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Prefixes: Some prefixes indicate size, for example: mini-, extra-, super-.

Some indicate number: bi-, tri-, cent-, kilo-, mono- and

others indicate time such as: ex-, pre-, and post.

Sometimes, a negative prefix is added to express the opposite, but there’s not a rule which tells you what to use. The most common
negative prefixes are: in-, un-, il-, im-, dis-, ir-, non-.

Suffixes: They go at the end of the word (the root) and they change the grammatical function of the word.

To form nouns:

Adjectives or verbs + -ment, -ion, -tion, -ation, -ition, -ence, -ance, -ty, -ity, -ness.
pay – payment / discuss – discussion inform – information / add – addition
repeat – repetition / perform – performance exist – existence / royal – royalty secure – security.

To describe people: Verbs or Nouns + -er, -or, -ist, -an, -ian, -ee, -ess, -ant, -ent.

build – builder / sail – sailor / interview – interviewee / study – student / apply – applicant / tour – tourist / history – historian
Mexico – Mexican / god - goddess

To form verbs:
Adjective + -ize, -ify, -en.
modern – modernize wide – widen simple – simplify
Note: sometimes –en is added to nouns. For example: length – lengthen

To form adjectives: Nouns +-al, -ic, -ous, -ful, -less, -y, -ly, -ive, -able, -ible.

culture – cultural / art – artistic / danger – dangerous / care – careful / salt – salty / hope – hopeless / month – monthly
eat – eatable / act – active / comprehend – comprehensible

-Fill each blank with the appropriate form of the word.

1. systematized – unsystematic - system
Books in a library are arranged on the shelves according to a ________________________. That is, libraries have
____________________ the arrangement of the books. It would be difficult to find a particular book if the arrangement were

2. limit – limited – limit

When Mary started her diet, the doctor told her to eat a ____________________________ number of calories each day. The
____________________ was 1400 calories. At first, it was hard for Mary to______________________________ the amount of
food that she ate.

3. diversify – diverse - diversity

Investors in the stock market should ____________________________ their holdings. That is, they should not buy
many____________________ stocks. This______________________________ will keep them from losing all their money if the
price of one stock goes down.

4. analyze – analytical – analysis - analytically

________________________ chemists determine what a substance is composed of by using ______________. Students of
literature _____________________________ the style and meaning of different writers. Anyone who tries to solve a problem by
breaking it down into its parts is approaching the problem ____________________________.
Listed below are some different forms that are derived from the original word to form different parts of speech.

Verb Adjective Noun Adverb

-Fill each blank with the appropriate form of the word.

1. systematized – unsystematic - system
Books in a library are arranged on the shelves according to a ________________________. That is, libraries have
____________________ the arrangement of the books. It would be difficult to find a particular book if the arrangement were

2. depend – dependent - dependence

Many people are too ____________________________ on their dictionaries when they read in a foreign language. This
____________________ prevents them from learning to read rapidly. They should try not to______________________________
so much on their dictionaries.

3. limit – limited – limit

When Mary started her diet, the doctor told her to eat a ____________________________ number of calories each day. The
____________________ was 1400 calories. At first, it was hard for Mary to______________________________ the amount of
food that she ate.

4. diversify – diverse - diversity

Investors in the stock market should ____________________________ their holdings. That is, they should not buy
many____________________ stocks. This______________________________ will keep them from losing all their money if the
price of one stock goes down.

5. investigate – investigative – investigation

Some reporters are ____________________________ reporters. They ____________________ a situation thoroughly, sometimes
for a few weeks, and sometimes for as much as a year. Then they reveal the results of their _____________________________ .

6. analyze – analytical – analysis - analytically

________________________ chemists determine what a substance is composed of by using ______________. Students of
literature _____________________________ the style and meaning of different writers. Anyone who tries to solve a problem by
breaking it down into its parts is approaching the problem ____________________________.

7. effect – effective – effect – effectively

The students wanted to________________________ a change in the university’s policies, but their methods have not been
__________________. They have not produced the right ________________. The students are trying to find a way to demonstrate
more __________________________________.

8. gesture – gestural – gestures - gesturally

Most people________________________ with their hands when they talk. Many deaf people use a language that consists of
__________________ because they don’t talk. Sign language is a ________________ language. These people communicate
___________________________ instead of with speech.

9. combine – combined - combination

For many women, the ____________________________ effects of working and taking care of a house are exhausting. These
women____________________ the duties of a full time job with cleaning, cooking and child care. The result of this
______________________________ frequently means that some things do not get done well.
10. comprehend – incomprehensible - comprehension
It’s difficult to ____________________________ a foreign language when you are just learning it. Sometimes native speakers talk
very fast, and I cannot understand what they are saying. Their speech is ____________________ to me. I hope that my
______________________________ will be better soon.

11. accurate – inaccurate - accuracy

Mrs. Smith types rapidly and doesn’t often make mistakes. Her typing is very ________________________. The
____________________ of her typing makes her a valuable employee. Miss Jones also types rapidly, but her typing is
______________________________. She makes a lot of mistakes.

12. theorize – theoretical - theory

One ________________________ about the origins of the first inhabitants of North America is that they came across the Bering
Strait form Asia. Experts also ____________________ that some of the original people in South America arrived there by boat.
However, we don’t know the facts, so this is all ______________________________.

II. Fill in the blanks with the letter which corresponds to the right answer: A, B or C. (0.25 each=1.25)

1. Nuclear states do not want to ______ themselves by using their nuclear weapons.
A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger

2. If a country can raise ______ food for its population, it does not have to import food from other countries.
A. sufficiency B. sufficient C. insufficient

3. While the diplomats met publicly to negotiate, the politicians worked out their own agreement _____.
A. secretly B. secrecy C. secret

4. Some students want to change in the rules of the university, but their methods aren’t ______.
A. effective B. effect C. effectively

5. Some birds seem to be able to talk. It’s not true speech, however it’s only __________________
A. imitating B. imitate C. imitation

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