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11/8/21, 4:35 PM Module V--Quiz

Module V--Quiz
Cyber Security

Points: 18/18

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4. What is true about cybersecurity?

(1/1 Point)

a). cybersecurity as the set of principles and practices designed to protect our
computing resources… 1/8
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b). cybersecurity as the set of principles and practices designed to protect our
online information against threats

c). cybersecurity is a critical function and needed insurance of many businesses.

d). All of the above 

5. What is the purpose of biometrics in access control? (Access Control Domain)

(1/1 Point)

a) Authorization

b) Authentication 

c) Confirmation

d) none of the mentioned

6. As an information systems security manager (ISSM), how would you explain the

a system security policy?  

(1/1 Point)

a) A definition of the particular settings that have been determined to provide

optimum security

b) A set of brief, high-level statements that defines what is and is not permitted

during the operation of the system

c) A definition of those items that must be excluded on the system

d) A listing of tools and applications that will be used to protect the system

7. In mandatory access control, what determines the assignment of data


(1/1 Point)

a) The analysis of the users in conjunction with the audit department

b) The assessment by the information security department… 2/8
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c) The user’s evaluation of a particular information element

d) A security classification policy / guideline 

8. As a security manager, how would you explain the primary goal of a security

program to senior management?

(1/1 Point)

a) Provide a vehicle for communicating security procedures

b) Provide a clear understanding of potential risk and exposure 

c) Provide a forum for disclosing exposure and risk analysis

d) Provide a forum to communicate user responsibilities

9. Which statement below most accurately reflects the goal of risk mitigation?

(1/1 Point)

a) Defining the acceptable level of risk the organization can tolerate, then

reduce risk to that level.

b) Analyzing and removing all vulnerabilities and threats to security within the

c) Defining the acceptable level of risk the organization can tolerate, and assigning
any costs associated with loss or disruption to a third party such as an insurance

d) Analyzing the effects of a business disruption and preparing the company’s


10. A bank suffers loss due to adverse market movement of a security. The
security was however held beyond the defeasance period. What is the
type of the risk that the bank has suffered ?

(1/1 Point)

a) Market Risk… 3/8
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b) Operational Risk 

c) Market Liquidation Risk

d) Credit Risk

11. The kind of crime involves altering raw data just before the computer processes
it and then changing it back after the processing is completed_____

(1/1 Point)

a. Data diddling 

b. Data tampering

c. Salami attacks

d. None of above

12. Which type following UNIX account provides all types of privileges and rights
which one can perform administrative functions?

(1/1 Point)




Administrative 

13. What protocol is the Active Directory database based on?

a). LDAP 

b). TCP

c). SQL… 4/8
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d). HTTP

14. _____ is a web application assessment security tool.

A : LC4

B : Weblnspect 

C : Ettercap

D : QualysGuard

15. 1.      Which one of the following items is not commonly found in an
information security governance framework?
(1/1 Point)

a. Security guidelines

b. Security standards

c. Security policies

d. Security strategies 

16. How to track Email ?

(1/1 Point)

A. Gmail

B. Read notify 

C. Self distracting

D. Spy pin

17. Which of the following is not an example of physical data leakage?

(1/1 Point)

A. Printers and photocopiers… 5/8
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B. Shoulder surfing

C. Dumpster diving

D. Phishing 

18. Having individuals provide personal information to obtain a free offer provided
through the internet is considered what type of social engineering?

(1/1 Point)

A : Web-based

B : Human-base

C : User-based

D : Computer-based 

19. Which of the following statements is correct about the firewall?

(1/1 Point)

It is a device installed at the boundary of a company to prevent unauthorized

physical access.

It is a device installed at the boundary of an incorporate to protect it against the

unauthorized access.

It is a kind of wall built to prevent files form damaging the corporate.

None of the above.

20. When integrity is lacking in a security system, _________ occurs.

(1/1 Point)

a) Database hacking

b) Data deletion… 6/8
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c) Data tampering 

d) Data leakage

21. The full form of EDR is _______

(1/1 Point)

a) Endpoint Detection and recovery

b) Early detection and response

c) Endpoint Detection and response 

d) Endless Detection and Recovery

22. Which of the following information security technology is used for avoiding
browser-based hacking?

(1/1 Point)

a) Anti-malware in browsers

b) Remote browser access 

c) Adware remover in browsers

d) Incognito mode in a browser

23. Lack of access control policy is a _____________

(1/1 Point)

a) Bug

b) Threat

c) Vulnerability 

d) Attack

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11/8/21, 4:35 PM Module V--Quiz

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