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Assignment 3 is the continuation of Assignment 2

1. Discuss the structuring of the company during the recommendation of the decision makings.
The structuring is based on Chapter 9 with the criteria as below:-
a) Tall VS Flat Structure

Large, complex organizations often require a taller hierarchy. In its simplest form, a tall
structure results in one long chain of command similar to the military. As an organization
grows, the number of management levels increases and the structure grows taller. In a tall
structure, managers form many ranks and each has a small area of control.

Although tall structures have more management levels than flat structures, there is no
definitive number that draws a line between the two.

Flat structures have fewer management levels, with each level controlling a broad area or
group. Flat organizations focus on empowering employees rather than adhering to the chain of
command. By encouraging autonomy and self-direction, flat structures attempt to tap into
employees’ creative talents and to solve problems by collaboration.

Tall Structure Pros And Cons

The pros of tall structures lie in clarity and managerial control. The narrow span of control
allows for close supervision of employees. Tall structures provide a clear, distinct layers with
obvious lines of responsibility and control and a clear promotion structure.

Challenges begin when a structure gets too tall. Communication begins to take too long to
travel through all the levels. These communication problems hamper decision-making and
hinder progress.

Flat Structure Pros And Cons

Flat organizations offer more opportunities for employees to excel while promoting the larger
business vision. That is, there are more people at the “top” of each level. For flat structures to
work, leaders must share research and information instead of hoarding it. If they can manage to
be open, tolerant and even vulnerable, leaders excel in this environment.

Flatter structures are flexible and better able to adapt to changes. Faster communication makes
for quicker decisions, but managers may end up with a heavier workload. Instead of the
military style of tall structures, flat organizations lean toward a more democratic style.
The heavy managerial workload and large number of employees reporting to each boss
sometimes results in confusion over roles. Bosses must be team leaders who generate ideas and
help others make decisions. When too many people report to a single manager, his job becomes
impossible. Employees often worry that others manipulate the system behind their backs by
reporting to the boss; in a flat organization, that means more employees distrusting higher
levels of authority.

b) Centralized VS Decentralized
An organizational structure is the outline of a company’s framework and guidelines for
managing business operations. Small business owners are usually responsible for creating their
companies' organizational structure, which is usually an extension of the owner’s personality,
management style and characteristics. Two types of organizational structures are found in the
business environment: centralized and decentralized. Each structure offers advantages and
disadvantages for business owners.

Structural Advantages of Centralized Organizations

Centralized organizations can be extremely efficient regarding business decisions. Business

owners typically develop the company’s mission and vision, and set objectives for managers
and employees to follow when achieving these goals.

Use of Expertise in Decentralized Organizations

Decentralized organizations utilize individuals with a variety of expertise and knowledge for
running various business operations. A broad-based management team helps to ensure the
company has knowledgeable directors or managers to handle various types of business

Structural Disadvantages of Centralized Organizations

Centralized organizations can suffer from the negative effects of several layers of bureaucracy.
These businesses often have multiple management layers stretching from the owner down to
frontline operations. Business owners responsible for making every decision in the company
may require more time to accomplish these tasks, which can result in sluggish business

Structural Disadvantages of Decentralized Organizations

Decentralized organizations can struggle with multiple individuals having different opinions on
a particular business decision. As such, these businesses can face difficulties trying to get
everyone on the same page when making decisions.

Additional Considerations for Organizational Structure

Business owners should carefully consider which type of organizational structure to use in
their company. Small organizations typically benefit from centralized organizational structures
because owners often remain at the forefront of business operations. Larger organizations
usually require a more decentralized structure since such companies can have several divisions
or departments. Business owners may need to consider changing the organizational structure
depending on the growth and expansion of business operations.

General Misconceptions of Planning Time

Organizational structures do not always require significant amounts of planning time. Many
businesses have organizational structures that simply evolve during the business’s lifetime.

Business owners often set the tone based on how they manage employees. Employees will
perceive how the owner handles different business situations and simply adjust their work style
accordingly. This will create an organizational structure by default, with no serious planning

c) Organic VS Mechanistics

The mechanistic organizational structure is the most common business structure and is
typically used in a manufacturing environment. This type of organizational structure is
bureaucratic, which means it employs a highly centralized authority figure. A set of formal
procedures, functions and processes are implemented throughout the organization under a
mechanistic organizational structure.

In this type of organization, employees tend to work separately on their own tasks, which are
handed down through a chain of command. Company-wide decisions are left to employees
who reside at the top of the hierarchical chain and communication is passed from the top down.
Written communication tends to dominate within this type of structure.

An organizational chart in the mechanistic organizational structure would typically include the
Chief Executive Officer, executives, supervisors, managers and support personnel. Individual
specialization is prominent among employees at every level within this structure. An
organization is typically made of a network of positions based on an employee’s specialization
within the company. Usually, each person handles one task within the network of business

Within this structure, employees have little daily interaction with members of the structure’s
upper executives. Those upper-level employees normally hold tight control over the employees
below them, outlining processes and rules that must be adhered to throughout daily business

An organic organizational structure is a flat organization that allows for horizontal

communications and interactions and is more suited to creative businesses. This type of
organizational structure is decentralized, giving employees at all levels a chance to participate
in business-related decision making.

Businesses with an organic structure often encourage group participation and the sharing of
work responsibilities. Communication channels are open to employees, managers and business
owners and contact between all levels of employees usually occurs on a regular basis. Lower-
level employees tend to have more face-time with executives than in a mechanistic
organization. The type of communication most often used in organic structures is verbal.

The flat nature of organic businesses allows this type of organizational structure to be more
flexible to change if needed. Employees take part in a joint specialization based on the jobs at
hand, providing expertise on a wide array of functions within the business. Status is tied to the
perceived intelligence and aptitude of the employee rather than their position within the
company. In an organic structure, the business is made up of a network of people or teams who
work together in varying capacities to achieve the goals of the business.

2. Conclude your report by providing:-

a) the Post Decision Justification
b) Contigency Plan


The structure of the company states the overall efficiency and productivity of the operations. The
structure depends upon the nature of the organization and the number of employees. a) Tall vs.
For assignment 2, you need to form a team of 3 or 4 people.
Find a company that had a famous issue where people around the world debate about it. Your
team is an outsourced consultant of the company to solve the issue. Provide a report to the Board
of Directors based on the criteria as below:
1) Discuss the effectiveness of your team decision making using the Team Effectiveness
Model in Chapter 5
Team effectiveness is the capacity of a group of people, usually with complementary
skills, to work together to accomplish goals set out by an authority, members, or leaders
of the team. Team effectiveness models help us understand the best management
techniques to get optimal performance from our teams.
Effective Team Decision-Making Process Teams are particularly effective in problem
solving as they are comprised of people with complementary skills. These
complementary skills allow team members to examine issues from various angles, as well
as see the implications of their decisions from a variety of perspectives. In this section we
will look at a process that can help teams solve problems and make ‘good’ decisions. In
essence, teams make decisions using problem solving techniques. Thus, the process
largely rests on the selection of a course of action following the evaluation of two or
more alternatives. To effectively navigate this path, the following step-by-step approach1
can be used. 1. Recognize the problem. Teams must see and recognize that a problem
exists and that a decision needs to be made to move forward. While on its face this step
appears elementary, many teams do not always recognize that there is an issue that needs
to be addressed due to issues such as group think. 2. Define the problem. In this stage,
teams must map out the issue at hand. During this step, teams should: o State how, when,
and where members became aware of the problem o Explore different ways of viewing
the problem – different ways of viewing the problem can lead to an improved
understanding of the ‘core’ problem o Challenge any assumptions that are made about the
problem to ensure that the team fully sees the ‘real’ issue at hand. 3. Gather information.
Once the problem has been defined, teams need to gather information relevant to the
problem. Why do teams need to perform this step? Two reasons: (1) to verify that the
problem was defined correctly in step 2; and (2) to develop alternative solutions to the
problem at hand. 4. Develop Alternative Solutions. While it can be easy for teams to
‘jump on’ and accept the first solution, teams that are effective in problem solving take
the time to explore several potential solutions to the problem. Some ways to generate
alternatives include: a. Brainstorming. During this process teams are encouraged to come
up with as many ways as possible to solve the problem at hand. While brainstorming can
help generate creative solutions to problems, a few guidelines are needed to help it work
most effectively. no criticism of any ideas during the brainstorming phase; all ideas,
no matter how silly, get recorded; get past the sillies - sometimes very creative, and
viable, solutions come after people have made what appear to be ‘silly’ suggestions. b.
Ask Questions. Network with colleagues internal and external to the organization to get
their ideas and suggestions. c. Explore. Read journals/books, go to networking functions,
and attend conferences etc. that cover similar issues. Also be prepared to go outside of
the healthcare domain. Other industries may have faced similar issues and their solutions
can provide insights for you.

2) Discuss your decision making and creativity in solving the problem based on Chapter 7 .  
a) Explain the rational choice for the decision process by looking at both sides of the debatable
b) Explain the problem identification, challenges and effectiveness
c) What is your biased decision heruistics
d) What is your paralysed of choices


Your assignment is to write a 2-3-page paper in which you apply a critical thinking approach to
examining an experience that you have had this semester. Following is a list of possible
experiences from which to choose:

• Roommate conflict

• Planning an activity for a student organization

• Leading a meeting for a student organization

• Conflict within a student organization

• Evaluating a job offer

• Attending a diversity event sponsored by a student organization

• Utilizing campus resources to decide on a major

• Participation in a community service activity

• Participation in the Greek recruitment process

• Working at your part time job

• Deciding about involvement with faith activities

• Deciding about involvement with the use of substances

• Deciding about involvement with sexual activity

• Deciding about involvement with political activities

• Involvement with a team (collegiate, club, intramurals)

• Involvement with a performance ensemble


Look at the current pandemic situation of COVID 19 in different countries .Compare Donald
Trump’s decision making to open up the lockdown for USA and other countries decision to
maintain the lockdown.Based on the two different perspectives,decision making must be made
by weighing the positives vs negatives and forecasting the future outcome from the
decision.Provide a report of the lockdown decision making analysis of Covid 19 from two
different perspective using the following matrics;

a. Perform a Situation Analysis

b. Subject your decision to public scruitiny
c. Conduct a cost/benefit analysis
d. Assess the Risk/Reward Ratio
e. Make the decision
f. Bonus

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