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! General Note : '!' is the Comment character for this file.

Anything after
! a '!' is ignored. Also, make sure that the lines do not cross 120 chars.
! The purpose of this configuration file is to
! 1. Define the 'User Configurable' Piping Segment Attributes on
! - PipingSystem data.
! - PipelineSystem data.
! - PipeRun data.
! 2. Define the 'User Configurable' Attributes on
! - Components.
! - Pipes.
! - Instrument.
! 3. Configure the 'User Attributes' to export on PipeRuns / Components /
! Pipes / Instruments / Ports[LATER].
! Below are the options to specify an attribute
! 1. Using Hardcoded Text if desired. as "Value is abcd". This is useful
! in rare cases like in attributes which are required to Import, but are
! not available in PDS, eg Insulation Temperature / Material etc.
! 2. Using the 'ExxAnn' notation, where 'xx' is the entity number and
! 'nn' is the attribute number. The available Entity numbers are
! 12 ==> Piping Segment
! 34 ==> Piping Component
! 50 ==> Pipe
! 67 ==> Piping Instrument
! 101 ==> Project Data Attribute
! 111 ==> Discipline Data Attribute
! 112 ==> Area Data Attribute
! 113 ==> Model Data Attribute
! Implicit entity relations are used. i.e. using a E113A5 on a PipeRun
! would get the model_no of the Piping Model containing the Segment
! of the PipeRun being exported. Similarly using a E112A3 on a Pipe's
! data would get the Area_no of the Model containing the Pipe being
! exported.
! 3. [LATER] Compound strings formed with several attributes like
! ExxAnn//"some chars"//ExxAnn//"more chars"//ExxAnn//....
! NOTE : Port Attributes are specified using the ExxPAnn notation, in which
! 'PA' means the Port Attribute. 'nn' is the serial # of the Port attribute,
! which could be 1-14 for Components, 1-9 for Pipes, 1-14 for Instruments.
! ALSO NOTE : UserAttributes on Ports are NOT YET IMPORTED.
! PDS doesnt have some attributes which are required for SP3D Import. For eg.
! Insulation Material, SteamOut Pressure, SteamOut Requirement etc.
! Such attributes are given a hardcoded text in this delivered Configuration
! file. They are also marked as "Not available in PDS" as a comment.
! If you have added a user defined attribute to your pds project to maintain
! any of such attributes, pls change this mapping file accordingly to map
! those user attributes to the appropriate XML attributes.

[User Configurable Attributes Exported On PipeRun]

@Name = E12A2
@Name = E12A3
@ParentSystem = E12A7
@Pressure = "1atm" !Not available in PDS
@Requirement = "Required" !Not available in PDS
@Material = "Generic" !Not available in PDS
@Cleaning = " " !Not available in PDS
@Fabrication = E12A38 !Using construction_resp of PDS
@Installation = " " !Not available in PDS
@Painting = " " !Not available in PDS
@Requisition = " " !Not available in PDS
@Testing = " " !Not available in PDS
! /PipeRun/HeatTracing
! @Medium = E12A18
! @Temperature = E12A19
@Color = E12A74 !PDS color_code?
@Type = " " !Not available in PDS
@ExteriorTreatment = " " !Not available in PDS
@InteriorTreatment = " " !Not available in PDS
@Type = " " !Not available in PDS
@Percentage = " " !Not available in PDS

! For example, if you wanted to include inspection_iso_id and weld_id of
! a Piperun as "InspectionIsoID" and "WeldID", the mapping would be like the
! below two commented lines
! @InspectionIsoID = E12A75
! @WeldID = E12A77
! Similarly, if you wanted to include project table's attributes
! the mapping would be like the below commented lines.
! @Model = E113A5
! @Area = E112A3
! @Discipline = E111A2
! @Project = E101A3
! @ModelStatus = E113A17

[User Configurable Attributes Exported On Component]
@Name = E34A114
! @OperatorSymbolName = E34A29
! /Component/Construction
! @Type = " "
! /Component/Fabrication
! @Type = E34A10
! PDS doesnt store Insulation at Component level. It handles it at Run level.
! Hence the below section has been commented out. If you have added any user
! attributes for this data, you can map them here.
! /Component/Insulation
! @Purpose = " " !Not available in PDS
! @Material = " " !Not available in PDS
! @Thickness = " " !Not available in PDS
! @Spec = " " !Not available in PDS
! Note the use of ExxPAnn Syntax for Port Attributes
! Note that UserAttributes On Ports are NOT YET IMPORTED. Will be done

[User Configurable Attributes Exported On Pipe]
@Name = E50A57
! /Pipe/Construction
! @Type = " "
! /Pipe/Fabrication
! @Type = E50A14
! PDS doesnt store Insulation at Component level. It handles it at Run level.
! Hence the below section has been commented out. If you have added any user
! attributes for this data, you can map them here.
! /Component/Insulation
! @Purpose = " " !Not available in PDS
! @Material = " " !Not available in PDS
! @Thickness = " " !Not available in PDS
! @Spec = " " !Not available in PDS

! Note the use of ExxPAnn Syntax for Port Attributes
! Note that UserAttributes On Ports are NOT YET IMPORTED. Will be done

[User Configurable Attributes Exported On Instrument]
@Name = E67A120
! @OperatorSymbolName = E67A25
! Note the use of ExxPAnn Syntax for Port Attributes
! Note that UserAttributes On Ports are NOT YET IMPORTED. Will be done

[User Configurable Attributes Exported On Support]

@Name = E80A2

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