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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

Improved understanding of dispersal in crop pest and disease

management: current status and future directions
M.J. Jeger ∗
Ecological Phytopathology Group, Wageningen Agricultural University, P.O.B. 8025, 6700 EE Wageningen, The Netherlands

Accepted 21 July 1999

Implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) is by definition scale- and location-specific and because these features
govern biophysical processes such as dispersal, information on the latter is relevant for IPM. However, dispersal has not featured
prominently as the defining and critical element of IPM schemes. At the larger regional or inter-continental scales then our
understanding of dispersal has improved with the availability of new tracking technologies (e.g., Doppler weather radar,
see Westbrook and Isard (1999)), but proportionate returns in terms of IPM have not been demonstrated. There is increasing
interest in describing within-field and within-plant dispersal events, but much remains to be done to integrate research findings
into operational IPM programmes. Models are often seen as useful tools for analysing pest and disease outbreaks and for the
evaluation of alternative control options. Dispersal, in full biophysical detail, has rarely featured explicitly in such models, and
indeed the lack of biological balance in complex simulation models places their uses in research, technology development or
implementation somewhat in doubt. Often, however, it is possible to incorporate dispersal or more generally spatial processes
into simplified models that combine applicability to real pest management situations with the insights of theoretical population
ecology. Such insights are relevant to the multiple-species interactions characteristic of biological control and the ways in
which dispersal affects the qualitative attributes of these interactions. Dispersal research has had a demonstrable impact on
pest management and new opportunities will arise in the future. ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Dispersal; Integrated pest management; Biophysical models; Spatial models; Pest and disease dynamics; Multiple-species
interactions; Landscape ecology

1. Introduction behavioural traits are involved. Very crudely, as used

here, dispersal is synonymous with movement and in-
Dispersal as a term has been used with different cludes both the movement of individual entities such
nuances of meaning depending often on the organism as insects or fungal spores, and the growth of inde-
in question. In this paper it will be used as a neu- terminate entities such as fungal mycelia. It is not re-
tral term, irrespective of whether dispersion (scatter- stricted to air dispersal but includes dispersal through
ing of a group of individuals) takes place or whether soil and in water. Dispersal by vectors other than hu-
mans is also a legitimate topic for this paper. Disper-
∗ Current address: Department of Agriculture and Horticulture,
sal operates at different time and spatial scales which
Wye College (University of London), Wye, Ashford, Kent, TN25
sometimes can and sometimes cannot be separated. A
5AH, UK basic premise is that the importance of dispersal be-
E-mail address: (M.J. Jeger) comes apparent at different scales depending upon the

0168-1923/99/$ – see front matter ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 1 9 2 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 7 6 - 3
332 M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

system being considered. Dispersal may occur over (iv) Are there linkages between biophysical ap-
tens or hundreds of kilometers between susceptible proaches to dispersal with those from theoretical
crops, over a few meters between individual plants, or population ecology (and also genetics) that could
over a few centimetres or less between roots in soil. be better exploited?
The important question is: what is the critical scale (v) What priorities should be set for future disper-
for dispersal, below which a pest or pathogen remains sal research: in particular are there new areas
contained without posing a field problem, and above of application, set either from scientific or soci-
which a major pest outbreak or disease epidemic may etal imperatives, to which dispersal research can
occur. contribute?
This paper will largely confine itself to arthro-
pod pests of crop plants and plant pathogens (fungi,
viruses, bacteria and nematodes). Dispersal of verte- 2. Dispersal and integrated pest management
brate pests will not be considered and seed or clonal
dispersal of agricultural weed plants will only be con- The development and deployment of IPM strategies
sidered in assessing the status of dispersal research have been a major preoccupation of crop protectionists
in relation to pest management. Similar comments and policy makers for the last 30 years, although ex-
apply to the dispersal of arthropod pests and disease plicit consideration of dispersal within IPM progamme
vectors of humans and animals. development and implementation is more recent. In
During the last 10 years there have been many my view it is debateable whether the pursuit of IPM,
authoritative reviews of dispersal in relation to the ma- per se,has led either to an increased scientific under-
jor pest groups (e.g., Fuxa, 1987; Davis, 1987; Fitt et standing or to an improved management of the pests
al., 1989; Aylor, 1990; Madden, 1992; Loxdale et al., and diseases that have afflicted and continue to afflict
1993). Similarly, major international conferences of the major economic crops worldwide. It is instructive
an interdisciplinary nature have been held during the to consider dispersal in this context. Dispersal can be
last 20 years: including those at NASA Wallops Island, seen as a key element in the development of plant
Virginia in 1978; the Royal Society, London in 1982; disease epidemics and in the population dynamics of
Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1984; the W.G. Kellogg disease vectors and pests, almost irrespective of other
Biological Station, Michigan in 1992; and an Ameri- life history characteristics, provided a relevant tempo-
can Phytopathological Society/Entomological Society ral and spatial scale is considered. Dispersal can be
of America symposium at Las Vegas in 1998. Numer- viewed and approached from many different perspec-
ous symposia at other national and international con- tives as befits a topic that truly crosses the boundaries
ferences have dealt with some of the issues relating of many different disciplines. However, is it actually
to dispersal and crop pest and disease management. the case that consideration of dispersal has played a
What must be left out of this paper is far more exten- major role in the development of IPM, or has dispersal
sive than what is included. research largely operated in contexts specific to partic-
In an attempt to identify the importance of an im- ular organisms, crops and environments, without real
proved understanding of dispersal in crop and disease regard to its importance in management? It is remark-
management the following approach will be adopted. able that only one review has attempted to specifically
(i) I consider the role of dispersal research in the de- link dispersal with IPM (Vaughn and Wolf, 1979);
velopment and implementation of IPM. In parti- where, according to the authors, IPM concepts high-
cular, I ask the question: is dispersal ever the key light the importance of understanding the causes and
defining element in pest or pathogen life history effects of dispersal as well as manipulating dispersal
with respect to management? to advantage in management systems. Despite the at-
(ii) How does the scale at which dispersal operates tractiveness of this mantra, it was proffered only in the
affect pest management decision-making? context of insect pests and today remains largely un-
(iii) How useful for research or management purposes appreciated by practitioners. It still remains the case
are models of pest and disease dynamics in which that few accounts of the importance of dispersal in
dispersal is accounted for explicitly or implicity? pest management attempt to cover the whole range of
M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349 333

pest organisms (cf. Derron, 1988) or place dispersal eastern hemlock forests in Connecticut was observed
within the broader landscape context that character- (McClure, 1979) and the information used to suggest
izes agricultural or forest land (Fry, 1995). better options for control, both chemical and through
In an attempt to establish the importance attached predators. Often dispersal from different landscape
to dispersal as a component of IPM, an analysis was elements can cause a major pest problem to arise. The
made of relevant literature that purported to link geometrid Operophtera brumata is an irregular pest in
dispersal with pest, disease and weed management. fruit orchards in Norway, with outbreaks every 12–15
Almost 200 publications at least claimed to make this years (Edland, 1981). Larvae are dispersed by wind
link over the 25-year period 1974–1998. About a quar- from nearby forest slopes and control measures are
ter of these publications were considered to be making then required. A monitoring strategy based on light
exaggerated claims. Others, rather than dealing with traps at different altitudes and distances from forested
dispersal as a process, dealt with the use of dispersion areas gave a good forecast of larval dispersal and
statistics in pest management, mostly with respect to when control measures should be taken. Even at a
arthropod pests: including their use for determining more local level dispersal between habitats, dependent
optimal sample sizes (Croft et al., 1976; Funderbunk upon behavioural and developmental changes, influ-
and Mack, 1989); sampling pattern and design (Zalom ences the nature and extent of pest damage as shown
et al., 1984; Li et al., 1992; Clarke et al., 1997), and in studies of the hemp moth Grapholitha delineana in
methods (Byerly et al., 1978); and sequential sam- Hungary (Nagy, 1979) and can be related to its control.
pling plans for action or economic thresholds (Iwao Assembly flights in hemp fields generally ended in
and Kolodney-Hirsch, 1986; Boivin et al., 1991; edge zones with higher infestations and damage result-
Sanderson and Zhang, 1995). There has been a sim- ing in these zones. Information on dispersal within and
ilar trend with regard to plant pathogens and diseases between individual plants can also be useful even when
(Madden, 1989) although in few cases have dispersion the scale of dispersal is small. For example, a study
statistics actually been related to dispersal phenomena. of the pine weevil Pissodes strobi in British Columbia
Also omitted from the analysis were a few publica- (McIntosh et al., 1996) showed that although consid-
tions dealing with dispersal of vertebrate pests (Muria erable diurnal and seasonal dispersal occurred within
and Rodriguez, 1989; Cowan and Rhodes, 1993), white spruce trees, weevils would rarely, on average,
arthropod pests or disease vectors of animals/humans move further than the adjacent tree following mating
(Toyama and Ikeda, 1974; Legner et al., 1990; Yu et and oviposition. Dispersal within a crop may, however,
al., 1995) and invasions of exotic weed species into have significant effects on the ways integrated control
native vegetation (Jubinsky and Anderson, 1996). programmes are implemented. Larvae of the tortricid
The papers discussed in the sections below were Lobesia botransa has considerable dispersal capacity
chosen as representative of the ways dispersal has been in grapevine (Torres-Vila et al., 1997) and this, in rela-
considered as an important process in attempts to man- tion to establishment and survival, must be taken into
age arthropod pests, plant pathogens and agricultural account when sampling to determine whether damage
weeds. An attempt is made to show that broadly the thresholds have been reached.
same considerations apply irrespective of the pest taxa The relationship between dispersal and pesticide
considered. An analysis is also made of the impor- treatment has often been studied to make better use
tance of dispersal for successful biological control. of pesticide treatments. In some cases the timing of
treatment is clearly linked to dispersive or mobile
stages so as to obtain the most efficient use of the
2.1. Dispersal of arthropod pests pesticide, sometimes outside of the crop (Vercambre,
1982). The soft wax scale Ceroplastes destructor has
There have been many studies of arthropod pest an insecticide-sensitive ray stage which settles on
dispersal in terms of basic ecological and behavioural tangelo leaves (Blank et al., 1997); rays later disperse
information that may influence the management of onto wood forming the wax-protected 3rd instar. The
these pests, even if not in an IPM context. The general highest level of control was achieved at about the
dispersal behaviour of the scale Fiorinia externa in time of maximum ray settlement, and insecticide
334 M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

application timings were recommended accordingly. level, the spatial pattern of used and abandoned
In cases where flight dispersal is linked to temperature orchards, together with the surrounding landscape
placement of traps and lures can be placed accord- habitats, can explain a large proportion of the flying
ingly, for example with the scotylid Xyleborus dispar activity of tortricids (Jeanneret, 1997).
(Mani et al., 1992). Similar considerations apply when
mating disruptants (Cordillot, 1987) or other use of
semiochemicals (Paiva et al., 1993) are considered 2.2. Dispersal of plant pathogens
for use in IPM. Other studies have examined how
application itself is followed by greater dispersal ac- Published research on pathogen dispersal in rela-
tivity. The acaricidal activity of pyrethroids is largely tion to disease management has covered the whole
controlled by the extent of repellancy induced by range of modes of transport, including airborne and
the chemicals (Penman and Chapman, 1988) which splash-borne dispersal of fungal spores, and soil-borne
in turn induces dispersal to other plants. This could dispersal of spores and/or mycelium. However, de-
certainly be an important consideration in the case spite the considerable literature on this topic, many
of non-persistently transmitted plant viruses where studies do not specifically consider dispersal in the
the activity rather than density of virus vectors was light of disease management options — a criterion for
shown to be an important factor in models of the inclusion in this analysis. Many of the different scales
dynamics of virus transmission (Jeger et al., 1998). that arise in dispersal of arthropod pests arise again
Dispersal can also have a major effect on the evo- with pathogens. The patterns of epidemic develop-
lution of pesticide resistance (Comins, 1979) and its ment of tobacco blue mold in the eastern USA and
management (Irwin, 1999), an aspect that has been Canada were consistent with the long-range trans-
little researched and thus remains poorly understood, port of spores of the pathogen Peronospora tabacina
except for a few cases such as in the tetranychid mites (Davis and Main, 1984, 1986). Such information can
(Dunley and Croft, 1992). Immigration of resistant be used for the evaluation of decisions concerning
individuals from a sprayed crop can increase the disease management (Aylor, 1986) and in operational
frequency of resistance, but equally, immigration of disease warning systems, such as the North Carolina
susceptible individuals from unsprayed habitats can forecasting system for blue mold. Also at the regional
retard resistance development or lead to its reversion or continental scale the phytosanitary and other op-
depending on the level of gene flow. tions for managing or limiting spread of Dutch elm
Somewhat surprising is that the effect of differ- disease and canker stain of plane (Ceratocystis fim-
ent crop management or cultural practices (pruning, briata f.sp. platani) within Europe were compared
sanitation, defoliation, irrigation) on dispersal has re- by Smith (1985); with a widespread distribution of
ceived relatively little attention. Increasing the plant aggressive strains of the Dutch elm pathogen, but
spacing delays or even prevents the spread of the fir with human agency largely being responsible for
aphid Cinara todocola within plantations (Furuta and spread of the latter pathogen. The fungal pathogen
Aloo, 1994). In studies on cotton production prac- Mycosphaerella graminicola occurs in all wheat
tices in relation to later season crops (Nuessly et al., growing areas of northern Europe (Mielke and Ahlf,
1994) it was possible to define latest irrigation and 1985) with ascospore infection, possibly from distant
defoliation dates for cotton, combined with earliest sources, giving rise to initial infections followed by
planting dates for the other crops, to avoid serious more limited dispersal by asexual spores within-field.
problems caused by dispersal of the whitefly Bemisia These dispersal characteristics contribute to the ability
tabaci into the later crops. Survival and dispersal of to forecast disease development from early infections.
Aphanostigma piri are major factors affecting the in- At the individual plant level dispersal of the Karnal
cidence and severity of pear phylloxera (Moussion, bunt pathogen of wheat (Tilletia indica) from soil to
1982), and a range of cultural practices that minimize ears is a key element in predicting disease severity and
the pest problem have been developed, involving developing disease management practices (Nagarajan
manipulation of fertilizer use, ground cover, varietal et al., 1997). A key factor in understanding the epi-
susceptibility, and bag protection. At the landscape demiology of fungal plant pathogens is the genetic
M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349 335

composition of the pathogen population, and the role As with phytoplasmas, research on virus dispersal
of dispersal in determining patterns of diversity at a (Thresh, 1985) has tended to emphasize arthropod
range of scales. For example, Limpert (1988) moni- vector dispersal, although of course fungi and ne-
tored airborne populations of barley mildew through- matodes also vector important plant diseases mostly
out cultivated areas in western Europe and found below-ground, where dispersal has been much less
essentially a single epidemiological unit because of studied. A wide range of fungal and bacterial plant
the wind-dispersed nature of the pathogen. On this pathogens are known to be dispersed passively by
basis a system for Europe-wide deployment and use human and animal agents (Warner and French, 1970;
of host resistance and fungicides was proposed. Bashan, 1986).
As with the case for arthropod pests, knowledge of
dispersal can be critical in determining the optimal
2.3. Dispersal and weeds
timing for fungicide sprays. For example, the most
effective treatments with triazole fungicides for con-
Recent research on weed dispersal in relation
trolling Leptosphaeria maculans infections in oilseed
to IPM mostly covers seed dispersal and survival
rape during the 1–6 leaf stage were those applied at
(Regehr and Thomas, 1994; Jordan, 1996; Debaeke,
the beginning of ascospore dispersal (Penaud, 1993).
1997; Wallace, 1997) with some elaborations specific
Some disease warning systems are based on spore
to the nature of the weed problem. The preven-
sampling data to initiate control programmes: for
tion and control of Solanum viarum in pasture and
example, potato early blight in Colorado (Harrison
open forest was achieved by reducing or eliminating
et al., 1965) and hop downy mildew in Germany
seed dispersal by herbivore vectors (Mullahey et al.,
(Kremheller and Diercks, 1983). Some research has
1996). As with insecticides and fungicides, dispersal
also considered the effects of crop management
influences the development of herbicide resistance.
(greenhouse fumigation, nursery practices, mulching,
Herbicide-resistant biotypes of wild oats infest many
plant thinning, sanitation) practices on pathogen dis-
cereal producing regions and a major means of delay-
persal. Dispersal of soil-borne inoculum of Phytoph-
ing or preventing resistance development is to prevent
thora nicotianae var. parasitica to tomato fruits can
dispersal (from immigration or within-field) of oat
be obstructed by polythene mulch, and is as effective
seed into the soil (Thill et al., 1994). When comparing
as a fungicide (Dodan et al., 1994). In glasshouses,
tillage and no-tillage systems for maize it was found
the prevention of recontamination of disinfested soil
that emergence of the most abundant weeds was re-
by airborne spores of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
duced by tillage (Mohler and Calloway, 1992) except,
radicis-lycopersici is crucial in controlling crown and
as in the case of Taraxacum officinale, when there was
root rot of tomato (Franceschini et al., 1996). As well
a short time between dispersal and germination. Seed
as for fungi, cultural controls are important for the
dispersal and grazing regime can interact in deter-
prevention of dispersal of nematodes, especially in
mining the optimal management of a weed problem,
nurseries (Esser, 1996), bacteria (Pohronezny et al.,
as found for Hieracium spp. management in New
1990) and phytoplasmas (Purcell et al., 1987). Hand
Zealand pastures (Espie, 1994). Parasitic plants, such
thinning of direct seeded tomato when foliage was dry
as Striga and Orobanche spp., have many features in
in the afternoon reduced disease incidence of bacterial
common with soil-borne plant pathogens possessing
spot (Pohronezny et al., 1990). Use of bacteriocidal
an aerial phase, and their modes of dispersal have
hand washes to avoid human dispersal of the bac-
resulted in an extensive geographical distribution (Fer
terium also proved useful in an integrated programme
and Thalouarn, 1997).
for management of the disease. Cherry decline in
California is caused by a phytoplasma transmitted
by cicadellids (Purcell et al., 1987). The vector over- 2.4. Dispersal of biological control agents
winters on a range of other shrubs and disperses to
cherry in late spring or summer. Management prac- 2.4.1. Arthropod pests
tices now involve the removal of any ornamental food One interesting outcome of the analysis linking dis-
plant of the vector situated close to cherry orchards. persal with pest management is that the dispersal of
336 M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

biological control organisms, notably natural enemies al., 1990; Jepson and Thacker, 1990) are well repre-
of arthropod pests, has received at least as much atten- sented in the literature. For parasitoids there has been
tion as dispersal of the pests themselves. Most of the a considerable number of studies of the Encarsia for-
research on biological control of arthropods has been mosa/Trialeurodes vaporariorum system in particular.
with arthropod natural enemies, with only a few pa- It is perhaps not coincidental that biological control of
pers linking dispersal with pathogens of arthropods. In the glasshouse whitefly has been well established in
much of the research on pathogens, emphasis has been commercial production in Europe, given the detailed
placed on inundative application, where the dispersal attention afforded to dispersal of the parasitoid in
and survival of the pathogen may be counter-indicated, glasshouses (van Lenteren et al., 1976, 1992; Hussey
especially if pathogenicity has been genetically en- et al., 1976).
hanced. Many studies have examined dispersal of a Research on the use of insect pathogens has
range of natural enemies of a given pest or pest com- long been dominated by an inundative approach, al-
plex. Many of the studies are directed to the ability of though according to Fuxa (1987) this approach is
natural enemies to recover after pesticide application unlikely to be successful due to the limited num-
and how the speed of recovery is related to dispersive ber of quick-acting pathogens; therefore, the greatest
ability. Such research has been typical of long-term potential for the use of pathogens in IPM lies in
projects comparing ‘conventional’ and supervised sys- the inoculative augmentation approach. However, it
tems of pest management such as the Boxworth project seems that natural dispersal of entomopathogenic
in the UK (Burns, 1988, 1992). Such studies impose fungi may be insufficient by itself, especially as
severe methodological constraints on the experimenta- behavioural modifications in infected insects may
tion and the interpretations of the results. Investigation restrict conidial dispersal (Carruthers et al., 1985).
of long-term effects on populations of highly disper- However, one possibility is to use other agents,
sive predators may require extensive studies over many e.g., honey bees, to vector pathogens from specially
years (Sunderland, 1992). constructed applicators, as reported by Gross et
Long-term management experiments involving a al. (1994) to deliver Heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis
range of cropping patterns as well as pesticides have virus against clover pests. The dispersal and for-
also shown the importance of natural enemy disper- aging behaviour of the honey bee then serves to
sal in reducing pest populations, and pinpointing the disperse the virus to attack phytophagous insects.
problems caused by limited dispersive capacity, for The possibilities for improved strain selection and
example of laboratory-bred parasites (Cameron et al., of genetically engineering pathogens to have greater
1983). and faster-acting effects, however, places the em-
The numbers of studies on dispersal of individual phasis again on an inoculative approach in which
natural enemy species are too many to document in recombinant microbes, once they have done the job
full and only representative examples are discussed. intended, do not survive and disperse in the envi-
Generally, the research emphasis has been on the ronment. The analogy with pesticide use and the
relative dispersive capacity of the natural enemy avoidance of pesticide residues is then complete. Ul-
compared with the pest, side effects or differential timately, the risks and ramifications of introducing
responses to pesticide application as noted above, genetically-modified microbes for pest control must
the occurrence of pesticide-resistant natural enemies, be evaluated and quantified (Walter et al., 1990),
and ways of manipulating the crop and surround- and this is a burgeoning area for epidemiological
ing habitats to facilitate the survival and dispersal and ecological insight (Mundt, 1995). Developments
of the natural enemy. Particularly prominent in this in molecular biology mean that completely new ap-
respect have been studies on predatory phytoseiid proaches to ‘pathogen-like’ control of pests are now
mites (Burnett, 1979; Hoy et al., 1985; Hoy and Cave, possible, such as the cloning of insecticidal genes
1988; Courcy-Williams, 1993). For other predators, and the use of mobile genetic elements as vectors for
the dispersal characteristics of coccinellid beetles (Xu the dispersal of the construct through a population
and Wu, 1989; Tondeur et al., 1993; Dreistadt and as a consequence of mating (Pfeifer and Grigliatti,
Flint, 1996) and spiders (Thomas, 1988; Thomas et 1996).
M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349 337

2.4.2. Weeds 2.4.3. Plant pathogens

There have been some studies on dispersal in re- Very little research has been concerned with dis-
lation to biological control of weeds and most of persal of biological control agents of plant pathogens
these were concerned with arthropods. Sometimes within an integrated control strategy. The most suc-
the very lack of dispersive ability in a potential agent cessful biofungicide for foliar pathogens in commer-
can lead to dispersal through community intervention cial use, AQ10TM, is based on the hyperparasitic
and involvement (Jupp, 1996). More direct successful fungus Ampelomyces quisqualis. This product is
introductions of biological control agents based in produced using large-scale fermentation and is for-
part on a knowledge of dispersal characteristics can, mulated as a water-dispersible granule (Daoust and
however, be found in the literature. Purple loosestrife Hofstein, 1996) and used mainly against powdery
is a wetland perennial introduced to North America in mildew in grapes or under glass against cucumber
the 19th century, occurring in large monotypic stands. powdery mildew. The hypoparasite is partly tolerant
A biological weed control programme using several to some fungicides used for powdery mildew control
insect species began in 1986 based on wide-ranging (Sundheim, 1982b). It is known that passive dispersal
ecological investigations, including patterns and rates of the hyperparasite by powdery mildew conidia over
of insect dispersal (Blossey et al., 1996). The pro- large distances occurs (Philipp et al., 1984) and that
gramme has resulted in the successful establishment the presence of the powdery mildew host promotes
of some species and the authors claim that biologi- germination (Sundheim, 1982a); however, application
cal weed management can now be incorporated into is made solely as a biofungicide without any con-
national and international pest management strate- sideration of the potential for natural dispersal as a
gies. Dockplants (Rumex spp.) are common plants in component of integrated control. There is perhaps an
many agricultural and disturbed habitats and in some under-appreciation of the potential role of dispersal in
situations are considered weeds. The chrysomelid biological control of pathogens; notably the dispersal
beetle (Gastrophysa viridula) is a potential biological of mycoparasites by arthropods above-ground during
control agent for docks but its ability to disperse and pollination (Sutton and Peng, 1993), or below ground
invade changeable habitats must be understood for it by soil invertebrates.
to be successful (Whittaker et al., 1979). Herbicide
application can also affect the dispersive behaviour of
insects used for biological control of weeds. Several 3. Dispersal as a biophysical phenomenon
weevils (Neochetina spp.) have been used to con-
trol the aquatic weed water hyacinth. Weevils were
As stated in Section 1 this paper takes an inclu-
found to consistently disperse from sprayed dying
sive definition of dispersal, dependent only on the
plants to healthy plants, which could potentially be
time and spatial scales considered. Above-ground and
exploited in integrated control of the weed (Haag,
below-ground dispersal, and the biophysical factors
involved are both included. In practice however stud-
There have been few substantive studies of the
ies on dispersal below-ground in relation to pest man-
role of dispersal in naturally-occurring pathogens
agement are few.
of weeds, or those applied as mycoherbicides,
where again inundative application and complete
coverage of the target weed is the recommended 3.1. Dispersal in soil
practise. The mycoherbicide COLLEGO is a com-
mercial product for the control of the weed northern Wallace (1978) reviewed the topic with respect to
jointvetch in rice. Understanding the dispersal of plant pathogens, including nematodes, but there has
the pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides by rain been little progress since. Motility of soil beneficial
splash (Yang and TeBeest, 1992) and by grasshop- bacteria is an important aspect of introducing these or-
pers (Yang et al., 1994) was considered to be ganisms into cropping systems (Bashan and Holguin,
an important element in the development of the 1994; Boelens et al., 1994; Parco et al., 1994), and sim-
mycoherbicide. ilar studies are required for soil-borne pathogens and
338 M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

biological control organisms (Parke, 1991). Lateral inspired calculations (Simmonds, 1994), the tracing of
flow of subsurface water can be an effective means of historical records in major traded crops such as banana
dispersing zoosporic fungi (Kinal et al., 1993) with (Burt, 1994), to the development of long-range trans-
potential movement of up to 120 m following intensive port models based on atmospheric conditions (Aylor,
rainfall events. Flooding (Kenerley et al., 1984) and 1986; Davis, 1987). In a similar way, Loxdale et al.
furrow-irrigation (Grinstein et al., 1983) have been (1993) consider the evidence for long-range move-
implicated in the within-field dispersal of soil-borne ment of a particular pest and virus-vector grouping,
pathogens. On a smaller scale, homing responses of aphids, and its significance relative to local move-
zoosporic fungi are well documented (Deacon and ment. They concluded that short-distance movement
Donaldson, 1993) and may be critical in determining has a greater effect on population distribution than
the severity of root diseases, as indeed might be the long-distance movement. This conclusion would be
disturbance of these homing responses by potential an- particularly relevant to plant virus epidemiology and
tagonists (Dandurand and Menge, 1994). The disper- the spread of insecticide-resistant genotypes. Thresh
sal of fungi through soil by means of mycelial growth (1983) specified six conditions that should be satis-
is less understood with few experimental observations fied in terms of providing evidence for long-distance
reported (Kenerley and Jeger, 1990; Kenerley et al., ‘spread’ of plant viruses, but these have rarely been
1998) due to the difficulties in direct visualization. The rigorously followed. Case studies for a range of other
rhizomorph forming fungus Armillaria produces ex- pests and pathogens, and dispersal types are given
tensive networks extending over hundreds of hectares elsewhere (Limpert, 1999; Byrne, 1999; Shields and
but this characteristic again raises the question as to Testa, 1999).
whether this is growth (of an individual mycelium) In some cases such explicit knowledge on
or dispersal of the fungus. There are few studies on long-range dispersal can be used directly to inform
the below-ground dispersal of arthropods in relation strategic and tactical decisions, although generally
to pest management, except for the case of larval this has been the case at regional scales only. From
stages and forecasting the timing of their emergence this perspective aerobiological research can be seen
in relation to crop phenology (Finch et al., 1996). as a mature science, but does it present the whole pic-
The remainder of this section deals with dispersal ture and does it really contribute to pest and disease
above-ground. management at the local level? For spore dispersal
within a crop canopy there has been established a rich
theory combining environmental physics, detailed
3.2. Airborne dispersal observations, epidemiological insight and mathemati-
cal models that was brought together in the late 70s
As a biophysical phenomenon, airborne dispersal and early 80s (Aylor, 1978; Legg and Powell, 1979;
integrates environmental physics, meteorology and Shaw, 1982; Legg, 1983; Raupach and Legg, 1984).
models of aerial dispersion; and in the case of insect Since then there has been an increased apprecia-
dispersal, behavioural responses. As such there have tion of factors such as the role of intermittent wind
been major advances in our ability to monitor and (Aylor, 1990) in dispersal and at a finer scale the
track populations through technological advances in micro-conditions governing spore release (Aylor and
equipment, information retrieval and data processing. Anagnostakis, 1991). Ferrandino (1993) has related
It is not the intention here to review these develop- the three-dimensional turbulent dispersal of airborne
ments, which are covered by other contributors to this spores to the types of contact distributions typically
volume (Gage and Isard, 1999; Westbrook and Isard, used in theoretical epidemiological models and shown
1999; Aylor, 1999). Airborne dispersal can be both how distinctive patterns of disease expansion from
long-range and short-range, depending on the time foci can occur, as discussed in the next section. De-
scale set, and there have been many attempts to explain spite this well-developed theory for airborne dispersal
the movement of major pests and diseases worldwide there have been few attempts to incorporate detailed
in terms of long-range dispersal between continents. dispersal information into epidemiological investiga-
These attempts range from the anecdotal, involving tions and disease management schemes at this scale.
M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349 339

Notable exceptions are the work on apple scab man- developed a mechanistic model based solely on phys-
agement (Aylor, 1999) and the blue mold warning ical considerations and shown that under limiting
system referred to earlier. circumstances the solution approaches that of the dif-
It is also the case that surprises can still be found in fusion equation. This is an excellent example of how
studies on airborne dispersal. For example, sorghum a relatively parsimonious model based on biophysical
downy mildew is caused by a pathogen that produces principles can be developed and related to a more
long-lived oospores. Such survival propagules are general model that has found many areas of applica-
normally associated with the soil and the immediate tion in population ecology. This is a theme that will
vicinity of where a susceptible crop is grown. De- be returned to later in this paper.
tailed epidemiological studies (Bock et al., 1997) have There have been few studies on the effects of rain-
shown, however, that oospores, because of the way fall on dispersal of arthropod pests or vectors, or of
they develop within diseased leaf tissue, can be freed dispersal within splash droplets in any way analogous
and be dispersed as though they were airborne spores, to splash-borne plant pathogens; although the effect of
with serious implications for attempts to manage this rain on disease vectors at the mesoscale has been well
disease. described (Smith, 1983) and rainfall generally inhibits
active movement of most arthropod pests (Gage and
Isard, 1999).
3.3. Splash-borne dispersal

The literature on splash dispersal, despite some 4. Dispersal and pest and disease development
pioneering studies in the 50s and 60s, is much more
recent than that of airborne dispersal and is virtually There have been many experimental and observa-
restricted to fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. tional studies on the influence of dispersal on pest
Splash dispersal is intimately linked to rainfall events and disease dynamics. It is not possible to cover all
(Fitt et al., 1989; Madden, 1992) and with the forma- the relevant details in this section, but relevant ex-
tion and subsequent fate of water drops and films on amples include: the timing of initial establishment of
plant surfaces (Butler, 1990). Detailed photographic the aphid vectors of beet yellowing viruses (van der
analysis has revealed the sequence of physical events Werf et al., 1992), and the spread of maize chlorotic
by which fungal spores contained in water drops dwarf virus in relation to introduction of the leafhop-
or films on leaf surfaces are dispersed within the per vector (Madden et al., 1990) as examples of vec-
secondary droplets caused by the impaction of rain tored dispersal; the spread of bean rust in relation to
on the original droplet (Walklate, 1989; Yang et al., local dispersal of the pathogen (Aylor and Ferrandino,
1991). A range of innovative experimental studies 1989, 1990) and the relationship between aerial spore
simulating rainfall of different qualitative and quan- concentrations and disease development (Aylor and
titative characteristics has revealed the patterns and Kiyomoto, 1993) for fungal pathogens. It is sometimes
extent of splash dispersal possible during rainfall possible to use characterizations of disease gradients
(Reynolds et al., 1987, 1989). Simple monitoring de- as an indicator of dispersal (gradients) especially when
vices (a splash meter) have been proposed as a means the disease source is known and molecular markers are
to forecast when significant disease increase follow- available to identify genotypes (Zwankhuizen et al.,
ing splash dispersal can be expected (Shaw, 1987). 1998). This study in the Netherlands was able to un-
Physical models of splash dispersal have also been equivocally identify major sources of inoculum for
developed. Yang et al. (1991) applied a modified dif- the regional epidemic, including organic farms, and
fusion equation to parameterize the effects of rainfall as a consequence make control recommendations in a
intensity and surface topography on splash dispersal locality where conventional and organic farms are in-
of strawberry pathogens, and considered the model to termingled. Dispersal research can then lead to broader
hold considerable promise for predicting the effects cultural and political implications.
of different ground covers. Subsequently, Pielaat and Sometimes, especially with virus diseases, there is
van den Bosch (1997) and Pielaat et al. (1998) have an apparent discrepancy between the known biology
340 M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

and behaviour of the vector and the apparent rate vading forest habitats, the motivational and preda-
of spread of the disease in the field. An example tory behaviour of a carabid beetle, and the dispersal
of this is cocoa swollen shoot disease caused by a of green peach aphid causing beet yellowing disease.
mealybug-transmitted virus that occurs in all the co- Undoubtedly in these examples there was consider-
coa growing areas of west Africa. Despite the very able insight obtained into the processes underlying
limited mobility of the vector, which only spreads spatial dynamics and some clues obtained as to pos-
by branch-to-branch contact and occasional wind- sible control interventions; however, it is a personal
borne dispersal of first instar nymphs, the disease had view that this approach has rarely led to either an im-
spread apparently rapidly and showed no signs of proved insight scientifically or more effective man-
diminishing despite an eradication campaign that has agement. However, individual-based models in which
been one of the largest ever mounted against a plant the characteristic dispersal or movement of individual
disease (Thresh et al., 1988). The resolution of this insects is integrated into an aggregated description of
discrepancy comes essentially from the ‘landscape’ population dispersal (as with the carabid beetle exam-
features of the environment in which cocoa is grown, ple cited above), represent a relatively new approach
in close proximity to wild hosts and with little sep- that can lead to new insights into the significance of
aration between the individual (small) holdings. In dispersal for pest management.
the case of cocoa swollen shoot disease, modelling One of the major problems associated with a com-
was found useful in attempts to understand the im- plex simulation approach is that it is very difficult to
plications of the dispersal process and to evaluate the ensure sufficient balance in the weights attached to the
effectiveness of control options such as the introduc- individual components that comprise the model. The
tion of a cordon-sanitaire around new plantings (Jeger temptation is always to incorporate as much biologi-
and Thresh, 1992) and the removal of diseased trees cal and empirical detail as is available irrespective of
(Chan and Jeger, 1994). the paucity of information in other components (Jeger,
Dispersal can be incorporated conceptually and 1986). Thus, with dispersal there may be limited in-
mathematically into models of disease epidemics and formation available but yet a linkage is attempted with
pest outbreaks occurring at a more local scale. Broadly what might be considerable information on other com-
two approaches have been followed, which treat dis- ponents of the pest life cycle or disease epidemiology.
persal either explicitly or implicitly in the models. An extreme example, not specifically related to pest
biology or management, may be found in a recent
paper describing a landscape simulation model which
4.1. Dispersal as an explicit process aims to investigate the effect of habitat heterogeneity
on species diversity patterns (Ziv, 1998). This is a com-
In the first approach detailed knowledge of disper- plex but general simulation model which requires con-
sal within-field or between fields, where it exists, is siderable information according to the object-oriented
combined with information on colonization/infection design, and yet dispersal (movement of individuals be-
and reproduction/sporulation for pests/diseases, and tween patches in the landscape) is described by a sin-
an attempt is made using complex simulation models gle idealized distribution, the generality of which is
to integrate these processes spatially and temporally simply not known.
to obtain an overall prognosis on a desired manage- Another problem with deterministic simulation
ment intervention. There have been many examples models is that processes are averaged out, whereas it
of the development of complex simulation models in is often extreme values that are important, as shown
the entomology, plant pathology and weed science lit- by Mayer et al. (1993) for dispersal of the screw-
erature, but only one example will be referred to in worm, an exotic pest in Australia (Fig. 1(a)). This
this section, mainly because it has the rare distinction study compares the outcome of individual-based sim-
of covering insects, plant pathogens and a weed plant ulations using a stochastic unbounded distribution to
within the same paper. The simulation modelling ap- represent dispersal distances from an initial invasion
proach was illustrated by van der Werf et al. (1989) point, compared with a deterministic version. By the
for the biological control of an understory cherry in- fifth generation of the screwworm fly the ‘far movers’
M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349 341

Fig. 1. (a) Spatial dispersal pattern for the screwworm fly from an invasion point at the sea–land interface (Mayer et al., 1993): LEFT,
dispersal is modelled on an individual female basis using a Cauchy distribution for distance and a uniform distribution for direction;
RIGHT, dispersal is modelled on a grid cell basis with populations moving a random distance in a random direction; in both cases the
median distance dispersed was 2 km and each character represents a 20 × 20 km cell with 䊏, +, and − representing >50, 5–50 and <5
screwworm flies, respectively. (b) Two-dimensional simulated epidemic based on diffusion and spatial probability models for disease spread,
with infections represented by dots (Minogue, 1989): UPPER, dispersal is modelled using an exponential distribution; LOWER, dispersal
is modelled using a Pareto (non-exponential tail) distribution; in both cases the mean distance of dispersal events was set at 3% of the long
axis. (c) Colonization of an array of demes by grasshopper races (Nichols and Hewitt, 1994): UPPER, colonization is modelled analagously
to the Fisherian advance of an advantageous gene; LOWER, colonization is modelled by weighing the sum of two normal distributions
allowing for long-distance dispersal; in both cases the variances of the distributions were bounded and equal, but the tails differed.
342 M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

in the stochastic model had clearly established low physically-based model of focus expansion which
density populations beyond the advancing point of described how disease would develop in time and
the deterministic model (Fig. 1(a)). space. An interesting feature of this model was that it
predicted non-wavelike expansion of the focus front.
4.2. Dispersal as an implicit process Previously, based on epidemiological models which
treat dispersal implicitly through a contact distribution,
most models proposed for plant pathogens predicted
An alternative to the complex simulation approach
an asymptotically constant expansion rate, in which
is to consider dispersal (providing the spatial ele-
the front moved at a constant distance per unit time
ment) implicitly within basically temporal models.
(Zadoks and van den Bosch, 1994; van den Bosch et
This again has limitations in terms of providing di-
al., 1999). By contrast the dispersive fronts predicted
rect management recommendations, but does provide
by Ferrandino (1993) accelerate as the front expands.
valuable information on sampling protocols and the
In fact some theoretical models also predict
derivation of pest/disease and damage relationships.
non-wave-like expansion and the critical aspect is not
It has also proved possible to indicate the relative
so much the introduction of stochastic elements in
importance of dispersal compared to other epidemi-
the model, but rather the form of the contact distri-
ological or population dynamic processes, and the
bution chosen. In fact if the dispersal function is not
extent to which a measure of dispersal can be taken
bounded with an exponential tail then characteristic
as an indicator of the future severity of an epidemic
non-wave-like or dispersive fronts emerge (Minogue,
or pest outbreak. An example of this approach is also
1989; Shaw, 1995) (Fig. 1(b)). The two authors used
given by van der Werf (1995) in which a threshold
slightly different distribution functions to represent
criterion is determined for an aphid vector outbreak
non-exponential tails but in both cases the mean and
in terms of life history parameters relating to the
median dispersal distances were equated to that of
aphid and also to a coccinellid predator. Immigration
an exponential distribution and the patterns of focus
and emigration (relative) rates appear in the model
expansion simulated. As in the case of invasion of the
specification and also in the derived criterion. Thus,
screwworm fly, the pattern that emerges in Minogue’s
it is possible to evaluate the influence of dispersal
simulations (Fig. 1(b)) clearly shows the emergence
treated implicitly as immigration/emigration against
of satellite foci in the non-exponential-tail version
other parameters such as birth and death and feeding
ahead of the advancing front of the exponential-tail
rates. A similar approach to a more complex situation
version. Shaw’s results using the Cauchy distribution
was also taken by Jeger et al. (1998) who developed
for dispersal distances (also used by Mayer et al.
a general model of virus-vector dynamics and derived
(1993) for the screwworm fly) gave similar patterns,
a composite basic reproductive rate, which effectively
although the analysis was taken further by looking at
gives a criterion as to whether a virus epidemic will
the features of dispersal on different scales and the
occur or not. In one version of this model the ef-
fractal properties observed.
fect of immigration and emigration was included. It
An important innovation by Zadoks and co-workers
is again a personal view that this approach is more
was to generalize the process of focus expansion and
suited than complex simulation to study dispersal in
to designate zero-order, first-order and second-order
more complicated contexts involving multiple-species
epidemics, depending largely on the spatial and time
interactions, as found in biological control systems
scales considered. Typically foci expand at rates of
and vectored plant diseases.
cm/day, km/day and km/year for these classes, re-
spectively (Zadoks and van den Bosch, 1994). These
4.3. Spatiotemporal models authors also claim the general applicability of their
methods to virus diseases, insect pests, parasitoids
The final example of how dispersal may be con- and vertebrates. Recently, van den Bosch et al. (1999)
sidered implicitly within basically temporal models showed that it is possible to scale up from small-scale
concerns focus expansion in disease epidemics. As disease expansion to large-scale pandemics in which
mentioned earlier, Ferrandino (1993) developed a diseases literally sweep across whole continents and
M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349 343

moreover to account for discontinuities in cropping interact. Predator–prey and host–pathogen interac-
seasons — a feature which was previously supposed tions are affected by heterogeneity, in which again
to present intractable analytical problems. dispersal may play a part. Theoretical models (Auger
An interesting parallel to the work on focus and Faivre, 1993) have shown that where species are
expansion is given by the effect of perhaps rare either competing, or where there is selective pre-
long-distance dispersal on gene frequencies in pop- dation, the phenomenon of extinction waves arises,
ulations during periods of range expansion. In cir- presumably subject to the same kind of conditions as
cumstances where such rare events are occurring, the found for epidemic expansion or the movement of an
advance of a population can explain geographical advantageous gene.
patterns of allelic distributions that were previously In particular, questions concerning the stability
not understood (Nichols and Hewitt, 1994), in this properties of species interactions have long dominated
case for grasshoppers (Fig. 1(c)). These authors mod- the theoretical population ecology literature. Whether
elled colonization distances using the weighted sum in the specific context of metapopulations or spatially
of two normal distributions (which have exponential distributed populations more generally, the question
tails), such that by varying the value of one parame- of how dispersal affects stability properties has been
ter the (bounded) variances could be equated but the raised. It seems that dispersal would rarely stabilise a
tails would differ substantially. The parameter can species interaction such as occurs in biological con-
be varied to represent the conventional steady Fish- trol, but can often serve to destabilize depending on
erian wave of advance (of an advantageous gene) at the differential dispersal characteristics of the species
one extreme to irregular progress by a sequence of involved (Rohani et al., 1996). It is doubtful whether
long-distance colonizations at the other as shown in this sort of generalization gives sufficient justice to
Fig. 1(c). The importance of this study is that it shows the myriad patterns of dispersal known across all pest
that although a non-exponential tail may be sufficient biota, but nevertheless the mathematical analysis has
to generate non-wave-like expansion it appears not to considerable merit and relevance given the impor-
be necessary. tance attached to the dispersal of biological control
The studies by Mayer et al. (1993), Nichols and agents noted earlier in this paper.
Hewitt (1994), and Shaw (1995) are important in that In several sections of this overview the biophysi-
they show not only that dispersal can be modelled cal and theoretical population ecological approaches
in similar ways for pathogens and insect pests, but have been contrasted. One of the most significant chal-
that the same general patterns and conclusions regard- lenges for future dispersal research is to find a means
ing wave-like and non-wave-like spread emerge in the of integrating these two approaches, each with differ-
different areas covered of population dynamics and ent histories and scientific traditions, into models that
genetics. Moreover, it is clear that further theoretical can deal with the complexites of multiple-species in-
insight can be gained by continued research in this teractions in agricultural, forest and natural habitats
area. in a parsimonious way. Although parsimonious, the
models should still incorporate sufficient biophysical
realism to turn generality into a basis for pest man-
5. Dispersal and multiple-species interactions agement action.

A further perspective to be considered in relating

dispersal to IPM is that of theoretical population eco- 6. Dispersal and new opportunities for research
logy. There is a voluminous literature in theoretical
population ecology and some of this considers the role The above sections have attempted to show how
of dispersal, usually represented in implicit terms, on an improved understanding of dispersal could prove
multiple-species interactions. Dispersal in spatially important in developing and implementing IPM pro-
complex environments leads to equally complex pat- grammes. The realization that dispersal may be criti-
terns of abundance (Kareiva, 1990) that may change cal to the success of such programmes may have come
or be a consequence of the ways in which species late, but there is no excuse now for not deepening and
344 M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349

broadening the scope of dispersal research. Studies and to outline new directions for research over the next
on dispersal must broaden in scope from single pests decade. No overview is complete without a set of con-
or pathogens to interacting species, as exemplified for clusions. However in this case, given the broad scope
example by vectored plant diseases and biological con- of the paper, covering all the major crop pest taxa, it
trol, and an appropriate theoretical framework both for is necessary to counterbalance each conclusion with a
modelling and the design of appropriate experiments key question.
will be required. Additionally, it can be argued that re- IPM, by definition, can only make sense in terms
search on dispersal has over-concentrated in the past of implementation. Implementation, however, is bet-
on pests/diseases of agricultural or forest crops. The ter secured if the specific details of site, scale, and the
current debate, scientifically and politically, on the im- host–pest complex are incorporated within an under-
portance and value of biodiversity raises issues that lying conceptual model which recognizes the impor-
necessarily involve consideration of the role of disper- tance of dispersal.
sal, for example in the conservation of natural vege- A key question (1) is: for what circumstances can
tation. This may simply mean applying the tools of dispersal be considered as the defining or crucial ele-
dispersal research to invasive species or exotic pests ment in IPM?
but with the emphasis on natural systems. Examples Dispersal research has matured considerably over
of such research already exist: with weeds (Bergelson the period that IPM has been promoted and imple-
et al., 1993); fungi as evidenced by the widescale mented. Information on long-distance dispersal of
destruction of the west Australian jarrah vegetation some pests is relevant for IPM and methodologies for
by Phytophthora cinnamomi; and with insects, cer- monitoring and predicting long-range dispersal events
tainly in an agricultural context (van Lenteren et al., have become increasingly sophisticated.
1987). A key question (2) is: if short-range dispersal is
Within a broader biodiversity framework there is of more significance for IPM are there diminishing
much current debate on the merits of in situ conserva- returns in investing in further technological advances
tion of the progenitors, wild relatives and land races relevant for tracking long-distance dispersal?
of the major economic crops. Arguably such conser- Models of pest outbreaks and disease epidemics
vation is desirable because it provides an arena for have proved useful tools in the development of IPM
the continuing evolution of these plant populations programmes. These, however, rarely give an explicit
with their pathogens and pests. Thus, through these account of dispersal as a population-dynamic or epi-
dynamic processes valuable resistance traits are both demiological process.
conserved and generated de novo. It follows that if we A key question (3) is: does this matter, or is it suf-
seriously wish to promote in situ conservation of plant ficient to model dispersal implicitly in exploring the
genetic resources then this necessarily implies in situ likely benefits of pest management actions?
conservation of pathogens and pests. If sites are to be Theoretical population ecological models predict
identified and managed for conservation, what are the the effects of dispersal on the stability properties of
implications in terms of dispersal: either as immigra- multiple species, especially biological control, inter-
tion from near or far; or as emigration, and the threats actions and provide some clues as to general qualita-
posed, to surrounding agricultural habitats? This again tive outcomes.
is an argument for broadening the horizon of dispersal A key question (4) is: are these predictions actually
research within a landscape ecological perspective. testable, and can the theoretical models be comple-
mented/combined with biophysical models to enable
their use in specific pest management systems?
7. Conclusions and key questions Dispersal research has matured as a biophysical sci-
ence, and is increasingly seen as crucial for the de-
This paper has attempted to provide an overview of velopment and implementation of IPM in agricultural,
the importance of dispersal in crop pest and disease horticultural and forest crops.
management, to evaluate options for incorporating im- A key question (5) is: can the same approaches
provements in understanding of dispersal into IPM, and skills be used in applying dispersal research to
M.J. Jeger / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97 (1999) 331–349 345

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