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Review of Related Literature and Studies

Literature Review

The research is focused on analyzing the effects of Facebook on students’

performance. There are numerous research studies that analyse this topic under and
they are indeed relevant since most of the innovative features offered by Facebook
platform in collaboration with other social medium forums have been boosted especially
with introduction of revolutionary features and platform. The majority of the studies
chosen been published in the past four five years. According to the comprehensive
literature review by Ellison (2007), the role of Facebook in higher education is attributed
to the creation of virtue classes. The review has analysd massive research database
around the world to make this review comprehensive in its coverage for almost all
aspects of an endeavor to give an explanation for the diverse roles of Facebook in
higher education classes

Related Literature

A. Local Literature
According to Rejie D. Astodello (December 11, 2016) Tabuk City, Kalinga -
People all over the world have been enjoying the benefits of using technology
nowadays. In the past, communicating and free sharing of thought between people are
restricted by long distance, race, and even religion. But now these barriers can no
longer stop the flow of information and knowledge because now the new world of social
networking allows free sharing of thoughts through online social networking sites such
as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like.

Since students are highly motivated to using social media sites the majority
of them use these to satisfy their social needs more than their academic needs. They
have the freedom to do whatever they want– they can upload or download data, they
can make new friends and comment on other people’s lives, and they can even create
other online identities the real world does not allow. It has been observed too that the
majority of the students nowadays, particularly those in the secondary level, spend most
of their time chatting with their acquaintances, playing online games, and watching
videos instead of reading their lessons, making their assignments, and other academic
requirements. The main reason is when they work or search their materials online they
get attracted to social networking sites to kill boredom during study time, diverting their
attention from their work. The darker side of this that has gained the attention of many
parents is that some students are getting lazier and are no longer interested in going to
school. This is probably due to being extensively indulged to get global access and
therefore leading them to perform less academically.

B. Foreign Literature

According Literature Reviews, Social Media (January 1, 2021) This research

effort is targeted at finding the effects of Social Medial on student’s performance,
Therefore, the literature review discusses the relevant research that is useful to the
objectives of this research project. Several research studies investigating the topic
under review are found to be very recent. Since most of the innovative features offered
by social media platforms life Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Tumbler, Tiktok,
and many others are not that old and the phenomenon of the use of these media has
boosted recently with the available. Most of the students chosen have been published in
the past four to five years.

Tees (2013) presents a very comprehensive literature review paper regarding the
role of social media in higher education virtual and real classes. The review has
consulted almost every popular research database around the world to make this review
rich in terms of covering almost every aspect of explaining the role of different social
media in higher education class.

This research finds Facebook to be the most popular social networking site
among students as reported by some researchers and it has reached a one billion user
base in October 2012. My space is another SNS which started in 2003 and got popular
among people around 2009. However it is not that popular among educational setups.
Linkeldn with more than 35,000,000 users has been reported as the third most popular
SNS but mostly used for professional networking. In addition, this research found Blogs,
Social Impact, and Twitter among the other popular social networking sites.

The review found mix of opinion regarding whether social networking platforms
and technology should be integrated into learning processes or not. Tess (2013)
literature survey finds many reasons for this mix of opinion. Although most of the
educational institutions have established infrastructure for the support of social media
integration into class room learning, however, the effective technology due to lack of
proper training in this area

His review argues that researchers who support the integration of social media
into educational setup are of the view that conversational processes ensuring maximum
interaction and maximum mix of reflections are possible only through social networking

While reflecting on the impact of social networking sites on student’s

performance, Tess (2013) again finds a variety of diverse correlations existing in the
literature. Some find significantly negative correlative
between student’s results and use of social media while others find no correlations.
Even a few studies come up with positive correlations although not very significant.
Interestingly, the negative correlations between SNS’s usage and poor performance
have been associated with personality traits or other behaviour or psychological aspects
rather than solely with the use of these platforms.

Rouis, Limayen, & Salehi-Sangari (2011) investigate the effect of using

Facebook on academic performance of undergraduate students at Lulea University of
Technology Sweden in relation to their personality traits. The proposed research model
test how Facebook usage effects performance of students with different personality
traits. In addition the research tries to justify the reveals very significant results. This
research establishes that using Facebook has strong negative impact on academic
performance of students with extrovert personalities. However, factor of self-regulation
among students greatly reduces this negative impact as they have high level of effective
self-control while using social media platforms. Cognitive absorption, which defines
extent of deep involvement, is another personality factor taken into consideration while
undertaking this research.

Rouis, Limayen, & Salehi-Sangrari (2011) successfully make the observation that
extant of cognitive absorption determines the frequency and duration of social media
usage. However they add that level of cognitive is in turn defined by self-control and
other personality factors. While multitasking skills do nothing to reduce frequency and
use of social media among students, they moderate the effects of social media on
students’ performance by tuning the cognitive absorption.
Junco R. (2012) investigate the impact of Facebook being a social medium
on student’s academic performance on academic courses. The research analyzes data
from 1839 respondents studying 4 years degreesin residential institutes of north-eastern
USA to find trends on frequency of Facebook visits and activities, times pent on
Facebook, time spent on class preparation and academic grades of the students under
research .Analysis of the collected data reveals that time spent on Facebook and
frequency of visiting Facebook are negatively related to student’s academic
performance in terms of their GPA. However, there is slightly negative correlation
between time spend in studying for class. He further adds that although time spent on
social media and academic performance are negatively correlated but, this relationship
in real world scenarios does not seem to be major hurdle in academic success
Junco R. (2012) emphasizes a further investigation into the issue to find some
more variables like focus and intervention that may be strongly related to academic
performance. The negative correlation between Facebook usage and academic
outcomes be justified by some negative academic impacts related to certain ways
students use this social medium. He observe that some specific uses of this social
media are related to improve academic results.

Ul & Chand (2012) investigated the usage and popularity of famous social media
network among university students with special focus on the gender based comparison
and the impact of the selected social medium on their academic performance. The two
researchers evaluate the pattern and frequency of Facebook use among university
students while focusing gender difference and student opinion about the impacts of the
medium on academic performance. The research analyzes a random sample of 348
respondents including an equal mix of males and females. The respondents belong to
undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs with a mean age of 21 years

Research analysis shows that Facebook is equally popular among male and
female students of the university under study. It is inferred from the research that
majority of the users (61%) agree that this social medium has adverse effects on their
academic performance. Further analysis reveals that among these 61%majority of the
respondents were male. In addition to adverse effects of Facebook on academic
performance ,there was also an opinion that use of Facebook makes it hard for them to
perform the best on their career performance. However their researcher feels that the
later opinion is not very clear and established and needs further investigation

Related Studies

Local Studies

Don’t believe everything you read in media. Such a pity that those words are being
taken to heart and mind, as they are the opposite of what was drummed into our heads
by our mentors, i.e., journalism is the purveyor of truth and possible transformation.

Not even pictures described as saying a thousand words can be believed, as editors cut
and paste as they do words, to eliminate bulges in a subject’s chin, erase creases from
one’s forehead, or add a flourish or two to make him/ her look picture-pretty.

Electoral campaigns, whether abroad or here, are characterized by awful lies to

downgrade opponents and make them look terribly unfit for positions they aspire for. In
past Philippine presidential elections, the art of destruction was so intense it left a bad
taste in the mouth. Some of the accusations were true, but most of them were simply
speculative and false. On television today, one can see saliva dripping from the corners
of critics’ mouths, or the satanic fierceness in their eyes as they demolish the target of
their assassination. There is a term for today’s head hunting bloggers: bastes.

The truthful journalist’s weapon against charges of false and malicious reporting
was and possibly continues to be - libel. One must be proven without a doubt that he
was out to malign the subject, and a sane court, analyzing the facts of the case and
finds the respondent not guilty, will throw the petition out of the window.

Such is the case with social media. It can be used to prop up or destroy an
individual and/or commercial product. And who is to distinguish the truth and falsehood
of social media reporting?

Imtiaz Ali of Tech Mead writes of the positive effects of social media, mainly that
social networks helping businesses in a variety of ways.

“Traditional marketing mediums such as the radio, TV commercials and print ads
are completely obsolete now and demand for thousands of dollars,” he writes.
“However, with social media the businesses can connect with their targeted customers
for free, the only cost is energy and time. Through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or
anyother social site you can lower your marketing cost to a significant level.

“The increasing popularity of social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn,
social networks has gained attention as the most viable communication choice for the
bloggers, article writers and content creators

“These social networking sites have opened the opportunity for all the writers and
bloggers to connect with their tech savvy clients to share your expertise and articles.
Your audience will further share your articles, blog or expertise in their social circle
which further enhance your networks of the followers.

“Social networks have removed all the communication and interaction barriers,
and now one can communicate his/her perception and thoughts over a variety of topics.
Students and experts are able to share and communicate with like-minded people and
can ask for the input and opinion on a particular topic

“Another positive impact of social networking sites is to unite people on a huge

platform for the achievement of some specific objective. This is very important to bring
the positive change in society.”

On the other hand, one of the negative effects of social media or network is it
leads to addiction. “Spending countless hours on the social sites can divert the focus
and attention from a particular task. It lowers the motivational level of the people,
especially of the teenagers and students. They mainly rely on technology and the
internet instead of learning the practical knowledge and expertise of the everyday life.”

“Kids can be greatly affected by these social networking sites if they are allowed
to use them. The reason is that sometimes people share photos on social media that
contains violence and sex, which can damage the behavior of kids and teenagers. It
puts the negative impact on overall society as these kids and teenagers involve
themselves in crime -related activities.”

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