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Truth is the source of Life. Think about that. I mean, really think about that.

Especially before
categorically assuming my background and so-called "bias."

If I may add a little more... If there is no Truth, then what's the point in forums such as these,
for example?

I look at a newborn and I most often see wonder in that young one's face. I see an
innocence that desires to "connect" with the world. Why is that? For Truth, I propose. That
child could not possibly have any prejudice, right? It is culture that filters and qualifies Truth
with metrics.

I, for one, desire and seek Truth with ardor. And I have become a better person as a result of
this journey. "Defend Truth and you defend Life." Isn't that what matters, in the final

I respect G. K. Chesterton's observation regarding "open minds." He said,

Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object

of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on
something solid.

That makes a boatload of sense to me. Philosophically and empirically.

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