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Name: Akash Kumar Choudhary

Roll: 13

UNIT – 4
Theory Assignment

Q. Consider any real time scenario to explain any type of Learning in

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Learning is one of the fundamental building blocks of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. From
a conceptual standpoint, learning is a process that improves the knowledge of an AI program
by making observations about its environment. From a technical/mathematical standpoint, AI
learning processes focused on processing a collection of input-output pairs for a specific
function and predicts the outputs for new inputs. Most of the artificial intelligence(AI) basic
literature identifies two main groups of learning models: supervised and unsupervised.
However, that classification is an oversimplification of real world AI learning models and

AI Learning Models: Knowledge-Based Classification

Factoring its representation of knowledge, AI learning models can be classified in two main
types: inductive and deductive.
— Inductive Learning: This type of AI learning model is based on inferring a general rule from
datasets of input-output pairs. Algorithms such as knowledge based inductive learning(KBIL)
are a great example of this type of AI learning technique.
— Deductive Learning: This type of AI learning technique starts with series of rules and infers
new rules that are more efficient in the context of a specific AI algorithm. Explanation-Based
Learning(EBL) and Relevance-0 Based Learning(RBL) are examples of deductive techniques.

AI Learning Models: Feedback-Based Classification

Based on the feedback characteristics, AI learning models can be classified as:
— Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised models focus on learning a pattern in the input
data without any external feedback. Clustering is a classic example of unsupervised learning
— Supervised Learning: Supervised learning models use external feedback to learning
functions that map inputs to output observations. In those models the external environment
acts as a “teacher” of the AI algorithms.
— Semi-supervised Learning: Semi-Supervised learning uses a set of curated, labeled data
and tries to infer new labels/attributes on new data data sets. Semi-Supervised learning
models are a solid middle ground between supervised and unsupervised models.
Name: Akash Kumar Choudhary
Roll: 13

— Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning models use opposite dynamics such as

rewards and punishment to “reinforce” different types of knowledge. This type of learning
technique is becoming really popular in modern AI solutions.

Supervised Learning

Supervised machine learning can take what it has learned in the past and apply that to new
data using labelled examples to predict future patterns and events. It learns by explicit

Supervised learning requires that the algorithm’s possible outputs are already known and that
the data used to train the algorithm is already labelled with correct answers. It’s like teaching
a child that 2+2=4 or showing an image of a dog and teaching the child that it is called a dog.
The approach to supervised machine learning is essentially the same – it is presented with all
the information it needs to reach pre-determined conclusions. It learns how to reach the
conclusion, just like a child would learn how to reach the total of ‘5’ and the few, pre-
determined ways to get there, for example, 2+3 and 1+4. If you were to present 6+3 as a way
to get to 5, that would be determined as incorrect. Errors would be found and adjusted.

The algorithm learns by comparing its actual output with correct outputs to find errors. It then
modifies the model accordingly.

Supervised learning is commonly used in applications where historical data predicts likely

future events. Using the previous example, if 6+3 is the most common erroneous way to get
to 5, the machine can predict that when someone inputs 6+3, after the correct answer of 9, 5
would be the second most commonly expected result.  We can also consider an everyday
Name: Akash Kumar Choudhary
Roll: 13

Example – It can foresee when credit card transactions are likely to be fraudulent or which
insurance customer is more likely to put forward a claim.

Supervised learning is further divided into:

1. Classification
2. Regression

Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of dynamic programming that trains algorithms using a

system of reward and punishment.

A reinforcement learning algorithm, or agent, learns by interacting with its environment. It

receives rewards by performing correctly and penalties for doing so incorrectly. Therefore, it
learns without having to be directly taught by a human – it learns by seeking the greatest
reward and minimising penalty. This learning is tied to a context because what may lead to
maximum reward in one situation may be directly associated with a penalty in another.

This type of learning consists of three components: the agent (the AI learner/decision

maker), the environment (everything the agent has interaction with) and actions (what the
agent can do). The agent will reach the goal much faster by finding the best way to do it –
and that is the goal – maximising the reward, minimising the penalty and figuring out the best
way to do so.
Name: Akash Kumar Choudhary
Roll: 13

Machines and software agents learn to determine the perfect behaviour within a specific
context, to maximise its performance and reward. Learning occurs via reward feedback which
is known as the reinforcement signal. An everyday example of training pets to relieve
themselves outside is a simple way to illustrate this. The goal is getting the pet into the habit
of going outside rather than in the house. The training then involves rewards and
punishments intended for the pet’s learning. It gets a treat for going outside or has its nose
rubbed in its mess if it fails to do so.

Reinforcement learning tends to be used for gaming, robotics and navigation. The algorithm
discovers which steps lead to the maximum rewards through a process of trial and error.
When this is repeated, the problem is known as a Markov Decision Process.

Facebook’s News Feed is an example most of us will be able to understand. Facebook uses
machine learning to personalise people’s feeds. If you frequently read or “like” a particular
friend’s activity, the News Feed will begin to bring up more of that friend’s activity more often
and nearer to the top. Should you stop interacting with this friend’s activity in the same way,
the data set will be updated and the News Feed will consequently adjust.

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