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Dynamic Modeling of a Front-Loading Type Washing Machine
and Model Reliability Investigation
Jungjoon Park 1 , Sinwoo Jeong 2, * and Honghee Yoo 3, *

1 Samsung Electronics, Suwon 16677, Korea;

2 Department of Mechanical Convergence Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
* Correspondence: (S.J.); (H.Y.);
Tel.: +82-2-2220-0446 (S.J. & H.Y.)

Abstract: A linear dynamic model of a front-loading type washing machine was developed in this
study. The machine was conceptualized with three moving rigid bodies, revolute joints, springs,
and dampers along with prescribed rotational drum motion. Kane’s method was employed for
deriving the equations of motion of the idealized washing machine. Since the modal and transient
characteristics can be conveniently investigated with a linear dynamic model, the linear model can
be effectively used for the design of an FL type washing machine. Despite the convenience, however,
the reliability of the linear dynamic model is often restricted to a certain range of system parameters.
Parameters relevant to the reliability of the linear dynamic model were identified and the parameters’
ranges that could guarantee the reliability of the proposed linear dynamic model were numerically
 investigated in this study.

Citation: Park, J.; Jeong, S.; Yoo, H.

Keywords: washing machine; front-loading type; dynamic modeling; modal characteristic; transient
Dynamic Modeling of a
characteristic; model reliability
Front-Loading Type Washing
Machine and Model Reliability
Investigation. Machines 2021, 9, 289.
1. Introduction
Most washing machines manufactured today consist of a cabinet, tub, motor, drum,
Academic Editor: Carmine Maria and suspension that consists of springs and dampers. The drum is usually embraced by
Pappalardo a tub and it rotates around an axis that is either horizontal or vertical to the base plane.
If the rotating axis is vertical to the base plane, the washing machine is classified as the
Received: 30 September 2021 top-loading type; if the rotating axis is horizontal to the base plane, it is classified as the
Accepted: 11 November 2021 front-loading type (hereafter, FL type). Compared to the top-loading type, the FL type
Published: 15 November 2021 generally uses less water and detergent and is known to cause less damage to clothes.
However, since the FL type initially had relatively limited washing capacity, it was mostly
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral used in Europe where water is expensive and hard to obtain [1]. Usage of the FL type has
with regard to jurisdictional claims in increased recently because its washing capacity has significantly increased. However, since
published maps and institutional affil-
the FL type is generally heavier than the top-loading type, its energy efficiency has not
been satisfactory. In order to enhance its energy efficiency, its weight has been continuously
reduced, but this has resulted in the serious problem of harsher vibrations [2].
Compared to the top-loading type, the FL type is, by the nature of its configuration,
more likely to face problems such as rotating mass unbalance and machine walking. Such
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. problems mostly occur during the machine’s fast-spin cycle and are caused by unevenly
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. distributed clothes attached to the inside surface of the drum. During wash and rinse
This article is an open access article cycles, the operation speed is relatively slow such that significant vibration hardly occurs.
distributed under the terms and During the dehydration cycle at high operation speeds, however, clothes unevenly attach
conditions of the Creative Commons
to the inside surface of the drum and create rotating mass unbalance. This unbalance often
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
induces excessive vibration, which may result in various undesirable phenomena such as
unpleasant noise, machine walking, and structural failures of the machine components.

Machines 2021, 9, 289.

Machines 2021, 9, 289 2 of 17

Many studies have been conducted in order to analyze the dynamic behavior of the FL
type washing machine exhibiting rotating mass unbalance. These machines usually have
friction dampers and rubber bushings that have nonlinear dynamic characteristics. For
designing such washing machines, it is hard to develop a reliable computational model to
predict their dynamic behavior. Previous studies mostly used simplified numerical models
for the dynamic analysis of an FL type washing machine. Conrad and Soedel [3] made a
simple 2-D model of an FL type washing machine in order to investigate machine walking
phenomena. Papadopoulos and Papadimitrious [4] proposed a simple 3-D model of a
portable FL type washing machine and improved its dynamic stability. They provided
expert insight on how an analytical model of an FL type washing machine could be devel-
oped and used for the dynamic analysis, design, and control of such machines. However,
the effects of the machine’s springs and dampers were not considered in their model.
Boyraz and Gündüz [5] proposed a 2-D model of an FL type washing machine in-
cluding springs and dampers and conducted an optimization to minimize the vibration
amplitudes of the tub. Buśkiewicz et al. [6] proposed a 3-D model of an FL type washing
machine that included a rotating drum and a non-rotating tub. The drum rotated inside
the tub but other relative movements between the tub and drum were not considered; thus,
possible clashing between the tub and the drum under excessive vibration could not be pre-
dicted with the model. Lim et al. [7] proposed a 3-D model of an FL type washing machine
that included additional degrees of freedom to consider the effect of elastic deformation
between the tub and the drum. They also considered the bearings between the tub and
the shaft as stiffness elements in the radial direction; thus, the clashing phenomena could
be predicted with their model. Kamarudin et al. [8] derived linear equations of motion of
an FL type washing machine and conducted dynamic, frequency response, and relative
movement analyses between the tub and drum. The linear equations of motion were useful
for the modal and frequency response analyses and control system design, but in some
cases the dynamic behavior of the machine could not be accurately predicted with the
linear dynamic model. In other words, the limitations and reliability of the linear dynamic
model were not investigated in their work.
In this study, a washing machine was modeled as a multibody system posessing three
rigid bodies, multiple joints, springs, and dampers along with a prescribed rotational drum
motion. The equations of motion were derived using Kane’s method [9]. The integrity of
the three rigid body model was previously well addressed in [6–8]. The accuracy of the
nonlinear analytical three rigid body model was first validated by comparing its numerical
results to those obtained with a commercial multibody dynamic analysis software [10].
Then, by linearizing the nonlinear equations, the linear equations of motion were obtained.
By using the linear analytical model, modal and transient analyses were conducted to
investigate the dynamic characteristics of the machine. Moreover, the reliability of the
linear analytical model was examined by comparing its transient results to those of the
fully nonlinear model. By a comparison study, the reliability and limitations of the linear
analytical model suggested in this study could be investigated.

2. Modeling an FL-Type Washing Machine

2.1. System Configuration
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the washing machine model. In the multibody model,
body T is the tub that is supported by four springs and two dampers; body S is the shaft
and rotor; and body D is the drum to which an unbalance mass is attached. Body T is
connected to the cabinet by four springs and two dampers, and the cabinet is assumed to
be fixed to the ground. In order to simplify modeling, the springs are idealized as linear
springs and the dampers are idealized as linear viscous dampers. Body S and body T are
connected with two bearings that are idealized as linear springs in the radial direction.
Body D is attached to the end of the shaft of body S. The bending stiffness between the two
bodies (D and S) is defined to consider the lateral elastic deformation of the drum-shaft
assembly. The effect of the stiffness model on the dynamic behavior of an FL type washing
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 19

Machines 2021, 9, 289 3 of 17

two bodies (D and S) is defined to consider the lateral elastic deformation of the drum-
shaft assembly. The effect of the stiffness model on the dynamic behavior of an FL type
washing was
machine machine was discussed
discussed in previous
in previous studies
studies [7,8]. [7,8].
In this In this
study, thestudy, the rotational
rotational motion ofmo-
tion of the drum during the dehydration cycle was prescribed as
drum during the dehydration cycle was prescribed as a function of time.a function of time.

Figure 1. The schematic of a simplified front-loading

front-loading type
type washing
washing machine
machine model.

2.2. Derivation of Equations of Motion

2.2. Derivation of Equations of Motion
Using Kane’s method, the equations of motion of the idealized FL washing machine
Using Kane’s method, the equations of motion of the idealized FL washing machine
model shown in Figure 1 were derived based on the following assumptions:
model shown in Figure 1 were derived based on the following assumptions:
1. The cabinet is fixed to the ground.
1. The cabinet is fixed to the ground.
2. Axial rotational motion of the tub is ignored.
2. Axial rotational motion of the tub is ignored.
3. Torsional deformation of the shaft relative to the tub is ignored.
3. Torsional deformation of the shaft relative to the tub is ignored.
4. Translational motion of the drum relative to the tub in the axial direction is ignored.
4. Translational motion of the drum relative to the tub in the axial direction is ignored.
5. An unbalance mass is fixed to the drum.
5. An unbalance mass is fixed to the drum.
6. The rotational motion of the drum is prescribed as a function of time.
6. The rotational motion of the drum is prescribed as a function of time.
Figure 2 shows the side and front views of the assemblies. In Figure 2a, PT is the
midpoint Figure 2 showsthe
between thefront
side and
rear views
bearing of centers.
the assemblies.MT is theIn Figure 2a, PT is
mass center ofthe mid-
body T.
point between L fb , L the frontT and rear bearing centers. MT is the mass center of body T.
rb , and L denote the distances of the front bearing center, rear bearing
center, and mass center from PT , respectively. Ff b and Frb denote the forces acting on
Lengths L fb , Lrb , and LT denote the distances of the front bearing center, rear bearing
body T exerted by the front and rear bearings, respectively. The coordinate system ĉi 0s
is and to
attached mass the center
cabinetfrom PT , respectively.
C, which is assumed F and
tofb be Frb indenote
fixed space,the andforces
pointacting on
O is the
body T exerted point fixed by the to front
the ground.
and rear The displacements
bearings, of PT relative
respectively. to O in the
The coordinate ĉi 's
of ĉ2 and
is attached ĉ are represented by two generalized
3 to the cabinet C, which is assumed to be fixed in coordinates, q q
1 space,2 and pointand
and . The side front
O is the
views of the drum-shaft assembly are shown in Figure 2b. PS is the midpoint between the
reference point fixed to the ground. The displacements of P relative to O in the direc-
front and rear bearing centers in S. MS and MD are the mass Tcenters of body S and body
D, of ĉ2 and ĉP3Dare
respectively. represented
is the center of theby two
drum generalized
rear side, and PDE is theq1center
coordinates, and q . The
of2 the side
and front side. views
Lengths LS and
of the LD are the
drum-shaft distances
assembly areofshown
MS and inPFigure
D from2b. PS , Prespectively.
S is the midpoint
and LDE are the distances of MD and PDE from PD , respectively. The mass center MD is
between the front and rear bearing centers in S. M and MD are the mass centers of body
shifted away from the central axis of the drum by Se due to the unbalanced mass attached
S and
to body D,ĉ2respectively.
the drum. and ĉ3 measure PD isnumbers
the center of the
of the drum rear side,
displacement of PS and
relativePDE tois O
of the drum front side. Lengths LS and LD are
represented by two generalized coordinates q and q .
3 the distances
4 of MS and PD from PS , re-
Figure 3 shows the body 2-3 rotations of the three rigid bodies. The coordinate systems
spectively. L and L are the distances of MD and PDE from PD , respectively. The
t̂i (i = 1, 2, 3),DMŝi (i = 1,DE 2, 3), and d̂i (i = 1, 2, 3) are fixed to body T, body S, and body D,
mass center Each
respectively. MD isbody shifted
has away fromofthe
2 degrees centralfor
freedom axistheofrotational by e due
the drummotion. Thetogeneralized
the unbal-
anced mass q̂attached
coordinates i (i = 5, 6, the8)drum.
to 7, representĉ2 and ĉ3 measure
the Euler angles numbers
of body 2-3 of rotations of body Tofand
the displacement PS
body S relative to the cabinet. Generalized coordinates q̂i (i = 9, 10) represent the Euler
relative to O and are represented by two generalized coordinates q and q .
angles of body 2-3 rotation of body D relative to body S. A prescribed3 motion 4θ (t) is given
to body S in the direction of the shaft axis ŝ1 . Table 1 shows the direction cosine tables
among the four coordinate systems.
Machines 2021,
2021, 9,
289 44 of
of 19


Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW (b)

Figure 2.
2. Side
Side and
and front
front views
views of
of the
the assemblies:
assemblies: (a)
(a) tub
tub assembly
assembly and
and (b)
(b) drum-shaft
drum-shaft assembly.

Figure 3 shows the body 2-3 rotations of the three rigid bodies. The coordinate sys-
tems t̂i (i = 1,2,3) , ŝi (i = 1,2,3) , and d̂i (i = 1,2,3) are fixed to body T, body S, and body D,
respectively. Each body has 2 degrees of freedom for the rotational motion. The general-
ized coordinates qˆi (i = 5, 6,7 , 8) represent the Euler angles of body 2-3 rotations of body
T and body S relative to the cabinet. Generalized coordinates qˆi (i = 9,10) represent the
Euler angles of body 2-3 rotation of body D relative to body S. A prescribed motion θ (t)
is given to body S in the direction of the shaft axis ŝ1 . Table 1 shows the direction cosine
tables among the four coordinate systems.

Figure Body
3. 3.
Figure rotations
Body and
rotations corresponding
and generalized
corresponding coordinates
generalized of of
coordinates thethe
three rigid
three bodies.
rigid bodies.

Table 1. Direction cosine tables among

In order the four
to derive the coordinate
equations systems.
of motion using Kane’s method, velocities
t̂1 t̂2 t̂3
mass center points and the angular
of the three rigid bodies
need to be expr
d̂1 d̂2 d̂3
in terms of generalized speeds. The following simplest form of generalized speeds
ĉ1 c5 c6 − c5 s6 s5 ŝ1 c9 c10 −c9 s10 in this
ployed s9
study.ĉ1 c7 c8 s7 sin θ − c7 s8 cos θ c7 s8 sin θ + s7 cos θ
ĉ2 s6 c6 0 ŝ2 s10 c10 0 ĉ2 s8 c8 cos θ −c8 sin θ
ĉ3 − s5 c6 s5 s6 c5 ŝ3 −s9 c10 s9 s10 c9 ĉ3 − s7 c8 cu = q (i = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅,10) sin θ + c7 cos θ
7 sin
+ s 7 s 8 cos θ − s 7 s 8

Now, the velocities of points PT and PS are expressed as follows.

v PT = u1 cˆ 2 + u2 cˆ 3
v PS = u3 cˆ 2 + u4 cˆ3
Machines 2021, 9, 289 5 of 17

In order to derive the equations of motion using Kane’s method, velocities of the mass
center points and the angular velocities of the three rigid bodies need to be expressed
in terms of generalized speeds. The following simplest form of generalized speeds is
employed in this study.
ui = qi (i = 1, 2, · · ·, 10) (1)
Now, the velocities of points PT and PS are expressed as follows.

→ PT
v = u1 ĉ2 + u2 ĉ3 (2)
→ PS
v = u3 ĉ2 + u4 ĉ3 (3)
The angular velocities of the three rigid bodies can be expressed as follows:

ω = u5 s6 t̂1 + u5 c6 t̂2 + u6 t̂3 (4)
→S .
ω = (θ + u7 s8 )ŝ1 + (cos θc8 u7 + sin θu8 )ŝ2 + (− sin θc8 u7 + cos θu8 )ŝ3 (5)
→D →S S→ D
ω =ω + ω (6)
where the angular velocity of D in S can be expressed as follows.

S→ D
ω = u9 s10 d̂1 + u9 c10 d̂2 + u10 d̂3 (7)

In Equations (4), (5) and (7), and Table 1, si denotes sin θi , and ci denotes cos θi .
Now, the velocities of the three mass centers MT , MS , and MD can be obtained using
the following formulas:
→ MT → PT →T
v = v + ω × L T t̂1 (8)
→ MS → PS →S
v = v + ω × (− LS )ŝ1 (9)
→ MS → PS →S
v = v + ω × (− LS )ŝ1 (10)
where the following is the case.

→ PD → PS →S
v = v + ω × L D ŝ1 (11)

In order to derive the generalized inertia forces, the angular accelerations of the three
rigid bodies and accelerations of the three mass centers need to be obtained using the
following formulas.
→T dω
α = (12)
→ MT → PT →T →T →T
a = a + ω × ( ω × L T t̂1 ) + α × L T t̂1 (13)
→S dω
α = (14)
→ MS → PS →S →S →S
a = a + ω × ( ω × (− LS )ŝ1 ) + α × (− LS )ŝ1 (15)
→ PD → PS →S →S →S
a = a + ω × ( ω × L D ŝ1 ) + α × L D ŝ1 (16)
→D dω
α = (17)
→ MD → PD →D →D →D
a = a + ω × ( ω × L DM d̂1 ) + α × L DM d̂1 (18)
Machines 2021, 9, 289 6 of 17

If the velocity of the mass center of the kth rigid body is described as v and the
angular velocity of the kth rigid body is described as ω , the partial velocity of the kth rigid
→k →k
body mass center v r and the partial angular velocity of the kth rigid body ω r are obtained
as follows.
→k ∂v
vr = (19)
→k ∂ω
ωr = (20)
Then, the generalized inertia force Fr∗ can be obtained by using inertia force F k and
inertia torque T k of the kth rigid body as follows:

→k →∗ →k →∗
Fr∗ = ∑ vr · Fk + ωr · T k (21)
k =1

where the following is the case.

→∗ →
Fk = −mk a k (22)
→∗ ↔ → → ↔ →
T k = − I k · α k − ωk × I k · ωk (23)

In the above equations, mk is the mass of the kth rigid body, a k is the acceleration
→ →
of the mass center of the kth rigid body, ω k and α k are the angular velocity and angular

acceleration of the kth rigid body, and I k is the inertia dyadic of the kth rigid body about its
mass center. The inertia dyadics of the three rigid bodies (tub, shaft, and drum) about their
mass centers can be expressed as follows:

I 1 = I11 t̂1 t̂1 + I22 t̂2 t̂2 + I33 t̂3 t̂3 (24)

I 2 = I11 ŝ1 ŝ1 + I22 ŝ2 ŝ2 + I33 ŝ3 ŝ3 (25)

I 3 = I11 d̂1 d̂1 + I22 d̂2 d̂2 + I33 d̂3 d̂3 + I12 d̂1 d̂2 + I21 d̂2 d̂1 (26)
where the products of inertia I12 D and I D originate from the unbalance mass attached to
the drum. Table 2 shows the mass and mass center locations of the three rigid bodies, and
Table 3 shows the moments and products of inertia of the three rigid bodies. In Table 2,
x, y, and z denote ĉ1 , ĉ2 , and ĉ3 , which measure numbers of the mass center relative to
the origin point O, respectively. The unbalance mass is considered as a point mass (400 g)
attached to the drum at a point that is 0.2 m above the drum center in d̂2 direction.

Table 2. Mass and mass center locations of the three rigid bodies.

Body Mass (kg) x (mm) y (mm) z (mm)

Body T 23.87 240.61 0 0
Body S 4.34 18.11 0 0
Body D 4.04 209.9 19.8 0

Table 3. Moments and products of inertia of the three bodies.

Body I11 (kg · mm2 ) I22 (kg · mm2 ) I33 (kg · mm2 ) I12 = I21 (kg · mm2 )
Body T 1,030,000 1,610,000 1,530,000 0
Body S 55,300 38,400 38,400 0
Body D 196,000 162,000 177,000 −7207
Machines 2021, 9, 289 7 of 17

Forces acting on the washing machine are classified into conservative and non-
conservative forces. Forces from the springs and bearings, the bending stiffness of the
drum-shaft assembly, and gravitation are conservative, while those from dampers are
non-conservative. Generalized active forces related to the conservative forces can be con-
veniently obtained by differentiating the potential energy of the system with respect to
generalized coordinates. Figure 4 shows a spring and damper that connect the tub and
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 19
cabinet. Table 4 shows the initial end point locations of the four springs and two dampers
relative to the origin.

Figure 4. Spring and damper connecting the tub and cabinet.

Figure 4. Spring and damper connecting the tub and cabinet.

Table 4. Initial end point locations of 4 springs and 2 dampers relative to the origin.
Table 4. Initial end point locations of 4 springs and 2 dampers relative to the origin.
Point Fixed to Cabinet Point Fixed to Tub
Point Fixed to Cabinet Point Fixed to Tub
Spring 1 (326.8, 300.2, 250.6) (326.8, 162.6, 162.6)
Spring 1 (326.8, 300.2, 250.6) (326.8, 162.6, 162.6)
Spring 2 (326.8, 300.2, −250.6) (326.8, 162.6, −162.6)
Spring 2 (326.8, 300.2, −250.6) (326.8, 162.6, −162.6)
Spring 3
Spring 3 (86.8, 300.2, 250.6)
(86.8, 300.2, 250.6) (86.8,
162.6, 162.6)
Spring44 (86.8, 300.2,
(86.8, 300.2,−250.6)
−250.6) (86.8,
(86.8, 162.6, −162.6)
162.6, − 162.6)
Damper (306.8,
(306.8, −280.0,
−280.0, 280.0)
280.0) (306.8, −162.6, 162.6)
(306.8, −162.6, 162.6)
Damper (306.8,
(306.8, −280.0,
−280.0, −280.0)
−280.0) −162.6, −162.6)
(306.8, −162.6,
(306.8, −162.6)

Figure 5ashows
displacementmeasure measurebetween
betweenthe thefront
centers: ((P
centers: P ffbb )TT is attached
attached toto body
body T, and(P
T,and (Pf fbb ))SS isis attached
attached to
measure φ between
φ between body body D and body
D and S about
body the axis
S about d̂3 (ord̂ ŝ(or
the axis 3 ).
The angular displacement measure can be obtained by using the cross product of ŝ1 and
ŝ ). The
d̂1 .3 The angular displacement
generalized active forcesmeasure
Fr consistscanofbetwo obtained by using
components the cross product of ŝ1
as follows:
and d̂1 . The generalized active forces Fr consists of two components as follows:
Fr = ( Fr )C + ( Fr ) N (r = 1, 2, · · · , 10) (27)
Fr = (Fr )C + (Fr )N (r = 1,2,L ,10) (25)
where the following is the case:
where the following is the case:
( Fr )C = − C∂U C (r = 1, 2, · · · , 10) (28)
( Fr )C =∂q−r (r = 1, 2,L ,10) (26)
UC = UE + UG (29)
" UC = UE +UG # (27)
1 4
UE = ∑1 K k4(∆Lk ) + KD φ + K f b r f b + Krb rrb
2 2 2 2
U2 E k==1   K k ( ΔLk ) 2 + K Dφ 2 + K fb rfb2 + K rb rrb2  (28)
2  k =1 
UG = ∑ mk ghk (31)
k =1
Machines 2021, 9, 289 8 of 17

2 k →k
→ PdP
( Fr ) N = ∑ vr · F dP (r = 1, 2, · · · , 10) (32)
k =1
→k →k
→k k
→ PdP r r
F dP = −(Cdp v · dP ) dP (33)
→k →k
r dP r dP

and where the following is obtained.

→k → PGk PdP
r dP = r (34)
k k
→ PdP → PD →D → PD PdP
v = v +ω × r (35)
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW → Pk 9 of 19
→ PdP ∂ v dP
vr = (36)


Figure 5. Relative
Figure translational
5. Relative and
translational angular
and displacements
angular displacements(a)
between bear-
ing centers and (b) Relative angular displacement between body S and body D.
centers and (b) Relative angular displacement between body S and body D.

Notations ( Fr )C and ( Fr ) N denote the 3generalized active forces obtained by the con-
servative and non-conservative forces, =  mk ghk Potential energy UC is the sum(29)
UGrespectively. of the
k =1
elastic potential energy UE and gravitational potential energy UG of the three rigid bodies.
Notations Kk , K f b , Krb , and K D are r k r
2 the stiffness values of the kth spring, front bearing,
( Fr ) N =  vrPdP ⋅ FdPk ( r = 1, 2,L ,10) (30)
rear bearing, and drum-shaft assembly k =1
flexibility, respectively. Notations ∆Lk , r f b , rrb , and
φ are the translational and rotational deformation rk rk measures corresponding to the four
stiffness elements. In Equation (31), r r r r
h is the ĉ distance measure of the mass center of
FdPk = −(kCdp v PdP ⋅ r2dPk ) rdPk (31)
the kth rigid body relative to origin rdP rdP Cdp is the damping constant of a
point O. Notation
damper. Notation r dP is the vector defined by the two points of the kth damper shown
and where the following is obtained.
in Figure 4. The initial locations of the points are given in Table 4. Using the generalized
forces obtained in Equations (21) and (27),r the rP P k
rdPk = r equations of motion of the idealized washing
Gk dP
machine model can be obtained as follows.
r k r r r k

v PdP = v PD + ω D × r PD PdP (33)
Fr + Fr = 0 (r = 1, 2, · · · , 10) (37)
r k
r PdPk ∂v PdP
vr = (34)

Notations ( Fr )C and ( Fr ) N denote the generalized active forces obtained by the

Machines 2021, 9, 289 9 of 17

2.3. Linearization of the Equations of Motion

In order to efficiently obtain the linearized equations of motion of the idealized
washing machine model, we need to carefully consider two things. First, premature
linearization should be avoided. In other words, we should not linearize the velocities and
angular velocities until we obtain linearized partial velocities and linearized partial angular
velocities. Once we obtain those elements, we can linearize the velocities and angular
velocities, with which we can obtain the linearized accelerations and angular accelerations.
After we obtain the linearized partial velocities and linearized partial angular velocities in
Equations (19) and (20), we can linearize the angular velocities and velocities in Equations
(4)–(6) and Equations (8)–(10). Then, using the linearized angular velocities and velocities,
we can obtain the linearized angular accelerations and accelerations. Finally, the linearized

generalized inertia forces Fr can be obtained as follows:
" #

Fr = Linearize ∑ ver · F + ω
k e∗
k e∗
er · T k (38)
k =1

where verk and ω e rk denote the linearized partial velocities and linearized partial angular
velocities, and Fek∗ and T
e∗ denote the linearized inertia forces and linearized inertia torques,
which can be given as follows:
Fek∗ = −mk e
ak (39)
↔ ↔
e∗ = − I k · e
T αk − ω
ek × I k · ω
ek (40)

where eak , e
αk , and ω
e k denote linearized acceleration, linearized angular acceleration, and
linearized angular velocity.
Second, the generalized active forces should be linearized around the static equi-
librium of the washing machine. Thus, a first-order Taylor series expansion should be
obtained for the linearization of the nonlinear spring and damping forces. Then, the final
linearized equations of motions can be expressed by using a matrix form as follows:
.. .
Mq + Cq + Kq = F (41)

where M, C, and K are 10 × 10 square matrices, and F is a 10 × 1 column matrix. If the

rotational speed of the drum is constant, some elements of the mass and stiffness matrices
M and K are given as harmonic functions of time. However, since the unbalance mass is
very small compared to the tub and drum masses, the harmonic terms hardly affect the
modal characteristics of the total system. The harmonic terms that belong to F, however,
significantly affected the transient characteristics of the washing machine.

3. Numerical Results and Discussion

3.1. Validation of the Nonlinear Analytical Model
The nonlinear equations of motion derived in Section 2 were numerically solved
using MATLAB, and the results were compared with those obtained with the commercial
multibody dynamic analysis software RecurDyn, v. 9R1 [10]. To obtain the results, static
equilibrium analysis was carried out first before the transient analysis began. Thus, the
displacements shown in Figure 6 are the values obtained from the static equilibrium. The
stiffness coefficient of a spring is given as Kk = 8000 N/m, and the damping constant
of a damper is Cdp = 140 N · s/m. The bending stiffness of the drum-shaft assembly
is given as K D = 29670 N · m/rad, and the radial stiffness of the bearing is given as
K f b = Krb = 2 × 108 N/m. Starting from 0 rpm, operation speed increased up to 1200
rpm in 20 s and remained at the final angular speed until 30 s. Therefore, the prescribed
rotational speed of the drum is given as a function of time as follows.
. h i
t 1 t
θ (t) = 40π 20 − 2π sin 2π 20 0 ≤ t ≤ 20
. (42)
θ (t) = 40π t > 20
in 20 s and remained at the final angular speed until 30 s. Therefore, the prescribed rota-
tional speed of the drum is given as a function of time as follows.

 t 1  t 
θ&(t ) = 40π  − sin  2π  0 ≤ t ≤ 20
 20 2π  20   (40)
Machines 2021, 9, 289 10 of 17
θ&(t ) = 40π t > 20

20 1200
Matlab 1000
10 Operation speed

0 600


-20 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec)
20 1200
Matlab 1000
10 Operation speed

0 600


Machines 2021, 9,-20

x 0FOR PEER2 REVIEW 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
12 of 19
Time (sec)

Figure 6. Comparison
6. Comparison ofof dynamicanalysis
dynamic analysisresults
obtained with
with the
modeland commercial
and commercialsoftware:
(a) tub front center horizontal displacement, (b) tub front center vertical displacement, (c) drum front center horizontal
(a) tub front center horizontal displacement, (b) tub front center vertical displacement, (c) drum front center horizontal
displacement, and (d) drum front center vertical displacement.
displacement, and (d) drum front center vertical displacement.
Figure 6 shows the horizontal and vertical displacements of the front center point
Figure 6 shows the horizontal and vertical displacements of the front center point
PTE of the tub and the front center point PDE of the drum from the equilibrium position,
PTE of the tub and the front center point PDE of the drum from the equilibrium position,
which canbe
obtained by
by using
using equilibrium
equilibrium analysis.
analysis results obtained with the nonlinear analytical model derived in this study
analysis results obtained with the nonlinear analytical model derived in this study areare
in in
good agreement with those obtained with the RecurDyn software.
good agreement with those obtained with the RecurDyn software.
3.2. Modal Analysis with the Linear Model
Modal analysis was conducted using Equation (41) obtained in the previous section.
A complex modal analysis method was employed by using the state-space formulation.
Since the drum rotates with the unbalance mass, some elements of the mass and stiffness
matrices in Equation (41) change periodically; thus, the linear dynamic model is not au-
PTE of the tub and the front center point PDE of the drum from the equilibrium position,
which can be obtained by using equilibrium analysis. The figure shows that the transient
analysis results obtained with the nonlinear analytical model derived in this study are in
good agreement with those obtained with the RecurDyn software.
Machines 2021, 9, 289 11 of 17

3.2. Modal Analysis with the Linear Model

Modal analysis was conducted using Equation (41) obtained in the previous section.
3.2. Modal
A complex Analysis
modal with the
analysis Linear Model
method was employed by using the state-space formulation.
Since theModal
rotates was
withconducted using Equation
the unbalance (41) obtained
mass, some elements inof
previous section.
mass and A
complex modal analysis method was employed by using the state-space formulation.
matrices in Equation (41) change periodically; thus, the linear dynamic model is not au- Since
the drum rotates with the unbalance mass, some elements of the mass and stiffness matrices
tonomous. Given those periodic changes, the maximum variation of the natural frequen-
in Equation (41) change periodically; thus, the linear dynamic model is not autonomous.
cies due to the rotating unbalance is less than 0.3% of the mean values of the natural fre-
Given those periodic changes, the maximum variation of the natural frequencies due to
quencies throughout
the rotating the operation
unbalance speed
is less than 0.3%range
of the (0 to 1200
mean rpm).
values Thenatural
of the resultsfrequencies
are shown in
Figure 7b. Thus,the
throughout we may ignore
operation speedthe variation
range effect
(0 to 1200 due
rpm). toresults
The the rotating mass
are shown unbalance
in Figure
when7b.we solve the following complex eigenvalue problem:
Thus, we may ignore the variation effect due to the rotating mass unbalance when we
solve the following complex eigenvalue problem:
{sM∗ *
+K ψ = 0 } (41)
{sM + K∗ }ψ = 0 (43)
where the following is the case.
where the following is the case.
*  0 M
MM ≡≡

∗ 0M MC  (44)(42)
M C 
−M 0
K∗ ≡ (45)
0 K

Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 19


1st mode
2nd mode
0.2 3rd mode
4th mode




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Operation Speed (RPM)
Figure 7. Lowest four natural frequencies and their maximum variations versus operation speed:
Figure 7. Lowest four natural frequencies and their maximum variations versus operation speed:
(a) lowest four natural frequencies with resonance line and (b) maximum variations of the lowest
(a) lowest four natural frequencies with resonance line and (b) maximum variations of the lowest
four natural frequencies.
four natural frequencies.

By solving the eigenvalue problem shown in Equation (43), the complex eigenvalue
 −M 0  natural frequencies versus the
K * The
s and the eigenvector ψ can be obtained. ≡  lowest four
 (45)
 0 K

By solving the eigenvalue problem shown in Equation (43), the complex eigenvalue
s and the eigenvector ψ can be obtained. The lowest four natural frequencies versus the
Machines 2021, 9, 289 12 of 17

operating speed are shown in Figure 7a. Resonance might occur when the operating speed
coincides with the natural frequencies. Four possible resonance speeds are marked with
red stars in the figure.
Four mode shapes of the idealized washing machine model at the four resonance
speeds are shown in Figure 8. The first resonance mode is a rocking motion in the horizontal
plane at 99.9 rpm, and the second resonance mode is a rocking motion in the vertical plane
at 147.6 rpm. The third resonance mode is a translational motion in the horizontal plane at
162.3 rpm, and the fourth resonance mode is a translational motion in the vertical plane
at 261.6 rpm. These four resonance modes could be also exhibited by transient analyses
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 19
with the four resonance speeds using a nonlinear analytical model or the commercial
software RecurDyn.

Figure 8. Lowest four resonance mode shapes of the front-loading type washing machine model.
Figure 8. Lowest four resonance mode shapes of the front-loading type washing machine model.
3.3. Comparison
3.3. Comparison of the Nonlinear
of the Nonlinearand and
Linear Analytical
Linear Models
Analytical Models
Figure9 shows
9 shows the the
transient responses
transient responsesobtained with with
obtained the nonlinear and linear
the nonlinear and ana-
linear ana-
lytical models. The simulation condition is same as the one provided
lytical models. The simulation condition is same as the one provided in Section in Section 3.1. As3.1. As
shown in Figure 9, transient responses of the linear analytical model are in good
shown in Figure 9, transient responses of the linear analytical model are in good agreement agree-
with with
thosethose obtained
obtained with
with thenonlinear
the nonlinearanalytical
analytical model.
note the times when the operation speed passes the four resonance speeds.
the times when the operation speed passes the four resonance speeds. The first and third The first and
third mode shapes are related to the vertical movement of the drum front center, and the
mode shapes are related to the vertical movement of the drum front center, and the second
second and fourth mode shapes are related to the horizontal movement of the drum front
and fourth mode shapes are related to the horizontal movement of the drum front center.
center. In the transient responses, the transient response amplitude peaks do not exactly
In the transient responses, the transient response amplitude peaks do not exactly match
match with the resonance speeds. The amplitude peaks occur after the operation speed
with the resonance speeds. The amplitude peaks occur after the operation speed passes
passes the resonance speeds; these phenomena of resonance delay were discussed in pre-
the resonance speeds; these phenomena of resonance delay were discussed in previous
vious studies [11,12]. The figure shows that the third and fourth translational modes are
studies [11,12]. The figure shows that the third and fourth translational modes are more
more critical for tub vibration during the transient state than are the first and second rock-
critical for tub vibration during the transient state than are the first and second rocking
ing modes. The variation of the minimum gap size between the tub and the drum during
themodes. Theisvariation
operation also shown of the minimum
in Figure gapshows
9c. This size between thebetween
that a clash tub and the
the the
operation is also shown in Figure 9c. This shows
drum does not occur for the washing machine during operation. that a clash between the tub and the drum
does not occur for the washing machine during operation.
Machines 2021, 9, 289 13 of 17
Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 19

20 1200
Linear 1000
10 Operation speed

0 600


-20 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec)
15 1200
Linear 1000
14 Operation speed

13 600


11 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec)
Figure 9.
9. Comparison
Comparison of
of transient
transient responses
responses obtained
obtained with
with the
the nonlinear
nonlinear and
and linear
linear analytical
analytical models:
models: (a)
(a) tub
tub front
front center
horizontal displacement, (b) tub front center vertical displacement, and (c) minimum gap size between the tub and drum.
horizontal displacement, (b) tub front center vertical displacement, and (c) minimum gap size between the tub and drum.

Figure 10 10 shows
shows the the comparison
comparison of of transient
transient responses
responses obtained
obtained with with the
the nonlinear
and linear analytical models when the damping constant C is 140
and linear analytical models when the damping constant Cdp is 140 N · s/m. The operation N ⋅ s/m. The operation
speed increases
increases andand decreases
decreases linearly
linearly in in the range of 0~350
0~350 rpm rpm to determine whether
the previously obtained
the previously obtainedresonance
resonance mode
mode shapes
shapes actually
actually appearappear
in theintransient
the transient re-
Again, the Again,
gray the graylines
vertical vertical lines the
indicate indicate
timesthe times
when thewhen the operation
operation speed passesspeedthrough
resonance resonance
speeds. The speeds. The horizontal
horizontal and vertical and vertical displacements
displacements of the massof the mass
center center
ing to the thirdtoand thefourth
third and fourth translational
translational resonance resonance
modes aremodes shownare shown 10a,b;
in Figure in Figure
rocking theangles
rocking angles
in the in the horizontal
horizontal and verticaland vertical
plane plane corresponding
corresponding to the first andto the first
and second
rocking modesrocking modesinare
are shown shown
Figure in Figure
10c,d. 10c,d.
Transient Transient
peaks can bepeaks
observed can be observed
after the op-
after thespeed passes
operation through
speed thethrough
passes resonance thespeeds obtained
resonance speedsin Figure
obtained 7. In
in other
Figure words,
7. In
other words,mode shapes mode
resonance and resonance
shapes and speeds obtained
resonance fromobtained
speeds modal analysis
from modal are useful
predicting the transient characteristics of the washing machine. In
are useful for predicting the transient characteristics of the washing machine. In Figure Figure 10c,d, we can
10c,d, wethat
canthe rocking
observe angles
that obtained
the rocking withobtained
angles the nonlinear
with analytical
the nonlinearmodel are somewhat
analytical model
are somewhatfrom those obtained
different from with
thosethe linear analytical
obtained with the model. The difference
linear analytical model.appears when
The differ-
the angular
ence appearsspeed
when increases,
the angular but it almost
speed disappears
increases, when disappears
but it almost the angularwhen speedthedecreases.
This isdecreases.
speed a typical phenomenon that phenomenon
This is a typical frequently occurs thatin a nonlinear
frequently vibration
occurs system. Such
in a nonlinear vi-
bration system. Such a phenomenon, often called the jump phenomenon (see [13]), cannota
a phenomenon, often called the jump phenomenon (see [13]), cannot be predicted with
be analytical
predicted withmodel.
a linear analytical model.
duced to 100N ⋅ s/m, which is smaller than the previously used reference value 140N ⋅
s/m. Significant rocking motion in the horizontal and vertical planes can be observed with
the nonlinear analytical model after operation speed passes the fourth resonance speed.
With the linear analytical model, however, such violent rocking behavior cannot be pre-
dicted. This indicates that the reliability of the linear analytical model depends on the
Machines 2021, 9, 289 14 of 17
damping constant employed for the model. The results shown in Figures 10 and 11 indi-
cate that the reliability of the linear model can be guaranteed with a sufficiently large
damping constant value.



4 400
3 350
2 Operation speed 300

1 250

0 200

-1 150

-2 100

-3 50

-4 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (sec)

Figure 10. Comparison of transient analysis results obtained with the nonlinear and linear analytical models (when
= 140 N · s/m): (a) horizontal displacement of the mass center, (b) vertical displacement of the mass center, (c) rocking
angle in the horizontal plane, and (d) rocking angle in the vertical plane.

Figure 11 shows the rocking angles in the horizontal and vertical planes obtained with
the nonlinear and linear analytical models when the damping constant Cdp is reduced
to 100 N · s/m, which is smaller than the previously used reference value 140 N · s/m.
Significant rocking motion in the horizontal and vertical planes can be observed with the
nonlinear analytical model after operation speed passes the fourth resonance speed. With
the linear analytical model, however, such violent rocking behavior cannot be predicted.
140 N ⋅ s/m): (a) horizontal displacement of the mass center, (b) vertical displacement of the mass center, (c) rocking angle
in the horizontal plane, and (d) rocking angle in the vertical plane.

Figure 12 shows the parameter range to guarantee the reliability of the linear analyt-
ical model. We obtained this reliability diagram by comparing the transient response am-
Machines 2021, 9, 289 15 of 17
plitudes obtained with the linear and nonlinear analytical models in the time range of 30–
50 s When the maximum amplitude ratio (the transient response amplitude obtained with
the nonlinear analytical model to that obtained with the linear analytical model) in the
This range is smaller
indicates that thethan two, the
reliability linear
of the analytical
linear model
analytical is considered
model depends on reliable; other-
the damping
wise, it is employed
constant consideredforunreliable.
the model. Therefore, the shown
The results linear analytical
in Figuresmodel
10 andcan11be effectively
indicate that
used for the design
the reliability of theoflinear
an FL model
type washing machine when
can be guaranteed thea unbalance
with sufficientlymass
largeand damp-
ing parameters
constant value. are chosen from the reliable range.



Machines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 19


Figure 11.
Figure 11. Comparison
rocking angles
angles obtained
obtained with
with thethe nonlinear
nonlinear andand linear
linear analytical
analytical models
models (when = 100=N 100
(when N⋅
· s/m):
s/m): (a) horizontal displacement of the mass center, (b) vertical displacement of the mass center, (c) rocking angle in the
(a) horizontal displacement of the mass center, (b) vertical displacement of the mass center, (c) rocking angle in the horizontal
horizontal plane, and (d) rocking angle in the vertical plane.
plane, and (d) rocking angle in the vertical plane.


Reliable range
Machines 2021, 9, 289 16 of 17

Figure 12 shows the parameter range to guarantee the reliability of the linear ana-
lytical model. We obtained this reliability diagram by comparing the transient response
amplitudes obtained with the linear and nonlinear analytical models in the time range of
30–50 s When the maximum amplitude ratio (the transient response amplitude obtained
with the nonlinear analytical model
(d) to that obtained with the linear analytical model) in the
time range is smaller than two, the linear analytical model is considered reliable; otherwise,
Figure 11. Comparison of the rocking angles obtained with the nonlinear and linear analytical models (when = 100 N ⋅
it is considered unreliable. Therefore, the linear analytical model can be effectively used
s/m): (a) horizontal displacement of the mass center, (b) vertical displacement of the mass center, (c) rocking angle in the
for theangle
horizontal plane, and (d) rocking design ofvertical
in the an FL type
plane.washing machine when the unbalance mass and damping
parameters are chosen from the reliable range.


Reliable range


50 Unreliable range

0 100 200 300 400
Unbalance mass (g)
Figure 12.
Figure 12. Reliability
Reliability diagram
diagram of
of the
the linear
linear analytical
analytical model.

4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
In order
order to investigate the vibration
vibration characteristics
characteristicsof ofan
anFL FLtype
consistingofofthreethree rigid
rigid bodies,
bodies, revolute joints, linear linear springs, linear
springs, linear
dampers, andand stiffness
stiffness elements
elements such such as as bearings
bearings and and flexible
flexible hinges
hinges waswas introduced,
introduced,and and
the equations
equations of of motion
motion of of the
idealized modelmodelwere werederived
method. TheThe
accuracyof of the
the nonlinear
nonlinear analytical
analytical model
model was was first
first validated
validatedby by comparing
comparingthe the numerical
results with
with those
those obtained
obtained withwith the
software. The Thenonlinear
was then linearized around the equilibrium position in order to obtain
was then linearized around the equilibrium position in order to obtain the linear analytical the linear analytical
model. Sincethe
model. Since therotational
motionofofthe thedrum
drum waswas prescribed
prescribed as as a function
a function of time,
of time, the
the linear analytical model was a non-autonomous system.
linear analytical model was a non-autonomous system. However, modal analysis could However, modal analysis
could be carried
be carried out effectively
out effectively with the with theanalytical
linear linear analytical
model sincemodel thesince the variations
variations of the natu- of
the natural frequencies
ral frequencies due to theduetime-varying
to the time-varyingterms interms in theanalytical
the linear linear analytical
model model were
were trivial.
trivial. We could predict the resonance mode shapes with
We could predict the resonance mode shapes with the linear model, and the transient the linear model, and the
transient characteristics of the linear analytical model could be validated
characteristics of the linear analytical model could be validated with the transient re- with the transient
responses obtainedatatthe
sponses obtained theresonance
The parameter study showed that the
parameter study showed that the reliability
reliability ofof the
the linear
be guaranteed if the damping constant was larger than a certain value when aa rotating
guaranteed if the damping constant was larger than a certain value when rotating
unbalancemass masswas wasgiven.
given.WhenWhenthe thedamping
damping constant
constant was notnot
was sufficiently large,
sufficiently however,
large, how-
we could
ever, not obtain
we could reliable
not obtain transient
reliable responses
transient with with
responses the linear analytical
the linear model.
analytical As the
model. As
rotating unbalance mass increases, the damping constant should be increased to guarantee
the reliability of the linear analytical model. Therefore, the reliability range related to the
unbalance mass and the damping constant should be accurately identified before the linear
analytical model is used for the design or control of an FL type washing machine.

Author Contributions: J.P. is the principal investigator of the research described in this manuscript.
He developed the analysis methodology and performed the validation work. S.J. and H.Y. are the
corresponding authors of this manuscript. They participated in the writing, review, and editing
Machines 2021, 9, 289 17 of 17

of the manuscript and provided supervision for the research. H.Y. was responsible for the project
administration and funding acquisition. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the
Ministry of Science, ICT, grant number NRF-2018R1A2A2A05022590.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.

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