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Topic 4 DQ 1

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Topic 4 DQ 1

Culture is a vital aspect to consider when treating patients. When a patient walks through

the door, nurses should start by assessing the client's cultural needs. For instance, if the 19-year-

old patient is from the Arab-American culture, different aspects of this culture should be

considered. First, when caring for the patient, eye and physical contact should be avoided.

Second, though the patient is above 18, people from this culture value family. Family and

religion are essential to Arab-Americans. In this regard, the family should be involved in their

consent. Thirdly, modesty is also valued in the culture. Essentially, the patient should be

provided with privacy whenever they are changing. Considering the patient is a female, they

need to be assigned to physicians and nurses of the same gender.

Different care support systems provide resources for other cultures. One is language,

which is utilized in cases where the patent is more comfortable addressing health concerns in

their language. In my facility, the language resources also have video conferencing options with

a translator. This support gives patients the confidence to express themselves as they get to speak

with a familiar person. Additionally, considering religion is vital to Arab-Americans, there is an

option of spiritual care provided to patients.

There are additional community resources that Arab-Americans can access. One is the

Araba America organization. The organization provides events, news, and available online

resources both in Arabic and English. The unique aspect of the organization is the promotion of a

positive image of Arab-Americans across the world. This organization goes beyond providing

healthcare support. Another resource is the AAFSs. This is a non-profitable organization offers

support for mental health, elderly services, immigration, health outreach programs and domestic

violence support for families and communities.

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