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Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Name

Instructor's Name

Due Date
Discussion 2


I like the way you presented your insightful research findings and knowledge on the

application of simulation in business. Based on your research findings, it is evident that

simulation provides different process changes or scenarios, enabling the management to

analyze and determine the outcome of each process change prior to business change. I also

agree that mechanical failures are among the critical problems impacting entire workflow

operations and production. Simulation helps address workflow uncertainty by providing

different process changes or scenarios. These scenarios allow the management and staff to

understand better how the system operates, potential outcomes in every scenario, how to

improve the system, and appropriate response in case of system failure.

Your arguments provide more insights into the application and operational difference
between simulation models and linear programming methods. Indeed, linear programming
focuses on attaining optimum outcomes, whereas simulation focuses on improving the system
and allowing the management and staff to gain a better understanding of how the system
operates. Linear programming provides recommendations on the most efficient and cost-
effective production or supply chain approach, enabling utilization of limited resources and
profit maximization. However, you have not precisely mentioned the most suitable method that
can effectively address the current problem faced by your organization. The most appropriate
model can be determined by assessing the operational difference in relation to the problem’s
impact on business objectives.

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