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Communion Service

1 Corinthians 11:23-26
1. Make a transition statement from the message to the communion.
2. Pray. Your prayer will focus on thanking the Lord for saving us.

3. Explain the 2 purposes why are we having communion:

A. Thanks giving. Our way of thanking the Lord for giving us Himself through His
death and resurrection.
B. To Remember. It is a recall of what happened many years ago when He died
for mankind so that their sins will be forgiven. Every time we do communion we
are being reminded that He saved us. It refreshes our minds.

4. Explain the 2 elements and what each one symbolises.

1. Bread - it symbolises the body of the Lord Jesus that was brutally punished
and murdered for our sake.
2. Wine (Juice) – I t symbolises the “New Covenant” that whoever believes in
Jesus will be saved. The “New Covenant” is signed by His blood. Without the
shedding of His blood there will be no forgiveness of sin.

5. Invite them to come and get their piece of bread and a cup of juice and let them go
back to their seats and wait for your instruction to eat and drink the cup altogether. Let
them form their line. Instruct them not cause traffic.

6. Read 1 Cor. 11:23-24 (bread/biscuit)

7. “Let us eat the bread.”

8. Read 1 Cor. 11:25 (juice)

9. “Let us drink the cup.”

10. Pray

11. Read 1 Cor11:26

12. Instruct the crowd to pass to the centre the empty cups so that the ushers will get

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