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Answer Key

Course: Lean Starter Package

Module: Introduction to Lean

1. True
2. Muda
3. Go and see for yourself

4. Respect for people

5. 1574: King Henry III = Watched the Venice Arsenal…

1799: Eli Whitney = Perfected the concept of interchangeable parts

1902: Sakichi Toyoda = Invented the Jidoka concept

1910: Henry Ford = Moved operations of his company to Highland Park…

1949: Taiichi Ohno = The first person to develop the elimination of waste
aspect of lean…
6. 1) Sort
2) Straighten
3) Shine
4) Standardize
5) Sustain
7. True
8. Sign

9. False
Answer Key
Course: Lean Starter Package
Module: Ten Commandments of Continuous Improvement

1. Daily Practice
2. minds
3. Finding out why the problem occurred

4. Simple
5. True

6. False

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