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Changes in Herbicide Use Patterns and Production Practices Resulting from

Glyphosate-Resistant Crops
Author(s): BRYAN G. YOUNG
Source: Weed Technology, 20(2):301-307. 2006.
Published By: Weed Science Society of America

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Weed Technology. 2006. Volume 20:301–307

Changes in Herbicide Use Patterns and Production Practices Resulting from

Glyphosate-Resistant Crops1


Abstract: Recent shifts in herbicide use patterns can be attributed to rapid, large-scale adoption of
glyphosate-resistant soybean and cotton. A dramatic increase in glyphosate use is the most obvious
change associated with the adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops. Consequently, the diversity of
herbicides used for weed management in these crops has declined, particularly in soybean. To date,
the availability of glyphosate-resistant corn has limited the use of glyphosate in corn. While exploit-
ing the benefits of glyphosate-resistant crops, many growers have abandoned the principles of sound
weed and herbicide-resistance management. Instead of incorporating glyphosate into a resistance
management strategy utilizing multiple herbicide sites of action, many growers rely exclusively upon
glyphosate for weed control. Although it is difficult to establish a clear relationship between the
adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops and changes in other crop production practices, the increase
in no-till and strip-till production of cotton and soybean between 1995 and 2002 may have been
facilitated by glyphosate-resistant crops.
Nomenclature: Glyphosate; corn, Zea mays L.; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.; soybean, Glycine
max L.
Additional key words: Application timing, herbicide-resistance management, mode of action, site
of action, tank mixtures, tillage, weed management strategies.

INTRODUCTION ance on tillage, reduced herbicide costs, and less com-

Herbicide-resistant crops have the potential to increase plicated weed management compared with previous
weed control efficiency (Burnside 1992; Radosevich et weed control practices (Bradley et al. 2004; CTIC 2004;
al. 1992), simplify weed management (Martinez-Ghersa Johnson et al. 2000; Reddy and Whiting 2000). There-
et al. 2003), and increase the diversity of herbicide sites fore, the purpose of this article is to describe changes in
of action used on a given crop to benefit efforts in re- herbicide use patterns and production practices that are
sistance management (Radosevich et al. 1992). Herbi- associated with the adoption of glyphosate-resistant
cide-resistant crops also may facilitate the adoption of crops.
conservation tillage practices by increasing grower con-
fidence in weed control (CTIC 2004). Conversely, the CHANGES IN GLYPHOSATE USE
use of herbicide-resistant crops could increase grower The most obvious consequence of the rapid and large-
dependence upon chemical weed control and result in an scale adoption of glyphosate-resistant soybean has been
herbicide-crop monoculture that increases the risk of de- a dramatic increase in glyphosate use. Prior to the intro-
veloping herbicide-resistant weeds (Radosevich et al. duction of glyphosate-resistant soybean in 1996, less
1992). than 3 million kg of glyphosate was used in soybean
The introduction of glyphosate-resistant soybean, cot- each year, with the majority of glyphosate used for weed
ton, and corn in 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively, has control prior to crop planting (Figure 1a). From 1995 to
dramatically altered crop production in the United States. 2002, glyphosate use in soybean increased from 2.5 to
Growers have been keen to capitalize on the benefits of 30 million kg/yr (Figure 1a), and the average number of
glyphosate-resistant crops, which may include improved glyphosate applications per year in soybean increased
weed control, reduced time and labor inputs, less reli- from 1 to 1.4 (Figure 1b). The increase in the average
Received for publication June 1, 2004, and in revised form November 4, number of glyphosate applications per year reflects the
2004. use of additional applications after crop emergence.
Associate Professor, Department of Plant, Soil, and Agricultural Systems,
Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC-4415, Carbondale, IL
Glyphosate use in cotton has increased from 700,000
62901. Corresponding author’s E-mail: to 3,870,000 kg/yr since the introduction of glyphosate-


resistant cotton in 1997 (Figure 1a). As is the case with

soybean, the average number of glyphosate applications
increased from one per year in 1996 to 1.8 per year in
2001 (Figure 1b) as growers added postemergence ap-
plications of glyphosate as part of their weed control
strategy in glyphosate-resistant cotton. The introduction
of the next generation of glyphosate-resistant cotton is
expected in 2006. This new cotton technology will allow
growers to use higher rates of glyphosate and will also
likely increase the number of glyphosate applications
made per season.
Glyphosate-resistant corn has been adopted on a lim-
ited number of hectares since its introduction in 1998.
Limited availability of high-performing glyphosate-re-
sistant hybrids and grower concerns about potential ex-
port restrictions may have been the predominant reasons
for such low adoption. Thus, there has been only a mod-
est increase in the amount of glyphosate used and num-
ber of applications in corn over the past several years
(Figure 1). Significant improvements in glyphosate-re-
sistant corn hybrids have recently occurred, and this will
likely facilitate grower adoption of this technology in the Figure 1. Glyphosate use (a) and average number of applications per year (b)
from 1990 to 2002 in soybean, cotton, and corn. Data adapted from the U.S.
future. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricul-
tural Chemical Use Database (USDA 2004).


Soybean. The soybean herbicide market was dominated increase the risk of selecting for glyphosate-resistant
by dinitroanaline and imidazolinone herbicides from weeds. The number of active ingredients used on at least
1992 to 1996 (Table 1). Glyphosate first entered the top 10% of the treated soybean hectares has declined from
three herbicides used in soybean in 1995 as a result of 11 in 1995 to only one (glyphosate) in 2002 (Figure 2a).
the need for control of vegetation prior to planting in no- Likewise, the number of active ingredients used on at
till production. Glyphosate use has continued to increase least 5% of the treated soybean hectares has declined
since 1995, with the largest increase (18%) occurring from 14 in 1990 to only 9 in 2002 (data not shown;
from 1997 to 1998. In 2002, glyphosate was used on USDA 2004). Hence, glyphosate has become the domi-
nearly twice as many hectares (79%) as imazethapyr dur- nant weed management tool in soybean, with only a
ing its peak use (44%) in 1995. small percent of soybean hectares treated with other her-
Ideally, the introduction of glyphosate-resistant crops bicides.
should have increased the diversity of herbicide active Logically, the number of different herbicide sites of
ingredients and sites of action used postemergence in action has decreased along with the reduction in use of
soybean, since no other herbicide shares the same site alternative herbicide active ingredients. The number of
of action as glyphosate. This added diversity could ben- different herbicide sites of action (represented by an her-
efit efforts in weed-resistance management, as glyphos- bicide used on 10% or more of soybean hectares) de-
ate could be combined with other herbicides in a tank clined from seven in 1995 to one in 2002 (Figure 2a).
mixture or as part of a sequential herbicide program. Furthermore, the average number of herbicide active in-
Indeed, glyphosate has been an integral component of gredients applied to a treated area of soybean has de-
management strategies to control weed biotypes resistant clined from 2.5 in 1994 to 1.6 in 2002 (Figure 3). A
to other herbicides (Shoup and Al-Khatib 2004; Smeda conservative estimate, given 1.6 active ingredients per
et al. 1997). However, the use of tank mixtures and se- hectare, would indicate that approximately 40%
quential applications of more than one herbicide has de- (;12,000,000 ha) of the soybean hectares received only
clined as many growers have elected to rely exclusively glyphosate in 2002. Therefore, the selection pressure for
on glyphosate for weed control in soybean, which may glyphosate-resistant weeds is extraordinary, as many

302 Volume 20, Issue 2 (April–June) 2006


Table 1. A listing of the five herbicide active ingredients applied to the greatest percentage of soybean hectares from 1992 to 2002.a
Crop/yr 1 2 3 4 5

1992 Trifluralin (35)b Imazethapyr (29) Pendimethalin (21) Imazaquin (18) Chlorimuron (17)
1993 Imazethapyr (32) Trifluralin (25) Pendimethalin (22) Imazaquin (17) Chlorimuron (17)
1994 Imazethapyr (42) Pendimethalin (25) Trifluralin (24) Imazaquin (18) Chlorimuron/glyphosate (15)
1995 Imazethapyr (44) Pendimethalin (24) Glyphosate (21) Trifluralin (20) Chlorimuron (16)
1996 Imazethapyr (43) Pendimethalin (27) Glyphosate (25) Trifluralin (22) Imazaquin (15)
1997 Imazethapyr (38) Glyphosate (29) Pendimethalin (25) Trifluralin (21) Chlorimuron/imazaquin (13)
1998 Glyphosate (47) Pendimethalin (18) Imazethapyr (17) Trifluralin (16) Chlorimuron (12)
1999 Glyphosate (62) Imazethapyr (16) Pendimethalin (14) Trifluralin (14) Chlorimuron (12)
2000 Glyphosate (66) Trifluralin (14) Imazethapyr (12) Pendimethalin (11) Chlorimuron (10)
2001 Glyphosate (76) Pendimethalin (10) Imazethapyr (9) Fomesafen (7) Trifluralin (7)
2002 Glyphosate (79) Pendimethalin (9) Imazethapyr (9) Trifluralin (7) Chlorimuron/sulfentrazone (6)
1992 Trifluralin (57) Fluometuron (29) Prometryn (25) MSMA (21) Cyanazine (20)
1993 Trifluralin (61) Fluometuron (29) Prometryn (25) MSMA (24) Paraquat (22)
1994 Trifluralin (61) Fluometuron (30) Prometryn (26) MSMA (22) Paraquat (21)
1995 Trifluralin (60) Fluometuron (33) Prometryn (30) MSMA (22) Pendimethalin (21)
1996 Trifluralin (57) Fluometuron (39) MSMA (24) Pendimethalin (22) Cyanazine (20)
1997 Trifluralin (55) Fluometuron (44) MSMA (29) Pendimethalin (28) Paraquat (24)
1998 Trifluralin (57) Fluometuron (32) Glyphosate (30) Pendimethalin (24) Diuron/MSMA (20)
1999 Trifluralin (52) Glyphosate (36) Fluometuron (27) Pendimethalin (24) Diuron (24)
2000 Glyphosate (56) Trifluralin (39) Pendimethalin (22) Diuron (20) Fluometuron (20)
2001 Glyphosate (57) Trifluralin (30) Diuron (26) Pendimethalin (16) Paraquat (16)
1992 Atrazine (69) Metolachlor (30) Alachlor (27) Dicamba (21) Cyanazine (20)
1993 Atrazine (69) Metolachlor (32) Alachlor (24) Dicamba (21) Cyanazine (20)
1994 Atrazine (68) Metolachlor (32) Dicamba (29) Cyanazine (21) Alachlor (17)
1995 Atrazine (65) Metolachlor (29) Dicamba (27) Acetochlor (18) Cyanazine (17)
1996 Atrazine (71) Metolachlor (30) Dicamba (25) Acetochlor (22) Cyanazine (13)
1997 Atrazine (69) Metolachlor (35) Dicamba (29) Acetochlor (24) Cyanazine (14)
1998 Atrazine (69) Metolachlor (32) Acetochlor (25) Dicamba (15) 2,4-D (12)
1999 Atrazine (70) Metolachlor (29) Acetochlor (27) Nicosulfuron (15) Dicamba (14)
2000 Atrazine (68) Metolachlor (28) Acetochlor (25) Dicamba (21) Nicosulfuron (15)
2001 Atrazine (75) Acetochlor (26) Metolachlor (25) Dicamba (15) Nicosulfuron (14)
2002 Atrazine (62) Acetochlor (25) Metolachlor (24) Nicosulfuron (13) Flumetsulam (12)

Data adapted from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2004, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Chemical Use Database (Online). Available
at (Verified 5/23/04).
Number in parentheses indicates the percent of area treated.

growers are simplifying their herbicide strategy in soy- some growers are electing to delay the traditional burn-
bean by utilizing only glyphosate. down application until planting or several weeks after
The increasing use of glyphosate for weed control has planting (C. M. Boerboom, A. S. Culpepper, J. L. Grif-
also influenced the application timing of herbicides in fin, et al., personal communication). This strategy allows
soybean, with a growing trend toward total postemer- the grower to control some early-emerging summer an-
gence weed control. From 1992 through 1997, the soil- nual weeds along with winter annual weeds present at,
applied herbicides trifluralin and pendimethalin were or shortly after, planting.
each applied to at least 20% of soybean hectares (Table Glyphosate controls seedling and juvenile weeds but
1). However, as glyphosate use increased from 1997 to is not effective on weeds germinating after application.
2002, the percentage of hectares treated with trifluralin Therefore, growers often seek to delay the postemer-
and pendimethalin decreased to less than 10%. One of gence application of glyphosate to reduce the likelihood
the most significant changes in no-till soybean produc- that new weed emergence will warrant a subsequent her-
tion since the introduction of glyphosate-resistant soy- bicide application. It is becoming increasingly common
bean is the timing of burndown applications. Since gly- in some regions for growers to delay the application of
phosate can be applied over a relatively wide time period glyphosate until weeds are up to 30 cm in height or more
with regard to weed size, and since the risk of glyphos- in an attempt to reduce herbicide and application costs
ate-resistant soybean injury from glyphosate is minimal, by eliminating the need for multiple herbicide applica-

Volume 20, Issue 2 (April–June) 2006 303


Figure 3. Number of different herbicide active ingredients used per hectare

from 1990 to 2002 in soybean, cotton, and corn. Data adapted from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricul-
tural Chemical Use Database (USDA 2004).

glyphosate-resistant cotton. Trifluralin and fluometuron

were applied to over 50 and 25% of treated cotton hect-
ares, respectively, from 1992 to 1999 (Table 1). How-
ever, glyphosate use started to increase rapidly in 1998,
the year after the commercial introduction of glyphosate-
resistant cotton. Glyphosate had replaced trifluralin as
the herbicide applied to the greatest percentage of cotton
hectares by 2000. In 2001, glyphosate was applied on
almost twice as many hectares as any other herbicide in
cotton. The extent of glyphosate use in 2000 and 2001
was similar to the percent of hectares treated with triflu-
ralin throughout the 1990s.
Although glyphosate use has increased dramatically in
cotton production since 1997, there has been only a
small decline in the number of different active ingredi-
ents and sites of action used on 10% or more of treated
cotton hectares (Figure 2b). Likewise, the number of ac-
tive ingredients used on at least 5% of treated cotton
Figure 2. Number of different herbicide active ingredients and herbicide sites hectares declined only slightly from 14 in 1995 to 11 in
of action used on at least 10% of hectares from 1990 to 2002 in soybean (a),
cotton (b), and corn (c). Data adapted from the U.S. Department of Agricul- 2001 (data not shown; USDA 2004). Thus, even though
ture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Chemical Use Da- glyphosate is the predominant herbicide used for weed
tabase (USDA 2004).
control in cotton, several other herbicides are used to
compliment glyphosate. In contrast to soybean, the num-
tions (Boerboom et al. 2003). Glyphosate has improved ber of unique herbicide sites of action (represented by
weed control and simplified weed management in soy- an herbicide used on 10% or more of cotton hectares)
bean to a level rarely experienced prior to glyphosate- declined only marginally, from eight in 1997 to seven in
resistant soybean. However, these benefits have arguably 2001 (Figure 2b). Data on herbicide diversity indicates
come at the expense of sound agronomics, as weeds are that the average number of active ingredients used per
not being managed in a timely fashion in relation to crop treated cotton area declined from 3.1 in 1997 to 2.1 in
competition, and complete reliance on glyphosate is ex- 2001 (Figure 3).
erting high selection pressure for glyphosate-resistant Foliar applications of glyphosate should be made to
weeds. glyphosate-resistant cotton from cracking until the four-
leaf stage of cotton development to avoid the risk of boll
Cotton. Weed control in cotton was dominated by soil loss, delayed maturity, and/or yield loss (Anonymous
residual herbicides prior to the large-scale adoption of 2004). After the fifth-leaf stage of glyphosate-resistant

304 Volume 20, Issue 2 (April–June) 2006


cotton development, glyphosate must be precisely di- gredients applied per treated hectare (Figure 3). It is im-
rected with special equipment, which is a very time-con- portant to note that in 2002, a greater diversity of active
suming and tedious operation. Because glyphosate-resis- ingredients was used in corn than in either soybean or
tant cotton has such a short period of reproductive re- cotton (data not shown; USDA 2004).
sistance to foliar glyphosate applications, growers often
continue to use other herbicide chemistries to accomplish CHANGES IN HERBICIDE APPLICATIONS
adequate season-long weed control. Use of these other
herbicides has slightly limited the amount of glyphosate Glyphosate applied alone in glyphosate-resistant soy-
used in cotton. However, once the next generation of bean is used on the majority of hectares (Boerboom et
glyphosate-resistant cotton is released, glyphosate use al. 2003; USDA 2004). However, this is rarely true in
will increase. Although weed scientists in cotton grow- glyphosate-resistant cotton or corn. A reduction in the
ing regions report trends toward slightly later postemer- use of herbicide tank mixtures for weed control prior to
gence application timings and reduced use of soil-ap- planting glyphosate-resistant soybean in no-till (Boer-
plied herbicides, herbicide application patterns in cotton boom et al. 2003) is likely a contributing factor for the
have been affected to a lesser extent by glyphosate-re- development of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Van-
sistant cotton than have those in soybean (Boerboom et Gessel 2001). In addition to the lack of herbicide diver-
al. 2003). sity for vegetation management prior to planting, the
timing of these applications has changed dramatically in
Corn. Atrazine and acetamide herbicides comprised the some regions. The most common change has been to
top two herbicides used in corn from 1992 through 2002 delay the initial herbicide application in no-till produc-
(Table 1). In contrast to the rapid increase in glyphosate tion systems until after crop planting (Boerboom et al.
use associated with the introduction of glyphosate-resis- 2003). This practice may contribute to early-season weed
tant soybean and cotton, glyphosate use in corn has not interference with the crop and increased seed production
increased substantially since the introduction of gly- from winter annual weed species. Winter annual weed
phosate-resistant corn in 1998 (Figure 1). populations have increased in recent years as a result of
Atrazine continues to dominate the corn herbicide a reduction in the use of soil-residual herbicides in soy-
market as the active ingredient applied on twice as many bean and the lack of winter annual weed control prior to
corn hectares than any other herbicide (Table 1). Unlike seed production in the spring (Boerboom et al. 2003).
soybean and cotton, glyphosate use in corn did not even Subsequently, application of herbicides in the fall for
rank among the top five herbicides as of 2002. Further- control of these species has increased in the Midwest.
more, no significant changes in the number of active The timing of weed removal (as measured by weed
ingredients or sites of action for herbicides used on 10% height) with postemergence herbicide applications has
or more of the treated corn hectares can be attributed to been delayed in all three glyphosate-resistant crops since
the introduction of glyphosate-resistant corn (Figure 2c). the introduction of each glyphosate-resistant crop (Boer-
To date, the negligible impact of glyphosate-resistant boom et al. 2003). Scientists have suggested that the
corn on herbicide use patterns may also be explained by most substantial increase has occurred in soybean, with
the tendency for glyphosate to be used in combination an increase in weed height at the time of application
with one or more other herbicides in glyphosate-resistant from approximately 12 cm in 1995 to 21 cm in 2003
corn (as opposed to relying on glyphosate as the only (Boerboom et al. 2003). This trend toward later weed
herbicide, as is typical in soybean) (Boerboom et al. removal timings obviously has serious implications for
2003). From 1995 to 2002, the number of herbicide ac- soybean yield loss due to the extended period of weed
tive ingredients applied to 5% or greater of the corn hect- competition (Dalley et al. 2004; Gower et al. 2003).
ares increased from 9 to 17 (data not shown; USDA
2004). Despite this apparent increase in herbicide diver-
sity in corn, chemical weed control only relied on four
herbicide modes of action in 2002 (Figure 2c). The in- Establishing a relationship between the introduction of
crease in active ingredients has largely been a result of glyphosate-resistant crops and other production practices
existing market opportunities for corn herbicides in con- is difficult because of concurrent changes in farm size,
cert with the devaluation of the herbicide market in soy- application technology, and farm equipment, as well as
bean. The introduction of glyphosate-resistant corn has advances in crop genetics and other management factors.
not clearly influenced the average number of active in- Utilizing glyphosate for weed control in glyphosate-re-

Volume 20, Issue 2 (April–June) 2006 305


tion and promotes rapid crop canopy closure to prevent

survival of weeds emerging following the application of
a nonresidual herbicide such as glyphosate. Likewise, the
increased seed costs associated with glyphosate-resistant
crops may have prompted growers to scrutinize and po-
tentially reduce seeding rates to manage costs.


Over the next few years it is likely that glyphosate use

Figure 4. No-till production of corn, cotton, and soybean from 1990 to 2002.
will continue to increase with the growing adoption of
Data adapted from Conservation Technology Information Center, National glyphosate-resistant corn as well as increases in gly-
Crop Residue Management Survey Data (CTIC 2004). phosate use rates. A continuation of the trend toward
delaying glyphosate application will likely prompt a shift
sistant soybean would be conducive to an increase in to weeds species that are more tolerant to glyphosate.
applications performed by growers, since glyphosate can Hilgenfeld et al. (2004) projected seedbank increases in
be applied over a relatively wide time period and is rel- ivyleaf morningglory [Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq.]
atively easy to handle and apply. However, as average when glyphosate is applied mid-postemergence as a re-
farm size increases with greater demand on skilled labor, sult of a size-induced increase in ivyleaf morningglory
growers may become increasingly dependent upon cus- tolerance to glyphosate. This species shift, coupled with
tom herbicide application to control weeds in a timely reductions in the cost of glyphosate, favors increases in
manner. Some scientists suggest the adoption of gly- glyphosate use rates over time. Furthermore, the selec-
phosate-resistant crops has had little to no influence on tion pressure imposed by extensive and exclusive gly-
the ratio of grower vs. custom applications (Boerboom phosate use will undoubtedly result in an increasing fre-
et al. 2003). quency of reports of glyphosate-resistant weed biotypes.
The introduction of glyphosate-resistant soybean and Recent reports of horseweed [Conyza canadensis (L.)
cotton has likely contributed to recent increases in no- Cronq.] resistant to glyphosate may be an indication of
tillage and strip-tillage production of these crops. No- the potential weed-resistance problems that may result
tillage soybean production increased from 27 to 33% of from exclusive glyphosate use (Main et al. 2004;
soybean hectares between 1996 and 2002 (Figure 4). VanGessel 2001). Glyphosate-resistant horseweed was
However, a much greater increase in no-till soybean pro- first reported in Delaware in 2000 (VanGessel 2001).
duction occurred from 1990 to 1995, which indicates Horseweed seed collected in 2002 and 2003 indicated
that factors other than glyphosate-resistant soybean were that glyphosate-resistant horseweed biotypes were pre-
more important in the overall adoption of no-till pro- sent in Mississippi, Ohio, and western Tennessee (Main
duction. More significantly, there was a 276% increase et al. 2004). Past experience has indicated that growers
in no-tillage and strip-tillage cotton production between may initially respond to weed control failures with gly-
1997 and 2002 (Figure 4), which weed scientists in cot- phosate by increasing the use rate or number of gly-
ton-producing regions believe is largely due to the intro- phosate applications. Some scientists argue that weed
duction of glyphosate-resistant cotton (Boerboom et al. management will continue to improve as a result of gly-
2003). phosate use in glyphosate-resistant crops (Boerboom et
Variations in environmental conditions and changes in al. 2003). Other scientists suggest the level of weed con-
farm equipment and crop genetics likely have a greater trol with glyphosate has plateaued and that a slight de-
influence on grower selection of crop planting dates, crease in glyphosate effectiveness has already been ob-
seeding rates, and row spacing than the use of a gly- served, compared with that observed during the first few
phosate-resistant variety. Earlier crop planting dates may years of adopting glyphosate-resistant crops (Boerboom
be facilitated in no-till and strip-till production by a gly- et al. 2003). Future changes in herbicide use patterns will
phosate-resistant variety, since existing weeds could be likely be driven by reductions in the effectiveness of
controlled with glyphosate after planting. Arguably, gly- glyphosate due to weed shifts and weed resistance that
phosate-resistant crops perpetuated a reduction in crop will motivate growers to utilize other herbicides in com-
row spacing, which is more favorable in no-till produc- bination with glyphosate.

306 Volume 20, Issue 2 (April–June) 2006


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