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Winter holiday in the Swiss Alps

I woke up with an unbearable headache and blurred vision. I was lying on the
ground covered in snow with my skis thrown a few feet away from me. I was
scared and hurt and did not know what to do.

But before I continue the story, let me tell you how I got to that point. It was a cold
and rainy December morning. At five o’clock in the morning my family was
packing their clothes and stuff for our winter holiday we had all been waiting for. I
was going to spend my vacation in Switzerland with my whole family skiing. We
all decided to ask my Mom’s side of the family to join us and make it one big
family vacation. They thought it sounded like a great idea. Within three hours we
were already at the airport, excited for what was to come.

“This is going to be the best trip ever,” my sister said. “I can’t wait to tell my
friends about it.”

My mother, who was sitting right next to us, smiled at how happy we were.

The flight was nice and quiet, despite the bad weather. Once we arrived at our
hotel, we rested and dressed thickly to get out on the slopes. I hadn’t skied in years,
and now I was over the moon knowing I could do it again. When we stepped into
the snow, a wave of joy swept over us all. We rolled around on the ground and
made angels in the snow without a care in the world.

“Bianca, let’s make a snowman!” said my little cousin.

“What a good idea!” I answered.

We made little snowmen representing each member of the family. The little one
representing my dad was the funniest. I put my gloves on the twigs that were his

After that, I finally went skiing. I left my family members behind and walked to
the chairlifts. I waited in line for a while until I sat in a chairlift alone. In a few
moments I was already high up where you could see the whole mountain
landscape. The view was breathtaking! A light fog wraps around the mountain
range, reaching to touch every bit of life thriving there. Sunlight seeps in past the
thick canopy of branches with hopes of being able to reach the damp mountain

I take it all in, and embrace this new place before it leaves like a dream and reality
robs the moment. Just then, my life was about to fall apart.

The safety bar detaches from the chairlift and I fall down from an altitude of over
six hundred meters. I was no longer aware of anything! All around me is chaos.
There are terrible screams of children and women. People are scared for their lives.
I close my eyes and leave myself to fate.

I woke up with an unbearable headache and blurred vision. I was lying on the
ground covered in snow with my skis thrown a few feet away from me. I seem to
have fallen on some huge rocks, and the impact was fatal. It had already gone dark,
which meant I had been unconscious for far too long. I was scared and hurt and did
not know what to do. I struggled to my feet and tried to calm myself to find a

I looked around and saw a small hut in the distance. I couldn’t believe it! I grabbed
my skis and took an easy walk to the hut. Once I got there, I knocked on the door
and a tall lady opened it and freaked out when she saw me.

“Jesus Christ! What happened to you? Come inside, my husband is a doctor and he
will know what to do.”

“Thank you for your kindness!” I said.

The man bandaged my head and let me rest in their bed after they gave me food.
When I woke up, the lady had already called the police who were looking for me
with my parents.

“Bianca, I’m so glad you’re okay!” my mother said.

“We were worried about you!” my father said.

“I know and I’m so sorry! I really don’t know what happened!” I said as I started
to cry.

“She is all right now.” said the lady.

“Thank you so much for your help!” my parents said to the lady and her husband.

We went back to out hotel room where the rest of my family was. Everyone was
extremely relieved to see me. Our vacation ended here, because we all agreed that
we don’t ever want have anything like this again.

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