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Chayanne Auxtero

Topic: Impacts of COVID-19 on Tourism Industry (Expository writing)

The tourism industry was one of the world's greatest markets, until the world
experience a pandemic in the 21st century, which is the COVID-19. Nowadays that
traveling is the most entertaining way to meet strangers and explore new places
and experience different cultures and beliefs.

Until the pandemic start some parts of the tourism industry which is the hotels,
restaurants, resorts, etc. are one of the most affected and being closed or bankrupt
because they have no guest or tourist to cater on.

The pandemic’s appearance is still sweeping the world, and numerous region and
states have closed borders with their own kinds of travel restriction due to the virus
transmission around the world.

So because of that some of the workers lost their jobs because of this situation that
we are facing right now.
Aidan lo Aranas

BSTM 212

Impact on Online Learning Platform (Expository Writing)

Today, we are now living in a world where technology plays big part of our
daily lives. Technology has been integrated into every aspect of modern life. It is
not possible in all but the most remote cultures to not be exposed to some sort of
technology on a daily basis. Technology allows humans to connect without the
limitations of geography. Regular face to face class is modified to online class.
Online learning is the newest and most popular form of distance education today
because of this pandemic. Within the past decade it has had a major impact on
postsecondary education. It is often referred to as “learning” among other terms.
However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” - the umbrella
term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional

Psychological health is essential to survive this online class. In normal

times, schools didn’t purposely set aside time for teaching non-academic “soft
skills” such as understanding, determination and self-care. That makes ramping up
the focus in a virtual setting, amid a set of challenging circumstances, even more
daunting. There’s a lot of fear and confusion, but not everyone is living in the same
pandemic. Some districts are stressing the emotional side of learning for all
kids before asking them to hit the books. Online classes do not offer the same
immediate and regular access to instructors and classmates as traditional face-to-
face classes. The communication typically takes place through e-mail and in virtual
discussion forums. While this can aid in learning technology, it negatively impacts
a student's ability to interact with teachers and professors, ask questions and get
immediate help. It also takes away some of the social and team-building that
occurs informally in college classrooms.

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