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The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Upland Rice


A. Description of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Upland Rice

1. Background of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Upland Rice

Rice is one of the most important chief food crops in the world, especially in a country like
Philippines and a staple food that fulfills the requirements of over3.5 billion people by furnishing over 20
of their salutary calories. It's considered to be the most significant source of calorie input in the
Philippines. Considering a shift in consumer preference and increase in population growth, the demand
for rice is anticipated to continue adding mainly. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) is a wide root
endosymbiosis in which the fungal mate can gather soil nutrients, including phosphorus and nitrogen,
through an extended mycelium network, and change them in factory roots for carbohydrates and lipids.
AM can therefore play an important part in crop nutrition in low fertilization sustainable Agrosystems.
Penetration of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) into roots relies on a factory symbiosis signaling
pathway that can be actuated by symbiotic signals’ produced by AMF (Buendia etal., 2018).

2. Characteristics of AMF

The characteristics and symbiosis of AMF with shops had been reported 400 million times
agone. Similar types of links are established as a race of natural processes, which lead to a variety of
useful goods in both natural ecosystem and agrarian biotas. The symbiotic association of AMF is a classic
illustration of mutualistic relationship, which can regulate the growth and development of shops. The
mycelial network of fungi extends under the roots of the factory and promotes nutrient uptake that's
else not available. The fungal mycelium colonizes roots of numerous shops indeed if they belong to
different species, performing into a common mycorrhizal network (CMN). This CMN is considered as a
primary element of the terrestrial ecosystem with its significant goods on different factory communities,
particularly on invasive shops and the fungal-mediated transport of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) to

3. Significance of AMF to the reproductive stage, growth and yield to highland rice

The AMF had positive or neutral goods on the growth and yields of both tested rice kinds
undernon-flooding conditions but suppressed them under all flooding and/ or shadowing
administrations, emphasizing the high significance of flooding and shading conditions in determining the
mycorrhizal goods. Farther analyses indicated that flooding and shadowing both reduced the AMF
colonization and extraradical hyphal viscosity (EHD), inferring a possible reduction of carbon investment
from rice to AMF. AMF identity and diversity and their goods on factory ecophysiology are told by
colorful factors, similar as host genotype and growth stage, AMF species, and environmental conditions.
Thus, identification of AMF species and exploring their community composition is an important primary
step in assessing their salutary functional capabilities to the host factory.

B. Upland Rice

1. It’s characteristics
Upland rice is grown in rainfed, naturally well- drained soils with bunded or unbounded fields
without face water accumulation. The general perception about the highland terrain is that it's failure-
prone, generally leaning land with corrosion problems, and has soils with both poor physical and
chemical parcels. Growers in these surroundings are among the poorest and generally cannot go to
apply numerous external inputs similar as diseases. Upland rice kinds are substantially grown as a low-
yielding subsistence crop to give stable yields under the adverse environmental conditions of the
highlands. Upland rice kinds are failure tolerant, but have a low yield eventuality and tend to lodge
under high situations of external inputs similar as toxin and supplemental irrigation.

2. Importance

3. Potential Yield


A. Fungi are impacted by shifting biotic and abiotic variables; hence AMF communities are not
static within an ecosystem. It's crucial to learn more about the distribution patterns of AMF in
diverse ecosystems in order to better understand their functional role. Because AMF rely on the
quantity and quality of plant-assimilated carbon sources, the physiological stage of the host
plant has been identified as a key element determining AMF populations. However,
investigations of the dynamics of the AMF population inhabiting plant roots have found
inconsistent patterns across different plant development stages or seasons. Some research
discovered substantial seasonal variations in the AMF community in a variety of environments,
but no such changes in the AMF community in roots.
Another research has confirmed this AMF are aerobic bacteria, and the formation of
aerenchyma in wetland plant roots may be linked to the presence of AM symbiosis in wetlands.
When flooded or waterlogged, this should allow AMF to access air oxygen, resulting in a
dynamic alteration in the AMF population as the plant progresses through its physiological
phases. The goal of this study was to assess the degree of AMF colonization and variety in high-
input and very waterlogged paddy wetlands, with the hypothesis that AMF colonization
intensity, species diversity, and community structure varied depending on rice plant growth
stage. At the seedling, tillering, heading, and ripening phases of rice in four paddy wetlands, we
assessed AMF colonization intensities under continuous high-input and waterlogged cropping
methods and investigated the AMF community architectures in rhizosphere soil and rice roots at
various phases of growth. Knowledge of AMF presence in paddy wetlands, as well as AMF
species composition and distribution patterns, might help us not only better understand AMF
diversity in wetland environments, but also improve rice output and promote sustainable
B. AMF as Fertilizer

1. Effect of Colonization on upland rice root system and nutrient uptake

Soybean, upland by plants through symbiosis and rice, and maize are significant crops
because the data to support them as a food crop in the world is considerable. However, the
restriction is a regular occurrence in the production of efficient AMF in calcareous soil. As a
result, it provides the highest advantage in terms of inhibiting plant development in this soil.
Because the beneficial effect of symbiosis is multifaceted situations, both in natural ecosystem
AM symbiosis is multifaceted and term, particularly in those supporting does not result solely
from improved P acquisition for the least cost expressed as C expenditure on are essential
components of soil biota; mycorrhizas, they can be found in nearly all. In terms of overall plant
health and sustainability, the advantage of establishing a successful AM symbiosis is far greater
and lasts much longer than the expense of P-Fertilizer, especially for a limited time.

2. Effect of AMF Colonization to abiotic stress

The AMF symbiosis protects plants from abiotic stressors through a number of
mechanisms, including increased photosynthetic rate, mineral nutrient intake and accumulation,
osmoprotectant accumulation, antioxidant enzyme activity upregulation, and changes in the
rhizosphere ecology. Several studies have indicated that under osmotic stress circumstances
such as deficit irrigation or salinity, AMF plants have better nutritional status. In response to
AMF-mediated combined stress adaptations, tolerance mechanisms may resemble one another.
AMF-mediated changes in phytohormone profile, mineral absorption and assimilation, buildup
of suitable osmolytes and secondary metabolites, and up-regulation of the antioxidant system
are thought to be common processes produced by various stressors. Specific processes, such as
harmful ion compartmentation and sequestration, phytochelatin synthesis, and protein
expression, can be specific and show substantial variation depending on the type of stress and
the AMF species involved. Changes in root properties such as hydraulic conductivities can
significantly enhance osmotic stress tolerance. The AMF protected castor bean from salt stress
by modifying gas exchange characteristics and the amounts of several important metabolites.
The aforementioned features of AMF may improve crop nutraceutical quality and may be of
significant agronomic value for the production and management of many prospective crops.
However, further research is needed to fully understand the function of AMF in reducing the
consequences of coupled stressors.

3. Effect of stress to the Soil Health

One of the most important risk factors for plant health and agricultural yield is biotic
stress, which starts in the soil. Soil is stressed by both natural and man-made influences,
resulting in poor growth conditions and weaker plants. Drought, overheating, floods,
erosion, compaction, and pollution are examples of abiotic stresses. Drought is one of the
most damaging weather situations for crops. Plants cannot reach their full potential without
a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil. Under both dry and irrigated environments,
plants developing in drought have smaller leaves and lighter branch and seed weight.
Drought is a global issue, with drought stress claiming 12 million hectares of land each year,
with the ability to produce 20 million tons of grain. Consequently, A burgeoning business is
forming to prevent the negative impacts of drought. Flooding, on the other hand, is a
similarly damaging scenario for soil health. Flooding or severe rain reduces the amount of
oxygen in the soil, preventing crops from reaching their full potential. Flooding is connected
to erosion because water takes vital nutrients from the soil. A surplus of water causes soil
structure to deteriorate, making the soil more prone to compaction, another abiotic stress
element. Compaction, which can be induced by the weight of heavy agricultural equipment,
affects soil structure by pressing soil particles together too tightly, reducing pore space that
is necessary for infiltration and root development. Chemical and saline pollution of soil are
examples of abiotic stresses.


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