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Test Paper, the 8th Form, Perfect Tenses

Name, surname____________________
A. Recognizing the Perfect Tenses
Underline the verb in each sentence. On the blank, write the tense of the verb.

1. Olga had figured out the answer before her teacher’s explanation. ______________________ 2. I have
walked every day now for a month. _______________________ 3. Vickie had liked Nels until their argument.
_______________________ 4. Alf will have jogged 70 miles by the end of next week.
_______________________ 5. By lunch time, Rusty had started cooking dinner. _______________________
6. Ira has practiced piano every day for a week. _______________________ 7. At this rate, we will not have
finished the 30 chapters by June. _______________________ 8. Our HMO has added a number of new
physicians to the staff. _______________________ 9. The ice on the lake will have melted long before the
weekend. _______________________ A10. The window had cracked before the wind storm.

B. Forming the Perfect Tenses

Complete each sentence by writing the form of the verb indicated in parentheses.

1. (finish, past perfect) We _______________________ our game before the Meteors started theirs. 2. (graduate,
future perfect) Margie _______________________ before the spring semester. 3. (vote, past perfect) Union
members _______________________ before they saw the contract. 4. (exercise, present perfect) We
_______________________ three times this week. 5. (talk, past perfect) The manager _______________________
to the pitcher twice by that time. 6. (clean, future perfect) I _______________________ the whole kitchen by the
time Mom returns. 7. (offer, present perfect) Angelica frequently _______________________ to help. 8. (produce,
future perfect) By the end of this writing course, you _______________________ a plot outline and at least four
chapters of your novel. 9. (picked, past perfect) He _______________________ ten bushels before the truck
showed up. 10. (search, present perfect) The rescuers _______________________ the area for hours.

C. Write the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or
Past Perfect Simple form of the verb:
a. Who has taken (take) my roller skates? They aren’t here. b. They ________________ (have)
breakfast before they left their house, so they weren’t hungry when they arrived. c. When we got to
the cinema, the film ____________________ (start) d. _________________ (you see) Pamela?
She’s dancing at Central Square! e. His exhibition photographs ________________ (surprise) me. f.
I hardly recognised May. I _______________ (not see) her for such a long time. g. I’d like to visit
Jimmy this weekend. He ____________________ (not be) well recently. h. Fortunately, we
____________________ (not go) far when we realised that we ______________________ (forget)
our plane tickets.

D. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous form
of the verbs in brackets:
a. When my parents decided to come home, … (they / travel for a fortnight) they had been travelling
for a fortnight. b. My hair was wet because ____________________ (I / swim) c. His eyes hurt him
because_____________________________ (he / sit in front of the computer for hours) d. I am tired
because _____________________________ (I / jog for the last thirty minutes) e. Vanessa speaks
English very well because _____________________________ (she / study all her life) f. When I
arrived, _____________________________ (the customer / wait for forty five minutes) g. There is
water all around because_____________________________ (it / rain for the last days)

E. Complete the sentences with one of the Perfect Tenses

They (to visit/ already)______________________________ Paris three times. Ram was angry. He
________________________________ (to wait) for two hours. When I finish this course, I
__________________________________ (to learn) English for twenty years. She
_____________________________ (to work) here since 2004. You
___________________________ (to finish) your report by this time next week. The train
_________________________ (to leave/ already) when I arrived at the station.

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