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Special Edition:
Inside this issue An Introduction to Mundane
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Briefly hig hlight your point o f interes t here.

Briefly hig hlight your point o f interes t here.

History of Mundane Mundane Astrology in its conception has always had two essential purposes.
Briefly hig hlight your point o f interes t here.

First, it attempts to explain history and events such as the rise and fall of empires,
By Steven Birchfield dynasties and religions by examining patterns and astronomical cycles. By
understanding these cycles their astrological significations, then it would be
⇒ Who was Abu Ma’shar?
possible to predict future events concerning dynasties, religions and rulers and
these same could be spared disaster if future troubles could be predicted and
By Steven Birchfield thereby averted or so influenced that the rulers could gain advantage over their
⇒ Medieval Technique in
Mundane Astrology Secondly, it attempts to explain and predict the natural influences of the world
By Martien Hermes such as the weather and natural forces such as pestilences, earthquakes, floods,
volcanoes etc. that in themselves has an influence on the essential state of being
of empires, dynasties and nations! Then, as today, a year of floods could
⇒ The year 2007 in the Neth- economically cripple a nation and its people just as effectively as a year of
erlands or Ingresses and drought.
how to delineate them

By Martien Hermes What this issue of Foundations will attempt to do, is give an oversight and
general outline of the history of Mundane astrology; its main actors, and the
techniques used by these astrologers. If one surfs the internet to find what the
modern conception of mundane astrology entails, you will unfortunately find only
Ptolemy listed as influencing Mundane astrology. In the words of one modern
New from Foundations! astrologer it was Ptolemy who ”laid the foundations” for the subsequent
astrologers. This is not true! In fact Ptolemy had only a small role in the
development of the mundane astrology appearing in medieval times (ca. 700—
1400 AD). Neither was Ptolemy’s mundane astrology the main influence in the
Renaissance Astrologers mundane considerations.

So who were the movers and innovators? What were their techniques? What is
the history of mundane astrology. Join us in this issue as we rediscover our true

The History of Mundane Astrology

There is generally accepted by the scholars and historians of scientific and astro-
nomical development, 3 distinct early stages of astrology. Mundane astrology is
most likely the oldest branch of astrology!

The first stage (ca. 1700 – 1600 B.C.E.) involves the omen lore of the ancient
cultures. The most extensive omen lore that has been uncovered is contained in a
compilation comprising some 68 tablets referred to as Enuma Anu Enlil. The tab-
available in PDF: lets themselves were found in the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (668-
William Ramesey’s 626 BC) in the ancient city of Nineveh,[1] and were copies, written in the 7th cen-
Astrologia Munda tury BC. However, evidence also suggests the collection of omens is much older

different in that there appears in this period the first zodiac

History of Mundane Astrology cont. and the placement of planets by their longitude in the signs
as opposed to the earlier placement of the planets relative
than the tablets found in the library, and the original series to fixed stars. There are also some significant differences in
may have been assembled somewhere probably back to the the astronomical observations of this period. These obser-
Old Babylonian period at the beginning of the 2nd millen- vations are much more sophisticated (similar to dia-
nium BC. There is no older recorded astrological record ries) containing much less omen lore and more astronomical
than these! Amongst these records is also the very contro- detail, e.g. the number of days in the preceding month; the
versial collection which is tablet 63 called, the Venus Tab- time between moonrise and sunset on the last day of the
lets of Ammizaduga. These are believed to have been com- month on which the moon rises before sunset; the times
posed under king Ammi-saduqa who ruled Babylon from between sunset and moonrise on the next day; the time be-
1646 to 1626 BC. These records list 21 years of Venus’ tween moonset and sunrise on the last day on which the
data for the consecutive first and last appearances of Venus moon sets before the sun rises; the time between sunrise
as an evening star and as a morning star. This data in- and moonset on the next day; the time between moonrise
cludes dates of the first and last appearances as a morning and sunrise on the last day on which the moon is visible;
star, as an evening star and durations of invisibility, along the longitudes of each of the planets in the signs of zodiac
with appropriate omens. The list of Venusian dates was they are situated in; details of eclipses; for each of the supe-
copied and recopied extensively, which some historians and rior planets, the date of its first or last visibility, the date on
scientists believe led to the embedding within the text, cer- which it starts or finishes retrograde motion, and the date
tain corrupt astronomical details.[2] This table became a on which it rises as the sun sets; the date of first or last
standard collection of astronomical and meteorological visibility of Venus or Mercury and conjunctions of the
omens, predicting favourable times for coronations, har- moon or planets with stars near the zodiac! Even more
vests and births. unique was the practice of recording the actual mundane
observations correlated with the preceding astronomical
An example of these texts is as follows: observations, e.g. the river level in Babylon; the price of
barley, dates, sesame, etc; the weather; if bad and any and
«If on the 25th of Tammuz Venus disappeared in the
all interesting news!
west, for 7 days remaining absent in the sky, and on the
2nd of Ab Venus was seen in the east, there will be
rains in the land; desolation will be wrought.» (Year 8) One of the most significant observations was the great at-
tention paid to the transits of Jupiter through the signs at
Astronomically what is happening is that Venus the rate of approximately one sign per year and a
“disappearing in the west” (occidental) occurs after her first "Metonic", or 19-year cycle with 7 extra months that were
station and is Rx moving under the Sun’s beams[3] for 7 the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn! Based on observing
days and then emerging from the Sun’s rays, still Rx, on the and compiling lists of phenomena and recurrence cycles of
7th day oriental of the Sun. It should be noted that, accord- the planets, these astronomers of this period could calcu-
ing to the later astrologers, it would be her retrogradation late, reasonably accurately, the positions of the planets at
while oriental that in fact rendered it somewhat malefic and any time in the future. Ptolemy records and modern schol-
not its orientality. I might also add this first period of an- arship does not dispute this that accurate and systematic
cient Babylonian astrology never conceived of a planets eclipse records were kept from 747 B.C.E. onward into the
apparent retrogradation in their astronomy! Hellenistic period after the conquests of Alexander the
There are references to Venus, as early as 3000
B.C.E. There is certain archaeological evidence from Uruk So already, by this time there was a sophisticated change.
on clay tablets that lead archeo-historians to believe that In the older omen lore, principally Venus, the Sun and
at this early stage, the symbols represented in tablet, carry Moon (lunations) are recorded. However, in this second
no more meaning than an early identification to some celes- period all of the planets are seen in relation to the signs
tial identity. One clay tablet found at the site says, “Star they were in and their relation to each other! It must be
Inanna”, and another contains symbols for the words “star, remembered that in the ancient omen lore, Venus for exam-
setting sun, Inanna”. Inanna is believed to be Venus, known ple was observed and events recorded on that isolated ob-
later as Ishtar. Eventually these same symbols developed, in servation. And this may have bearing on why, by the time
cuneiform writing, into a sign that means “god” and is
placed before the actual names of deities. If the relationship [1] modern Tell Kuyunjik, Iraq
between gods and the sky were not already explicit enough, [2] This is where the controversy lies which I will not go into as it is not
then this development in Mesopotamian writing particularly relevant to our discussion.
would appear to confirm it. [3]
This Rx conjunction was known as the lesser conjunction of the Sun.
[4] Uruk was an important early Sumerian city in southern Iraq.

The second stage,[5] while quite similar to the first, was [5] Beginning sometime between 700 to 450 B.C.E

and writings of the later 8th and 9th century Arabic and Per-
History of Mundane Astrology cont. sian astrologers.
personal horoscopy appears (ca. 400 B.C.E) a more compre- One possible explanation for this disappearance is that un-
hensive view of all the planets and their relationship to each der the Roman Empire, mundane prediction, i.e. prediction
other was in the making! There is no evidence that it is the of events concerning rulers, government and kingdoms, was
Greeks who made these changes! Plato says in his work prohibited. Likewise early Christianity and its influence put
that it was ‘foreigners’ (Chaldeans) that introduced the idea chains on serious investigation of mundane matters. It
of planets = Gods into Hellenistic culture at this time! It is would appear that this branch, the ‘mother’ branch if you
the fact that we actually know so little that is the problem will, was only kept alive in remote places only marginally
and there are several alternatives as to the chain of events. under Roman and Byzantine control, such as India and Per-
For example it is quite possible, even probable, in this same sia. As the Roman Empire split there is also some evidence
period under the Assyrian, Babylonian and then Persian of limited mundane prediction in the Byzantine Empire
empires that this doctrine also enters Egypt, particularly concerning rulers but based in large part on natal astrology
under the Babylonian Empire in 600 B.C.E. but probably concerning those rulers. And this is why I say there was a
the greatest cultural exchanges occurred under the Persian fourth stage of development in Western Astrology, which
Achaemenian Dynasty of Cyrus (and after Darius), the took place with the rise of the Arabic Empire; for it was in
King of Medo-Persia (550 B.C.E). Zoroastrianism was the the 700's that all vestiges of both eastern (Byzantine) and
Dynasty's largest religion and it was monotheistic. western Roman influence were ‘flushed’ from the middle
My point in this is to bring to the readers awareness that it
is just as possible and feasible that it is the Babylonians By 762, Baghdad was rebuilt and with it, in 813, was
themselves (perhaps with Persian influence) who, for exam- founded the House of Knowledge (Bait ha Hikma) estab-
ple, narrowed Venus’ scope in astrological matters while lishing a place in which to assimilate the wealth of knowl-
broadening the scope of all the planets significations! For edge the Arab Dynasty had inherited. Observatories were
example in the Medo-Persian Empire the deity, Mitra, was constructed near Baghdad and Damascus. Translation of
worshipped. In the Greek Herodotus' Histories (I.131) Mitra Greek, Syriac, Persian and Sanskrit literature, philosophical
is given as the Persian name for Aphrodite and the deities and scientific works were enthusiastically, if not passion-
significance was “Judge of Souls” and was assigned the ately, pursued. Astrologers, who had long fallen from favour
domain of human welfare, aiding in the destruction of evil in both Byzantine and Roman cultures, now found benefac-
and the administration of the world. It would appear that as tors and patrons in the Caliphs of the Islamic Empire.
astronomy became more sophisticated so did the ‘gods’.
Vedic Mitra is the patron divinity of honesty, friendship, It was amongst this cultural rebirth that we find the emer-
contracts and meetings. I think it is rather interesting to see gence of what can only be described as a blending of an-
that all these traits became astrologically attributed to the cient Babylonian Omen lore, Indian science and history and
Venus we know in the third stage of Classical Western as- the more contemporary astrological technical style of Hel-
trology along with the attributes worshipped most of Aph- lenistic astrology. This period provided the congregation of
rodite or Venus, i.e. fertility and rites of purification etc! several lines of astrology, i.e. that of the Hellenistic astrolo-
gers, Persian (or Chaldean) astrologers, and elements from
Thirdly is the emergence of a very complete personal horo- Indian Astrology. Without a doubt, this period and place
scopic astrology somewhere between 400 - 200 B.C.E. and became a «crossroads» and «conjunction» of the main as-
is the foundation and centre piece to what we have recorded trological influences, cultures and teachings.
in the Hellenistic astrological texts. While we lack many of
the earliest root texts attributed to such authors as The most important ‘renaissance’ in this period was the re-
Nechepso and Petosiris and Critedon etc, many of these emergence and development of mundane astrology. When
writings are embedded in the texts of authors such as Vet- you study the Arabic Era astrologers, there is an old world
tius Valens, Paulus, Porphyry, Firmicus Maternus and ‘feel’ to it just as much as there is new innovation. It con-
Rhetorius. What is unique is the scope and sophistication of tains the canons of much of the ancient Chaldean astrology
the astrology itself which seems to almost ‘magically’ ap- from the second stage epoch, with special emphasis on the
pear. The period 200 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. is interesting for a conjunctions of the superiors. In fact, many of the delinea-
couple of reasons. First, is that astrology is predominantly tions we find in Abu Ma'shar's work have ‘echoes’ from the
genethlialogical[6] along with cathartic[7] and secondly, distant past of Omen Lore.
mundane astrology[8] seems to vanish entirely! Historians
and scholars such as the late David Pingree, remark often
about this clear lack of historical record until the 3rd cen-
tury C.E and the Sassanian Dynasty in Persia. Yet even
[6] I.e. natal astrology
[7] I.e. astrology pertaining to elections and interrogations
those historical records are mostly embedded in the works [8] the earlier Chaldean astrology

ereignty,[12] he tells us something of his own contribution to

History of Mundane Astrology cont. the innovation of new methods of mundane prediction.
A typical example of Venus from the old omen tablets «The nature of the stars is specific, O most excellent
reads: Deucalion; their energy does not have a single dwelling-
place but a variegated [diversified] one and diverse
«In the month of Sivan, on the twenty fifth day, Nin- [characteristics] suitable for every type of astrological
sianna [that is, Venus] disappeared in the east; she influence, and each one of these things is especially
remained absent from the sky for two months, six days; made known in one generality for the active [planet] with
in the month Ulul on the 24th day, Ninsianna appeared regard to the disposition and characteristic emphasis
in the West - the heart of the land is happy. In the allotted to it, for example in wars Mars and in speech
month Nisan on the 27th day, Ninsianna disappeared in Mercury, and in agricultural matters Saturn, and in mat-
the West; she remained absent from the sky for seven ters of love Venus; for while these have [their nature]
days; in the month Ayar on the third day, Ninsianna thus, not only does Mars activate war, but Saturn also
appeared in the east - hostilities occur in the land, the accomplishes the ruin of kings and the taking of cities,
harvest of the land is successful.» as it is found in the mundane astrological influences.
But Mars also makes arsons, pestilential sicknesses,
As you can read, each phase of Venus is recorded and an droughts, and scarcities of fruits. Similarly too, Mercury
‘omen’ corresponds to the phases. First Venus is oriental [makes] armed robberies and disorders and irregulari-
ties in life, or else it is called “the messenger”, and it
and direct ‘disappearing in the east’ where she is under the
awards peace.
Sun beams while direct it takes over two months until she
reappears in the west (occidental) and ‘the heart of the land Similarly too, in genethliacal astrological influences, we
is happy’. Then of course she reaches the limit of her find the stars acting one way and another and signifying
course, stations and retrogrades ‘disappearing in the west’ in accordance with their configurations and their alterna-
while she is combust again and emerges in the east (still tions of houses - [sometimes] indeed the malefics acting
moving Rx) and they say hostilities occur in the land and as benefics and the benefics being inactive, but still the
the harvest is successful etc. astrological influences are activated in accordance with
the chart and the determination of their individual de-
grees. And in view of this, the wise men of astrology
Curiously, we find this same type of delineation in Abu made use of the stars by a mixture of their natures - not
Ma'shar for example when Venus was in Leo and it was the only distinguishing [them] in their most individual
Lady of the Year or a time-lord he says: [significances] and according to [the nature of] each but
also in those [significances] that are the most general
«If it [Venus] is at its greatest distance [when she sta- and specialized - for example, about war; and they used
tions], it indicates that disasters come to kings or to all the stars and also the lights for working with a single
some of their women. If it is retrograde, it indicates an- chart.
ger occurring to kings, and grief and anxieties. If it is
under the rays, it indicates disasters occurring to And I kept this in mind because I know that military
the women of kings. If it becomes visible in it [i.e. methods are seldom found in [the books of] the an-
emerging from combustion], it indicates an abundance cients, other than that from the mundane astrological
of honour for kings and nobles, the soundness of affairs influences [we can see that] there is going to be war
of the rulers, the breaking out of illness resulting and captivity in this or that land, neglecting of course the
from heat and humidity, together with a large number of more particular things, and in particular the expeditions
rumours and wars, and a large number of beasts of or counter-expeditions that are made, [the rise of] ty-
[9] rants, and those actions that are done in season and
are provoked, I say, by two armies when they are en-
Echoing his ancient forbearers, Abu Ma’shar gives distinct
significations for each of Venus’ phases in relation to the
Sun. By this time however, delineations and significations [9] Volume I, Part Five, Chapter Four, §[8], Abu Ma’sar On Historical
are somewhat more sophisticated and included such obser- Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Con-
vations as stations and retrogradation. What occurred in junctions), by Abu Ma’shar; translated and edited from the original Arabic
this period was a unique blending of Hellenistic technique by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett; published by Brill©2000
with, by all appearances, the remnants of very ancient omen
By innovations, I do not mean invention, but rather a new application
lore! of axioms, method and postulates in astrology to an extant body of work.
The word innovate comes from the Latin word, innovare, meaning,
“renew” or “alter”. For example, progressions are a late medieval invention
In this convergence, there were some obvious innovations rather than an innovation and were the creation of a new method.
in the joining of mundane and genethliacal astrology. [11] See the discussion by David Pingree in the Oxford Dictionary of
For example, we have the personal testimony of the Greek Byzantium (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. 3 vols.).
astrologer, Theophilus of Edessa, who was court astrologer [12] This treatise was dedicated to his son, Deucalion, and while the entire

to the Caliph al-Mahdî.[11] In the introduction to his trea- text is extant in the original Greek, only the introduction has been critically
tise, Works on Elections for Wars and Campaigns and Sov- edited by F. Cumont in CCAG V.1, pp. 233-234

History of Mundane Astrology cont.

camped facing and attacking each other, of which it was to the final ends of things, because the ends of things
difficult to find accurate day-by-day accounts in the indicate destruction of their orderly arrangements after
books of the ancients. their perfection, and corruption of their regularity....The
greater luminary and its influences...came to indicate
And, having turned my mind to this, I thought it neces- kings and masters, since they are distinguished more
sary to make a change and to draw from the genethlia- strongly than others.....the inferior planets and their in-
cal and horary systems some elections for war that fluences...came to indicate the occurrence of things of
have plausibility together with the truth, since I had also short period and duration, because of their relation to
really had the proof of these in many [instances] - hav- the third movement and the swiftness of their motion.
ing been forced, as you knew, by those ruling at that The divisions of the three inferior planets, as it were,
time to take these things in hand, at the time when we follow the first three divisions in indication because of
made the expedition with them into the eastern regions the strength of the first divisions’ compulsion over them
in the country of Margiane,[13] and [there] we suffered and their connection with them. Related to the highest
successive military calamities, with much cold and an of the inferior planets, i.e. to Venus, is the indication for
inclement winter, as well as with much fear and count- marriages, clothes, and the like, since it corresponds to
less controversies. the first division, indicating beginnings. Related to the
planet next to it in order, i.e. Mercury is the indication for
But, while arranging these elections into some physical writing, calculation, and the like, since it corresponds to
conformity of order, I have neglected none of the things the second division, indicating perfections. Related to
that are needed and required in connection with military the planet next to it and third in order, i.e. to the Moon,
affairs, and I have composed a book entirely for this is the indication for movement, migration, journeys, and
[purpose], having the military elections along with those the like, since it corresponds to the third division, indi-
for information about tyrants and cities that are being cating declines.»
besieged and such like.
As you can see, these significations are not typically Helle-
But it is necessary [that] you approach this treatise with
nistic. As just a side note, it should be obvious from what is
great care and diligence, and by [using] the meagre
theory make for yourself a combination of the influences written here why it is not the “type of Sun” that character-
of the signs and the stars, I mean of the planets and the izes a nation. It was Saturn that signified for the beginnings
fixed stars, and the luminaries, and the lots that are of new kingdoms and dynasties in this classical approach to
there and their rulers, and you will not err, if God is will- mundane astrology, not the Sun, which is simply ‘fall out’
ing.» from modern Sun sign astrology. But we also find in his
mundane techniques this ‘borrowing’ from genethliacal
This is an interesting statement by Theophilus since it astrology. For example in Abu Ma’shar’s method of finding
could well indicate that he was the astrologer who first put out the length of a rulers’ rule he says,
together the things to be considered in charts concerning
War such as we find repeated later by Sahl, Haly and finally «[19] As for knowing the quantity of their life spans from
in Bonatti’s treatise On War. But equally interesting is his [15]
the second division, - i.e. from the time of their acces-
use of not only what appears to be a general teaching, “…as sion – one looks for it from the Ascendant and from the
it is found in the mundane astrological influences” but also midheaven, and one derives for it the haylāğ and kad-
he joins these to the genethliacal teachings where we find hudāh just as one does in nativities. Then one moves
“…the stars acting one way and another and signifying in the degree of the Ascendant for his body, and <that
of> the midheaven for his authority, and the periods for
accordance with their configurations and their alternations both of them are rotated together. Then, if the proroga-
of houses.” We find both of these influences in the follow- tion and the period of the two together arrive at misfor-
ing astrologers like Abu Ma’shar who describes the general
significations of the planets in mundane astrology in this
wise, [13] This is the Greek name for the city Khorâsân, which today is a province

of NE Iran. Cumont thinks this campaign probably took place in the winter
«Related to the superior planet furthest from the world of 757-758, when the local ruler raised an insurrection, and troops were
of generation and corruption, i.e. to Saturn, is the indi- sent by the Caliph al-Mansûr to put down the rebellion.
cation for matters of Beginnings like religions, dynas- [14] Volume I, Part One, Chapter One, §[7], Abu Ma’sar On Historical
ties, and whatever lasts for a long time, since it is like Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Con-
the beginning for the other celestial bodies in terms of junctions), by Abu Ma’shar; translated and edited from the original Arabic
height. Related to the planet following it in order, i.e. to by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett; published by Brill©2000
Jupiter, is the indication for laws and the like, which are [15] The reference is to the two kinds of methods he mentions earlier in this
the culminations in perfection for the other things, which discussion where he advocates using the chart of the ingress of the Sun
are preliminary and initiatory. Related to the third of into Aries for the year the ruler accedes as well as the chart of the time the
these planets in order, i.e. to Mars, is the indication for ruler accedes to power.
wars, strifes, and the like, being, as it were, the decline [16] Cf. Tetrabiblos, IV, 10, ed. Robbins, p.449

of worldly events. For example, we find that today this con-

History of Mundane Astrology cont. ception is attached to the Saros cycles of solar eclipses.
Any two eclipses separated by one Saros cycle share very
tune, one judges the cutting off <of life>. If the corrup-
similar mechanical characteristics. They occur at the same
tion is of one of them without the other, one should
judge from that corruption. If the degree of the Ascen- node with the Moon at the same distance from Earth and at
dant arrives at the malefics, and the misfortune is the same time of year. Bernadette Brady, for example, has
strong, one should judge cutting off for him. If <the mis- written,
fortune> is not <strong>, one should judge illness for
him, if the prorogation from the degree of the mid- «These families or cycles have beginnings, middles
heaven is sound. If the corruption is from their motion and ends, and were first discovered by the Babylonians.
without the (?) Ascendant, one judges corruption of the Any one cycle will run for well over a thousand years,
government. If corruption is from the two, one judges making the study of individual eclipses equivalent to
cutting off. » sitting and watching a giant hardwood tree grow.»[21]

Here Abu Ma’shar is clearly and deliberately ‘borrowing’ a What Ms. Brady does not recount in her excellent work on
technique straight out of the teaching of the Hellenistic eclipses is that this conception and astronomical conven-
genethliacal branch of astrology which we find in Doro- tion was the very heart and soul of the conjunctions of all
theus for example where a ‘hyleg’ and ‘Alchocoden’ is de- the planets and in particular those of Jupiter and Saturn. In
termined and from which we are to make a judgment con- the same way that Saros cycles had beginnings, middles and
cerning the length of years of the ruler as well as direct the ends, so do the greater conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn.
Ascendant and Midheaven through the terms (in ascen- In fact, all of these conjunctions, including the eclipse cy-
sional degrees) to support the delineation and find out the cles were presented in a hierarchical form by the Medieval
‘when’ of delineation! Arabic astrologers; especially Abu Ma’shar.

This period did not only see the fusion of an established «[12] Since the things from which to deduce advanced
genethliacal body of astrology with ancient omen lore, but knowledge of the occurrences of general <types of
it also was a fusion of distinct Indian teachings.[18] events> and their particular instances in future times are
gained from six elements, <here they are:> The first is
from the celestial bodies’ positions in the horoscopes of
The mundane astrology which emerged contained a particu- the revolution of the years in which the conjunction of
lar teaching concerning what should be considered as the the two superior planets
occurs in the spring tropical
‘beginning’ of mundane matters and the relationship of as- [23]
sign, happening every 960 solar years.
tronomical cycles to history.[19] This particular doctrine
concerned the return of all the heavenly bodies to some [13] The second is from the celestial bodies’ positions in
place where they originated[20] and the implication that the horoscopes of the revolutions of the years in which
each return brings about a similar, if not the same, sequence their conjunction occurs when they shift from one triplic-
ity to another, occurring every 240 solar years.
[17] ‘Cutting off’ refers to the rulers demise and fall from power which at that
[14] The third is from the celestial bodies’ positions in
time was usually because of his death! the horoscopes of the revolutions of the years in which
[18] With the Indian astrologers came their astronomical theories and ta- [24]
the conjunction of the two malefics occurs in Cancer,
bles, which were based upon the concepts of a grand conjunction at some and from the period of their conjunction in it, occurring
remote epoch and of an integer number of revolutions or cycle of the plan- every 30 years.
ets in a certain time period. Furthermore, unlike Ptolemy's tables, the
Indian tables gave positions in a fixed zodiac. These principles had al- [15] The fourth is from the celestial bodies’ positions in
ready passed to the Persians two centuries earlier. The result was a set of the horoscopes of the revolution of the years in which
tables, such as the Zîj al-Shâh or Tables of the King, which were similar their conjunction occurs in each sign, happening every
but not identical to the Indian tables. Both Mâshâ'allâh and Abu Ma’shar 20 years.
utilized these or similar tables in preparing their "astrological World histo-
ries” rather than Ptolemy’s astronomical tables when calculating the supe- [19] As for the fifth <element>, it is from the celestial
rior planets positions. Their greatest contribution was to make known to bodies’ positions in the horoscopes of the times at
the Arabs the Indian invention of special signs for the numerals; or what which the conjunctional and oppositional Beginnings[25]
we have mistakenly called Arabic numerals because it was through Arabic
arrive which precede the parallelism[26] of the greater
writings that Western Europeans became aware of them. Prior to this
period, the Arabs, like the Greeks, had used the numerical values as-
signed to the letters of the alphabet, so that the Arabic letter dal, like the
Greek letter delta, had to serve not only as the letter d but also as the [21] The Saros Cycle - Eclipses come in Families, by Bernadette Brady -
numeral 4. The Indians had also invented a symbol for zero, which was
[22] I.e. Saturn and Jupiter
lacking in the Arabic and Greek alpha-numerals.
[19] Kankah the Indian astrologer, who came to the courts of Al Mansur, [23] I.e. the sign Aries
[24] I.e. Saturn and Mars
wrote two books on the Conjunctions of the planets for example.
[20] This was called the World Year. [26] I.e. the transit or ingress of the Sun into the sign of Aries

count of Abu Ma’shar’s life and works is found in the refer-

History of Mundane Astrology cont. ence work of Ibn an-Nadim,[2] the Kitab al-Fihrist.[3] The
other source is in the text of another treatise entitled, Albu-
luminary with the point of the beginnings of the tropical
masar in Sadan, by Peter of Abano.[4] This text was trans-
signs and at the time of its parallelism with them.
lated and paraphrased in recent times by Lynn Thorndike.[5]
[20] The sixth is from the celestial bodies’ positions in
the horoscopes of the times at which conjunctional and Abu> Ma’šar Ga’far ibn Mohammad ibn ‘Umar al-Balh~i>
oppositional Beginnings arrive which precede the paral- (Albumassar in the West) was born in Balh~ in the Persian
lelism of the greater luminary with the beginnings of province of H~ura>sa>n[6] in 787 AD and died in al-Wa>sit ~in
<each of> the signs and at the time of its parallelism central Iraq in 886 AD. As a young man, we are told that
with the point of their beginnings. Abu Ma’shar was a student of the Hadith,[7] which meant
that he was probably studying to enter some form of the
[21] In the presence of one of these times that we have
defined, one looks at the horoscopes of those times, Islamic priesthood. The probable truth of the matter is that
and the location of the celestial bodies’ in them, and all he began his career[8] as an expert in Hadith and brought to
their natural and accidental conditions <which result> Baghdad as part of the intellectual elite. However, by the
from their essence
and from <their relation to> the age of 30-40, it is recounted that he became a student of
Sun and the sphere,[28] and one discovers (1) the na- astrology largely due the influence of al-Kindî (Ya‘qûb ibn
ture of their indication from the planets which have pre- Ish`âq al-Kindî) the Philosopher of the Arabs.
dominance over the principal positions, and (2) the time
of it according to what the indicators point out.»[29] In 825, as a result of a quarrel with al-Kindî, Abu Ma’shâr
realised that to understand philosophical arguments he must
While this thought on ‘beginnings’ and cycles existed in study mathematics in all its forms including astrology. Ac-
ancient Greek thought[30] it was only in Babylonian (and
later Sassanian) and Indian astrology that it developed to a
particular and specific practice. [1] This article is available from Robert’s web site as a downloadable PDF

document at
It is these innovations and teachings which ultimately made [2] Abu'l-Faraj Muhammad bin Ishaq al-Warraq (original Arabic), living in

their way into Europe in the late medieval period through the 10th century, was an Arabic or Persian bookseller and calligrapher who
astrologers like Guido Bonatti and made up the body of copied manuscripts for sale.
[3] The Fihrist, or Kitab al-Fihrist, (published in 938 AD), was an index of
mundane astrology in the renaissance of people like Wil-
all books written in Arabic, whether by Arabs or non-Arabs. It also con-
liam Ramesey who compiled a long treatise called Astrolo-
tained relevant biographical information of many of the principle authors of
gia Munda.[31] the works it indexed. It lists the titles only of those books that he had seen
Steven Birchfield ©2007 himself or whose existence was vouchsafed by a trustworthy person. The
Fihrist of an-Nadim, 2 volumes, translated by B. Dodge, New York and
London 1970
[27] I.e. their natural significations [4] Petrus de Abano (later anglicised to Peter of Abano) was born, ca.
[28] I.e. whether combust, retrograde, oriental or occidental of the Sun and
1250, in Italy. He studied a long time in Paris, where he earned degrees
accidental signification derived from their house position and the house(s)
as a Doctor in philosophy and physics. His major written works were the
they rule.
[29] Volume I, Part One, Chapter One, §[7], Abu Ma’sar On Historical
Heptameron or Magical Elements and Conciliator differentiarum phi-
losophorum et precipue medicorum, which was an attempt to create
Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Con-
some crossover between the very opposite arts of physicians and philoso-
junctions), by Abu Ma’shar; translated and edited from the original Arabic
phers. Unfortunately, for him, during the height of the Inquisition, his
by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett; published by Brill©2000
[30] See G. De Calastay, Annus Platonicus, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1997
knowledge of physics and philosophy was equated with witchcraft and
[31] This was in fact the fourth treatise of his book Astrology Restored.
magic, and he was incarcerated, and placed on trial. He was charged with
accusations, and unfounded claims concerning his practises and personal
beliefs. It was highly likely that he would have been found guilty of these
accusations and burnt alive, had he survived his trial. In 1316, he died
Who is Abu Ma’shar? aged sixty-six, alone in his cell.
[5] Lynn Thorndike is an historian of science at Columbia University in New

Robert Zoller, in an earlier article on Abu Ma’shar, entitled York City and author of the 8 volume, History of Magic and Experimen-
the article, Abu Ma’shar Prince of Astrologers.[1] This hon- tal Science. In 1954, he published the article, Albumasar in Sadan, in
the scholarly journal Isis. The article was the first full account of a bio-
orific was by no means an exaggeration. There is perhaps graphical treatise of the same name written by Peter of Abano.
no other astrologer in history who has been cited and Thorndike’s paraphrase and free translation of two manuscripts is still the
quoted to such a degree and had such a long reaching im- only English version available.
pact on astrology and philosophy as Abu Ma’shar. [6] The ruins of Balh are in present day Afghanistan.
[7] The Hadith, or al-Hadîth, are a written collection of originally oral tradi-

There are two primary sources of biographical information tions relating to the words and deeds of Muhammad. These were used as
concerning Abu Ma’shar. The first and fullest ancient ac- references in matters of religious law, custom and history.
[8] Probably at the beginning of the al-Ma’mun caliphate (813 – 833 C.E.)

So I think we have to accept the idea that Albumazar

Who is Abu Ma’shar cont... made astrology as Aristotelian as it became.»

cording to David Pingree, Charles Burnett confirms this evaluation further in the ap-
pendix on Sources and Doctrines of his translation of the
«He henceforth devoted his energies to expounding the Arabic text, On the Great Conjunctions.
philosophical and historical justifications of astrology,
and to discoursing on and exemplifying the practical
«From its subject matter, one would assume that natu-
efficacy of this science. In this effort he drew upon ele-
ral philosophy would not have a significant role in The
ments of all the diverse intellectual traditions to which
Book of Religions and Dynasties. Yet Abu Ma’shâr uses
he was almost uniquely heir.»[9] terminology from natural philosophy and attempts to
accommodate the work to the Aristotelian world view at
We know little of his early life in Balh` as most of his biog- every point. This is particularly obvious at the very be-
raphy is recounted from the activity of his later life in ginning of the work where, instead of locating historical
Baghdad where he lived by the Hurâsân Gate. Living in astrology within the science of the stars, he marks out
Baghdad, which was a flourishing centre for arts and sci- its position within natural philosophy.»
ences, he came into fellowship with not only al-Kindî, but
most of his contemporaries in Baghdad were some of this Abu Ma’shâr became famous not only as the leading au-
medieval periods greatest minds such as Tâbit ibn Qurra, thority on astrology but also as a court astrologer and a
Muh`ammad ibn Mûsâ l-H`wârizmî and the scholars in the professional astrologer who travelled throughout the East in
Bayt al-h`ikma (“House of Wisdom”). the service of several Indian, Persian, Arab and Egyptian
heads of state. Abu Ma’shâr rose to become, in the words of
There were many astrologers who contributed to the mun- Ibn al-Qifti, “the teacher of the people of Islam concerning
dane astrology of this period. The relevant Arabic writings the influences of the stars.” While maintaining a strict ad-
that survive are attributed to Zarâdušt, Gâmâsb, herence to the tenets of Islam, he allowed students to adopt
Mâshâ’allâh, Kankah al-Hîndî, ‘Umar ibn al-Farruh`ân,[10] ‘heretical’ views. For instance, his astrological interpreta-
Sahl ibn Bišr, al-Kindî, an-Nayrîzî, al-Battânî, Ibn Kibriyâ’ tion of History indicated the inherent impermanence of all
an-Nawbah`tî, as-Sig^zî, Ibn Mâg^ûr, Ibn Abi^ r-Rig^^a^l, and human institutions, including those of the dominant relig-
Muh`yi^ d-Di^n al-Mag^ribi^. However, the most highly devel- ion and secular powers of his time! Abu Ma’shâr himself
oped forms of the art of mundane astrology belonged to the advised several rebels against the authority of the caliph. It
most prolific and most widely read astrologer of this period, was his enormous reputation that protected him from perse-
Abu Ma’shâr. cution although he did receive a flogging during the caliph-
ate of al-Mustain (862-866) because of his practice of as-
Not only did he set the standard for mundane astrological trology.
practice, but he also established the philosophical forms. In
a recent article written by Rob Hand he states, Some 50 books and treatises are attributed to Abu Ma’shâr.
Not all deal explicitly with astrology but are mathematical
«Now, after about 800 C.E. or in the 800’s C.E., Arabic and astronomical tables and philosophical works. Abu
astrology underwent a philosophical revolution. This Ma’shâr’s best known astrological writings are extant in the
was largely conducted by one man: Albumazar (in the original Arabic and nearly all of them are now translated or
Latinised form of his name, Abu Ma’shâr (d. 886 C.E.) under translation into English! The following is a list of all
in Arabic). Albumazar took the somewhat Aristotelian
these works:
science of astrology and turned it into a completely Aris-
totelian science. This was so much so that when Albu-
mazar’s texts were translated into Latin, the West The Great Introduction to the Science of Astrology –
learned its Aristotelian physics from the astrology texts (Kitab al-mudkhal al-kabir ila ‘ilm ahkam al-nujum)
of Albumazar. This has been demonstrated in massive
work written in late 60’s by the late Richard Lemay.[11] I This is probably the most influential text coming to Europe
have looked throughout historical literature to see if in the 12th century. It was translated by both John of Seville
there are any serious challenges to his thesis, but I
have not found any; it seems to be generally accepted.
[12] On Matter and Form in Astrology, by Rob Hand ©2006. The article
was first published in an abbreviated form in Geocosmic Journal for
autumn 2006. This is the complete, unabridged article which covers con-
[9] From David Pingree’s entry for Abu Ma’shâr in his Dictionary of Scien-
siderably more ground than the version in the journal.
tific Biography [13] Sources and Doctrines, Abu Ma’sar On Historical Astrology; The
[10] Omar of Tiberias
Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions), edited
[11] Richard Lemay, Abu Ma’shar and Latin Aristotelianism in the
and translated from the Arabic original by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles
Twelfth Century; the Recovery of Aristotle’s Natural Philosophy through Burnett, 2 Volumes published by Brill Publishers ©2000
Arabic Astrology (Beirut: 1962), passim.

It was only recently published as Abû Ma’šâr On Historical

Who is Abu Ma’shar cont... Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the
and Hermann of Carinthia. [14]
The critical Latin text has
Great Conjunctions), translated and edited by Keiji Yama-
moto and Charles Burnett, 2 volumes published by Brill
been published by Richard Joseph Lemay through the Uni-
Publishers ©2000.
versity Institute of Oriental Studies in 1996.[15] This text is
under translation to the English from the Arabic original by
Charles Burnett and hopefully we will find this published in Flores astrologie or Liber florum, ("The Flowers of Astrol-
ogy" or "The Book of Flowers")
the near future.
This is a shorter and more general work on mundane astrol-
The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology
ogy that focused on how to delineate revolutions of the
world. It was translated by John of Seville into Latin.[17] As
As the title clearly suggests, this is a much briefer version
of yet there is no English translation of the Arabic original.
of the original larger volume. It is reduced to a handy for-
mat of seven chapters and containing the main astrological Two English translations have been made from the Latin
information but without the philosophical elaborations
found in the Great Introduction. The common name of this
There is an unpublished translation by James H. Holden,
treatise in medieval Europe was the Ysagoga minor. There
are two English publications of this work. The first was The
The Book of Flowers (Dallas: The Translator, 1985. pri-
Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology, Together vately circulated). Then there is a web published version,
with the Medieval Latin Translation of Adelard of Bath, Flores Albumasaris, the Flowers of Abu Ma’shâr, transla-
tion and commentary by Benjamin N. Dykes, Ph.D., AMA
edited and translated by Charles Burnett, Keiji Yakomoto &
based on the 1488 Latin Edition of Erhard Ratdolt. This
Michio Yano and published by Brill Publishers ©1994. It
was originally placed as a downloadable PDF on Professor
was later republished as The Abbreviation of the Introduc-
Dyke’s web site.[18] However, it is no longer being offered
tion to Astrology, Edited and translated by Charles Burnett
and there is a note that it is to be republished as a second
with historical and technical annotations by Charles Bur-
nett, G. Tobyn, G. Cornelius and V. Wells and published by edition at a later date.
ARHAT ©1997 with a second printing in 2000.
The Book of the Thousands – (Kitâb al-ulûf)
On Revolutions of Nativities (On Solar Revolutions)
This is one of Abu Ma’shâr’s books in which the Arabic
text is unfortunately lost and of which no Latin translations
On Solar Revolutions is another large book of 9 treatises.
were made. This book contained Abu Ma’shâr’s outline of
Robert Schmidt translated treatises 3, 4, 5, & 9 from the
Greek translation of the Arabic. It is part of the Project World History on a framework of Aries Ingresses and Great
Conjunctions, but also with an elaborate system of time
Hindsight Medieval Astrology Track Volume II.[16] Unfortu-
periods and chronocrators or time-lords. David Pingree has
nately, it is out of print. He had planned on translating the
been able to restore a substantial portion of this work from
first two treatises also but it was never done. Treatise I was
citations by later Arabic writers.[19] In his book, The Thou-
translated into Italian from the Arabic text by Giuseppe
Bezza. Treatises 6, 7, & 8 are missing from the Latin and sands of Abû Ma'shâr (London: The Warburg Institute,
1968), he discusses Abu Ma’shâr’s theory in great detail
the Greek translations of the Arabic. The entire Arabic text
and gives us an interesting look at the developed form of
is extant but no one has yet translated it in its entirety!
this branch of mundane astrology.
By Steven Birchfield ©2007
The Book of Religions and Dynasties: On the Great Con-
junctions – (Kitab al-Milal wa-d-Duwal)
[17] Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1488. repr. 1489 and 1495
This is Abu Ma’shâr’s mammoth compendium in 7 Parts [18] Medieval Astrology – Medieval Techniques and Ancient Wisdom by
concerning mundane astrology, the conjunctions of the su- Benjamin Dykes, Ph.D., AMA, Astrologer (
[19] There is a treatment of the material in Abu Ma’shar’s Thousands in the
perior planets, their significance in yearly revolutions of the
Kitâb al-Kâmil by Mûsâ ibn Nawbakht for example.
Sun (Aries Ingresses) and how they relate to world history.
Contemprary sources on Abu Ma’shar:
Abu Ma’shar and Latin Aristotelianism in the Twelfth Century, the
[14] According to translator Charles Burnett, the latter was a much inferior
American University of Beirut, Publications of the Faculty of Arts and Sci-
translation. ences. Oriental Series no.38 1962.
[15] Liber Introductorii Maioris ad Scientiam Judiciorum Astrorum, 9
History of Magic and Experimental Science, by Lynn Thorndike,
volumes, edited by R. Lemay, Naples 1996 Columbia University Press, 1923, vol I cf Richard Lemay.
[16] On Solar Revolutions Part II, by Abu Ma’shâr, translated and anno-
Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York, NY: Charles Scribner and
tated from the Greek translation of the Arabic text by Robert Schmidt and Sons, 1970-1980. 16 vols. ISBN 0684101149. Supplement II, edited by
published by Project Hindsight the Medieval Astrology Track Volume II, Frederic Lawrence Holmes, 2 vols., 1990. ISBN 0684169622 (set).
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 10

Medieval Technique in Mundane are preliminary and initiatory. Related to the third of
these planets in order, i.e. to Mars, is the indication for
wars, strifes, and the like, being, as it were, the decline
Astrology to the final ends of things, because the ends of things
indicate destruction of their orderly arrangements after
their perfection, and corruption of their regularity.
Ingress Charts
[8] When these [Martien: Mars] things happen, there will
be destruction of the borders, strifes and rebellions call-
The single most important tool for the prediction of mun- ing for wars, and the compulsions necessitating this
dane events is the ‘yearly revolution’, better known as the arrangement of these three states and their intercon-
Aries ingress chart, or the chart of ‘the entrance of the Sun nection. That is, when one of them is deficient, this en-
into the first minute of the sign Aries’, as it was often tails the decrease in perfection of the other two states,
called. As with most tools of prediction, this is both a according to what natural things necessitate among the
stand-alone chart, and not a stand-alone chart. When de- three states: beginning, perfection, and decline. For
lineated as a stand-alone chart it only indicates ‘universals’ wars in most cases do not happen except because of
laws, and laws do not come into being except because
as pertaining to a certain country or nation. Of course, any
of religions and dynasties. If these states are arranged
ingress will most probably be almost identical for most inversely, the case once more requires them to be con-
North-European countries, give or take a few small differ- nected and ordered, because religions and dynasties do
ences. Therefore, as with all predictive tools, we have to not function except by laws, and laws in most cases do
correlate such a chart to ‘a root’, a radix, which is another not function except by wars. For religions, dynasties,
chart to which the indications in the ingress-chart can be and laws occasion changes because of which plenty of
referred. Ingress charts are delineated in the context of differences occur; if the differences multiply, separation
these beginning charts, just as a Solar Return is seen in the occurs; if separation occurs, wars take place. Because
of this, these three states are related to the superior
context of the nativity. In mundane astrology, this reference
planets, and they are like the beginnings of whatever
chart is of course first of all the chart of the Nation, but
secondary indications may follow them.»[1]
there are other beginning charts which can also play an im-
portant role in the delineation of Ingress charts. In this arti-
The ancients asserted that future events were seen from
cle I will explore the several beginning charts used by an-
‘beginnings’ and when these future events appeared they
cient astrologers, next I will give a survey of things ex-
carried elements of the beginning but could not in itself
plored in ingress charts, methods and techniques for deline-
describe the beginning. In other words, the universal begin-
ating the Ingress.
nings give significations for these later changes (as for in-
stance seen in the ingress), but the changes (as seen in in-
gress charts) do not give signification of the universal be-
Beginnings ginnings.

What is the ancients’ concept of beginning? In Abu Abû Ma’shar then says on page 19:
Ma’shar’s book we can read about a hierarchical pyramid
that says that above dynasties and kings there is always a «[21] In the presence of one of these times that we
‘religion’ that precedes and forms the foundation of all dy- have defined [Martien: in the quote given above] one
nasties and kings that will arise as a result of that religion. looks at the horoscopes of those times, and the location
Nowhere is it implied that this ‘religion’ has to be or will be of the celestial bodies in them, and all their natural and
accidental conditions <which result> from their essence
non-secular. It is simply explained that it is the religion that and from <their relation to> the Sun and the sphere,
inspires the people’s faith in the laws coming from that and one discovers (1) the nature of their indication from
religion. It is these laws that bind the people to form dynas- the planets which have predominance over the principal
ties and gives rise to ‘kings’. Once the religion is estab- positions, and (2) the time of it according to what the
lished, its laws are formulated, executed, refined, etc… indicators point out. Then one looks at the indication of
these six principles.»
Abû Ma’shar says it like this on page 7 of his book on relig-
ions and dynasties: So he instructs us to delineate the chart just as we would do
normally, next do an almuten calculation to seek ‘the plan-
«Related to the superior planet furthest from the world ets which have predominance over the principal positions’;
of generation and corruption, i.e. to Saturn, is the indi-
cation for matters of Beginnings like religions, dynas-
ties, and whatever lasts for a long time, since it is like [1] Part One, Chapter One – Abu Ma’sar on Historical Astrology: The
the beginning for the other celestial bodies in terms of Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions) – trans-
height. Related to the planet following it in order, i.e. to lated by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett in 2 Volumes, published by
Jupiter, is the indication for laws and the like, which are Brill Publishers ©2000
the culminations in perfection for the other things which [2] Ibid
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 11

Medieval Technique in Mundane «This point of time indicates the sum of what happens
Astrology cont... in this period. At this point of time, there is a shift from
one condition to another, a change in genera and
shapes, and new matters, the like of which has never
and then use these things for the timing of events. occurred before. No indication is like its indication, no
period like its period, and there is no doubt about the
change, as we shall explain.»
What beginnings?
These great periods are as follows and beginning from
In the very first chapter of the first Part, Abu Ma’shar in his where all of the astrologers began – the period that indi-
book lays down what beginnings we need to look to, and cates the “great flood” reported in all ancient civilisations.
for what purposes. The Arab astrologers based their history on some ‘truth’
because the date of the flood they retrieved is from dates
recorded in Hindu, Egyptian, Sassanian, Babylonian and
Judean history and all of these dates point to the time be-
1. Greater Conjunctions: Jupiter and Saturn in
tween 3200 and 3500 BC for the flood:
Aries (Every 960 years)
3263 BC to 2469 BC -(the shift to fire/Leo)
What is indicated by this conjunction? 2469 BC to 1674 BC -(the shift to fire/Leo)
1674 BC to 821 BC -(the shift to fire/Leo)
a. General and universal matters i.e. floods, earthquakes, 821 BC to 26 BC -(the shift to fire/Leo)
epidemics, and the like. 26 BC to 769 CE -(the shift to fire/Leo)
b. What happens in all shorter dynasties in those times and 769 CE to 1544 CE -(the shift to fire/Leo)
c. The amount of the length of the lives (respect) of their 1544 CE to today -(the shift to fire/Sagittarius)
people and in what strongly tends towards universal mat-
ters Indicators of this chart are used in other beginnings and
ingress charts:
The Universal significations were indicated by the shift of
the conjunction into the fire triplicity. Abu Ma’shar says The ‘terminal sign’ counted from the ascendant of this first
this is Aries; however, this is not the case. If we look at conjunction in Leo, counting 1 year for each sign. It indi-
over 7000 years of conjunctions then we quickly see that at cates the state of the universal matters indicated by the
no time in history have the conjunctions in fire signs begun return to the fire sign. This is of course the method of Pro-
in Aries. In fact, until the last shift into Sagittarius, they all fection. The terminal sign is the profected sign of the cur-
began in Leo! Not all Astrologers said it was Aries. Omar of rent year.
Tiberias (‘Umar) actually wrote:
Direct the degree of the ascendant for the greater conjunc-
«The indications of the first ‘am is taken from the re-
tion giving 1 year for each degree [primary direction of the
turns and indications of the transits of the conjunctions
of the thousands, I mean the conjunction of the two ascendant in OA through the terms]. We must then consider
planets, Saturn and Jupiter in Leo, to their return to that the bound lord and planets that aspect.
place: this is a period of 959 years.»[3]
To sum up:
The indicated length of this period stated, i.e. 959 years, is
not the time of the true conjunction but is the conjunction 1.) Concerning the general and universal matters, e.g.
calculated from the mean motions of Jupiter and Saturn. plagues and great disasters etc:
The true duration of this period (while always 40 conjunc-
tions) can be either 775, 795 or 854 years. The important The indication of these matters is found from the profection
point though is that there is a shift beginning in the fire of the Ascendant of the Ingress chart of the transit of the
triplicities and there is a beginning for Universal significa- Conjunction to the fire signs and the lord of the Profected
tions which Omar says are very important because, sign.

2.) The indication of what happens to all shorter dynasties

[3]Kitab al-Qirânât wa-tahwil as-sinin, or the Book of Conjunctions, by in those times:
‘Umar ibn al-Farruh`ân (Omar) translated from the original Arabic text
found in MS Istanbul, University Library 315, by Charles Burnett and ap-
The indication of these matters is found from the direction
pended in the section on “Sources and Doctrines” (pg 585 of Volume I)
Abu Ma’sar on Historical Astrology: The Book of Religions and Dy- of the degree of the conjunction itself at 1 year per degree!
nasties (On the Great Conjunctions).
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 12

Medieval Technique in Mundane degree

d. The directed degree of the conjunction (primary direction
Astrology cont... of the conjunction degree in ascensional degrees through
the terms) giving 1 year to each degree
2. Middle Conjunctions: Jupiter and Saturn shift-
So if the Ingress chart of the shift of the triplicity indicated
ing triplicity (Every 240 years) a religion, then to know what happens to the people of that
religion, the indication of these matters is found from the
What is indicated by this conjunction? profection of the Ascendant of the Ingress chart in which
the shift of the triplicity occurs along with the Lord of that
a. If the shift indicates a religion then it gives indications for
profected sign (also called the Terminal sign).
what happens to religions.
b. If the shift indicates a dynasty then it gives indications for
To know what happens to the religion itself the indication
what happens to dynasties.
of these matters is found in the profection of the sign and
c. Otherwise, the shift gives indications for what happens in
degree of the conjunction itself and the lord of the pro-
the dynasties of kings of the current religion or dynasty.
fected sign.
The next step is to look at these middle conjunctions, i.e.,
If the ingress chart of the shift of the triplicity indicates a
those conjunctions shifting triplicities. Omar continues to
dynasty, then to know what happens to the people of that
tell us that,
dynasty the indications of these matters are found in the
«The second ‘am is the shift from triplicity to triplicity;
profection of the Ascendant of the Ingress in which the con-
this happens every 240 years and less than that. (Again junction occurs (within that triplicity shift period) and it’s
Omar is more correct than Abu since in truth they Lord.
change every 179, 199 or 238 years!) This point of time,
its ascendant, and the places of the planets indicate Again, if the shift indicates a dynasty then to know what
what happens in religions, kingdoms and dynasties, and happens to that dynasty the indications of these matters are
that there is innovated in the world a religion or a dy- found in the profection of the sign and degree of the con-
nasty which did not exist before... The second ‘am indi-
junction itself and its lord!
cates the time of things. The indication of the first [‘am]
invalidates and cancels it, if the first is more powerful
than the second <is>. The first one indicates the sec-
ond, but the second does not indicate the first; the sec- 3. Conjunctions of Saturn and Mars in the sign of
ond is included in the first, while the first is not included Cancer (every 30 years)
in the second...»
Abû Ma’shar:
It is these conjunctions when they shift triplicity, which
according to Omar here, do indicate not only the changes in «The third is from the celestial bodies’ positions in the
nations and dynasties as Abu Ma’shar explained earlier, but horoscopes of the revolutions of the years in which the
he specifically says that there is innovated in the world conjunction of the two malefics occurs in Cancer, and
either a religion or a dynasty which did not exist before! from the period of their conjunction in it, occurring every
30 years.»
So, these particular conjunctions and the degree and sign of
the conjunction as well as the ascendant and the degree of Abu seems to mention two different charts here; the ingress
the ascendant are necessary to tell us something about we understand is for the year in which the conjunction will
changes within existing nations and any new nations and occur, but what is “the period of their conjunction in it”? Is
religions! it the moment they join in the same degree?

Indicators for these events of this shift chart used in other [Note by co-editor] For a while, I had some problem recon-
beginnings and ingress charts: ciling the fact that Mâshâ’allâh (and others) say,

a. The terminal sign (profected sign) counted from the as- «…the knowledge of events happening from the con-
cendant of the shift giving 1 year to each sign (30°) indi- junction is through the consideration of the Ascendant
cated what happens to the people of the dynasties in those and planets in the hour of the conjunction, and which of
times. them is predominating in the figure.»[4]
b. The terminal sign (profected sign) counted from the sign
of the conjunction giving 1 year to each sign (30°). On the Eclipses of Luminaries, of Conjunctions of the Planets, and
c. The directed ascendant degree (primary direction of the on the Revolutions of the Years, by Masha’allah and translated from the
ascendant in OA through the terms) giving 1 year to each Latin edition by Anton Grigoryev.
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 13

Medieval Technique in Mundane the time of conjunction of superior and inferior planets.
And benevolent planets signify prosperity and good
Astrology cont... effect, if they are prevailing over the figure of conjunc-
tion; if malevolent planets are prevailing, they will signify
evil and bad effect.»

There is no doubt about what Mâshâ’allâh says here! We At the same time as we reflect on these words, let us con-
are to cast a chart in the “hour of the conjunction”! The sider what Abu Ma’shâr says with regards to another type
first question that is plaguing me is; when did these astrolo- conjunction, i.e. those of the luminaries,
gers consider Jupiter and Saturn conjunct? Ramesey says
when they are conjunct by degree and minute; i.e. when «[9] As for the question of things of a general kind like
Jupiter enters the same degree and minute as Saturn. But is an epidemic, a plague, fertility, barrenness, and rain;
this what these ancients considered conjunct and the ‘true’ this is known from the horoscopes of the universal Be-
joining? Well, if we follow Mâshâ’allâh he says; ginnings occurring before the parallelism of the greater
luminary with the spring tropic, and at the time of its
«And a joining together is accomplished by degree ac- parallelism, and from the Moon in its two positions, i.e.
cording to degree, namely, when the swift planet is the position of the conjunction (New Moon) and that of
joined together to the ponderous planet by degree ac- the opposition (Full Moon) in the years of the conjunc-
cording to degree at the time it is joined.»[5] tions or other <years>. If everything that we have men-
tioned is free from misfortunes, this indicates safety. If it
is not like this, it indicates an epidemic. If the two lords
We know it is by degree! Just as the ingress of the Sun into
of the two ascendants are applying, or if one of them or
Aries was cast when the Sun entered the first degree of Ar- the Moon, accompanied by misfortune, is applying to
ies (00º Aries 00’ 01”) so a conjunction is when Jupiter en- the lord of the eighth place from it, this indicates many
ters the same minute as Saturn. I would have to say then, if deaths because of the epidemic.»[8]
Saturn were in 23º Scorpio 15’32”, then Jupiter is conjunct
when it is 23º Scorpio 00’01”! This has a lot to do with the Now if we compare what Abu Ma’shâr explains to do with
philosophy and signification attached to a “degree” as a these conjunction charts and what Mâshâ’allâh explains
whole! It is the synonymous with ‘fate’ in the Greek lan- they signify, then, I dare say that the purpose of the con-
guage and it meant that there was a ‘fate’ or specific signi- junctional charts themselves was to specify the nature of
fication allotted to each degree[6] and it was not something the effect of the conjunction! It is how the principle signifi-
that could be divided since the division of something de- cators of that conjunction were seen in relation to the sig-
stroys it’s wholeness! This is lost on European astrologers nificators of the Ingress charts that allowed them to predict
and it is this lack of understanding of the philosophical con- events; e.g. the LOY or predominant planet or significator
ceptions that leads Bonatti to begin this 16’ rule for con- of a particular house and matter joined to the predominant
junctions! It is a very wrong conception! planet of the conjunction; or a malefic joined to the signifi-
cator or predominant planet signifying the nature of the
The second question plaguing me is; just what were they conjunction. Is this understandable? If we look at the chart
delineating from this chart? It is clear from the historical of a particular conjunction of the superiors, and in that
record of both Mâshâ’allâh and Abu Ma’shâr, that the chart we look at the sign it falls in, the lord of that sign and
charts they used to predict events were the charts of the the lord or predominant planet of that chart, then when we
ingress of the Sun into Aries for the years of these conjunc- look at the Ingress chart we should look to see how these
tions! No where can we find a chart of the conjunction it- are placed and what planets aspect them. For example, is
self or the ancients predicting from such a chart! Nonethe- the LOY joined to the Lord of the Conjunction? It is how
less, we see in Mâshâ’allâh’s quote and in Abu Ma’shar’s these planets are situated and made fortunate or unfortu-
comments the need for such a chart! nate in both times that determines what can be predicted. If
we find a certain conjunction indicates a misfortunate ef-
I have been giving this some considerable thought and I fect, e.g., the degree of the conjunction or the lord of the
think I might suggest an answer to that question. Let’s look conjunction is afflicted; or perhaps the lord of the Ascen-
further at what Mâshâ’allâh writes, dant of that chart is afflicted etc, then we look in the in-
gress chart to see what it is joined to and how it is testified
«The conjunctions of planets signify events of this world
and its things; and all this should be considered through
[7] Chapter 8, On the Eclipses of Luminaries, of Conjunctions of the

Planets, and on the Revolutions of the Years, by Masha’allah and

[5] On Reception by Mâshâ’allâh, translated from the Latin text by Robert translated from the Latin edition by Anton Grigoryev.
[8] Part eight, Chapter One – Abu Ma’sar on Historical Astrology: The
Hand and published by ARHAT Publications ©1998
[6] This is in fact where the teaching of the monomoiria comes from where Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions) – trans-
each degree is ‘allotted’ a specific ruler indicating something of the nature lated by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett in 2 Volumes, published by
of the ‘fate’ of that degree. Brill Publishers ©2000
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 14

time when Jupiter enters the same degree as Saturn? That

Medieval Technique in Mundane would give us the following chart:
Astrology cont...
GC chart of 2000
to by the planets determined to that ingress! 25 May 2000 AD GC
4:06:26 PM, CED -02:00:00
That is my present understanding of why both charts were Den Haag, Netherlands
needed, besides the fact that if one is to profect or direct 4e18'00, 52n06'00
the degree of the conjunction itself in order to understand Alchabitius Declination
what it signifies, then a chart most definitely must be cast
of the conjunction itself! [end of co-editors note] Ascendant: 06° Libra 33' 26"
Midheaven: 08° Cancer 36' 29"
We know less of Abû Ma’shar’s opinion on this conjunction The Moon: 24° Aquarius 24' 46"
as he doesn’t go into delineating it, but in appendix III to
his book we can read about it in Al-Kindi’s letter ‘On the You should note that the lord of the Ascendant, Venus, is
rule of the Arabs and its duration’. severely afflicted falling in the 8th house, peregrine and
combust! Venus is also lady of the conjunction and falls in
aversion which strongly signifies exiles and contentions and
4. Lesser Conjunctions: Of Jupiter and Saturn in separations! The nature of the effects will be those signified
by Venus! This conjunction then has much to do with love,
each sign (Every 20 years)
relationships, with religion and the proper rites of purifica-
tion (religious contentions); it is concerned with all things
What is indicated by this conjunction?
Venusian such as commodities of pleasure and comfort etc.
What happens to rulers, the high and respectable families in
Indicators of this chart used in other beginnings and ingress
that conjunction.
a. The terminal sign counted from the ascendant of the con-
junction giving 1 year to each sign.
«The third ‘am indicates less that these two [previous]
indications, i.e., those of the first and the second, be- b. The terminal sign counted from the sign of the conjunc-
cause it is included in the second and the second is tion giving 1 year to each sign.
included in the first. Its indication is for kings [and the c. The directed ascendant degree giving 1 year to each de-
ruling elite, nobles etc] and twenty-year happenings gree
since its existence is only for this period of time in af- d. The directed degree of the conjunction giving 1 year to
fairs which are ruling over the climes. There is no ruler- each degree
ship over anything other than this.»
In summation, there is something that we have to under-
The last one of these was in May 2000 when Jupiter and stand concerning global events:
Mars conjoined in 22.44 degrees of Taurus.
The yearly ingress charts only give information on current
To know the nature of the effect of the conjunction we universals, let’s say, the present ‘state of being’. But to
would also have to cast a chart of the conjunction itself. understand their significance we have to examine beginning
charts that precede them and relate them to the ingress
By the way, this was an intense chart as it preceded the chart.
9/11 attacks and the general shift in attitude towards Mus-
lims worldwide, and the revival of the crusades! In Holland, One of these other beginning charts is the yearly Ingresses
this shift in attitude from tolerance towards intolerance was of the year in which the Great Conjunctions shifted from
especially felt after the murders of Pim Fortuyn in 2002 one triplicity to another. These great conjunctions indicate:
(who was quite a rebellious figure and started the whole Universal changes and new beginnings in the paradigm of
debate about the (failing) integration of foreigners, espe- events.
cially Muslims) and writer, columnist, film director Theo
van Gogh in 2004. Then there were beginnings of new nations or nations that
changed from one dynasty to another. These were also seen
Again, when is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn? Do within the context of the universal beginnings indicated by
we follow Ramesey and the Reformers and cast the chart the great conjunctions.
for the moment Jupiter enters the same degree and minute?
Or, do we do as Mâshâ’allâh says, and cast the chart for the Martien Hermes ©2007
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 15

The year 2007 in the Ascendant: 02° Sagittarius 43’ 50”

Netherlands Midheaven: 29° Virgo 43’ 41”
The Moon: 13° Scorpio 47’ 15”
or Ingresses and how to
delineate them
“On 17th of November 1813 The Hague revolts against
Napoleon’s occupation and on 30th of November 1813
Prince Willem Frederik arrives at 16:00 hours in
Scheveningen in the British frigate “The Warrior”. On 2
December 1813, the prince accepts sovereignty as con-
stitutional monarch (king Willem I). This is generally
considered the birth of our Kingdom.”

What chart for the Netherlands?

As no chart designated for prediction is a stand-alone, one
of the more daunting tasks for us modern astrologers is to
establish what chart we can use for the nation for which we
make an ingress. As all the countries in northern Europe
will of course have more or less the same Ingress each year,
we can only differentiate in their exact meaning by refer-
ring them to the natal chart of the nation. This poses how-
ever no end of problems because in modern mundane astrol-
ogy the notion seems to be that the exact moment of the
change of government (‘when the ruler accedes’) is often In mundane several techniques where used to establish the
taken as the birth hour of the Nation’s new chart. This leads most salient points in this chart. We first seek the planet
to endless debates on what chart should be used because that rules the nation; we need to establish the ruler of this
one is never sure exactly what this time is precisely! Is it chart or the predominant planet. Some of the ancient lists
when the new King or Queen is pushed onto the balcony to of the Arabic era of signs and planets ruling specific nations
wave at her subjects? Is it when the new parliament is in- moved away from Ptolemy’s general lists and made other
stalled, and do we then take the moment the procedure be- ones based on the Ascendants of the beginning chart and
gins or when the PM is sworn in? When the exact time is that predominant planet that had the most testimony in the
not known, the nation’s chart is then often simply set for chart. It might be they established their lists by using the
noon. ingress of when a ruler acceded.
The ancients were much clearer about their intentions. Therefore, the sign ruling the Netherlands is Sagittarius,
They simply took the time the ruler acceded to the throne... because this is the ascendant of this national Ingress. The
period! Every dynasty began simply when the ruler acceded planet ruling the Netherlands is the Sun as he is the Al-
to the throne! Abû Ma’shar suggests we take the Aries in- muten Figuris of this chart. So we can say that the Nether-
gress chart of the year when this happens or when the form lands is a nation ruled by Sagittarius and the Sun.
of government changes. Well, that sure helps assuaging the
problems we might have with the exact birth moment of Okay, so now we have determined the root-chart to which
the nation. So we will take the Aries ingress chart of the our ingress can be referred, on to the ingress
year the government changes to a completely new form,
and work with that one. For the beginning of the Nether-
lands, the Ingress of 1813 will be used here.
The ingress
First, we determine if the year is fixed.
Netherlands Beginning Chart
If the sign on the cusp of the ascendant of the Aries ingress
20 Mar 1813 AD GC
is a fixed sign then we work with that chart alone for the
11:59:00 PM - LAT
whole year.
Den Haag, Netherlands
4e18’00, 52n06’00
If the Ascendant sign is common (mutable), then we must
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 16

Libra Ingress of The Sun - Solar Return

Netherlands Ingress cont...
23 Sep 2007, 10:10:40 (±0 secs), LMT -0:19:36
also cast a chart at the Sun’s ingress into the first degree of Amsterdam NETH
Libra! Each chart will signify for its half year! 52°N22', 04°E54'
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
If the Ascendant sign is moveable (cardinal), then we have Alcabitius Houses, True Node
to cast a new chart for each quarter at the Sun’s ingress into
the first degree of each cardinal sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra CHART ANGLES
and Capricorn. Each chart will then signify for its own Ascendant 14° Scorpio 45'47''
quarter and have its own ruler that is predominant in that Midheaven 02° Virgo 34'08''
quarter and distributes that quarter for the LOY established Moon 14° Aquarius 18'09''
by the Aries ingress.

2007 Ingress - Netherlands

Mundane Chart
21 Mar 2007 AD GC
1:07:28 AM, CET -01:00:00
Den Haag, Netherlands
4e18’00, 52n06’00
Alchabitius Declination

Ascendant: 06° Sagittarius 05’ 32”
Midheaven: 04° Libra 41’ 33”
The Moon: 26° Aries 47’ 24”

Second: we determine the Lord of the Year (LOY).

Abû Ma’shar in ‘The book of flowers’ gives the following

method for finding the lord of the year:

«First, you ought to know the lord of the year; and the
knowledge of this thing is known from the hour of the
entrance of the Sun into the first minute of the sign Ar-
ies. Therefore, you shall know the ASC in that same
hour as most certainly as you will be able; verify the
cusps of the twelve houses of heaven because error
falls in this if it is neglected. And when you have done
this, look at the lord of the ASC with the rest of the plan-
ets the one who then has more strength from the
testimony of the circles of the angle.
The ascendant is a common (mutable) sign, so this chart
only indicates the first half of the year 2007. We will have And whichever planet you have found in the ASC, the
to also cast a chart for the ingress of the Sun into Libra to 10th, 7th, or 4th angle, afterwards the 11th [and] 9th,
know what is indicated for the 2nd half of this year. So this finally the 5th, [that is the one sought]. And you shall not
gives: prefer the MC to the ASC, nor the 5th house to the 9th,
but let it be done following the aforesaid scheme.
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 17

[From the aspects mentioned in the text about Saturn]:

Netherlands Ingress cont...
«If, moreover, Jupiter aspected him from a good posi-
And if you have found a planet in the ASC, you shall not tion, [so here it ought to read: if Saturn aspected Jupiter
seek another of those which were in other houses.[1] from a good position], there will come upon the rich who
dwell in regions that are in the division of Aries[5] or of
Likewise, if a planet was not in the ASC, and there was its triplicity gifts and services from those rich [men] who
[one] in the MC, you shall not look at the rest of the are in the division of the region of that sign in which
houses. Likewise, if a planet was not in the MC but in [Saturn] was, and there will come to their assistance
the 7th, you shall not look at the rest of the houses. from the same parts every good thing in which they will
Likewise, if not in the 7th, but in the 4th, you shall not rejoice.»
concern yourself with the rest of the houses.
Of course, we have to take into our consideration the fact that
And the one whom you have found in these houses,
that very one will be the dispositor of the year if it has Saturn is in bad esse. This will play down the benefic indica-
any dignity, namely of domicile or of exaltation, triplicity, tions of this trine.
term, or face.
The other aspect Jupiter receives is the application of Mars,
If moreover, there was in the ASC a planet with no dig- by sextile. Abû Ma’shar:
nity in it, and there was in the MC a planet having
[dignity of] term and face, [then] because it has doubled «If, moreover … it was Mars [in aspect], join to him
its dignity, it is the one that is sought; and you shall not [Mars] the nature which I have expounded to you con-
seek another. cerning the nature of [Jupiter] [but] with haste in the
actions of the rich who are in those regions[6] with much
And if there was [one] after them in the 7th, to whom is celerity and contemplation and a paucity of piety, pity,
joined [the dignity] of domicile, exaltation, term [and] and gentleness.
triplicity or face, it is the [one] sought.»[2]
But if his aspect was by trine or sextile aspect,[7] there
This is a simple job for our first ingress chart. Jupiter is in will come upon the rich who are in the division of the
its domicile in the ascendant and there is no other planet sign [Sagittarius] and of its triplicity, from the rich who
more worthy than Jupiter! So Jupiter rules the year. are of the division of the sign in which Mars is,[8] gifts
and services, joy and rejoicing. Likewise, in general,
Abû Ma’shar has the following to say about Jupiter Lord of it will be good for their rustics and their states. And
the Year: they will receive sustentation from those states that are
in the division of the sign Mars is in. And things will be
offered from those states of the natures of things that
«When Jupiter presides over the year, and is its lord
[3] are appropriate to those states.»
and descends into Aries or its triplicity, there will ap-
pear in those states over which he presides towards the
East religion and quietude and the apparition of sects So in general, Jupiter signifies quite a good spell for the
and the observance of preceptors with justice and good people of the Netherlands in general in the first half of
work. 2007, as the first house rules “the people’s livelihood, be-
ginnings in works, the innovation of things and their com-
But if Jupiter is then in good state, it signifies a multi- pletion and growth, the use of logic and speech, the knowl-
tude of goods to the rich and goodness of their hearts, edge of sciences, commerce, buying and selling.” [9] Inter-
and their joy, and the obedience of the rustics, and their estingly enough this seems to be prepared by a newly ap-
esteem towards them in the same place. But if he is in pointed government in which three – rather unlikely – par-
bad condition, it signifies their contrariety.
ties have formed a coalition and have presented their opti-
And know that the action of Jupiter in the aspect of the mistic program. As the ascendant of the Ingress chart is
planets to him is made just like the action in the case of also the ascendant of the beginning chart of our nation, it
Saturn and the aspects of the planets to him equally.» generally indicates the state or condition of the livelihood
of the people of the kingdom; beginnings in works; the in-

[1] The printed text has ‘other houses of the planets’, but ‘other houses’ will [5] Abû Ma’shar treats each LOY as per triplicity and gives the sign of Aries

suffice. as a general example.

I use the edition kindly given me by James. H. Holden. Abû Ma’shar, [6] indicated by the sign where Jupiter is

The Book of Flowers, translated from the 12th century Latin version of [7] As it is here in our chart

John of Seville by James Herschel Holden M.A. Fellow of the American [8] In our chart the airy triplicity

Federation of Astrologers. Second Edition PHOENIX, ARIZONA 1995 [9] Part Seven, Chapter One – ”Abu Ma’shar on Historical Astrology” –
[3] here it is in Sagittarius edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett – published
[4] As it certainly is here by Brill Publishers ©2000
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 18

will ensue; people will engage in base matters and there

Netherlands Ingress cont... will be many who will rebel against authority and exact
responsibility for the actions of others; it further indicates
novation of things and their completion and development; that illnesses will increase and that there will be those of
the use of logic and speech; knowledge (especially science evil intention that influence markets deceitfully.
or technology); and people will be preoccupied with eating
and drinking, buying and selling (commerce). Secondly, We must next look at its lord, see what house it is in and
Abu Ma’shar tells us that if the lord of the Ascendant look at its ruler. We find Mars in the 8th house of the Libra
sign10] is either in the ascendant of the beginning chart or Ingress, in Gemini, in triplicity. Mercury rules Mars and
the chart of the yearly ingress – as it is here – then it is an applies to him from the 12th house by trine. Mercury
indicator of a large amount of benefit in this half year. Par- strongly receives Mars, but Mars does not receive the dis-
ticularly, if it is Jupiter that is (in good condition) in the position of Mercury. Both planets are in human signs;
ascendant of the beginning chart or the ascendant of the therefore, we can expect the foul things indicated by the
yearly revolution, then it indicates an increase in the pos- location of both planets and their application in these
sessions of nobles and wealthy class, their happiness and houses. But what could it be? When we look at the signifi-
joy, the ease of their temperaments, and the safety of the cations of the 8th house, it might specifically indicate debt,
livelihoods of the common people because of this. loss, and contrarieties to the wealth and substance of the
people. There is a big difference between «national» and
Libra Ingress «public» debt! The acquisition of governmental substance,
treasuries, is from taxation and that is an 8th house matter.
The second half of the year – as shown in the Libra ingress The eighth house further, signifies
– also has Jupiter in the first house, but now it is in the 2nd
sign. Jupiter is still strong, but has now moved significa- «…death and killing and lethal poison and fear, and
tions from the 1st house to the 2nd house of finances and whatever is inherited from the dead, and everything that
income of the nation and their people (…it signifies the dies, toil and sorrow, wars also and contentions, atten-
gathering of substance and the maintenance of life and dants and assistants of adversaries and contemnors,[12]
things aiding that and receipts and gifts.).[11] And, we also and things entrusted, i.e. handed over to be preserved,
have another contestant. Saturn is in the 10th house in this and estate management, laziness and talents.»[13]
chart, and it is in superior position to Jupiter. Now Abû
Ma’shar says we must still take Jupiter as our LoY, but of So in all, rather dire things seem to be indicated by this
course, we cannot ignore Saturn in this position, as well as position of 1st house ruler. We must however suspect that as
the fact that in this ingress the sign of Scorpio is on the Jupiter is LoY in this Libra Ingress this might perhaps miti-
ascendant. gate the more severe indications.

Thirdly: We must determine what house of the beginning Mercury rules Mars and is in the 12th house which
chart is the Ascendant of the ingress chart because it will
«…is cadent from the ASC, and it does not aspect it; it
signify what the people of the nation are focused on in that
signifies, enemies and labours, lamentations and sad-
year! ness, sorrowful sighs, and hatreds, and malevolent
craftiness, travels, and all [kinds of] malice, hard work,
In the Aries Ingress, Sagittarius is the Ascendant of the prisons, and animals.»[14]
beginning chart. The ascendant of the Libra Ingress how-
ever is the 12th of the beginning chart. Each of these condi- That all sound pretty tough, but as Mercury rules the 10th
tions means something quite different. In the Aries Ingress house of government and executive power ruling the nation,
it signifies that the people will focus their attention on their it probably has a direct relation to what happens in politics.
livelihoods, and begin new works and projects, and their Mercury is in aversion to the 10th sign Virgo, but its light is
will be a great deal of commerce and buying and selling. reflected to Virgo by Mars, who sees Virgo and is received
This they will do quite successfully in the first half of the by Mars. Of course, we all know that in general there seems
year. to be a tendency towards more intolerant and right wing
politics which becomes ever more contentious and aggres-
However in the second half of the year, the 12th beginning sive. In the Netherlands, this seems to be going on as well.
house on the ascendant means that the people will fall to
injustice, they will be afraid and a great deal of confusion
[12] Because it is the 2nd house from the 7th, - hence it rules the assets of

Of the yearly ingress chart.
[10] [13] Sahl Ibn Bishr - The Introduction to the Science of the Judgments
Sahl Ibn Bishr - The Introduction to the Science of the Judgments
of the Stars – Translated from the Twelfth Century Latin Version by
of the Stars – Translated from the Twelfth Century Latin Version by James H. Holden, M.A.
James H. Holden, M.A. [14] Ibid
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 19

Netherlands Ingress cont...

Perhaps here we see a crisis in government perhaps due to
some scandal (12th house, Saturn in the 10th house conjunct
south node of the Moon which tends to destabilize). But of and contention among sects, letters, delegations and
course, criminal activities might also be on the rise. We delegates, travels, and dreams.»[17]
have at the moment some high profile criminal cases before
court due to some liquidations some time ago. All of this Abû Ma’shar gives the following meanings of the 3rd house:
might be possible as Abû Ma’shar says:
«Relatives [close family]; journeys[18] for them, the prac-
«The twelfth is the place of enemies, misfortune, sad- tice of justice,[19] gentleness, and dignity, the founding
ness, grief, envy, slander, cunning, stratagem and riding of houses of worship; rumours, letters, messengers,
animals[15] …injustice, fear, grief, low opinions, quar- and dreams; the consideration in matters of theology
rels, slaves and the rabble, confusions, low and base and the prophets, the study of faiths, fiqh[20] and piety:
matters, treachery, rebels against authority; sureties, many differences of opinion and fighting among them
emigration, rebellion, folly, evil thoughts, and rob- [concerning doctrine and law and faith]»[21]
Of course, there are some strong parallels to the 9th house;
Fourth: What is the terminal sign (profected sign) and I’ve emphasized the overlapping significations:
which house of the beginning chart is it?
«The ninth house is cadent from the ASC; it signifies
So here it is the same, Aquarius is the 3rd sign and house in travels and journeys, and the worship of divinity and
both charts. So what does that mean that the terminal sign, all houses of religion, philosophy, and the foreknowl-
the profected ascendant, is the 3rd house? edge of things, knowledge of the stars and divinations,
letters, and delegates and delegations or commissions,
dreams, faith, and divine knowledge, and sanctity
Let’s have a closer look. and religion, and all things past and receding [in time],
and a man deprived of honour or his own work, and
What planets are in the 3rd of the beginning chart? None, things of a future time and foreknowledge of the fu-
but the south node is there. ture.»[22]

What planets are in the 3rd of the Ingress chart? In the In- If we consider the accidental significations of the planets in
gress, we find Mars at 17.28 degrees, exactly on the south the yearly ingress and not just their natural significations,
node of the nation’s chart. we see an ominous opposition of Mars and Saturn. This
seems to forebode something bad happening in 3rd (and 9th)
When using mundane and whole sign divisions, we see that house-issues in the next half year. When we take the meta-
Mars at 17 Aquarius is in both the second house by division phor of ‘war’ (as this aspect is after all the main indicator
and in the 3rd by whole sign, so we need to consider that of the outbreak of a possible war in mundane astrology –
Mars is a cadent planet in a succedent house, i.e. it has under different conditions that is, I’m not saying war is
more strength in that house than it would normally! going to happen in the Netherlands!) happening in the 3rd –
9th house axis, this might indicate some serious trouble
Third house Profection amongst sects in our country, be they religious or political.
A war of sorts. The south node of the nation’s chart is ex-
«The third house is cadent from the ASC; it signifies actly on Mars of the ingress, and Saturn is exactly on the
brothers and sisters, neighbours and relations, and their north-node. Thus, something evil seems to be in the mak-
activities, also patience and advice, faith and religion, ing, as the nodes portend evil. Of course, the first thing that

[15] Cf. Chapter One, [120] –”The Abbreviation of the Introduction to [18] There is no mention of ‘long’ or ‘short’ journeys. All of the cadent
Astrology” – by Abu Ma’shar, translated by Charles Burnett – Published houses indicated journeys according to the ancients. The third house was
by ARHAT second printing ©2000 . associated with migratory moves and wanderings.
[16] Part Seven, Chapter Twelve – “Abu Ma’shar on Historical Astrol- [19] Please note the emphasis on the word ‘practice’.

ogy” – edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett – [20] Practice of the doctrines.

published by Brill Publishers ©2000. [21] Part Seven, Chapter Three – ”Abu Ma’shar on Historical Astrology”
[17] Taken from a compilation of the signification in Mundane Houses of – edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett – pub-
several ancient authors by Steven Birchfield. This quote is from Sahl Ibn lished by Brill Publishers ©2000.
Bishr - The Introduction to the Science of the Judgments of the Stars [22] Sahl Ibn Bishr - The Introduction to the Science of the Judgments

– Translated from the Twelfth Century Latin Version by James H. Holden, of the Stars – Translated from the Twelfth Century Latin Version by
M.A. James H. Holden, M.A.
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 20

repercussions (Mars) in our country (Saturn returns to

Netherlands Ingress cont... Mars, hence the repercussions). This is a possibility because
the war in Afghanistan is one of bitter differences and con-
springs to mind then is Islamic extremists planning some flict over religion. This seems a probable delineation based
serious mischief in public transportation. Mars rules the on the fact that Mars applies to a retrograde Saturn in the
Nation’s 12th house, of secret enemies, so transport in gen- 9th. Retrograde planets return the disposition given them.
eral might be a danger zone. So the most dramatic occur- So Saturn returns something (refugees, body bags, terror-
rence would be either a serious accident involving public ists, attacks?) from the 9th, and Mars in the 3rd cannot re-
transportation or a terrorist attack or something of the sort. ceive it, or rather not bear it?
As Mars is in an air sign, an attack on (or with) airplanes
would be a logical possibility. Political considerations
Mars opposite Saturn If we consider the Ingress chart on its own merits, Saturn
has more affinity to the executive ruling power of the Neth-
As Abû Ma’shar teaches, Mars applies to a retrograde Sat- erlands than the ruler Venus does. Why? Because in a coun-
urn, therefore Saturn returns to Mars that what is given by try that has a monarch by heritage and house but a national
Mars (which would also have happened had Saturn been executive by appointment, then the exalted ruler of the 10th
combust). Saturn strongly receives Mars as he is in Saturn’s is much more strongly determined to be the ruling minister
domicile Aquarius and in his triplicity. Mars on the other of the current party. He has power through appointment not
hand is not as strong as Saturn is, thus indicating a corrup- heritage. So Saturn is more significant of our countries rul-
tion after Saturn received the disposition and then gives it ing executive. It is this Saturn that is strongly attacked by
back. Now according to Sahl, whenever such a handing over Mars. So who is Mars? Mars is ruler of the opposition
and returning takes place in cadent houses, there is no be- party, the 4th (opposed to the 10th house)! So here we have a
ginning nor an end to the things indicated. Or when there is great conflict in matters concerning the practice of the law,
a beginning, there is no end to the matter. The question is that not only has significance in civil affairs but also the
however if we can say that the 3rd and 9th houses are cadent economy of the common man (as Mars is in the 2nd house in
in the sense the ancients understood it. For them cadent both the Ingress and nation’s chart!
houses where the houses in aversion to the rising sign (!),
i.e. the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th house, not the declining houses We know from our general delineation that Jupiter is sig-
per se. nificant for the ‘nobility’ in the Netherlands and those who
bless the people with livelihoods and jobs. We also know
As both Mars and Saturn are in the radical 2nd house of the that Jupiter rules the entire intercepted sign of Pisces in the
Netherlands, and are rulers of this same house in the Ingress third and is probably indicating a political faction on prac-
chart, this might relate to money, income, public spending. ticing the law in our country. Who do these powerful people
This might perhaps involve some investment- or financial – Jupiter – support – the opposition or the current govern-
scandal or debacle (most probably in the public transporta- ment? We see Jupiter separating from Saturn, indicating
tion sector, and perhaps education as well?). Both planets their past relationship (trine) but Mars applies to and is
are essentially strong in the nation’s chart, but weak and received by Jupiter! It would then seem reasonable to sus-
out of strong dignity, and opposed, in this ingress chart. pect that the Netherlands may have a change of ruling ex-
ecutives in 2007! If there is a vote of no confidence with
A guide to the perplexed the current rulership then it may be that there is a change
coming which is something the cadent houses (3rd and 9th)
What is a bit confusing here is all the possible matters un- suggest!
der rule of the 3rd house. I therefore tend to select by means
of the principle significations: i.e. transport/mobility; relig- When?
ion/sects; the press/post; education. Next I try to see if any
of the charts steer the signification this way or that way, to One way of trying to figure out when these things will hap-
further elucidate the possible outcome. For instance, be- pen is by doing it proportionally.
cause of the opposition to the 9th house I also tend towards
including 9th house issues, especially religion (science, phi- So from 21st of March to 22nd of September is 186 days.
losophy), travel and pilgrimage. So it might be that the We then divide these 186 days by 360 degrees, giving
small contingent of Dutch soldiers now stationed in the 1º56’07’’ degree per day. Now the distance between the
province of Uruzgan in Afghanistan might get into trouble ascendant and Mars is 71º30’, divided by our 1º56’07’’
that is more serious. They have already been attacked and gives 36 days 56’16’’. So the ascendant arrives at Mars
have been involved in offensive action against the Taliban. I some 37 days after the ingress starts, which is 25th or 26th of
believe this opposition might indicate some casualties over April.
there, which perhaps might have strong and even severe
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 Page 21

Netherlands Ingress cont... Foundations: The Vision

In like manner, I calculate the conjunction with Jupiter at The astrology as practiced up until the 17th century –
about 6-7 days later: which is the 26th or 27th of March. that’s what the term tradional or classical astrology refers
The opposition to Saturn will be around the 27th or 28th of to – was fundamentally different from her modern
April. counterpart. For diverse reasons this astrology has been, up
until now, ignored and set aside as not ‘fitting modern
The conjunction with Saturn will be after 130-131 days, times’, the Zeitgeist.
28th or 29th of July.
Thanks to recent translations and renewed interest in this
Let’s see what happens. ancient astrology it has become clear that it is a
remarkably subtle and complex astrology, very elegant,
Martien Hermes ©2007 pragmatic and rigourous. It is also clear that the study of
this astrology has restored many lost techniques and
methods, of great value to the practicing astrologer.

Ancient and medieval horoscopy is a very sensitive

instrument, and a very intricate tool, that helps elucidate
the philosophy and esoteric teachings regarding life – the
astrology – from which it sprang.

Foundations: The Goal

The goal of ”Foundations – ad fundum Astrologia” is to
present this ancient praxis, to research it and to
demonstrate its validity.

”Foundations – ad fundum Astrologia” strives to further

the astrological know-how and methods of the ancients.

Critical research of modern assumptions and of the ancient

texts is the method used.

In the end we hope to lay anew a foundation under modern

astrology that helps its practitioners get a (better) handle
on this Royal Art, so that again we can speak of a living
tradition, based on texts which have proven to be the

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indications of celestial bodies on terrestial

Martien Hermes
events is obtained from natural movements, E-mail:
because they are the indications of the celestial
bodies nearest to our senses.
Steven Birchfield
Web site: Divine Astrology
Abu Masar - On Historical Astrology

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