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1. Ani : what is this ?

Surya : This is a …… 3. Andri : Are these …..?

Kitchen set toys
a. truck
4. Galang : What is it
2. Alya : do you go to the mountain by bus?
Bahri : no, I go to the mountain by……… Ratih: It is shoes

5. Yuki : Do you have a toy

Kayla : Yes, I have

12. Willy : What is the color of picture above

Sandi : This is ……….colour

1. Jessie : The girls love play what?

Koko : The girl love play Doll
2. Sani : Do you love playing football anton?
Anton : Yes I do 13. Do you know the colour of spinach water?
Yes I know, the colour is green
3. My friend have a. toy?

9. What is the word ‘’plane’’ in indonesian? 14. What the word Rainbow in Indonesia?

10. This is a wolf..

15. Iban : What is that

Yusuf : That is a brown jacket

11. We are playing 16. Leo : is viona like green kiwi?

seesaw yes she does

20. Kevin : The giraffe is so

17. Rafandra: what are you doing rabbit? a. tall

rabit : I m eating an …… carrot b. weize

a. Orange c. pulkadot
b. purple
c. red


18. Naufalyn : Do you go to school by car? 21. The snake is so long

Berlian : I go to school by bike

19. Fathan : Where are you going ? 22. Kiya : Hafidz do you know horse?

Bima : I go to the market by …… Hafidz: yes I know, the horse run so ….

This is

Answer the questions based on the text bellow!

Can you explain this picture and make a sentence with English

23. ______________________________________________________

24. Safana : Where is my pencil case?

Sofia : Your pencil case in your__________________


I want to be a doctor

27. This elephant is so big

28. Your car look luxurious , is it expencive

29. This snail walk so slow

30. This big stone is so heavy

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