the moment, the habitat of the animal is being monitored by experts.

2. There must have been a reason why he changed his mind and decided to get a dog.

3. I’m sure he can’t have done it on purpose. You haven’t been told the truth.

4. He said he had read a very interesting article about the influence of social sharing sites.

5. Kate wondered if the gossip she had heard about Simon would prove false.

6. Email is used a lot because of its speed and accessibility

UNIT 11: The way I feel

The way I feel

Es. 1
Tiredness: exhausted, stressed

Happiness: satisfied, pleased, glad, delighted, grateful

Sadness: depressed, upset, disappointed, lonely, miserable

Embarrassment: embarrassed, ashamed

Anger: annoyed, furious

Anxiety: stressed, upset, worried

Fear: frightened, afraid

Es. 2
1. sad / miserable / upset

2. worried/anxious

3. exhausted/stressed

4. happy/pleased

5. disappointed/annoyed

6. furious

7. embarrassed/ashamed
Es. 3
1. interested, interesting

2. bored, boring

3. amazing, amazed

4. stimulating, stimulated

5. embarrassing, embarrassed

6. surprised, surprising
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

amused - amusing, challenged - challenging, confused - confusing, excited - exciting, frightened - frightening, satisfied -
satisfying, tired - tiring

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

The things that make us happy

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

blowing bubbles, having your dog bring you sticks, buying a £5 measuring cup, getting a good mark at school, your breakfast
tasting good

Es. 3
1. Because we think they’re insignificant.

2. A society that makes you work hard to reach big goals.

3. We’re waiting for a big event to make us feel glad or satisfied.

4. A few months ago, while she was shopping in a big department store with a friend, she found herself in the kitchen section.
A lovely measuring cup caught her eye.

5. She felt delighted and put it into the trolley, because she had always wanted a measuring cup like that.

6. It can make us feel exhausted and overlook all the little joys life has to offer.

7. Gratitude makes us value the small things we often take for granted because we start to focus on the good things in life.

8. Valuing the small moments lets us live a life that is full of meaning and joy
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

A make, have, let, B get

Es. 6
1. make

2. lets

3. have

4. make

5. let

6. get
Es. 7
1. got, to send

2. let, ride

3. made, say

4. had, describe

5. made, eat

6. let, go

7. let, use

8. get, to bake
Es. 8
1. They got me to buy my new car by letting me try it.

2. Although I tried hard, I couldn’t get him to change his mind.

3. We had our neighbour feed the dog while we were away.

4. She is such an anxious person that the long wait made her cry.

5. A sudden blackout made all the lifts stop.

6. Dad made Tom come back early from the party.

7. I hope I can get Mum to buy me a new smartphone

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. A story of about 100 words.

2. When my father picked me up at school, he looked amused

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. Despite / In spite of

2. whereas/while

3. Although

4. in spite of / despite

5. While/ Whereas
Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

I saw people smile at me

Es. 1
1. B

2. D

3. F

4. E

5. A

6. C
Es. 2
1. in a good mood

2. crazy about / keen on

3. laughed

4. smiles

5. keen on / crazy about

6. were/felt on top of the world

7. was enthusiastic about

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

John and Emma had an experience abroad

Es. 6
When: three years ago, at the end of the school year.

What happened: scouting and volunteering in rural Gambia, where he built accommodation for poor children.

How it changed him/her: he started to appreciate the things he has more.

When: last year.

What happened: her grandmother’s death.

How it changed him/her: she learnt the importance of cheering up by loving and living in the present moment.

When: during the second last year of secondary school.

What happened: he joined the school volleyball team.

How it changed him/her: volleyball showed him how to be much more confident, cooperative and open-minded. It’s
important for you to do your best to help your teammates on and off the field in every possible way.

When: last August.

What happened: as she is crazy about nature, she decided to travel to Italy on a cooking adventure.

How it changed him/her: she experienced something she thought she could only dream of and also learnt the importance
of being careful about what she ate.

When: last summer.

What happened: he was a waiter at a department store. He saw people eating and drinking in the café and noticed them
treating him as if he were invisible.

How it changed him/her: smiling takes very little effort and yet this simple action can make the day wonderful for someone
Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
A They are involuntary perception verbs.

B They are followed by object + base form / -ing form of the verb
Es. 9
1. cutting (an event in progress)

2. go in (the whole action is perceived)

3. banging (an event in progress)

4. play (the whole action is not perceived)

5. leaving (an event in progress)

6. burning (an event in progress)

7. barking (an event in progress)

8. stinging (an event in progress)

9. come in (the whole action is not perceived)

10. tell (the whole action is perceived)

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Es. 11

Student’s activity

Embarrassing moments

Es. 1
Positive: brilliant, fantastic, funny, original, special, wonderful.

Negative: awful, cruel, stupid, terrible

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Two: falling off his bike and a friend shouting out a romantic text

Es. 5
1. He was checking a text from a friend and crashed into a wheelie bin.

2. Everyone knew about it and was laughing at him.

3. He felt embarrassed.

4. One day she asked for permission to go to the bathroom but had actually arranged to meet her latest crush, but the teacher
saw her laughing with him from a window.

5. She felt that she wanted the ground to swallow her up.

6. That they are allowed to be crazy, original or brilliant but no one just lets them be silly or stupid now and again.

7. He says he showed a close friend a romantic text but the friend shouted it out to the whole class.

8. She asks him if she can tell his dad about the rubbish tip experience.

9. Absolutely not
Es. 6
cringe moment - embarrassing moment that makes you cringe

crush - temporary infatuation

the ground to swallow me up - a wish to disappear

now and again - occasionally

Dead right! - absolutely correct

So much for - expresses disillusionment or disappointment in what comes after it

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

They both mean ‘to permit’

Es. 10
1. John never lets his girlfriend pay for dinner.

2. I wouldn’t allow my children to have a computer in their room.

3. Our teacher doesn’t let us shout in class.

4. Sean didn’t allow me to use his laptop.

5. I’m not allowed to watch TV after 10 p.m.

6. Emily was/is allowed to go to discos.

7. My sister didn’t let me use her bike yesterday

Es. 11

Everyone has strong feelings. Moments when you feel brilliant, fantastic, original and delighted because things are going well, or
awful and terrible because things are going badly. Are you an interesting person who finds life amazing or are you easily bored?
Are you often annoyed or frequently get sad? One solution is to allow small things to become important, learn to see the bright
side, give rather than take. Make someone happy with the gift of a smile and see if you can get them to laugh with you

Es. 12
1. amusing

2. amused

3. embarrassing

4. embarrassed

5. interesting

6. challenging

7. boring

8. stunning

9. fantastic

10. terrible

11. funny

12. stupid

13. awful
Es. 13
1. F, Daniel was telling his parents how awful and boring his Maths teacher was

2. F, The Maths teacher didn’t look very amused

3. F, She fell because she had stopped looking at where she was going and began thinking how stunning a boy was

4. T

5. F, The teacher asked her to turn off the lights

6. T
Es. 14

Student’s activity

Es. 15

Student’s activity

From the press

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

‘I’m happy to see you.’

Es. 3
1. follow-up

2. lasting

3. rewarding

4. care

5. achievements

6. bringing up
Es. 4
1. F, Your words can influence others

2. T

3. F, You show you value and respect them. This produces happiness in your friend

4. F, This sentence can bring up a positive thing that he or she did in the past

5. T

6. F, Everyone needs to be encouraged at times

7. T

8. F, Say ‘I’m sorry’ when you want to show your being worried and genuinely upset about something you did. However, don’t
use it when you don’t mean it. ‘Thank you’ is one of the most powerful phrases. These two little syllables are surrounded by
positivity and have a great impact on others
Es. 5
1. sign

2. doers

3. crowdfunding

4. empathising
Es. 6

They are not a ‘me’ generation. They are the ‘we’ generation

Es. 7
1. E

2. A

3. F

4. G

5. B

Extra endings: C and D

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Es. 10

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
Awareness is about: paying attention.

Self-awareness is about: focusing your awareness on yourself

Es. 3

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. ourselves

2. recognise, respect and accept

3. different situations

4. name

5. rate

6. 1-10

7. share

8. practice

9. don’t judge
Es. 6
1. Take time for yourself. Allow yourself some time and space every day - perhaps first thing in the morning or half an hour
before sleeping when you stay away from the digital distractions and spend some time with yourself, reading, writing,
meditating, and connecting with yourself.

2. Practice mindfulness so that you can ‘be there’ to observe what’s going on inside and around you. It is about paying
attention to your inner states as they arise. You can practise mindfulness at any time you want, through mindful listening,
mindful eating or walking.

3. Keep a journal. Writing not only helps us process our thoughts but also makes us feel connected and at peace with
ourselves. Writing can also create more headspace as you let your thoughts flow out onto paper. Research shows that
writing down things we are grateful for or even things we are struggling with helps increase happiness and satisfaction. Try
this at home - choose half a day at the weekend, pay close attention to your inner world - what you are feeling, what you are
saying to yourself, and make a note of what you observe every hour.

4. Practise being a good listener. Listening is not the same as hearing. Listening is about being present and paying attention to
other people’s emotions, body movements and language. It is about showing empathy and understanding without
constantly evaluating or judging. When you become a good listener, you will also be better at listening to your own inner
voice and become your own best friend.

5. Ask for feedback. Sometimes we can be too afraid to ask what others think of us. We all have blind spots, so it is helpful to
gain different perspectives in order to see a fuller picture of ourselves
Es. 7

Student’s activity

UNIT 12: The world I dream of

The world of advertising

Es. 1
1. D

2. A

3. E

4. G

5. F

6. C

7. H

8. B
Es. 2
Print advertising: magazine advertisement (ad), slogan, flyer, public awareness campaign / public service announcement
(PSA), hoarding/billboard, leaflet.

Broadcast advertising: commercial, slogan, public awareness campaign / public service announcement (PSA).

Digital advertising: banner ad, slogan, public awareness campaign / public service announcement (PSA)
Es. 3
1. E

2. C

3. F

4. B

5. D

6. A
Es. 4
1. achievement

2. goals

3. ambition

4. wish

5. expectation

6. aim

7. hope
Es. 5

Student’s activity
I wish I could make the world a better place

Es. 1

In the first picture there is a Native American who is crying, while in the second picture there is a Teddy bear dressed like a
ranger with a spade. The aim of the first ad is to draw attention to the problem of pollution, and the aim of the second one is
probably to promote awareness about the prevention of forest fires or the safeguard of woods in general

Es. 2
1. what a PSA is: A PSA (public service announcement) or not-for-profit advertising is a public awareness campaign that is not

2. what its goal is: Its goal is to make people aware of important issues, such as their health, the health of others and how to
make the world a better place.

3. example of famous PSAs: Famous examples are ‘Smokey Bear’ and ‘Crying Indian’
Es. 3
1. He wishes PSAs attracted viewers’ attention as much as banner ads on websites. He wishes people watched all those TV
PSAs about the importance of disease prevention.

2. In order to serve the public interest.

3. To remind people not to start forest fires.

4. Because people had polluted his native land

Es. 4
1. a sense of purpose, a better place

2. discover a cure

3. would increase, as much as a man does

4. could invent something, nature on our planet

5. had studied harder, had achieved more

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

A 2, B 3, C 1

Es. 7
1. I wish I could get things in the right light.

2. I wish I could achieve a specific sound.

3. I wish I could eliminate water pollution.

4. I wish I could find out how planets and stars interact

Es. 8
1. wasn’t/weren’t

2. would stop

3. had learnt

4. would remember / remembered

5. would join

6. hadn’t behaved

7. was/were

8. would tell

9. had achieved

10. would turn

Es. 9
1. had woken me up earlier / hadn’t forgot to set the alarm clock

2. had taken / hadn’t missed

3. had been kinder

4. hadn’t laughed (at me)

5. I hadn’t left my exercise book

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Es. 11
1. I wish I had apologised.

2. I wish I was/were good at basketball/dancing/ singing. / I wish my parents wouldn’t praise my brother/sister constantly.

3. I wish he/she had accepted my invitation.

4. I wish they hadn’t teased me


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Ad 1:

1. It was about the defence of the oceans.

2. By using oxygen masks underwater.

3. Yes: ‘Just continue to breathe normally. After all, you’re not a fish’.

4. No, there weren’t.

5. Yes, it contained the image of oxygen masks with tropical fish swimming in the coral reef at the bottom of the sea.

6. We shouldn’t suffocate sea life with garbage.

Ad 2:

1. It was about the rights of the disabled.

2. By projecting a powerful image onto a flight of stairs, possibly in a public place such as a tube or railway station or a
department store.

3. Yes: ‘For some, it’s Mt. Everest’.

4. No, there weren’t.

5. Yes, it contained the image of Mt. Everest with the symbol of disabled people in a wheelchair below.

6. It conveyed the difficulty in climbing the stairs if you are in a wheelchair

Es. 3
1. radio presenter

2. positive memories

3. model

4. slogan

5. 7%

6. being pessimistic
Es. 4
1. The secret of marketing is that it has to reach the subconscious levels of the brain in order to work.

2. He thinks it’s best to use happy smiling faces because we tend to imitate the expression of the person we are looking at.

3. Red connotes action and excitement; green implies freshness and health.

4. The most exciting moments of his job are meeting celebrities advertising products they don’t often use.

5. It’s to lead people to think that we/they can change the world by picking up an issue you care about, showing a powerful
image and telling a story about it
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Teenagers who have made a difference

Es. 1
1. make

2. do
Es. 2
1. a cup of tea

2. lunch

3. a choice

4. a mistake

5. a promise

6. an effort

7. a journey

8. your bed

9. a noise

10. a speech

11. a profit

12. damage

13. the housework

14. your homework

15. the shopping

Es. 3
1. doing

2. done

3. does

4. do

5. made

6. do

7. made

8. made
Es. 4
1. did

2. make

3. do

4. made

5. made

6. did

7. make

8. make

9. do

10. make
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6
Jack built a new sensor to detect pancreatic cancer.

Ann succeeded in creating a flashlight without any batteries or other forms of energy.

Elif managed to turn banana skin into bioplastic.

Rene used social media to show a more sympathetic and hopeful aspect of his community.

Kelvin was able to build a generator using homemade parts or things taken from the rubbish
Es. 7
1. T

2. F, Because a close family friend had died from pancreatic cancer

3. T

4. F, Because she was deeply moved when she learned that a friend in the Philippines had no light at night, the only time she
was free to do her homework

5. T

6. NG

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. F, They call him DJ Focus because he believes if you focus, you can make an invention perfectly
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

They are followed by a preposition (set up) and by an adverb + a preposition (looking forward to)

Es. 10
1. G

2. C

3. F

4. A

5. H

6. D

7. E

8. B
Es. 11

Student’s activity

Es. 12

Student’s activity

Get up and go!

Es. 1
1. E

2. F

3. B

4. D

5. G

6. C

7. A
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

‘Be inspired!’

Es. 5
1. T

2. F, She wants to put up posters about some of the voluntary work she and her friends are doing in the community

3. T

4. NG

5. F, They have to clarify what all the money raised will be used for

6. NG

7. T

8. F, Catchy slogans are what he likes best

Es. 6
I can’t wait - I’m really looking forward to it, I’m impatient and eager

I’m dying to - I can’t wait

catchy - appealing and memorable

You can say that again! - I totally agree

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

I’d rather and Would you prefer…? express a specific preference. I prefer expresses a general preference

Es. 10
1. go

2. to join

3. read

4. studying

5. do

6. not to invite
Es. 11
1. ’d prefer to stay / ’d rather stay

2. prefer lying / prefer to lie

3. ’d prefer to leave / ’d rather leave

4. ’d prefer to go / ’d rather go

5. prefer listening / prefer to listen

Es. 12
1. Public service announcements use catchy slogans to make people aware of social issues.

2. It’s difficult to get on with other family members who are longing to criticise you

3. We all wish that people paid more attention to advertising about public health and safety.

4. Some exceptional teens have made a difference through their ambition to make the world a better place.

5. Many teens prefer to be involved in local community fundraising. They say they’d rather help others than only think of
Es. 13

Example C, 1 E, 2 A, 3 G, 4 B, 5 H, 6 D

Extra question: F

Es. 14

Student’s activity

Read me a poem

Es. 1
Bird 1: I wish I could fly higher and higher; I wish the weather were always like this; I wish I could find food.

Bird 2: I wish I were free; I wish I weren’t in a cage; I wish I hadn’t been captured/caught
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

A 3, 6, B 1, C 4, D 5, E 2.

Stanza 1: The free bird has the ability to be adventurous and to make decisions on its own because it has control over its own
environment. Caption: A bird in control.

Stanza 2: The caged bird is imprisoned: its wings are clipped and its feet are tied, making the bird an enraged creature.
Caption: An enraged bird.

Stanza 3: The caged bird fears the unknown and sings of freedom. Caption: A caged bird fears the unknown.

Stanza 4: Everything is in the free bird’s control, including the wind, the sky and the worms to eat. Caption: A free bird controls

Stanza 5: The caged bird lives in a setting of horror. Caption: The caged bird lives in horror.

Stanza 6: It repeats Stanza 3, representing the caged bird’s singing out of fear. Caption: A caged bird fears the unknown
Es. 4
The free bird: In the first stanza Maya Angelou describes the ‘free bird’ by using verbs like ‘leaps’, ‘floats’, ‘dips’. The free bird
enjoys the breeze, the trees, the winds, the lawn, the sky, and the fat worms. It is a symbol of freedom and these wellchosen
verbs contain joy and energy - this is also a hint for us to discover how Maya Angelou feels about freedom.

The caged bird: In the second and third stanza the poet goes on to describe the ‘caged bird’ by using words like ‘bars of rage’,
‘grave’, ‘fearful’, ‘shadow’. The caged bird with his wings still clipped and his feet still tied continues, nevertheless, to open his
throat and sing. These words are references to isolation and they are disturbing compared with the words for freedom. This
method of contrast that Maya Angelou uses throughout the poem is powerful and highlights the comfort of freedom and shows
how the poet achieves a better understanding of freedom by comparing it with something worse
Es. 5

It is a song about freedom. It tells us that we should be aware and thankful for the freedom we have. The theme of the poem is
also to become free of your fears. If the caged bird overcame his fear of the unknown, he would be as free as the free bird to live
out his life and his desires as he pleased. The poem shows that those who can overcome these fears are the only ones that are
really free

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Review UNITS 11-12

Es. 1
1. A

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. B
Es. 2
1. interested, boring

2. amazing

3. frightened

4. charming, charmed

5. disappointing, embarrassed

6. confusing

7. excited, exciting
Es. 3
1. keen

2. worried

3. exciting

4. cheer

5. on top of the world

6. miserable

7. satisfying

8. enthusiastic

9. crazy about

10. laugh
Es. 4
1. make

2. make

3. made

4. am not doing

5. do

6. have made / made / are making

7. are making, do
Es. 5
1. didn’t let

2. made

3. get

4. got

5. let
Es. 6
1. singing

2. enter

3. strike

4. speaking

5. overtake, crash
Es. 7
1. had passed

2. could

3. hadn’t eaten

4. hadn’t said

5. hadn’t left

6. had
Es. 8
1. I’m really looking forward to my holiday in Italy next year.

2. I wish he weren’t/wasn’t so furious.

3. The taxi will pick you up at 6.30.

4. Our plane took off more than three hours late.

5. I’d rather change my job than do all this overtime.

6. I prefer brown sugar to white sugar

Es. 9
1. is it all right

2. Of course

3. fancy preparing

4. I’d really like to

5. you’re not allowed to

6. I’m dying to see

7. I’ll let you

8. Absolutely not

9. I’ve always wanted to

Es. 10
1. stimulating

2. make

3. satisfied

4. let

5. goals

6. slogan

7. plans

8. seen

9. do

10. would rather

Es. 11
1. I was crazy about the Måneskin and when I saw them come onto the stage and heard them sing their first song, I felt on top
of the world.

2. I couldn’t smell the cake burning because I was doing my homework in my bedroom.

3. His terrible expression made me understand how angry he was.

4. What a terrible/horrible party! We wish we hadn’t organised that dinner at our house.

5. I wish I could apologise for making fun of you about your new profile on WhatsApp. You know I prefer real photos to comics

Towards INVALSI: UNITS 10-12

Es. 1

0 For decades, Q1 In May 2018, Q2 Fat / Salt / Sugar, Q3 (They could cause) obesity, Q4 Because children love cartoons, Q5
50%, Q6 On healthy foods, Q7 (To) certain brands, Q8 (They would lose) money, Q9 No, they weren’t.

Es. 2

0 D, Q1 D, Q2 B, Q3 C, Q4 D, Q5 B, Q6 A, Q7 B

WB UNIT 1: Now and then

Es. 1
1. ironing

2. hoovers/vacuums, does

3. cleared/ clear, laid/lay

4. the rubbish

5. sweep / mop / vacuum / hoover the floor

6. hang out the clothes

7. does the dusting

8. the washing-up

9. make the beds

Es. 2
1. toaster

2. iron

3. (electric) kettle

4. vacuum cleaner

5. blender

6. coffee machine

7. microwave (oven).
Es. 3
1. (electric) kettle

2. coffee machine

3. toaster

4. blender

5. vacuum cleaner

6. iron

7. microwave (oven)
Es. 4
1. are you buying

2. do you enjoy, usually clean

3. is boiling

4. Does she have, always sweeps

5. is sewing, has

6. is snowing, doesn’t often snow

7. does the microwave (oven) belong, prepares
Es. 5
1. doesn’t help

2. don’t know

3. is Jake doing, is taking out

4. is baking, smells

5. usually feeds, am taking care

6. are you ironing, want, arrive

7. does the museum open

8. is always asking
Es. 6
1. was hanging out, started

2. weren’t tidying up, called

3. Did you like

4. was putting away, found

5. did he react, broke down

6. were you making, phoned

Es. 7
1. was walking, Where were you walking when you saw Tom?

2. were eating, What were they eating while they were watching a film?

3. was asking, Who was asking the teacher about the test when the bell rang?

4. were hoovering, What were you hoovering when the lights went out?

5. was putting, Where was Ann putting the turkey when she dropped the casserole dish?

6. was turning on, Why was she turning on the coffee machine when I went into the kitchen?
Es. 8
1. ‘How did you feel when he told you the bad news?’ ‘I started to cry.’

2. ‘What was Bill’s wife doing when he got home?’ ‘She was laying the table.’

3. ‘Weren’t you listening to the explanation while the teacher was talking?’ ‘No, I was sending a text to my friend.’

4. ‘What happened while they were swimming?’ ‘Suddenly the sea became rough.’

5. ‘When did they see Sylvia?’ ‘They saw her at the park while they were walking the dog.’

6. ‘Did you take the kettle back to the shop when you realised it was broken?’ ‘Yes, we asked for a refund.’

7. ‘Where was John living when he met his future wife?’ ‘He was working in England then. He had a flat in London.’
Es. 9
1. They washed all their clothes by hand in the 19th century.

2. Did Stephen Poplawski invent the blender in 1922?

3. Were you doing the dusting when your mother came into the living room yesterday afternoon?

4. Five minutes ago she was pouring/poured some water into the kettle.

5. Vivian bought her washing machine when she got married.

6. I disliked rinsing the dishes when I was young.

7. Did it take you long to make the beds?

Es. 10
1. CD player / MP

2. player / smartphone

3. rotary dial telephone

4. scissors

5. hairdryer

6. torch

7. flat-screen smart TV / smartwatch

Es. 11
1. D

2. C

3. E

4. A

5. F

6. B
Es. 12
1. used to drive

2. didn’t use to worry

3. used to force

4. Did it use to be

5. did

6. used to create

7. used to be
Es. 13
1. F, He is busy writing a report on the school trip he went on last week

2. T

3. F, There was a talk on how domestic chores have changed

4. T

5. T

6. F, They used to wash all the floors with a bucket and mop

7. F, Another person was doing the rinsing

8. F, Ironing was one of the worst chores because it was a long, hot job and the irons were very heavy
Es. 14
1. My mother used to wash my T-shirts for me, but now she doesn’t.

2. I used to hate chocolate, but now I don’t.

3. I didn’t use to drink coffee/tea, but now I do.

4. I didn’t use to watch documentaries on television, but now I do.

5. I used to get up late on Sundays, but now I don’t.

6. My family didn’t use to have eggs with bacon for breakfast, but now we do
Es. 15
1. smartphone

2. soap dispenser

3. remote control

4. CD player / MP

5. player / smartphone

6. smartwatch
Es. 16
1. anything

2. anywhere

3. Nobody

4. anywhere

5. anyone

6. everything
Es. 17
1. anything, anything

2. anything, nothing, everything

3. everywhere, everything

4. something, something

5. Everything

6. Everybody/Everyone, somebody/someone

7. anyone/anybody, somewhere
Es. 18
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. B

10. C

11. A
Es. 19
1. used

2. appliances

3. No one

4. control

5. anywhere

6. enter

7. enjoys

8. comes on

9. is trying out

10. loves
Es. 20
1. ‘What household chore did you use to hate when you were a child?’ ‘I couldn’t stand putting away my clothes in the

2. At this time yesterday evening I was preparing a delicious dinner for my friends and my sister was laying the table.

3. How did people use to boil water before someone invented the electric kettle?

4. In the past, my parents used to look for phone numbers in the Yellow Pages, but now they use their smartphone.

5. I don’t go anywhere / go nowhere without my smartwatch because it measures the speed and distance everywhere I go
Es. 21
Alex: How did they use to do the laundry in your family when you were my age?

Granddad: My mum used to wash our clothes by hand and with soap.

Alex: Did you have a soap dispenser?

Granddad: No, we didn’t have anything like that. We used bars of soap.

Alex: How did your generation use to listen to music?

Granddad: We used to listen to music on the radio but I know that times have changed.

Alex: My generation uses an MP3 player or a smartphone. We can listen to our favourite songs everywhere.

Granddad: Now I have a smartphone, too, thanks to my grandchildren

Es. 22

Which are your favourite chores? I like doing the washing-up but this week I’m doing the dusting, too. My sister usually does it,
but she’s staying in the country with a friend for a few days. Have you ever stayed in the country? I used to visit my grandparents
there in the summer when I was a child. They used to cook wonderful meals with no microwave or blender. In fact, they had few
gadgets and did everything by hand. But with or without anything technical, believe me, nobody could cook better than my

Es. 23
1. A

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. C
Es. 24

Student’s activity

Es. 25

Student’s activity

Es. 26
1. F

2. C

3. A

4. G

5. E

Extra sentences: B, D, H

Es. 27

Student’s activity

Es. 28

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 2: Your money

Es. 1
1. pay

2. borrow

3. earn

4. charge

5. withdraw

6. waste

7. lend

8. save

9. spend

10. owe
Es. 2
1. penniless

2. wealthy

3. broke

4. well off

5. needy

6. prosperous
Es. 3
1. for

2. since

3. for

4. since

5. since

6. for
Es. 4
1. How long has she been saving

2. How long have you been reading

3. How long have they been learning

4. How long has Megan been surfing

5. How long have we been waiting

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6
1. haven’t been sleeping

2. have been spending

3. has been doing

4. have been tidying

5. have been playing

Es. 7
John: He’s saved £200 to buy a new bike

Jasmine: She’s been spending her money on snacks and clothes.

Phil: He’s just withdrawn £20 to buy his mum a present to thank her.

Lucy: She’s just spent £5 on a new pair of earphones for her mobile
Es. 8
1. We have been searching for amazing things online for two hours.

2. They have been training in that gym for a month.

3. Greg has been doing the washing-up since he got home.

4. I haven’t seen my sister since her birthday.

5. Jane has been cleaning the house since this morning.

6. We haven’t been playing football for a year.

7. You have been living in Bath for three years

Es. 9
1. cheque

2. coins

3. bank transfer

4. cash

5. credit card

6. online banking

7. debit card

8. prepaid card

9. banknotes
Es. 10
1. by credit card

2. banknotes/cash

3. coins

4. prepaid card

5. bank transfer

6. debit card

7. online banking

8. in cash

9. cheque
Es. 11
1. F

2. H

3. E

4. G

5. B

6. C

7. D

8. A
Es. 12
1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. A
Es. 13
1. -

2. who

3. which

4. -

5. whose

6. -

7. where

8. whose
Es. 14
1. Tom wasted lots of money on video games he doesn’t need.

2. I don’t like the stories which/that have unhappy endings.

3. The bed and breakfast where we spent our holidays was very nice.

4. I wanted to meet the woman whose son was in the USA for his gap year.

5. The girl he fell in love with left him after a month.

6. I loaded some money on the prepaid card I wanted to use to buy a new sweater.

7. He is the person I wanted to meet at the party.

8. Did you find the books you were looking for?

Es. 15
1. It is important to save money for something you particularly want.

2. Do you know the boy who/that was speaking to Ann at yesterday’s match?

3. Last night I saw a film which/that was very old.

4. Where is the money your friend lent you?

5. This test is for students whose nationality is not English.

6. The field where they play rugby is not far away

Es. 16
1. useless

2. damaged

3. dear

4. good value

5. reduced
Es. 17
Dialogue 1: a dear handbag

Dialogue 2: discounted/reduced trainers

Dialogue 3: a reasonable, good value tablet

Dialogue 4: overpriced, damaged jeans

Dialogue 5: an inexpensive, useless toy kitten

Es. 18
1. D

2. F

3. C

4. A

5. E

6. B
Es. 19
1. A

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. C
Es. 20
1. haven’t they

2. don’t they

3. didn’t you

4. doesn’t he

5. did you

6. will you

7. does he

8. mustn’t she

9. couldn’t they

10. aren’t I

11. aren’t they

12. did they

Es. 21
1. buy, pay

2. wasting

3. borrowing, earning, lends

4. since

5. owe, have

6. which, banking
Es. 22
1. B

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. D

10. B
Es. 23

You get pocket money, don’t you? Do you receive it in cash or on a prepaid card? Not on a bank transfer, I suppose. A friend
whose father works in a bank puts the money into her bank account. She rarely borrows or lends money and she certainly never
wastes it on useless things even if they look like bargains. She’s been saving for nearly a year and is now looking for a bargain.
She wants an inexpensive bike she can ride to school on. It isn’t easy to find a discounted bike, is it?

Es. 24
1. ‘How long have you been using your credit card?’ ‘For a year.’

2. I must withdraw some money. I want to give you back what you lent me yesterday.

3. That brown wallet is where you keep the coins and banknotes when you pay in cash, isn’t it?

4. I haven’t found a bargain in the shops for months. Everything is overpriced, isn’t it?

5. ‘Who is the man you were talking to?’ ‘He is the manager of the bank where my parents opened a bank account for me on
my birthday.’

6. You have been borrowing / have borrowed a lot of money from your friend lately, haven’t you? How much do you owe him?
Es. 25

Student’s activity

Es. 26
1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A
Es. 27

Student’s activity

Es. 28
1. sort them out

2. junk

3. labelled

4. We’ve been wondering

5. change

6. boot

7. were complaining

8. get rid of
Es. 29
1. It is a sort of market where people sell different types of goods they no longer want or use.

2. They have been studying the shopping habits at car boot sales.

3. They usually take place in summer, but in some parts of the UK there are sales all year.

4. They have been thinking of selling some of their old junk at a car boot sale because they want to raise some money for their
holidays and get rid of old things.

5. They have been wondering about when the best time is to do it, what sells well, how to price their goods and what sort of
profit they can hope to make.

6. They were surprised how little people were prepared to pay.

7. They have started to sort their things out into labelled banana boxes and they have made sure they have got change.

8. They are going to take them to a charity shop.

Es. 30

Student’s activity

Es. 31

Student’s activity

Es. 32

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 3: Techie life

Es. 1
1. pen drive

2. mouse, screen

3. speakers

4. keyboard

5. plug

6. printer

7. charger
Es. 2
1. podcasts

2. installed

3. edit

4. folder

5. copied and pasted

6. browse
Es. 3
Device: tablet

Advantages: more compact, quicker and easier to use

It has: cameras, microphones and a touchscreen

It doesn’t need: a mouse or a keyboard

Battery: it will run for between 7 to 11 hours

Guarantee: a minimum of two years

Screen size: from 7 to 20 inches, that is, about 18 to 26 centimetres

Weight: less than 1 kg

Es. 4
1. My granny has been growing flowers in her garden since last summer.

2. We have replaced our old computer recently.

3. The secretary hasn’t sent any emails this morning.

4. This year’s exhibition has displayed 1

5. new tech applications.

6. They have been browsing the Internet for hours.

7. I have been helping Mum with the household chores for two hours.

8. She has just become the new art director of the company.

9. My brother has edited

10. photos on his profile.

Es. 5
1. How long has he been studying Latin?

2. Have you ever travelled alone?

3. How long have they been working as shop assistants?

4. How long have you known her?

5. Have you been doing a lot of sport lately?

6. How long have you been using instant messaging apps?

7. How many books have you read in the last few months?
Es. 6
1. haven’t seen

2. have you been doing

3. ’ve changed

4. ’ve been working

5. haven’t done/ haven’t been doing

6. have you been attending

7. ’ve already taken

8. have you photographed

9. ’ve become

10. Have you shown

11. ’ve put, Have you browsed

Es. 7
1. has had

2. has been working, has enjoyed

3. have decided, have heard

4. has been going out

5. have been waiting, have come

6. have you been living, have been studying

7. have just cleaned

Es. 8
1. The computer has been processing data since this morning.

2. I have been waiting here for ages. Where have you been?

3. Paul has texted his friends five times today.

4. How long have you had this pen drive?

5. Have you seen this TV series twice?

6. ‘What have you been doing all morning?’ ‘I have been studying History.’

7. They’ve known their neighbours for two weeks.

8. ‘Why are you sweating?’ ‘We’ve been redecorating the sitting room
Es. 9
1. click

2. save

3. select

4. connect

5. delete

6. post

7. download

8. search

9. surf
Es. 10
1. downloaded

2. Save

3. surf

4. deleted

5. connect

6. Select

7. Click

8. do you search

9. posted
Es. 11
1. D

2. ND

3. ND

4. ND

5. D

6. ND

7. D

8. D
Es. 12
1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A
Es. 13
1. which

2. where

3. who

4. which

5. whose

6. which

7. whose

8. which
Es. 14
1. who(m) I have often seen on television

2. who I spoke to you about /about whom I spoke to you last night

3. which was embarrassing for the teacher

4. which she bought online

5. which is very fast

6. who has been waiting for a long time

Es. 15
1. zoom in

2. scroll down

3. rotate

4. swiping

5. tapped
Es. 16
1. I’m going to that shop to buy a new phone.

2. I/We set off early (in order / so as) to avoid the traffic.

3. He took a taxi in order / so as not to be late for the meeting.

4. They want to go to Dublin (in order / so as) to meet their niece.

5. I am pushing that button (in order / so as) to turn off my computer.

6. She tagged her bags (in order / so as) to identify them later
Es. 17
1. to spend our holidays with our friends

2. (in order / so as) to correct

3. (in order / so as) to get

4. (in order / so as) to download

5. in order / so as not to fail the English test again

6. in order / so as not to be
Es. 18
1. A

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. C
Es. 19
1. had

2. stopped

3. ’ve been fighting

4. since

5. which

6. which

7. in

8. to

9. not to

10. for
Es. 20
1. For years, we have always turned on our computers to check our emails and to browse the Net. Now a smartphone is

2. You need a suitable cover to protect your new phone from exposure to water or possible falls.

3. I have been waiting for fifteen minutes but nothing has happened. I think my new computer, which I bought weeks ago, has
got a virus.

4. Your phone, which is the same as my brother’s, is working fine. You can download music and films using this app, and save
photos and edit them through this other app.

5. ‘Would you like / Do you want to see my latest pictures? Swipe on the tablet screen because they’re on the next page.’ ‘They
are very small!’ ‘You have to tap on each of them to see larger pictures/images.’
Es. 21
Luke: What’s up, Laura? How can I help you?

Laura: My parents have bought me a new laptop and I need to learn how to use it properly.

Luke: Have you installed the necessary programmes to operate it yet?

Laura: Yes, I have. What’s this icon on the screen for?

Luke: This is for downloading and saving music and podcasts. Laura: I must learn how to use the touchscreen well because the
latest laptops are very sensitive.

Luke: You have to be gentle in order to scroll up and down.

Laura: You’re right! I love chatting and editing photos, which I often post on Instagram, but I’m not very good at using the other
features. I need to become more precise and technological, don’t I?
Es. 22

I’ve been sitting at my computer all morning. I’ve downloaded three podcasts, which are really interesting, sent about ten emails
and surfed the Net. So as not to get too lazy, I’m going to the park to get some fresh air and a break from technology. Of course
I’m taking my smartphone to scroll down a few texts or swipe through my apps. My friend Eric, whose knowledge of technology
is better than mine, has recommended a new phone but I’ve been using this one for ages and I really like it

Es. 23
1. D

2. C

3. E

4. A

5. B.
Es. 24
1. F, It does give information about departures

2. T

3. T

4. F, It can convert into other currencies

5. F, It gives the same information as the wellknown magazine

Es. 25

Student’s activity

Es. 26

Student’s activity

Es. 27
1. B

2. D

3. D

4. C

5. A

6. C
Es. 28

Student’s activity

Es. 29

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 4: Town and around

Es. 1
1. cycle lane

2. skyscraper

3. outskirts

4. pedestrian area/zone

5. residential area / neighbourhood

6. car park

7. pavement

8. roundabout

9. signpost

10. neighbourhood / residential area

Es. 2
1. E

2. A

3. F

4. C

5. B

6. D
Es. 3
1. Who will you call if you decide to organise a party?

2. What will you visit if you go to Dublin?

3. Where will you walk if you go shopping in the town centre?

4. How much will they pay if they leave their car in the car park?

5. Who will he ask if he needs help?

6. What will she do if she’s stuck in traffic?

Es. 4
1. E

2. G

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. H

8. F

1. If you boil water, it evaporates.

2. He’ll be disappointed if he doesn’t get that job as art director.

3. If we don’t rush, we won’t find / may not find / are not going to find any more tickets for the concert.

4. When you drop it, glass breaks.

5. If we don’t find a larger flat, we’ll definitely move to another neighbourhood.

6. If they create a new playground, I’ll take my children to play there.

7. We’ll go / could go / are going to the beach if the weather improves.

8. You get wet if you walk in the rain without an umbrella

Es. 5
1. will commute, buy

2. Does he get, eats

3. won’t eat, is

4. fly, will see

5. won’t process, goes

6. Will we be, push

7. will pass, doesn’t make

8. come, leave
Es. 6
1. If you don’t close the window, the child will get a cold.

2. If he receives a call from the estate agent’s, he will tell you.

3. If there isn’t much traffic, I won’t be late for the lecture.

4. If you touch a hot pan, you get burnt.

5. If Sarah leaves the shopping list at home, we won’t have anything to eat for dinner.

6. If you put some water into the freezer, it becomes ice.

Es. 7
1. have

2. ’ll go

3. ’ll move

4. take

5. will never forgive

6. doesn’t see

7. won’t even consider

8. ’ll refuse

9. ’ll be

10. show
Es. 8
1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B
Es. 9
1. go, won’t get

2. will feel, wear

3. Will your mother wait, finish

4. will relax, stops

5. has, will ride

Es. 10
1. leaves school, will buy, will get home, does

2. are going to arrive, starts, will buy the tickets, meet

3. will go to the beach, is good, rains, will watch a film, will have to wait, get up (in the morning)

4. will call, arrives in London, will send, doesn’t answer (when she calls), will take care, is in England
Es. 11
1. square

2. museum

3. get lost

4. monastery

5. pavement
Es. 12
1. sightseeing

2. Square

3. palace/castle

4. got lost

5. have a look around

6. art gallery

7. cathedral
Es. 13
1. Cities must be popular because cinemas, theatres and museums are easily accessible.

2. He must be at home.

3. It can’t be easy to get a ticket.

4. The art gallery can’t be very far from here.

5. He must live near his office.

6. He can’t feel very happy

Es. 14
1. B

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. B
Es. 15
1. may/might/could

2. must

3. can’t

4. must

5. may/might/could

6. may/might not

7. must

8. may/might/could
Es. 16
1. Mark can’t be abroad. I saw him in the new art gallery yesterday.

2. I may/might/could finish the project by tomorrow if I work all night, but I’m not sure.

3. We may/might not go to the match tomorrow because of our exam. It depends when it finishes.

4. He must be very rich. He’s got a Ferrari and a Lamborghini!

5. You studied all night. You must be exhausted.

6. Pablo can’t be Spanish. He’s speaking Portuguese.

7. My sister is quite busy. She may/might not be able to come to the party tonight
Es. 17
1. green, unpolluted

2. historic

3. cosmopolitan

4. cultural

5. noisy/stressful, stressful/noisy

6. modern, walkable

7. traditional

8. friendly, crowded
Es. 18
1. fairly

2. rather

3. fairly

4. pretty

5. rather

6. quite
Es. 19
1. rather

2. quite/pretty/fairly

3. rather

4. rather

5. rather/quite

6. quite
Es. 20
1. C

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. C

10. B

11. D

12. C
Es. 21
1. Fred will definitely come on the sightseeing tour tomorrow if you ask him.

2. If the door doesn’t open, it may/might/could possibly be locked.

3. The art gallery can’t be closed, it is always open on Mondays.

4. I am fairly certain that I have read this book before but I’m not completely sure.

5. Everyone in the bus queue is really angry. The bus must be very late.

6. Unless Jack starts working harder, he isn’t going to pass the exam.

7. If you get the underground at rush hour, you will find it rather crowded
Es. 22

If you live in a city, you will know all about the advantages and disadvantages of city life. Unless you are very central, you will
have problems connected to transport and need access to railway stations or car parks. But you will have a wide choice of
cultural places like museums and art galleries. Cities can be rather polluted but may be more stimulating than the countryside. If
you like nature, however, you must prefer the green fields and peace of the country. I think that if you have good friends around
you, you will be happy wherever you are

Es. 23
1. When you go to live in the city, you will learn to have patience / be patient.

2. Unless people learn to give way at roundabouts, accidents will continue to happen on that road.

3. If you follow the signposts, you will reach the centre of the town easily.

4. The city where I live is modern and cosmopolitan, with skyscrapers that seem to touch the sky.

5. The pedestrian zone/area around the castle is walkable and less crowded than the nearby streets.

6. I totally disagree. I won’t go and see the house in the new neighbourhood you talked to me about unless you come with me
Es. 24

Greg: We’ve been discussing where to go on holiday for over a week but we’ve come to a stalemate. Leo: You’re right. What’s the

Greg: I think the choice is either the Santiago Walk starting from Roncesvalles in Spain or the Great White North till/to North

Leo: My choice is the Santiago Walk because it’s rich in history and cathedrals and it may be warmer.

Greg: I’m afraid I don’t agree. I’d prefer the Great White North on my new motorbike. People say it’s less crowded and it must
be less tiring.

Leo: You may be right. I’ve been to both Pamplona for the running of the bulls and Santiago. However, I’m interested in the
Great White North because we might see aurora borealis.

Greg: Let’s get back to the crux of the matter - Santiago’s Walk or the Great White North?

Leo: Unless you’re trained to walk for a lot of kilometres every day, I think the Great White North is the better choice
Es. 25

Student’s activity

Es. 26

Student’s activity

Es. 27
Student’s activity

Es. 28
1. chapels

2. stone circles

3. ruins

4. invaders

5. stretch

6. Ice Age
Es. 29
1. It is a green, unpolluted, very walkable city.

2. You can explore important monuments, like Dublin Castle, and go shopping in Grafton Street and O’Connell Street. Unless
you are too tired, walk over the Ha’penny Bridge on the River Liffey, and as soon as you have time, go for a walk through St
Stephen’s Green.

3. Its countryside.

4. It is in the South-West of Ireland.

5. It is a large area of limestone.

6. The Aran Islands.

7. You can experience traditional Irish villages, famous for the ‘Aran sweaters’ and car-free roads.

8. They left behind stone circles, monasteries and castle ruins.

9. It hasn’t got one big central church but several small chapels and some beautiful High, or Celtic, Crosses.

10. You can hike and fish salmon and trout

Es. 30
1. F, It is the last day

2. T

3. F, He is happy to have people with him

4. F, She finds museums boring and loves shopping

5. T

6. F, He has already done the sightseeing tour

Es. 31
Focus of the day: museums

Main option(s): British Museum

Alternative or additional option(s): Science Museum, Natural History Museum

Focus of the day: shopping

Main option(s): Regent Street, Oxford Street

Alternative or additional option(s): Harrods

Joanne and Katie

Focus of the day: parks

Main option(s): Hyde Park, St. James’s Park, Kensington Gardens

Alternative or additional option(s): National Gallery, Tate Modern

Focus of the day: something different

Main option(s): Houses of Parliament

Alternative or additional option(s): Westminster Abbey

Es. 32

Student’s activity

Es. 33

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 5: Healty body and mind

Es. 1
1. thigh

2. thumb

3. elbow

4. toe

5. shoulder

6. ankle

7. neck/throat

8. fingers

9. back

10. wrist

11. arm

12. leg
Es. 2
1. fingers, hand

2. neck

3. stomach

4. ankle

5. chest

6. wrist

7. leg

8. head

9. feet

10. shoulders

11. knee
Es. 3
1. pain, chest

2. painful, knee

3. pain, back, hurt.

Es. 4
1. Bend your knees

2. Twist my ankle

3. Wave our hand

4. Cross our fingers

5. Nod his head

6. Kick my leg
Es. 5
1. If we studied harder, we would be able to pass our exams.

2. The bus driver would call 9

3. if someone were seriously injured in an accident.

4. Would you have a longer break if you could?

5. If I attended a first-aid course, I would know how to act in emergency situations.

6. The students wouldn’t put up their hands if they didn’t know the answer.

7. If you didn’t eat junk food, you wouldn’t have stomach ache.

8. If you had a pain in your shoulder, would you go for an X-ray?

Es. 6
1. felt, would go

2. Would you feel, rang

3. wouldn’t do, were

4. started, would tie

5. got, would you put

6. Would Sally let, weren’t

7. knew, would send

8. started, would help

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. would have, had

2. won’t get, arrive

3. were, would make

4. feels, will go

5. Would she feel, didn’t work

6. Will you tell, speak

7. broke down, would call

8. Would Mary be, didn’t always leave

Es. 9
1. cough

2. sore throat

3. backache

4. headache

5. earache

6. cold

7. temperature

8. flu

9. stomach ache

10. bruise
Es. 10
1. a painful feeling

2. have a temperature / a stomach ache

3. sneeze and have got a stuffy nose

4. a temperature / a headache

5. a painful feeling / bruises and redness on his right thigh

Es. 11
1. A

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. B

7. C
Es. 12
1. You had better remove the sting.

2. They ought to fill it up as soon as possible.

3. He had better apologise to her.

4. You ought to hit them on the back between the shoulders.

5. You should help him/her slow his/her breathing.

6. She shouldn’t stay up too late.

7. You had better go now or you’ll be late

Es. 13
1. should

2. Should

3. ought

4. shouldn’t

5. ought

6. ’d better not / ought not to / shouldn’t

7. should

8. ought not

9. should
Es. 14
1. According to my teacher, I ought to revise my notes every day.

2. Do you think Carol should save her money? She’s planning to go to Europe this autumn.

3. I need help, Doctor. My baby hasn’t been sleeping well for weeks. What should I do?

4. This airline allows only one piece of luggage. You’d better not pack too much.

5. It’s raining. They’d better take an umbrella with them.

6. You should help people in need!

7. You’d better not put hot water on the bruise.

8. Should I put a bandage on your knee?

Es. 15
1. cough syrup

2. plaster, cream

3. an ice pack

4. pills

5. eye drops

6. bandage

7. tablet
Es. 16
1. E

2. G

3. B

4. F

5. C

6. A

7. D
Es. 17
1. Why don’t you

2. If I were you

3. Don’t

4. If I were you

5. How/What about
Es. 18


1. ought

2. If I were you

3. Why don’t you

4. shouldn’t


1. come

2. had better / ought to

3. If I were you

4. How/What about
Es. 19
1. haven’t seen

2. feel

3. couldn’t

4. thought

5. were

6. would call

7. called

8. had

9. don’t you go

10. would go

11. didn’t have

12. did they say

Es. 20
1. D

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. D

9. C
Es. 21
1. nose

2. temperature

3. rest

4. painkillers

5. aches and pains

6. warm

7. nausea

8. fever

9. simple food

10. prescription
Es. 22
1. If they did stretching exercises for their thighs, arms and legs twice a week, they might feel better.

2. ‘How long have you had a cough?’ ‘For a week.’ ‘Why don’t you take some syrup and go to the doctor’s?’

3. ‘How about having a flu jab? Would that help?’ ‘It’s too late for this winter. If I were you, I’d certainly consider it for next

4. ‘What should I do if someone coughed and sneezed next to me?’ ‘You’d better keep your distance so as not to get ill!’

5. If you cut your hand while (you were) peeling potatoes and it bled heavily, you should try to stop the bleeding and put a
plaster on it
Es. 23
Doctor: Good morning, Mr Baldwin. What can I do for you?

Mr Baldwin: Good morning, Doctor. I’ve come because I have a terrible sore throat and I think I may have flu.

Doctor: Let me see. Open your mouth. Yes, I can see the throat is very red. I think you might have an infection.

Mr Baldwin: Oh dear, what should I do?

Doctor: You should drink a lot and take some tablets. I’ll give you a prescription.

Mr Baldwin: Do you think I should stay in bed?

Doctor: If you had a high fever, you ought to go to bed and rest, but you don’t have a fever at the moment. If you look after
yourself, you will recover / get better / feel better quickly.

Mr Baldwin: Last time I had a sore throat, it went on / lasted for nearly a month.

Doctor: Don’t worry. You should / ought to always wear warm clothes in the winter and come and see me if the sore throat
doesn’t get better / improve.

Mr Baldwin: You’re right. When I’m ill, I usually wait until it gets much worse. Thank you for your advice and the prescription.

Doctor: Goodbye, Mr Baldwin

Es. 24
1. The exercise I enjoy the most is jogging because it’s good for your hips, calves and thighs.

2. When I’m cold, I feel it in my fingers and my toes, and sometimes I feel it in my neck and shoulders too.

3. You have a really bad cough. I think you should see a doctor. Yes, you’re right. I think I’d better see a doctor before this flu
gets worse.

4. If I were him, I would definitely think about seeing a skin specialist.

5. Most people keep some medicine in the house, simple things like cough syrup, painkillers, plasters and bandages
Es. 25
1. them/teens

2. had

3. would

4. to

5. if

6. should
Es. 26

The gestures mentioned are: clapping hands, thumbs-up, crossing fingers, shaking hands

Es. 27
1. C

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. B
Es. 28

Student’s activity

Es. 29

Student’s activity

Es. 30

Student’s activity

Es. 31

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 6: Crime doesn't pay

Es. 1
1. murder

2. shoplifting

3. pickpocketing

4. burglary
Es. 2
1. mugging

2. blackmail

3. robbery

4. hijacking
Es. 3
1. steal

2. scene

3. prevention

4. commit

5. turn to
Es. 4
1. assassination

2. pickpockets

3. blackmail

4. burgled

5. shoplifting/theft
Es. 5
He had inspected the crime scene.

He hadn’t listened to the people who were present at the scene.

He hadn’t analysed evidence in the forensic laboratory.

He had secured the crime scene.

He hadn’t received the victim’s autopsy results.

He had interviewed the victim’s relatives and friends

Es. 6
1. wasn’t able, had caught

2. reached, had just arrested

3. did the inspector think, had gone

4. had stolen, tried

5. had already robbed, committed

6. seized, started

7. knew, had met

8. didn’t understand, had missed

Es. 7
1. E

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. F
1. They locked the door because the previous night they had heard strange noises.

2. Her face was as white as someone who had seen a ghost.

3. The people who had watched the thriller weren’t able to sleep that night.

4. She had read a detective story before she fell asleep.

5. It wasn’t the first time I had asked him a favour.

6. Sarah arrived late because she had reported a case of pickpocketing to the police
Es. 8
1. The young girl fainted after she had seen the thief.

2. They hadn’t been so frightened of crime before they moved to that neighbourhood.

3. My mother screamed after she had seen a shadow in the garden.

4. You went to bed early last night as soon as you had eaten your dinner.

5. He had made sure he had the money before he bought the new laptop

6. We had tried to do the exercise on our own before we asked the teacher for help.

7. By the time you called, I had finished my homework.

8. They didn’t turn on the TV until their favourite series had begun
Es. 9
1. F

2. A

3. C

4. E

5. B

6. D
Es. 10
1. accused

2. gave a verdict

3. have been questioning

4. denied the charge

5. caught the burglar in the act

6. give evidence

7. was chasing

8. was investigating
Es. 11
1. would have caught

2. had seen

3. had gone

4. hadn’t paid

5. would have made

6. hadn’t slipped

7. hadn’t found

8. had been

9. would have forgotten

Es. 12
1. hadn’t been

2. would have got

3. hadn’t been

4. Would you have recognised

5. hadn’t interrupted

6. would Chris have done

7. had worn
Es. 13
1. If we hadn’t forgotten to take our camera, we could have taken some photos.

2. If I had known you were busy, I wouldn’t have disturbed you.

3. If Mathilda had had an umbrella, she wouldn’t have got wet in the rain.

4. If they had stopped at the service station, they wouldn’t have run out of petrol.

5. If Martin hadn’t been too/so nervous, he wouldn’t have failed his driving test.

6. If I hadn’t eaten too/so many biscuits, I wouldn’t have felt sick last night
Es. 14

Student’s activity

Es. 15
1. If you saw some boys bullying your mate, you would call the teacher. / If you had seen some boys bullying your mate, you
would have called the teacher.

2. If he had paid more attention, he wouldn’t have lost his credit card last week.

3. If there is no air, wood doesn’t burn.

4. If you ask him politely, he will tell you.

5. I am glad we had a map. What would we have done if we hadn’t had it?

6. Smartphones will be lighter and lighter if they continue to evolve so quickly.

7. He wouldn’t have been here on time if he had been stuck in a traffic jam.

8. I wouldn’t know what is happening in the world if I didn’t read the papers every day.

9. Will your parents be happy if you get a good mark? / Would your parents be happy if you got a good mark?

10. The accident was your fault. If you had driven more carefully, it wouldn’t have happened
Es. 16

Student’s activity

Es. 17
1. counselling

2. detention
3. suspension/ exclusion

4. fine

5. community service

6. expulsion
Es. 18
1. In an extra assembly.

2. Discipline in the school.

3. Always being late for lessons or using a mobile in class.

4. Suspension or exclusion.

5. Vandalism of school property, physical abuse or bullying, and drug dealing.

6. To protect the school environment and help offenders change their ways and behaviour.

7. Serious indiscipline
Es. 19
1. should have come

2. should have done

3. should have won

4. should have turned

5. should have got

6. should have warned

Es. 20
1. We should have reserved a table.

2. The shop should have opened earlier / at 9.00.

3. Kate should have driven more slowly / shouldn’t have driven so fast.

4. I should have written her address down.

5. I shouldn’t have been looking behind me.

Es. 21
1. Had you left

2. verdict, innocent

3. had already started

4. have stayed up

5. never have attempted

6. shouldn’t

7. showed, had arrested

8. broke, robbed, arrested

Es. 22
1. By the time/When the police were able to arrest him, the criminal had just committed another theft.

2. After they had kidnapped the child, the kidnappers blackmailed the family and asked for a ransom sum of two million euros.

3. After the jury had found her guilty, the judge sentenced her to ten years.

4. Brian and Kevin have got a suspension / an exclusion. The teachers have ordered them to stay away from school for a week.

5. If that boy hadn’t shoplifted and pickpocketed on the underground trains, the police wouldn’t have chased after him.

6. I’m sorry that robber/mugger attacked you. You shouldn’t have worn such a precious necklace in a public park
Es. 23
Fred: Someone has stolen my car. I shouldn’t have parked it so far from my house last night.

Andrew: Are you sure? Maybe you have simply forgotten where you parked it.

Fred: I have my doubts. If I had parked it in the garage, I wouldn’t have had any problem. That’s unfair! If I knew who had stolen
it, I’d call the police to arrest them and put them in jail!

Andrew: That’s a bit stiff! I’m against prison. I think wrongdoers need counselling to help them see/realise the effects of what
they’ve done.

Fred: I don’t agree. I believe community service is a better punishment for minor thefts, but not for stealing cars.

Andrew: I think community service might work for many crimes, but you also need counselling
Es. 24
1. The burglars had broken into the same house three times before the police finally arrested them.

2. If I had read about the problems with pickpockets in Rome, I would have been more careful with my bag while I was there on

3. You shouldn’t have answered the phone while you were driving. It nearly caused an accident.

4. Had Sam ever received a punishment at school before he had to stay in detention yesterday?

5. The trial lasted a long time because there were a lot of witnesses and the jury took ages to come up with a verdict of
innocent or guilty
Es. 25
1. With their stepfather, Dr Grimesby Roylott.

2. She had heard a mysterious sound at night.

3. Julia died saying the words: ‘the speckled band’.

4. Helen has recently announced her engagement. Her stepfather has moved her into Julia’s old room, where she has heard a
strange sound, too.

5. Holmes and Watson travel to Roylott’s house to examine Miss Stoner’s room.

6. A bell-rope hanging above the bed.

7. It is not attached to any bell.

8. It is barred and locked

Es. 26
1. den

2. steam

3. shutters

4. speckles

5. cane

6. whistle

7. matches

8. handle
Es. 27
1. turn the light off

2. on the bed, in the chair

3. cane, pistol

4. Light

5. gentle
Es. 28
1. I

2. D

3. G

4. B

5. C

6. F

7. H

8. A

9. E.
Es. 29
1. The narrator is Dr Watson because Holmes says ‘You see it, Watson?’ and the narrator says ‘But I saw nothing’, so Holmes
must be speaking to the narrator.

2. When Holmes is investigating, he is tense and nervous but also self-controlled and rational. Watson seems to be slower in
his reactions. He acts as a contrast to Holmes’s energetic personality
Es. 30

Student’s activity

Es. 31
1. C

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. C
Es. 32

Student’s activity

Es. 33

Student’s activity

Es. 34

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 7: Our planet

Es. 1
1. carbon dioxide / exhaust fumes / pollution

2. atmosphere

3. endangered species / endangered

4. global warming

5. climate change

6. source of renewable energy / source of energy

7. ecosystem

8. greenhouse effect

9. deforestation
Es. 2
1. save

2. recycle

3. damage

4. throw away, pollute

5. reduce
Es. 3
1. carbon dioxide

2. recycling bins

3. waste disposal

4. emissions/emission

5. fossil fuels

6. exhaust fumes
Es. 4
1. finding

2. opening

3. Cheating

4. using

5. taking

6. saying
Es. 5
1. to be

2. to improve

3. taking

4. to learn, to cook

5. shouting

6. to water, leaving

7. to help

8. eating
Es. 6
1. to learn

2. having

3. moving

4. to become

5. to answer

6. doing

7. to stay

8. studying

9. saving

10. going
Es. 7
1. Building a better future isn’t easy.

2. It is hard to work out in the gym.

3. There’s no point in crying over spilt milk.

4. Breathing cleaner air makes us happy.

5. He is too old to live alone

Es. 8
1. I don’t know what to do.

2. Ann remembers spending long happy hours with her relatives when she was a child.

3. Did he offer to turn off the light when he left the room?

4. Please stop trying so hard. It’s no use!

5. Correct.

6. Have you felt lonely since moving here?

7. We want to stay in a luxury hotel by the sea.

8. They tried to find the way, but they got lost.

9. Sue is good at recycling.

10. Correct
Es. 9
1. studying

2. searching

3. to keep

4. to become

5. using

6. to buy

7. walking

8. driving

9. to do

10. to try

11. making
Es. 10
1. earthquake

2. landslide

3. volcanic eruption

4. tornado

5. drought

6. hurricane

7. tsunami

8. flooding
Es. 11
1. drought

2. landslide

3. tornado

4. volcanic eruption

5. flooding

6. earthquake

7. hurricane

8. tsunami
Es. 12

Natural disaster Place

hurricanes, floods, landslides, drought the USA

volcanic eruption Guatemala

tropical storm, earthquake (no tsunami risk) Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido

Es. 13
1. the

2. -

3. The

4. the

5. - , -

6. -

7. the

8. -
Es. 14
1. the

2. the

3. The, the

4. the

5. -, -

6. The

7. - , the

8. The, - , the
Es. 15
1. She was born in the Eighties.

2. The Brontë sisters were famous Victorian writers.

3. Have you seen the ice creams on that tray?

4. They are from Australia, not from the United States. / They are from the United States, not from Australia.

5. Have you ever tried the sushi in the Nobu restaurant?

6. Both Protestants and Catholics belong to the Christian religion

Es. 16
1. He is flying to Manchester.

2. The glasses on the table are my mother’s.

3. Everyone knows that the sun sets in the west.

4. Where is my wallet? I can’t find it anywhere.

5. I always read The New York Times.

6. Karim doesn’t mind going back to school on Mondays

Es. 17
1. wind power

2. geothermal energy

3. hydroelectric power

4. solar power

5. Biomass energy
Es. 18
1. solar power

2. hydroelectric power

3. biomass energy

4. geothermal energy

5. wind power
Es. 19
1. himself

2. herself

3. yourself/yourselves

4. himself

5. ourselves

6. themselves

7. ourselves

8. myself
Es. 20
1. themselves

2. each other

3. each other

4. yourselves

5. one another

6. each other
Es. 21
1. yourself/yourselves

2. my

3. their

4. ourselves

5. your

6. herself

7. itself

8. myself
Es. 22
1. The, -

2. recyclable

3. to shift

4. tidal wave

5. talking, to do

6. himself
Es. 23
1. D

2. G

3. E

4. A

5. H

6. B

Extra options: C and F

Es. 24
1. There are little things we can do to reduce the pollution of the air we breathe. Using less electricity is a great way to try to
save the Earth.

2. Taking care of our planet is not only a responsibility, it is also a privilege.

3. The government has recently promised some plans to protect the environment, even if it is easier said than done.

4. Brian looked at himself in the mirror and decided that he had to get fit.
Es. 25
Bill: I’m worried about pollution.

Andy: What exactly do you mean?

Bill: What I’m trying to say is that each of us should blame ourselves for the tons of waste we produce every day.

Andy: That’s right, and some kinds of waste will take years to disappear. If I’ve understood correctly, using glass bottles could
be a good alternative because it’s possible to recycle them.

Bill: And we should also consider alternative energy sources.

Andy: Can you clarify that?

Bill: In other words, renewable energy comes from natural resources like the sun or the wind, which are always available and
Es. 26
1. We are all worried about the effects of global warming on our climate.

2. Pollution, deforestation and the greenhouse effect are all contributing to dangerous changes in the ecosystem and the

3. We ourselves can help reduce the pollution in our cities by limiting the use of fossil fuels.

4. Being green means caring about one another, looking after the environment and trying to recycle as much as possible.

5. Natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis are becoming more frequent
Es. 27

Environmental scientists study the environment and try to find solutions to environmental problems

Es. 28
1. degree

2. nature conservation

3. Before returning

4. natural disasters

5. climate change

6. work together to / help each other / work together and help each other

7. with animals

8. (both) local and global

Es. 29

Student’s activity

Es. 30
1. aviation industry

2. sustainable

3. mainstream

4. airline

5. plants

6. liability

7. blend
Es. 31
Kind of plane: Boeing 747.

Travelling from: Orlando.

Landed at: London Gatwick.

Flight’s energy source: a new blend of normal jet fuel and ethanol produced from waste gases.

Fuel blend’s impact: 5% recycled, but the sustainable element could increase up to 50%.

Airline founder: Sir Richard Branson

Es. 32
1. It could cut greenhouse gas emissions by 65% compared with conventional petroleum.

2. The airline is asking for government support to build factories in the UK that could produce fuel for all its operations.

3. It takes waste, carbon-rich gases from industrial factories and gives them a second life so that new fossil fuels don’t have to
be taken out of the ground.

4. They asked them to provide financial support to open three UK factories by 2025.

5. This experience has shown that recycling waste carbon emissions into jet fuel is not impossible, that we can think of waste
carbon as an opportunity, that carbon can be reused over and over again.

6. The UK’s climate change targets require the aviation industry to stay within 2005 levels of CO2 emissions by 2050 - even
though rapid growth in the number of flights is expected
Es. 33

Student’s activity

Es. 34

Student’s activity

Es. 35

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 8: Art and beauty

Es. 1
1. nose

2. cheek

3. forehead

4. teeth

5. chin

6. eyelashes

7. ear

8. tongue

9. eyebrow

10. lip

11. eyelid
Es. 2
1. eyelashes

2. forehead

3. nose/chin

4. chin / cheeks / face

5. teeth

6. lips/cheeks

7. tongue

8. eyebrows/lips

9. eyebrows/lips

10. eyelids

11. ears/teeth
Es. 3
1. eyelids, eyelashes

2. lips, tongue

3. cheek, forehead

4. chin

5. ears

6. teeth

7. nose

8. eyebrows
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. My little sister has a sweet tooth.

2. He had to hold his tongue so as not to say anything unpleasant.

3. I seldom see eye to eye with my mother on clothes.

4. The children were all ears when their granny read them bedtime stories.

5. Maggie is a very good reporter. She has a nose for finding interesting stories.

6. Much of what they said at the lecture went over my head

Es. 6
1. were created

2. are not easily identified

3. is/ was generally used

4. was filmed

5. were not admitted

6. are/were made
Es. 7
1. Are the classrooms cleaned at the end of the lessons?

2. When were tattoos found on old mummies?

3. How is chocolate made?

4. How often were the ancient Olympic Games held?

5. Who was the new company founded by?

6. Are meals served all day?

7. Is wine produced in Italy?

Es. 8
1. Lipsticks are sold at half the usual price here.

2. Our eyes were opened to what was going on by last night’s events.

3. A sketch is usually drawn by the painter before starting to paint.

4. Credit cards weren’t accepted, so we had to pay in cash.

5. When ice is heated, it melts.

6. Two languages are spoken in Canada.

7. The wrong tooth was pulled out by the dentist

Es. 9
1. They inspected the train after the accident.

2. Do they grow avocados in Chile?

3. Did they report the news correctly?

4. A famous novelist wrote these books.

5. The postman delivered some letters.

6. Most Italians eat pizza.

7. Some tourists left plastic bottles on the beach.

8. The company pays his wage every week.à

Es. 10
1. allows

2. was used

3. was made

4. was silkscreened

5. was taken

6. (was) immortalised

7. is captured

8. were employed

9. lived

10. looks

11. is flattened

12. transforms/transformed
Es. 11
1. sculpture

2. abstract painting

3. portrait

4. landscape

5. design

6. still life

7. architecture

8. photography
Es. 12
1. abstract paintings

2. sculptures

3. landscapes

4. portrait

5. still life

6. architecture
Es. 13
1. landscape

2. still life

3. sculpture

4. abstract painting

5. portrait
Es. 14
1. Were you able to

2. couldn’t

3. succeeded in opening

4. could

5. was able to

6. weren’t able to take

7. couldn’t

8. succeeded in getting
Es. 15
1. couldn’t / wasn’t able to

2. was able to / managed to

3. succeeded in

4. Were you able to / Did you manage to

5. managed to

6. succeeded in

7. could
Es. 16
1. Were you able to ride

2. Could you ride

3. was able to finish

4. has never been able to get up

5. wasn’t able to repair / couldn’t repair

6. hadn’t been able to finish

7. has been able to make

Es. 17
1. Could you do

2. was able to finish

3. were able to find

4. couldn’t hear

5. Were you able to guess

6. were able to reach

7. Were you able to get

8. couldn’t tell
Es. 18
1. was able to create / succeeded in creating

2. was able to take

3. could admire

4. was able to finish / succeeded in finishing

5. could see
Es. 19
1. piercing

2. waxing

3. facial

4. manicure

5. haircut

6. blow-dry

7. hair dyeing
Es. 20
1. Lucy had/got her nails painted by a famous beautician this afternoon.

2. We must have/get our car washed.

3. Bill and Mary will have/get their wedding organised by a wedding planner.

4. I’m going to have/get my dog vaccinated by the vet

Es. 21
1. Have you had your aching tooth checked by the dentist yet?

2. He needn’t have the oil changed in his car for the moment.

3. Did they have their house designed by a famous architect last year?

4. We haven’t had the shopping delivered to our flat for a month.

5. Will she have a dress made for her sister’s wedding next month?

6. I haven’t had my car tyres checked since last winter

Es. 22
1. eyebrows

2. nose

3. were

4. sold

5. by

6. burgled

7. managed to visit

8. succeeded

9. booked

10. have, broken

Es. 23
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. A

10. C

11. D
Es. 24
Francis: Hi, Claire! Fancy meeting you here. Where are you going?

Claire: I’m on my way to the beautician’s, a place you’ve certainly never been to! I’m going to have a manicure and waxing

Francis: In the past, I had lots of treatments done. I had my ear pierced and I had a tattoo done on my right arm.

Claire: I don’t know much about tattoos.

Francis: Tattoos come in all shapes and sizes, thick and thin, bright or soft colours. Are you going to have a tattoo done when
you’re 18, like me?

Claire: No way! I’m not going to have a tattoo done. Tattoos are bad for your health.

Francis: It’s important to get the tattoo done by an expert. The tattoo area must be carefully sterilised and then the drawing is
done by puncturing the skin with tiny needles from where the ink is injected.

Claire: Sounds painful! I’m scared of needles! I’ll never have a tattoo done!
Es. 25
1. My sister and I see eye to eye about make-up: neither of us uses eyeshadow on our eyelids but we put some mascara on our

2. This seascape was painted by the English painter John Constable.

3. Did you manage to see the exhibition of sculptures by that contemporary artist at the museum of modern art yesterday?

4. We could admire a lot of paintings. There were portraits and still lives.

5. I usually have my hair cut and I get a facial once a month.

6. ‘Are you going to have your nose pierced?’ ‘No way!’

Es. 26
1. No one is completely satisfied with their face, either the nose is too big or the forehead too large or the cheeks too pale.

2. There are times when my mum and I don’t see eye to eye but I hold my tongue rather than argue with her.

3. What do you think of my new haircut? I had it done on Saturday

4. Many of our friends had their hair dyed or got beauty treatments done for the end-of-year party.

5. Stunning, beautiful illusions and masterpieces are created by fashion designers and make-up artists
Es. 27
1. H

2. E

3. B

4. C

5. G

Extra sentences: A, D, F

Es. 28
1. The World of Art

2. 1960s and early 1970s

3. women’s struggle against discrimination

4. that it was important

5. her paintings act as a form of condemnation in the struggle for equal rights
Es. 29
1. G

2. I

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. F

7. E

Extra endings: C and H

Es. 30

Student’s activity

Es. 31

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 9: Animals and us

Es. 1
1. monkey

2. dolphin

3. zebra

4. duck

5. goose

6. lion

7. snail

8. bear

9. wolf

10. whale

11. rhino

12. turtle

13. eagle
Es. 2
1. lion

2. whale

3. ducks

4. wolves

5. monkeys

6. eagles

7. bears
Es. 3
1. shell

2. fur

3. horn

4. wing

5. beak

6. claw

7. paw

8. feather

9. jaw
Es. 4
1. E

2. A

3. B

4. F

5. D

6. C
Es. 5
1. at a snail’s pace

2. an eagle eye

3. you can’t teach an old dog new tricks

4. a wild goose chase

5. a wolf in sheep’s clothing

6. get your ducks in a row

Es. 6
1. The birth of a baby Asian elephant has been announced at Dublin zoo.

2. Antarctic ice is being melted by global warming.

3. Another camel hospital will be opened in Dubai next week.

4. Which dog was voted the UK’s top dog by the British?

5. More than 150,000 rare seabirds had already been saved when the winter started.

6. A safari isn’t going to be organised in summer

7. The dolphins weren’t being fed by the marine biologist in the aquarium.

8. Should whaling be banned completely?

9. Why have reindeer always been associated with Christmas?

Es. 7
1. be tidied up

2. be fastened

3. will be raised

4. be fed

5. be ordered

6. has been found

7. is being bitten
Es. 8
1. Lots of tourists have photographed this bear.

2. Scientists are using mice to make experiments.

3. Hunters had chased that rhino for days before they killed it.

4. Freezing temperatures might kill birds.

5. You can’t find the ladybird in all habitats.

6. Spiders control insect numbers in a natural way because they eat many of them.

7. Visitors who see a red deer in Richmond Park should keep their distance
Es. 9
1. Beavers from wildlife parks have been recently released in the wild parts of Scotland.

2. Two famous actors have been interviewed about their latest film.

3. Hasn’t this house been sold recently?

4. A lecture was being held in the hall when I arrived at 10 o’clock yesterday.

5. A new national park is being created in the North of the country.

6. When you called, the children were being taken to the gym by their father.

7. Power for the new building will be provided by solar panels

Es. 10
1. was reopened

2. had been restored

3. had been pecked

4. have recently been removed

5. had been destroyed

6. has been replaced

7. be seen

8. were once left

9. was founded

10. be welcomed

11. was followed

12. had been taken

Es. 11
1. has been barking

2. quack/quacked

3. brayed

4. roaring

5. squeaked / were squeaking

6. chirp/ chirped

7. is meowing

8. squawked
Es. 12
1. C

2. D

3. B

4. A
Es. 13
1. might

2. must

3. can’t

4. must

5. could

6. may

7. must
Es. 14
1. can’t have bought

2. must have gone

3. may / might / could have left

4. may / might / could have caught

5. could have won

6. can’t have watched

7. can’t have gone

Es. 15
1. may/might not have been

2. may/might have been

3. may/might have missed

4. may/might have escaped

5. can’t have gone

6. must have got in

Es. 16
1. Jean must have forgotten about the party.

2. The students must have finished their test because they’re talking loudly.

3. You can’t have bought enough biscuits for everybody. I can only see three packets here!

4. She may have left work already.

5. He must have had his hair cut. Yesterday it was long and today it’s very short.

6. The shoe store might have been closed last Sunday but I don’t remember.

7. She must have practised a lot. Her performance was perfect!

8. I can’t find my watch anywhere. I must have lost it on the bus. I’m sure!
Es. 17
1. safety

2. reliable

3. quality of life

4. benefits

5. testing

6. suffering
Es. 18
1. were sent, was sent

2. Has a fine ever been given, Have you ever been given

3. will be shown, will be shown

4. Was she offered, Was a seat on the bus offered

5. were asked, was asked

Es. 19
1. We are taught Spanish on Friday mornings. / Spanish is taught to us on Friday mornings.

2. Has he been asked for any help?

3. Alan was awarded a special prize by the jury. / A special prize was awarded to him by the jury.

4. We aren’t being sold their car. / Their car isn’t being sold to us.

5. Should she be told about it?

Es. 20
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. A
Es. 21
1. zebras

2. goose

3. bear

4. braying

5. carried out, suffering

Es. 22

My father’s favourite animal is the eagle. He loves its golden feathers, sharp claws and pointed beak. I prefer furry animals or
unusual ones. Lots of unusual animals were first found in Australia. Many of them had never been seen by Europeans before. It’s
unlikely that any new species will be found in the future, so we must look after the ones we have. Animals are a precious part of
our life, which would be poorer without the chirp, quack and squawk of birds or the meowing of cats. Don’t you agree?

Es. 23
Adam: Hi, Sue, you look a bit sad. Anything wrong?

Sue: Yes, as a matter of fact there is. I’m very upset because my dog Sam died last week.

Adam: Poor you! I’m sorry to hear that. Was he old?

Sue: He was 9 years old. I had been given him / He had been given to me for my birthday and he could be considered as / he
was like a member of the family.

Adam: Don’t you think it might be a good idea to get another dog?

Sue: I was thinking about it. There are a lot of dogs that have been abandoned by their cruel owners and have been put into a
dog shelter. It’s too bad.

Adam: I agree, even if they say they are treated well.

Sue: I just hate the whole idea. Animals suffer, too, and their quality of life is important. The rights of animals should be
Es. 24
1. My favourite pet has gone missing / has disappeared. However, I was told that sometimes cats find their way back home by

2. The new zoo will be opened by the mayor next week.

3. Thousands of tiny turtles have been recently released into the wild in Mexico.

4. That student has not been given enough time to finish the exam.

5. The students were told by the teacher to hand in their homework on time.

6. That friend of mine didn’t use to love animals. He must have changed his mind because he has recently decided to buy a
Labrador to keep him company
Es. 25
1. B
2. A

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. C
Es. 26
1. regardless of

2. dwelling places

3. estimates

4. disguised

5. scratches

6. range
Es. 27

The vaquita, the Javan rhino, the black rhino, the Amur leopard living in Russia, the forest elephant and the Bornean orangutan

Es. 28
1. The list of the most endangered animals includes some animals that you may not even imagine.

2. The vaquita is a very rare member of the dolphin family discovered in 1958.

3. The black rhino, the Amur leopard living in Russia, the forest elephant and the Bornean orangutan are considered
endangered because there are few left, in some cases fewer than 100 left.

4. A combination of GPS trackers, disguised cameras that identify individuals’ distinctive markings, traces of kills, paw marks
and scratches on trees are used by conservationists to count land mammals.

5. A species with 500 animals left could be considered more endangered than one with only 300 left if that species is only
linked to one area and has a long reproductive cycle.

6. In a tropical rainforest, there will be more species that don’t exist anywhere else.

7. If something happens to a single river system, a whole species can be immediately destroyed, regardless of how big that
population was befor
Es. 29

In favour:

1. Hunting is a traditional and ancient part of human life.

2. It is important for conservation. It allows the wild animal population to be kept in check.

3. Farming animals is bad for the environment and cruel. Hunting allows animals to live free and have natural lives.


1. There’s no good reason for hunting: meat can be supplied by farms.

2. Hunting is cruel and barbaric, it is just done for fun.

3. It can have a bad effect on wildlife

Es. 30


It’s cruel, because whales are intelligent animals and move in family groups which would be cruel to break up. Some whales are
in danger of extinction. Commercial whaling has already been banned and those who practise it for ‘research’ are trying to
bend the rules. It’s unnecessary food which should be banned from menus.


It is part of the traditional culture of some peoples around the world. Whales shouldn’t be treated differently from other
animals like fish that are killed for food. Whaling is carefully monitored at an international level. Removing some whales
increases the other fish population
Es. 31

Student’s activity

Es. 32

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 10: My media

Es. 1
1. chat room

2. newspaper

3. email

4. radio

5. social networks / media sharing sites

6. TV
Es. 2
1. social networks

2. radio

3. blog

4. magazines
Es. 3
1. newspaper

2. blog

3. chat room

4. TV, magazine

5. printed advertisement

6. email

7. radio

8. media sharing sites

9. social networks
Es. 4
1. Switch over, I can’t stand watching that stupid quiz show.

2. Children are easily influenced by TV advertisements.

3. The news sometimes misrepresents reality.

4. The programme will be broadcast in English with Italian subtitles.

5. Could you switch on the TV?

6. We binge-watched the whole series of Stranger Things.

7. Millions of people tuned in to listen to the President’s speech

Es. 5
1. tell

2. said

3. said, told

4. said

5. told

6. said

7. say

8. said
Es. 6
1. said

2. Tell

3. told

4. told

5. told

6. say

7. said

8. tell
Es. 7
1. hadn’t done

2. didn’t wear

3. was becoming

4. would

5. had bought

6. had to

7. had seen
Es. 8
1. had to finish his blog that night

2. didn’t trust that site

3. should try to train harder

4. could spend the afternoon reading magazines

5. wouldn’t run for the following elections

6. would send me an email of confirmation the next/following day

7. couldn’t stand that situation any longer

8. had shared a video the day before

Es. 9
1. Dr Emmett Brown said where they were going they didn’t need roads.

2. Don Corleone said he was going to make him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

3. George Orwell said people would believe what the media told them they believed.

4. Thomas Jefferson said their/our liberty depended on the freedom of the press, and that couldn’t be limited without being

5. Solomon Northup said he didn’t want to survive. He wanted to live

Es. 10
1. He refused to admit the mistake he had made.

2. She threatened to leave the company if they didn’t give her a pay rise.

3. The two young boys confessed that they had stolen the car.

4. The tourist guide recommended wearing comfortable shoes during the excursion.

5. She agreed that she would switch over to a different programme.

6. We invited them to join us for a drink.

7. Our friends suggested going skiing at the weekend.

8. My mum advised me not to think too much about it

Es. 11
1. ‘I haven’t made any mistake.’

2. ‘If you don’t give me a pay rise, I’ll leave the company.’

3. ‘We stole the car.’

4. ‘Wear comfortable shoes during the excursion.’

5. ‘OK, I’ll switch over to a different programme.’

6. ‘Would you like to join us for a drink?’

7. ‘Shall we go skiing / Why don’t we go skiing / What about going skiing at the weekend?’

8. ‘You shouldn’t think too much about it

Es. 12
1. current affairs

2. gossip

3. spread

4. check

5. be in the news

6. breaking news

7. source

8. report

9. prove
Es. 13
1. source

2. check

3. blogs

4. social networks

5. current affairs

6. tweet
Es. 14
1. He asked me what show they had broadcast on BBC One the previous night.

2. They asked me how I had done that.

3. They asked who would fly to Los Angeles with them the following month.

4. She asked me why I was so sad.

5. I asked my mother how my friends could be so impatient.

6. We asked him which social media he trusted.

7. I asked him if/whether he was going to speak to Lesley.

8. John asked her if/whether she could call him back later
Es. 15
1. loved

2. would tweet

3. had last met

4. would be

5. could borrow

6. were planning

7. had ever been

8. would be there
Es. 16
1. They asked the two mates how they could spot fake news.

2. John told his sister he had been unlucky because he hadn’t found his keys.

3. She explained the newspaper had been voted the best US paper of the year in 2018.

4. The teacher said she was sure he would pass his Maths test.

5. Frank asked his classmate if/whether he had binge-watched the last season of Teen Wolf.

6. Mum asked her son when he had last phoned his girlfriend
Es. 17
1. She said: ‘I’m enjoying Brian’s birthday party.’

2. He said to me: ‘I haven’t remembered to buy that magazine for you.’

3. She asked me: ‘Are you single or married?’

4. Marian said to them: ‘Apply right away if you want to get the job.’

5. Our neighbour warned us: ‘Don’t trust this story because it is a fake.’

6. Mrs Brown wanted to know / asked: ‘Do I have to verify the news through additional sources?’

7. Bill asked: ‘When will you get here?’

8. Ellen wanted to know / asked: ‘What is he going to eat?’

Es. 18
1. beauty tips

2. celebrity interviews

3. motor vehicles

4. music

5. reviews

6. social issues

7. sports

8. style trends
Es. 19
1. Teens told us the section on celebrity interviews was one of their favourites.

2. That journalist has been writing about sports for years.

3. The section girls generally look at first is to do with style trends.

4. Do you think beauty tips is a useful section in teen magazines?

5. Tom always reads reviews about recent films or exhibitions

Es. 20
1. Since

2. because of

3. so

4. as

5. so

6. Therefore

7. because of

8. as

9. Therefore

10. Since
Es. 21
1. I didn’t play in the match because/as/since my foot was sore.

2. They had edited the articles, so/therefore they posted them on the school website.

3. We are so proud because/as/since the magazine is becoming very popular in the school.

4. He has lots of followers, so/therefore he has become an influencer.

5. She shared her holiday photos because/as/since she liked them very much.

6. As the monitor is broken, we can’t see the film on the computer. / We can’t see the film on the computer because the
monitor is broken
Es. 22
1. news

2. because

3. spent

4. would

5. advised

6. tell

7. gossip

8. check

9. as

10. social
Es. 23
1. to tell

2. would be late for dinner that

3. if/whether Tim had switched off the television

4. because of

5. where Tom had gone for his holiday the summer before

6. tuning in at

7. if I/we wanted to hear her

8. to know why I was / we were following that

Es. 24
1. My friend and I binge-watched lots of episodes of that wonderful science-fiction series. It’s really moving with the times.

2. Last night they broadcast a fascinating interview with a teenage influencer, who said it had all happened by chance.

3. When they’re asked about their viewing habits, most teens say they don’t watch television much any more and have never
had a radio.

4. It’s difficult to say why some people become famous on social media. It may be because of a more open personality.

5. The misrepresentation of social issues or even celebrity interviews has become common on some online news sites
Es. 25
1. Tyler told me he would speak to his daughter later. He would tell her she was making a big mistake in sharing that news on
social media because it was fake news.

2. We needed to know the source of that news to understand whether it was real or whether it distorted/misrepresented the

3. The teacher asked them if/whether they believed that gossip and where they had heard it.

4. Mary told him he should buy a magazine if he wanted to find beauty tips and style trends.

5. My daughter has persuaded me to create an account on a social network / a social network account because it is easier to
find people that share my passions.

6. Our father doesn’t believe that YouTube is better than TV, so/therefore he continues to switch his dear old TV on and off
Es. 26
Matt: Hi, Louise, you look very busy! What are you doing?

Louise: I’m editing some articles for the school magazine. We’re in the process of moving it to the school website. According to
a recent survey, most students prefer reading the digital version of a newspaper rather than the paper version.

Matt: You’re right! In my view, we have to adapt to the fact that the time spent reading printed newspapers or magazines has
fallen dramatically. I hope you’re going to keep all the features of our mag.

Louise: We’re going to keep all the features of our old paper mag.

Matt: Will there be the sports section as well as the fun facts about the people we all know?

Louise: Those sections will stay. We’re very proud of our online mag and so is our head
Es. 27

Student’s activity

Es. 28
1. newsreader

2. weatherman

3. editor

4. paparazzo/photographer

5. home correspondent
Es. 29
1. You asked me what time I started work. - ‘What time do you start work?’

2. I was asked what I had found difficult at the beginning. - ‘What did you find difficult at the beginning?’

3. If you asked me why the selection is important… - ‘Why is the selection important?’

4. You asked me whether I had met many celebrities so far. - ‘Have you met many celebrities so far?’

5. People ask me which stories I like best. - ‘Which stories do you like best?
Es. 30
1. given up on

2. candidacy

3. catch up on

4. undoubtedly

5. up to date

6. run rampant
Es. 31
1. He said he has never had to wait to catch up on the news because he finds out about his favourite football team or
celebrities with a quick search on the Net.

2. They search for news but also check different apps.

3. She said she couldn’t remember the last time she had read a newspaper.

4. He said he watched TV occasionally but he watched most of his programmes on Netflix, YouTube or other social media

5. One of these limits is the number of characters, which is not sufficient for a complete news story.

6. They were reported dead on social media and they had to post their own tweets to assure fans that the news reports were

7. He shares them with his friends instantly.

8. They have become popular because of their speed and the ease of sharing news
Es. 32

Student’s activity

Es. 33

REPORTED SPEECH: verb tense changes

Past simple: She said (that) she liked posting photos online.

Past continuous: He said (that) he was writing an email.

Past perfect: Marta said (that) she had met John the day before / the previous day.

Past perfect: Pete said (that) he had already had breakfast.

Would: Sean said (that) he would meet him the following day / the next day.

Was/Were going to: They said (that) they were going to spend the weekend in the mountains.

Could: She said (that) she could sing well.

Might: Abby said (that) she might leave for London the following day / the next day.

Had to: He said (that) I/we had to pass the exam.

Infinitive: Brian said to phone him

Es. 34

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 11: The way I feel

Es. 1
1. satisfied

2. depressed

3. ashamed

4. upset

5. worried

6. pleased

7. disappointed

8. stressed

9. miserable

10. glad

11. embarrassed

12. delighted
Es. 2
Positive: satisfied, pleased, glad, delighted.

Negative: depressed, ashamed, upset, worried, disappointed, stressed, miserable, embarrassed

Es. 3
1. grateful

2. lonely

3. annoyed

4. frightened
Es. 4
1. confusing

2. challenging, stimulating

3. excited

4. frightening

5. satisfied

6. exhausted, tiring
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6
1. let

2. get

3. lets

4. Get

5. have

6. got

7. make

8. let
Es. 7
1. had/made, let

2. get

3. let, makes

4. had

5. got

6. get

7. let

8. makes
Es. 8
1. Bob’s wife got him to change his job.

2. Did Tom’s dad let him buy new skis?

3. I tried to make my dog bring back the ball I had thrown to him.

4. The storm made us put off our walk in the mountains.

5. I’ll have Miss Fox sweep the leaves away from the balcony tomorrow morning.

6. They got a psychologist to give a lecture about teens and emotions.

Es. 9
1. get Steve to change

2. made us apologise

3. had my friend lend

4. made us stay

5. made them realise

6. had Jim prepare

7. got my daughter to learn

8. Did they let you switch on

Es. 10
1. E

2. H

3. A

4. F

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. G
Es. 11

Student’s activity

Es. 12
1. sing

2. spying

3. quarrelling

4. go out

5. blowing

6. prepare

7. crying

8. climbing
Es. 13
1. coming

2. talking

3. knock

4. blushing

5. sitting

6. shout
Es. 14
1. chasing

2. slam

3. snoring

4. playing

5. calling, running

6. burning

7. touch

8. drive
Es. 15
1. running

2. barking

3. break

4. burning

5. say

6. trembling

7. ringing

8. do
Es. 16
1. Last night I heard Julian come back home late and make a terrible noise.

2. I felt a strong wind messing up my hair when the train rushed through the station.

3. I noticed lots of students running to their lessons at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.

4. Did you see the postman deliver a telegram yesterday afternoon?

5. We watched them building a new car park near our school

Es. 17
1. wonderful

2. special

3. awful

4. stupid

5. brilliant

6. funny

7. cruel

8. original

9. fantastic

10. terrible
Es. 18
1. special

2. cruel

3. fantastic

4. awful

5. brilliant
Es. 19

Student’s activity

Es. 20
1. Let

2. allow

3. allowed

4. let

5. to go out

6. us

7. permitted

8. let me
Es. 21
1. won’t let

2. were allowed to

3. will you let

4. is not permitted

5. Is John’s son allowed to

6. won’t let

7. Allow

8. is allowed to
Es. 22
1. grateful, made, hearing

2. crazy, interested

3. chatting

4. allow, get

5. wonderful, let

6. surprised

7. people talking

8. tiring
Es. 23
1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. A

9. D

10. C
Es. 24
1. There are moments when everyone feels stressed, worried, disappointed and upset.

2. I heard so many people talking about the royal wedding before seeing it on television.

3. Do you cheer up your friends when they feel miserable?

4. Have you heard the latest wonderful news? My dad has allowed me to go on the school trip to Berlin.

5. Our parents won’t allow us to stay out late during the week, but they let us come home later over the weekend
Es. 25
1. I’ve spent all day revising for tomorrow’s test. I’m exhausted.

2. Your new haircut makes you look younger.

3. Valuing the small moments lets us live a life full of meaning.

4. I heard a woman screaming because her child had run away from her. I looked around, I saw the child crossing a busy road
and I felt my heart suddenly stop.

5. I feel satisfied only when I can experience nature around me. As I’m crazy about nature, I’ve started to work on a farm where
I’m learning the importance of being careful about what I eat.

6. Ssh! You’re not allowed to talk in the library!

Es. 26
Laura: Hi, Matthew. How was school?

Matthew: It was a horrible day and I feel exhausted. During the PE lesson I had one of the most embarrassing moments in my

Laura: I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve always thought that doing gymnastics is relaxing and amusing, even if they don’t let us play
the sports we want.

Matthew: Of course, but today during a basketball match a teammate passed me the ball and instead of scoring a point, I
stumbled and fell on my face.

Laura: Did the teacher let you continue playing?

Matthew: He asked me to leave the court and didn’t let me play any longer.

Laura: Everybody is allowed to make mistakes!

Matthew: Everybody was laughing, I felt ashamed and just wanted the ground to swallow me up.

Laura: What seems / is embarrassing now will be funny when you think back on it in the future.

Matthew: Maybe, but you aren’t allowed to tell Dad. It would make him feel disappointed
Es. 27
1. blank slate

2. guidance

3. hatred

4. sliding

5. figure out

6. upward and downward

7. upcoming
Es. 28
1. The first step is to understand your feelings and emotions.

2. Our thoughts and perceptions influence our feelings, but we often tend to repress them and this can cause anxiety and

3. To turn them into positive energy, because negative feelings may lead to even worse feelings.

4. Because you have a blank slate to work with when you first emerge from sleep.

5. You can think of something to be grateful for and focus on it for a few minutes; you can visualise positive things or write a
list of things that make you happy.

6. It’s vital to take breaks from the demands of school, work, family and society in order to relax your mind and reconnect with
the present moment
Es. 29

Student’s activity

Es. 30
1. E

2. A

3. G

4. C

5. H

6. F

7. D

8. B
Es. 31

Student’s activity

Es. 32

Student’s activity

Es. 33

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 12: The world I dream of

Es. 1
1. slogan

2. magazine advertisement

3. banner ad

4. hoarding/billboard

5. commercial

6. public service announcement

7. flyer

8. leaflet.
Es. 2
1. magazine advertisement

2. hoarding/billboard

3. slogan

4. flyers

5. banner ads

6. public service announcement

7. leaflet

8. commercial
Es. 3
1. E

2. C

3. F

4. B

5. D

6. A.
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B
Es. 6
1. I wish you would use less water / you wouldn’t use so much water when you brush your teeth.

2. I wish he would pay more attention to how he says things.

3. I wish you would waste less food / you wouldn’t waste so much food.

4. I wish she wouldn’t hang out with her friends all afternoon.

5. I wish the two brothers would play together

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

A 2, B 4, C 1, D 3

1. I wish he didn’t like football and we could go to the cinema or to a nice restaurant.

2. I wish I had studied harder.

3. I wish I could take a holiday.

4. I wish she would fall in love with me

Es. 9
1. had called

2. started / would start

3. talked / would talk

4. hadn’t moved

5. were/was

6. hadn’t bought

7. had waited / would wait

8. hadn’t left

9. could/would win

10. didn’t spend

Es. 10
1. met, didn’t manage, had been

2. are always listening, would turn

3. had had, didn’t allow

4. had joined, could not / didn’t find

5. saw, were, had cost

Es. 11
1. a mistake

2. a favour

3. friends

4. good

5. the housework

6. a loss
Es. 12
1. do me a favour

2. Do good

3. to make friends

4. had made more than four mistakes

5. make a loss

6. do the housework
Es. 13
1. make

2. does

3. made

4. to do

5. had made

6. makes

7. to do

8. do
Es. 14
1. take off

2. look up

3. look for

4. set off
Es. 15
1. I

2. B

3. C

4. H

5. E

6. F

7. J

8. D

9. G

10. A
Es. 16
1. are looking into

2. looking forward to

3. look it up

4. is looking for

5. Look out

6. look after

7. looking at
Es. 17
1. up

2. off

3. off

4. up

5. up

6. on

7. back

8. away

9. off
Es. 18
1. They are getting on the bus.

2. The two girls are getting on well / get on well. They must be friends.

3. The lady is getting off the underground train.

4. The girl is just getting up

Es. 19
1. get out of

2. get back

3. get over

4. get off

5. get up

6. got on with

7. get on
Es. 20
1. up

2. back

3. on

4. off

5. out

6. on

7. ove
Es. 21
1. get

2. prefer

3. to go

4. prefer

5. prefer

6. ’d rather / ’d prefer to

7. rather / prefer to
Es. 22
1. didn’t know

2. stayed/remained

3. made dinner for you at home

4. didn’t

5. were

6. didn’t (put it on)

Es. 23
1. have seen

2. hadn’t phoned

3. had stayed

4. had gone

5. have spent

6. not have eaten

Es. 24
1. wouldn’t

2. could

3. achievement

4. hadn’t seen

5. make

6. look

7. get
Es. 25
1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. D

8. D
Es. 26
1. I wish I hadn’t bought the cereal advertised on that billboard. It contains too much sugar.

2. If they had got on well (with each other), she wouldn’t have broken up their relationship. Now, she’s looking forward to
making new plans for the future.

3. The student wishes he hadn’t played with video games all afternoon instead of doing his homework.

4. I wish she stopped / would stop putting on any clothes she sees in magazine advertisements.

5. I’d rather stay on the train and leave / set off with you than get off and go home.

6. I wish she could/would get over her illness. A bit of rest will certainly do her good
Es. 27
Ray: We have to organise a Community Awareness Day. The head has allowed us to use the school hall to set up posters and
some stands. What would you like to do?

Michael: I’d really like to put up posters about the voluntary work I and my friends are doing in our community, like tutoring
younger students or teaching the elderly how to use computers. Can you give me a hand?

Ray: I wish I could, but I’d rather be involved in a fundraising event to help a school for poor students in Ethiopia. I fancy
organising a bake sale and a second-hand/new-to-you clothes sale.

Michael: Sounds good!

Ray: The head has permitted us to have a crowdfunding campaign on the school website. But we have to clarify what all the
money raised will be used for.

Michael: That’s not difficult. I love the idea of putting up photos of that school in Ethiopia. I’m looking forward to organising the
event. What name could we give it?

Ray: We should think about a catchy slogan.

Michael: We’ll think about it. I’m longing/dying to help the little Ethiopian students!
Es. 28

It’s easy to wish the world were a better place and that more people would make the effort or have the ambition to make a
difference. It’s more difficult to actually get up and do something to achieve these goals. What are your expectations for the
future? Do you have dreams about improving the quality of life for everyone? I’d prefer people to have practical targets and
specific aims to do good, rather than people dying to have the opportunity to do their best. I’d rather people would act positively
instead of just wishing they could make more money

Es. 29
1. storyboard

2. targeting

3. premise

4. call

5. turn them off

6. littering
Es. 30
1. What the central question in any PSA should be.

2. Be aware of the most used media in PSAs.

3. Choose your topic carefully.

4. Develop only one idea in your PSA.

5. Analyse your audience’s needs, preferences and likes.

6. Research accurately before writing.

7. Catch your audience’s attention by employing a unique premise and particular visual effects.

8. Storyboard the script of your PSA and get your audience’s reaction
Es. 31
1. unknown

2. good marks

3. a week

4. junk food

5. 10-year

6. character goals
Es. 32

Student’s activity

Es. 33

Student’s activity

Es. 34

Student’s activity

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