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Information Assurance and Security 2

Name: _________________________________ Date:___________

Part I--- True or False: Answer should be written in the blank provided. Write True if the statement is
correct and write False if the statement is not correct. (1pt each)
1. ________ Communication is key to realizing projects with the RAD method.
2. ________ Information assurance protects user data's confidentiality, limited, unreliable,
authenticity, and non-repudiation. 
3. ________ Design stage includes observations, interviews, and questionnaires.
4. ________ Because it is out of date, the waterfall model is no longer used for system
5. ________ Dynamic Systems Model inherits much of its principles from the RAD framework.
6. ________ IT Security sometimes referred to as CompSec.
7. ________ The prototype approach enables developers in creating a fully functional software
rather than to work on the prototype version of the eventual product.
8. ________ Dynamic Systems Model aimed at the prompt delivery and aligning project goals to
the individual needs.
9. ________ Due to the nature and value of the data within larger firms, IT security specialists are
nearly always present in any major enterprise or establishment.
10. ________ SDLC is a method the software industry uses to create, create, and test high-quality
11. ________ Information Assurance is the process of making sure that data is not lost when
pressing problems occur.
12. ________ In the present era, the majority of information is housed on computers, hence IT
security professionals often handle information assurance.

13. ________ Will you consider the above image and processes a valid SDLC?
14. ________ IA includes analog or physical form in addition to digital form.
15. ________ SDLC limits to create high-quality software that meets or surpasses customer
expectations and is finished within the projected timeframe and budget.
16. ________ The IT Specialist has nothing to do in keeping the company's entire technology safe
from harmful cyberattacks that frequently try to access sensitive private data or seize control of
the internal systems.
17. ________ In prototyping, it checks if product breaks up specification.
18. ________ Information security guards against illegal access to our data.
19. ________ InfoSec is the process of preventing unauthorized individuals from accessing, using,
disclosing, disrupting, altering, scrutinizing, inspecting, recording, or destroying information.
20. ________ Feature Driven Development works best for smaller teams working on complex
Part II-- Multiple Choice: Select and underline the correct answer in provided choices provided.
(2pts each)
1. Which of the choices is NOT an Information Assurance critical issues.
a. Typhoon b. computer/server malfunction c. physical theft
d. any other situation where data retention is a possibility

2. What happens in the software development life cycle's initial step?

a. Analysis b. Planning c. Deployment d.Implementation

3. Which phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) best describes the
3a. The project managers assess the conditions of the project throughout this stage of the
SDLC. This entails estimating labor and material expenses, developing a schedule with specific
deadlines, and establishing the project's teams and organizational structure.
a. Planning b. Defining c. Designing d. Building e. Deployment

3b. The team begins by converting the software specifications into a design strategy known as
the Design Specification during this stage of the SDLC. Then, after reviewing this strategy, all parties
involved provide comments and recommendations.
a. Planning b. Defining c. Designing d. Building e. Deployment

3c. The team begins the real application coding during this stage of the SDLC. It's crucial that
each developer follows the predetermined plan. Additionally, make sure you have appropriate rules
on the practices and code style in place.
a. Testing b. Defining c. Designing d. Building e. Deployment

3d. The SDLC team begins testing for defects and deficiencies at this phase. Up until the
product satisfies the initial requirements, they will keep correcting all issues that are found.
a. Testing b. Defining c. Designing d. Building e. Deployment

3e. When a product has passed testing and is prepared for deployment, it is formally released
in the relevant market.
a. Planning b. Defining c. Designing d. Building e. Deployment

3f. Following completion of the requirement study, the next stage is to precisely describe and
record the product needs and obtain customer or market analyst approval.
a. Planning b. Defining c. Designing d. Building e. Deployment

3g. At what point would employing a programmer be beneficial?

a. Testing b. Defining c. Designing d. Building e. Deployment
4. SDLC stands for…
a. Systems Development Life Conditions
b. Systems Development Life Cycle
c. Software Development Litigation Cycle
d. Software Development Life Cycle

5. What life cycle is this?

a. Waterfall b. Agile c. Continuous d. Iterative f.RAD

6. What life cycle is this?

a. Waterfall b. Lean c. Continuous d. Iterative f.RAD

7. Which of these models is undergoing iterations of many development cycles at once?

a. Waterfall b. Agile c. Continuous d. Iterative f.RAD

8. Which of the following is the correct SDLC order?

a. Maintenance, Planning, Design, Analysis, Implementation
b. Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Maintenance
c. Analysis, Planning, Design, Maintenance, Implementation
d. Planning, Analysis, Implementation, Design, Maintenance
Part III—Identification: Write the correct answer in blank provided. (3pts each)

1. In a Diagram: An analysis model that displays the system in its surroundings along with the
external entities (people and systems) that give to and receive from the system helps to
highlight the product scope. _________________________

2. In a Diagram: The main tool used to depict a system's individual processes and the data flow
between them is the: ________________

3. In a Diagram: Is a place/person/organization, eg. Customer, Owner, Manager, Admin.


4. In SDLC persons involved ,before it is created, who should review the detailed design?

5. What is the SDLC phase must be taken to ensure that a newly developed system functions
properly? ____________________

6. The SDLC phase that ensures that the system does its job and functions properly after
installation. - ____________________

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