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Do you shoot with artificial light or are you planning to buy one?

When you get a new artificial

light, you will need to buy some other things too, such a light stand or a softbox. But is the softbox
really necessary? A softbox can cost up to 140 euro, there are many various shapes, grids, and if
you are just starting out, it can be a nightmare to choose!

Let's then dive into today's tip #11 of the "50 tips series"! 🥳📸

Today, I want to talk about whether you need or don't need a softbox for creating food photos. And,
actually, I don't have a softbox. Yes, I shoot with artificial lighting, I have a flash and a continuous
light too.

But, instead of a softbox, I use a diffuser.

Diffuser allows me to create shadows I need, manipulate the intensity of the light, create the mood I
want. I position the diffuser next to my scene, and then, I change the distance of the artificial light
from the diffuser. This gives me a flexibility to manipulate the light the way I want.

And when you know how the light works, with

the same set up, you can create different

© Healthy Goodies by Lucia -

50 tips series - One food photography

tip every Friday!

Do you want to learn more about Artificial light?

You might have seen on my Instagram, we have a new masterclass about artificial lighting - gear
you need to start with, how the flash works, how to manipulate light using a diffuser, and how to
shoot action shots. It's a masterclass full of information and you get my direct support too.

Sure! Tell me more about the Members' Club

and if you are our member already,

here is the link for our Artificial Lighting Masterclass.

and if you are our member already,

here is the link for our Artificial Lighting Masterclass.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions,

and thank you so much for being here with me!
Tag me on Instagram to let me know if this tip inspires you! 😍

See you next Friday!

With love,


© Healthy Goodies by Lucia -

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